Blob Blame History Raw
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<page xmlns="" xmlns:its="" type="topic" style="task" id="contacts-setup" xml:lang="pt">

    <link type="guide" xref="contacts" group="#first"/>

    <revision pkgversion="3.5.5" date="2012-08-13" status="draft"/>
    <revision pkgversion="3.12" date="2014-02-26" status="final"/>
    <revision pkgversion="3.13.91" date="2014-09-05" status="final"/>
    <revision pkgversion="3.18" date="2015-09-28" status="review"/>
    <revision pkgversion="3.22" date="2017-03-19" status="draft"/>

    <credit type="author copyright">
      <name>Michael Hilh</name>
    <credit type="author copyright">
      <name>Paul Cutler</name>

    <include xmlns="" href="legal.xml"/>

    <desc>Guardar seus contactos numa livro de endereços local ou numa conta em linha.</desc>

  <title>Iniciar Contatos pro primeira vez</title>

  <p>Quando execute <app>Contatos</app> pela primeira vez, abrir-se-á a janela <gui>Seleciona livro de contactos</gui>.</p>
  <p>If you have <link xref="accounts">online accounts</link> configured, they
  are listed with <gui>Local Address Book</gui>. Select an item from the
  list and click <gui style="button">Done</gui>. All new contacts you create
  will be saved to the address book you choose. You are also able to view and
  edit contacts in other address books.</p>
  <p>If you have no online accounts configured, click
  <gui style="button">Online Accounts</gui> to begin the setup. If you do not
  wish to set up online accounts at this time, click <gui style="button">Local
  Address Book</gui>.</p>
