Blob Blame History Raw
/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 8 -*-
 * Copyright (C) 2007 Rodrigo Moya
 * Copyright (C) 2007 William Jon McCann <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, see <>.

#include "config.h"

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>

#include <X11/Xatom.h>

#include <glib.h>
#include <glib/gi18n.h>
#include <gdk/gdk.h>
#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>

#include "gnome-settings-profile.h"
#include "gsd-enums.h"
#include "gsd-xsettings-manager.h"
#include "gsd-xsettings-gtk.h"
#include "xsettings-manager.h"
#include "fc-monitor.h"
#include "gsd-remote-display-manager.h"
#include "wm-button-layout-translation.h"


#define MOUSE_SETTINGS_SCHEMA     "org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.mouse"
#define BACKGROUND_SETTINGS_SCHEMA "org.gnome.desktop.background"
#define INTERFACE_SETTINGS_SCHEMA "org.gnome.desktop.interface"
#define SOUND_SETTINGS_SCHEMA     "org.gnome.desktop.sound"
#define PRIVACY_SETTINGS_SCHEMA     "org.gnome.desktop.privacy"
#define WM_SETTINGS_SCHEMA        "org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences"
#define A11Y_SCHEMA               "org.gnome.desktop.a11y"

#define XSETTINGS_PLUGIN_SCHEMA "org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings"
#define XSETTINGS_OVERRIDE_KEY  "overrides"

#define GTK_MODULES_DISABLED_KEY "disabled-gtk-modules"
#define GTK_MODULES_ENABLED_KEY  "enabled-gtk-modules"

#define TEXT_SCALING_FACTOR_KEY "text-scaling-factor"
#define CURSOR_SIZE_KEY "cursor-size"
#define CURSOR_THEME_KEY "cursor-theme"

#define FONT_ANTIALIASING_KEY "antialiasing"
#define FONT_HINTING_KEY      "hinting"
#define FONT_RGBA_ORDER_KEY   "rgba-order"

#define GTK_SETTINGS_DBUS_PATH "/org/gtk/Settings"
#define GTK_SETTINGS_DBUS_NAME "org.gtk.Settings"

static const gchar introspection_xml[] =
"<node name='/org/gtk/Settings'>"
"  <interface name='org.gtk.Settings'>"
"    <property name='FontconfigTimestamp' type='x' access='read'/>"
"    <property name='Modules' type='s' access='read'/>"
"    <property name='EnableAnimations' type='b' access='read'/>"
"  </interface>"

