Blob Blame History Raw
    "type" : "array",
    "title" : "Segment log",
    "description" : "The log of Segment creation and justification passes",
    "required" : true,
    "items" :
        "id" : "Segment",
        "type" : "object",
        "description" : "A Segment object with a passes log containing \
                         positioned slot arrays",
        "properties" :
            "id" : 
                "id" : "UUID",
                "type" : "string",
                "title" : "uuid",
                "description" : "A unique ID"
            "passes" :
                "type" : "array",
                "title" : "Pass log",
                "description" : "A log of passes run to create this segment",
                "required" : true,
                "additionalItems" : false,
                "items" : 
                    "type" : "object",
                    "title" : "Pass",
                    "properties" :
                        "id" : 
                            "type" : "integer",
                            "title" : "Pass number",
                            "description" : "The Pass as listed in dbg_engine code.\
                                             -1 is a synthetic pass representing \
                                             the bidi pass.",
                            "required" : true,
                            "minimum" : -1
                        "slotsdir" :
                            "type" : "string",
                            "titie" : "Slot stream direction",
                            "description" : "Direction (rtl or ltr) of slots in the slots array",
                            "required" : true

                        "passdir" :
                            "type" : "string",
                            "titie" : "Pass direction",
                            "description" : "Processing direction (rtl or ltr) of the pass",
                            "required" : true

                        "slots" :
                            "type" : "array",
                            "title" : "Slot stream",
                            "description" : "Slot stream at start of the pass.",
                            "required" : true,
                            "items" : 
                                "id" : "Slot",
                                "type" : "object",
                                "title" : "Slot",
                                "properties" :
                                    "id" : 
                                        "id" : "UUID",
                                        "type" : "integer",
                                        "title" : "Slot uuid",
                                        "description" : "A unique ID for tracking Slot movement",
                                        "minimim" : 0, 
                                        "maximum" : 65535
                                    "gid" : 
                                        "type" : "integer", 
                                        "minimum" : 0, 
                                        "maxmimum" : 65535, 
                                        "required" : true 
                                    "charinfo" : 
                                        "type" : "object",
                                        "title" : "Char info relations",
                                        "required" : true,
                                        "properties" : 
                                            "original" : 
                                                "id" : "Index",
                                                "type" : "integer",
                                                "required" : true
                                            "before" : { "$ref" : "Index" },
                                            "after" : { "$ref" : "Index" }
                                    "origin" : 
                                        "id" : "Point",
                                        "type" : "array",
                                        "required" : true,
                                        "title" : "position",
                                        "description" : "A 2-tuple ordered x, y",
                                        "items" : 
                                            { "type" : "number" }, 
                                            { "type" : "number" }
                                    "shift" : { "$ref" : "Point" },
                                    "advance" : { "$ref" : "Point" },
                                    "insert" : 
                                        "type" : "boolean",
                                        "title" : "Insert before", 
                                        "required" : true 
                                    "break" : 
                                        "id" : "BreakWeight",
                                        "type" : "integer",
                                        "title" : "Break Weight of associated character", 
                                        "required" : true, 
                                        "minimum" : -50, 
                                        "maximum" : 50                        
                                    "bidi" : 
                                        "type" : "integer", 
                                        "title" : "Bidirection level",
                                        "minimum" : 0,
                                        "maxmimum" : 63
                                    "justification" : { "type" : "number", "title" : "Justification width" },
                                    "parent" : 
                                        "type" : "object",
                                        "description" : "SlotRef to this slots \
                                                         parent and offset from \
                                                         the parent's origin",
                                        "properties" :
                                            "id" : { "$ref" : "UUID" },
                                            "level" : { "type" : "integer", "minimum" : 0 },
                                            "offset" : { "$ref" : "Point" }
                                    "user" :
                                        "type" : "array",
                                        "title" : "User attributes array",
                                        "required" : true,
                                        "items" : 
                                            "type" : "integer", 
                                            "minimim" : 0, 
                                            "maximum" : 65535
                                    "children" : 
                                        "type" : "array", 
                                        "items" : { "$ref" : "UUID" } 
                        "constraint" : { "type" : "boolean", "title" : "Pass constraint result" }, 
                        "rules" :
                            "type" : "array",
                            "title" : "Rule log",
                            "required" : true,
                            "items" : 
                                "id" : "RuleEvent",
                                "type" : "object",
                                "title" : "Rule event",
                                "properties" : 
                                    "considered" :
                                        "type" : "array",
                                        "title" : "Rules considered",
                                        "required" : true,
                                        "items" :
                                            "id" : "Rule",
                                            "type" : "object",
                                            "properties" :
                                                "id" :
                                                    "type" : "integer",
                                                    "required" : true,
                                                    "minimum" : -1
                                                "failed" : { "type" : "boolean", "required" : true },
                                                "input" : 
                                                    "type" : "object",
                                                    "title" : "Input slot range",
                                                    "required" : true,
                                                    "properties" : 
                                                        "start" : { "$ref" : "UUID" },
                                                        "length" : 
                                                            "type" : "integer", 
                                                            "required" : true, 
                                                            "minimum" : 0 
                                    "output" :
                                        "type" : ["object", "null"],
                                        "title" : "Output slots",
                                        "required" : true,
                                        "properties" :
                                            "range" : 
                                                "type" : "object",
                                                "title" : "Input slot range",
                                                "description" : "Input slot range replaced by the output slots",
                                                "required" : true,
                                                "properties" : 
                                                    "start" : { "$ref" : "UUID" },
                                                    "end" : { "$ref" : "UUID" }
                                            "slots" :
                                                "type" : "array",
                                                "title" : "Rule output slots",
                                                "description" : "Sub sequence of the \
                                                                 output slots stream.",
                                                "required" : true, 
                                                "items" : { "$ref" : "Slot" }
                                            "postshift" : 
                                                "title" : "Output advance delta",
                                                "description" : "The delta in the right\
                                                                 side edge of output\
                                                                 slot range.",
                                                "required" : true,
                                                "extends" : "Point"
                                            "cursor" : { "$ref" : "UUID" }
            "outputdir" :
                "type" : "string",
                "titie" : "Slot stream direction",
                "description" : "Direction (rtl or ltr) of slots in the output array",
                "required" : true

            "output" :
                "type" : "array",
                "title" : "Final positioned output slots",
                "description" : "Slot stream after the final pass has run.",
                "required" : true, 
                "items" : { "$ref" : "Slot" }
            "advance" : { "$ref" : "Advance" },
            "chars" :
                "type" : "array",
                "title" : "CharInfo array",
                "description" : "A array of CharInfo objects referneced by the \
                "items" : 
                    "id" : "CharInfo",
                    "type" : "object",
                    "properties" :
                        "offset" : { "$ref" : "Index" },
                        "unicode" : 
                            "type" : "integer", 
                            "required" : true, 
                            "minimum" : 0, 
                            "maximum" : 1114111
                        "break" : { "$ref" : "BreakWeight" },
                        "flags" :
                            "type" : "integer",
                            "required" : true,
                            "minimum" : 0,
                            "maximum" : 3
                        "slot" : 
                            "type" : "object",
                            "title" : "Slot relations",
                            "required" : true,
                            "properties" : 
                                "before" : { "$ref" : "Index" },
                                "after" : { "$ref" : "Index" }
    "additionalItems" : false