Blob Blame History Raw
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<page xmlns="" type="topic" style="ui" id="nautilus-behavior" xml:lang="sl">

    <link type="guide" xref="nautilus-prefs" group="nautilus-behavior"/>

    <desc>Kliknite za odprtje datotek, poganjanje ali ogled izvedljivih besedilnih datotek in navedite obnašanje smeti.</desc>

    <revision pkgversion="3.5.92" version="0.2" date="2012-09-19" status="review"/>
    <revision pkgversion="3.18" date="2015-09-29" status="candidate"/>

    <credit type="author">
      <name>Tiffany Antopolski</name>
    <credit type="author">
      <name>Shaun McCance</name>
    <credit type="editor">
      <name>Michael Hill</name>
    <credit type="editor">
      <name>Sindhu S</name>
    <credit type="editor">
      <name>David King</name>
    <include xmlns="" href="legal.xml"/>

<title>Možnosti obnašanja upravljalnika datotek</title>
<p>Nadzirate lahko se datoteke odpira z enim klikom ali dvoklikom, upravljanje izvedljivih besedilnih datotek in obnašanje smeti. V zgornji vrstici kliknite <gui>Datoteke</gui>, izberite <gui>Možnosti</gui> in izberite zavihek <gui>Obnašanje</gui>.</p>

<section id="behavior">
  <title><gui>Enojni klik za odpiranje predmetov</gui></title>
  <title><gui>Dvojni klik za odpiranje predmetov</gui></title>
  <p>Privzeto enojni klik izbere datoteke, dvojni klik pa jo odpre. Namesto tega lahko datoteke in mape odprete z enojnim klikom.  Ko uporabite način enega klika, lahko med klikanjem držite <key>Ctrl</key> za izbiro ene ali več datotek.</p>

<section id="executable">
<title>Izvedljive besedilne datoteke</title>
 <p>An executable text file is a file that contains a program that you can run
 (execute). The <link xref="nautilus-file-properties-permissions">file
 permissions</link> must also allow for the file to run as a program. The most
 common are <sys>Shell</sys>, <sys>Python</sys> and <sys>Perl</sys> scripts.
 These have extensions <file>.sh</file>, <file>.py</file> and <file>.pl</file>,
 <p>When you open an executable text file, you can select from:</p>
    <p><gui>Run executable text files when they are opened</gui></p>
    <p><gui>View executable text files when they are opened</gui></p>
    <p><gui>Ask each time</gui></p>

 <p>If <gui>Ask each time</gui> is selected, a dialog will pop up asking if you
 wish to run or view the selected text file.</p>

 <p>Executable text files are also called <em>scripts</em>. All scripts in the
 <file>~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts</file> folder will appear in the context
 menu for a file under the <gui style="menuitem">Scripts</gui> submenu. When a
 script is executed from a local folder, all selected files will be pasted to
 the script as parameters. To execute a script on a file:</p>

    <p>Navigate to the desired folder.</p>
    <p>Select the desired file.</p>
    <p>Right click on the file to open the context menu and select the desired
    script to execute from the <gui style="menuitem">Scripts</gui> menu.</p>

 <note style="important">
  <p>A script will not be passed any parameters when executed from a remote
  folder such as a folder showing web or <sys>ftp</sys> content.</p>


<section id="trash">
<link type="seealso" xref="files-delete"/>
<title type="link">Možnosti smeti upravljalnika datotek</title>

  <title><gui>Ask before emptying the Trash</gui></title>
  <p>Ta možnost je privzeto izbrana. Ko smeti izpraznite, bo prikazano sporočilo, ki bo potrdilo, da želite datoteke poslati v smeti ali izbrisati.</p>