/* As we cannot rely on the X server giving us good DPI information, and
 * that we don't want multi-monitor screens to have different DPIs (thus
 * different text sizes), we'll hard-code the value of the DPI
 * See also:
 * Why EDID is not trustworthy for DPI
 * Adam Jackson ajax at
 * Tue Oct 4 17:54:57 UTC 2011
 *     Previous message: GNOME 3 - font point sizes now scaled?
 *     Next message: Why EDID is not trustworthy for DPI
 *     Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]
 * On Tue, 2011-10-04 at 11:46 -0400, Kaleb S. KEITHLEY wrote:
 * > Grovelling around in the F15 xorg-server sources and reviewing the Xorg 
 * > log file on my F15 box, I see, with _modern hardware_ at least, that we 
 * > do have the monitor geometry available from DDC or EDIC, and obviously 
 * > it is trivial to compute the actual, correct DPI for each screen.
 * I am clearly going to have to explain this one more time, forever.
 * Let's see if I can't write it authoritatively once and simply answer
 * with a URL from here out.  (As always, use of the second person "you"
 * herein is plural, not singular.)
 * EDID does not reliably give you the size of the display.
 * Base EDID has at least two different places where you can give a
 * physical size (before considering extensions that aren't widely deployed
 * so whatever).  The first is a global property, measured in centimeters,
 * of the physical size of the glass.  The second is attached to your (zero
 * or more) detailed timing specifications, and reflects the size of the
 * mode, in millimeters.
 * So, how does this screw you?
 * a) Glass size is too coarse.  On a large display that cm roundoff isn't
 * a big deal, but on subnotebooks it's a different game.  The 11" MBA is
 * 25.68x14.44 cm, so that gives you a range of 52.54-54.64 dpcm horizontal
 * and 51.20-54.86 dpcm vertical (133.4-138.8 dpi h and 130.0-139.3 dpi v).
 * Which is optimistic, because that's doing the math forward from knowing
 * the actual size, and you as the EDID parser can't know which way the
 * manufacturer rounded.
 * b) Glass size need not be non-zero.  This is in fact the usual case for
 * projectors, which don't have a fixed display size since it's a function
 * of how far away the wall is from the lens.
 * c) Glass size could be partially non-zero.  Yes, really.  EDID 1.4
 * defines a method of using these two bytes to encode aspect ratio, where
 * if vertical size is 0 then the aspect ratio is computed as (horizontal
 * value + 99) / 100 in portrait mode (and the obvious reverse thing if
 * horizontal is zero).  Admittedly, unlike every other item in this list,
 * I've never seen this in the wild.  But it's legal.
 * d) Glass size could be a direct encoding of the aspect ratio.  Base EDID
 * doesn't condone this behaviour, but the CEA spec (to which all HDMI
 * monitors must conform) does allow-but-not-require it, which means your
 * 1920x1080 TV could claim to be 16 "cm" by 9 "cm".  So of course that's
 * what TV manufacturers do because that way they don't have to modify the
 * EDID info when physical construction changes, and that's cheaper.
 * e) You could use mode size to get size in millimeters, but you might not
 * have any detailed timings.
 * f) You could use mode size, but mode size is explicitly _not_ glass
 * size.  It's the size that the display chooses to present that mode.
 * Sometimes those are the same, and sometimes they're not.  You could be
 * scaled or {letter,pillar}boxed, and that's not necessarily something you
 * can control from the host side.
 * g) You could use mode size, but it could be an encoded aspect ratio, as
 * in case d above, because CEA says that's okay.
 * h) You could use mode size, but it could be the aspect ratio from case d
 * multiplied by 10 in each direction (because, of course, you gave size in
 * centimeters and so your authoring tool just multiplied it up).
 * i) Any or all of the above could be complete and utter garbage, because
 * - and I really, really need you to understand this - there is no
 * requirements program for any commercial OS or industry standard that
 * requires honesty here, as far as I'm aware.  There is every incentive
 * for there to _never_ be one, because it would make the manufacturing
 * process more expensive.
 * So from this point the suggestion is usually "well come up with some
 * heuristic to make a good guess assuming there's some correlation between
 * the various numbers you're given".  I have in fact written heuristics
 * for this, and they're in your kernel and your X server, and they still
 * encounter a huge number of cases where we simply _cannot_ know from EDID
 * anything like a physical size, because - to pick only one example - the
 * consumer electronics industry are cheap bastards, because you the
 * consumer demanded that they be cheap.
 * And then your only recourse is to an external database, and now you're
 * up the creek again because the identifying information here is a
 * vendor/model/serial tuple, and the vendor can and does change physical
 * construction without changing model number.  Now you get to play the
 * guessing game of how big the serial number range is for each subvariant,
 * assuming they bothered to encode a serial number - and they didn't.  Or,
 * if they bothered to encode week/year of manufacturer correctly - and
 * they didn't - which weeks meant which models.  And then you still have
 * to go out and buy one of every TV at Fry's, and that covers you for one
 * market, for three months.
 * If someone wants to write something better, please, by all means.  If
 * it's kernel code, send it to dri-devel at and cc me
 * and I will happily review it.  Likewise xorg-devel@ for X server
 * changes.
 * I gently suggest that doing so is a waste of time.
 * But if there's one thing free software has taught me, it's that you can
 * not tell people something is a bad idea and have any expectation they
 * will believe you.
 * > Obviously in a multi-screen set-up using Xinerama this has the potential 
 * > to be a Hard Problem if the monitors differ greatly in their DPI.
 * > 
 * > If the major resistance is over what to do with older hardware that 
 * > doesn't have this data available, then yes, punt; use a hard-coded 
 * > default. Likewise, if the two monitors really differ greatly, then punt.
 * I'm going to limit myself to observing that "greatly" is a matter of
 * opinion, and that in order to be really useful you'd need some way of
 * communicating "I punted" to the desktop.
 * Beyond that, sure, pick a heuristic, accept that it's going to be
 * insufficient for someone, and then sit back and wait to get
 * second-guessed on it over and over.
 * > And it wouldn't be so hard to to add something like -dpi:0, -dpi:1, 
 * > -dpi:2 command line options to specify per-screen dpi. I kinda thought I 
 * > did that a long, long time ago, but maybe I only thought about doing it 
 * > and never actually got around to it.
 * The RANDR extension as of version 1.2 does allow you to override
 * physical size on a per-output basis at runtime.  We even try pretty hard
 * to set them as honestly as we can up front.  The 96dpi thing people
 * complain about is from the per-screen info, which is simply a default
 * because of all the tl;dr above; because you have N outputs per screen
 * which means a single number is in general useless; and because there is
 * no way to refresh the per-screen info at runtime, as it's only ever sent
 * in the initial connection handshake.
 * - ajax
#define DPI_FALLBACK 96

