Blob Blame History Raw
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<page xmlns="" xmlns:its="" type="topic" style="tip" id="power-batterylife" xml:lang="sl">

    <link type="guide" xref="power"/>
    <link type="seealso" xref="power-suspend"/>
    <link type="seealso" xref="shell-exit#suspend"/>
    <link type="seealso" xref="shell-exit#shutdown"/>
    <link type="seealso" xref="display-brightness"/>
    <link type="seealso" xref="power-whydim"/>

    <revision pkgversion="3.7.1" version="0.2" date="2012-11-16" status="outdated"/>
    <revision pkgversion="3.10" date="2013-11-07" status="review"/>
    <revision pkgversion="3.18" date="2015-09-28" status="final"/>
    <revision pkgversion="3.20" date="2016-06-15" status="final"/>

    <credit type="author">
      <name>Dokumentacijski projekt GNOME</name>
    <credit type="author">
      <name>Phil Bull</name>
    <credit type="editor">
      <name>Ekaterina Gerasimova</name>
    <credit type="editor">
      <name>Michael Hill</name>

    <include xmlns="" href="legal.xml"/>

    <desc>Namigi za zmanjšanje porabe vašega računalnika.</desc>

  <title>Poraba manjše količine energije in podaljšanje trajanja baterije</title>

  <p>Računalniki lahko porabijo veliko energije. Z uporabo nekaterih enostavnih strategij za varčevanje z energijo lahko zmanjšate stroške za električno energijo in pomagate okolju.</p>

<section id="general">
  <title>Splošni namigi</title>

    <p>Računalnik <link xref="shell-exit#suspend">pošljite v pripravljenost</link>, ko ga ne uporabljate. To občutno zmanjša količino porabljene energije in omogoča zelo hitro povrnitev računalnika.</p>
    <p><link xref="shell-exit#shutdown">Turn off</link> the computer when you
    will not be using it for longer periods. Some people worry that turning off
    a computer regularly may cause it to wear out faster, but this is not the
    <p>Use the <gui>Power</gui> panel in <app>Settings</app> to change your
    power settings. There are a number of options that will help to save power:
    you can <link xref="display-blank">automatically blank the screen</link>
    after a certain time, reduce the <link xref="display-brightness">screen
    brightness</link>, and have the computer
    <link xref="power-autosuspend">automatically suspend</link> if you have not
    used it for a certain period of time.</p>
    <p>Izklopite zunanje naprave (kot so tiskalniki in optični bralniki), ko jih ne uporabljate.</p>


<section id="laptop">
  <title>Prenosniki, mini prenosniki in druge naprave z baterijami</title>

     <p>Reduce the <link xref="display-brightness">screen
     brightness</link>. Powering the screen accounts for a significant fraction
     of a laptop power consumption.</p>
     <p>Večina prenosnikov ima na tipkonici gumb (ali tipkovno bližnjico), ki ga lahko uporabite za zmanjšanje svetlosti.</p>
     <p>If you do not need an Internet connection for a little while, turn off
     the wireless or Bluetooth cards. These devices work by broadcasting radio
     waves, which takes quite a bit of power.</p>
     <p>Nekateri računalniki imajo fizično stikalo, ki ga lahko uporabite za izklop, drugi pa imajo za to tipkovno bližnjico. Ko brezžično povezavo spet potrebujete, jo lahko ponovno vklopite.</p>


<section id="advanced">
  <title>Naprednejši namigi</title>

     <p>Zmanjšajte število opravil, ki se izvajajo v ozadju. Računalniki porabijo več energije, če delajo.</p>
     <p>Most of your running applications do very little when you are not
     actively using them. However, applications that frequently grab data from
     the internet or play music or movies can impact your power consumption.</p>

