Blob Blame History Raw
AutoGen Definitions options;
prog-name     = srptool;
prog-title    = "GnuTLS SRP tool";
prog-desc     = "Simple program to create SRP parameters.\n";
explain       = "";
detail    = "Simple program that emulates the programs in the Stanford SRP (Secure
Remote Password) libraries using GnuTLS.  It is intended for use in  places
where you don't expect SRP authentication to be the used for system users.

In  brief,  to use SRP you need to create two files. These are the password
file that holds the users and the verifiers associated with  them  and  the
configuration file to hold the group parameters (called tpasswd.conf).";

short-usage   = "srptool [options]\nsrptool --help for usage instructions.\n";

#include args-std.def

flag = {
    name      = index;
    value     = i;
    arg-type  = number;
    arg-default = 3;
    descrip   = "specify the index of the group parameters in tpasswd.conf to use";
    doc = "";

flag = {
    name      = username;
    value     = u;
    arg-type  = string;
    descrip   = "specify a username";
    doc = "";

flag = {
    name      = passwd;
    value     = p;
    arg-type  = string;
    descrip   = "specify a password file";
    doc       = "";

flag = {
    name      = salt;
    value     = s;
    arg-type  = number;
    descrip   = "specify salt size";
    doc = "";

flag = {
    name      = verify;
    descrip   = "just verify the password.";
    doc       = "Verifies the password provided against the password file.";

flag = {
    name      = passwd-conf;
    value     = v;
    arg-type  = string;
    descrip   = "specify a password conf file.";
    doc   = "Specify a filename or a PKCS #11 URL to read the CAs from.";

flag = {
    name      = create-conf;
    arg-type  = string;
    descrip   = "Generate a password configuration file.";
    doc   = "This generates a password configuration file (tpasswd.conf)
containing the required for TLS parameters.";

doc-section = {
  ds-type = 'SEE ALSO';
  ds-format = 'texi';
  ds-text   = <<-_EOT_
    gnutls-cli-debug (1), gnutls-serv (1), srptool (1), psktool (1), certtool (1)

doc-section = {
  ds-type = 'EXAMPLES';
  ds-format = 'texi';
  ds-text   = <<-_EOT_
To create @file{tpasswd.conf} which holds the g and n values for SRP protocol
(generator and a large prime), run:
$ srptool --create-conf /etc/tpasswd.conf
@end example

This command will create @file{/etc/tpasswd} and will add user 'test' (you
will also be prompted for a password). Verifiers are stored by default
in the way libsrp expects.
$ srptool --passwd /etc/tpasswd --passwd-conf /etc/tpasswd.conf -u test
@end example

This command will check against a password. If the password matches
the one in @file{/etc/tpasswd} you will get an ok.
$ srptool --passwd /etc/tpasswd --passwd\-conf /etc/tpasswd.conf --verify -u test
@end example