typedef struct _TranslationEntry TranslationEntry;
typedef void (* TranslationFunc) (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager,
                                  TranslationEntry      *trans,
                                  GVariant              *value);

struct _TranslationEntry {
        const char     *gsettings_schema;
        const char     *gsettings_key;
        const char     *xsetting_name;

        TranslationFunc translate;

typedef struct _FixedEntry FixedEntry;
typedef void (* FixedFunc) (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager,
                            FixedEntry            *fixed);
typedef union {
        const char *str;
        int num;
} FixedEntryValue;

struct _FixedEntry {
        const char     *xsetting_name;
        FixedFunc       func;
        FixedEntryValue val;

struct GnomeXSettingsManagerPrivate
        guint              start_idle_id;
        XSettingsManager  *manager;
        GHashTable        *settings;

        GSettings         *plugin_settings;
        FcMonitor         *fontconfig_monitor;
        gint64             fontconfig_timestamp;

        GsdXSettingsGtk   *gtk;

        GsdRemoteDisplayManager *remote_display;
        gboolean           enable_animations;

        guint              display_config_watch_id;
        guint              monitors_changed_id;

        guint              shell_name_watch_id;
        gboolean           have_shell;

        guint              notify_idle_id;

        GDBusNodeInfo     *introspection_data;
        GDBusConnection   *dbus_connection;
        guint              gtk_settings_name_id;

#define GSD_XSETTINGS_ERROR gsd_xsettings_error_quark ()

enum {

static void     gnome_xsettings_manager_class_init  (GnomeXSettingsManagerClass *klass);
static void     gnome_xsettings_manager_init        (GnomeXSettingsManager      *xsettings_manager);
static void     gnome_xsettings_manager_finalize    (GObject                  *object);

static void     register_manager_dbus               (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager);

G_DEFINE_TYPE (GnomeXSettingsManager, gnome_xsettings_manager, G_TYPE_OBJECT)

static gpointer manager_object = NULL;

static GQuark
gsd_xsettings_error_quark (void)
        return g_quark_from_static_string ("gsd-xsettings-error-quark");

static void
translate_bool_int (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager,
                    TranslationEntry      *trans,
                    GVariant              *value)
        xsettings_manager_set_int (manager->priv->manager, trans->xsetting_name,
                                   g_variant_get_boolean (value));

static void
translate_int_int (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager,
                   TranslationEntry      *trans,
                   GVariant              *value)
        xsettings_manager_set_int (manager->priv->manager, trans->xsetting_name,
                                   g_variant_get_int32 (value));

static void
translate_string_string (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager,
                         TranslationEntry      *trans,
                         GVariant              *value)
        xsettings_manager_set_string (manager->priv->manager,
                                      g_variant_get_string (value, NULL));

static void
translate_button_layout (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager,
                         TranslationEntry      *trans,
                         GVariant              *value)
        GSettings *classic_settings;
        GVariant *classic_value = NULL;
        char *layout;

