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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<page xmlns="" type="topic" style="task" id="clock-world" xml:lang="as">

    <link type="guide" xref="clock" group="#last"/>
    <link type="seealso" href="help:gnome-clocks/index">
      <title>Clocks Help</title>

    <revision pkgversion="3.18" date="2015-09-28" status="review"/>

    <credit type="author copyright">
      <name>মাইকেল হিল</name>

    <include xmlns="" href="legal.xml"/>

    <desc>Display times in other cities under the calendar.</desc>

  <title>Add a world clock</title>

  <p>Use <app>Clocks</app> to add times in other cities.</p>

    <p>This requires the <app>Clocks</app> application to be installed.</p>
    <p>Most distributions come with <app>Clocks</app> installed by default.
    If yours does not, you may need to install it using your distribution’s
    package manager.</p>

  <p>To add a world clock:</p>

      <p>ওপৰ বাৰত ঘড়ীত ক্লিক কৰক।</p>
      <p>Click the <gui>Add world clocks…</gui> link under the calendar to
      launch <app>Clocks</app>.</p>

       <p>If you already have one or more world clocks, click on one and
       <app>Clocks</app> will launch.</p>

      <p>In the <app>Clocks</app> window, click
      <gui style="button">New</gui> button or press
      <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>N</key></keyseq> to add a new city.</p>
      <p>Start typing the name of the city into the search.</p>
      <p>Select the correct city or the closest location to you from the
      <p>Press <gui style="button">Add</gui> to finish adding the city.</p>

  <p>Refer to the <link href="help:gnome-clocks">Clocks Help</link> for more
  of the capabilities of <app>Clocks</app>.</p>
