Blob Blame History Raw
# X.509 Certificate options
# DN options

# The organization of the subject.
organization = "Koko inc."

# The organizational unit of the subject.
unit = "sleeping dept."

# The locality of the subject.
# locality =

# The state of the certificate owner.
state = "Attiki"

# The country of the subject. Two letter code.
country = GR

# The common name of the certificate owner.
cn = "Cindy Lauper"

# A user id of the certificate owner.
uid = "clauper"

serial = 9
expiration_days = 2590


add_extension = " 0001020304050607AAABCD"
add_extension = " 0x0001020304050607AAABCD"
add_extension = " 1d34cd5ad065dc27c17e9447b0aaaca7"
add_extension = " 178f0e413f041cc9d64af64bf3b66c7ceac6fa34a4d77ed64c968b26c761709445f40d9ca0a00091af7d212789c00b7387b1d0d7ab623dd4029d4b86db3653621d34cd5ad065dc27c17e9447b0aaaca7"
add_critical_extension = " CAFE"
add_extension = "1.2.6710656.7 d64af64bf3b66c7ceac6fa34a4d77ed64c968b26c761709445f40d9ca0a00091af7d212789c00b7387b1d0d7ab623dd4029d4b86db3653621d34cd5ad065dc27c17e9447b0aaaca7"
add_extension = " octet_string(CAFEBEAF)"
add_critical_extension = " octet_string(BEAFCAFEFAFA)"