        /* Hack: until we get session-dependent defaults in GSettings,
         *       swap out the usual schema for the "classic" one when
         *       running in classic mode
        classic_settings = g_hash_table_lookup (manager->priv->settings,
        if (classic_settings) {
                classic_value = g_settings_get_value (classic_settings, "button-layout");
                layout = g_variant_dup_string (classic_value, NULL);
        } else {
                layout = g_variant_dup_string (value, NULL);

        translate_wm_button_layout_to_gtk (layout);

        xsettings_manager_set_string (manager->priv->manager,

        if (classic_value)
                g_variant_unref (classic_value);
        g_free (layout);

static void
fixed_false_int (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager,
                 FixedEntry            *fixed)
        xsettings_manager_set_int (manager->priv->manager, fixed->xsetting_name, FALSE);

static void
fixed_true_int (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager,
                FixedEntry            *fixed)
        xsettings_manager_set_int (manager->priv->manager, fixed->xsetting_name, TRUE);

static void
fixed_bus_id (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager,
              FixedEntry            *fixed)
        const gchar *id;
        GDBusConnection *bus;
        GVariant *res;

        bus = g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, NULL, NULL);
        res = g_dbus_connection_call_sync (bus,

        if (res) {
                g_variant_get (res, "(&s)", &id);

                xsettings_manager_set_string (manager->priv->manager, fixed->xsetting_name, id);
                g_variant_unref (res);

        g_object_unref (bus);

static void
fixed_string (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager,
              FixedEntry            *fixed)
        xsettings_manager_set_string (manager->priv->manager,

static void
fixed_int (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager,
           FixedEntry            *fixed)
        xsettings_manager_set_int (manager->priv->manager,

#define DEFAULT_COLOR_PALETTE "black:white:gray50:red:purple:blue:light blue:green:yellow:orange:lavender:brown:goldenrod4:dodger blue:pink:light green:gray10:gray30:gray75:gray90"

static FixedEntry fixed_entries [] = {
        { "Gtk/MenuImages",          fixed_false_int },
        { "Gtk/ButtonImages",        fixed_false_int },
        { "Gtk/ShowInputMethodMenu", fixed_false_int },
        { "Gtk/ShowUnicodeMenu",     fixed_false_int },
        { "Gtk/AutoMnemonics",       fixed_true_int },
        { "Gtk/DialogsUseHeader",    fixed_true_int },
        { "Gtk/SessionBusId",        fixed_bus_id },
        { "Gtk/ShellShowsAppMenu",   fixed_false_int },
        { "Gtk/ColorPalette",        fixed_string,      { .str = DEFAULT_COLOR_PALETTE } },
        { "Net/FallbackIconTheme",   fixed_string,      { .str = "gnome" } },
        { "Gtk/ToolbarStyle",        fixed_string,      { .str =  "both-horiz" } },
        { "Gtk/ToolbarIconSize",     fixed_string,      { .str = "large" } },
        { "Gtk/CanChangeAccels",     fixed_false_int },
        { "Gtk/TimeoutInitial",      fixed_int,         { .num = 200 } },
        { "Gtk/TimeoutRepeat",       fixed_int,         { .num = 20 } },
        { "Gtk/ColorScheme",         fixed_string,      { .str = "" } },
        { "Gtk/IMPreeditStyle",      fixed_string,      { .str = "callback" } },
        { "Gtk/IMStatusStyle",       fixed_string,      { .str = "callback" } },
        { "Gtk/MenuBarAccel",        fixed_string,      { .str = "F10" } }

static TranslationEntry translations [] = {
        { "org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.mouse", "double-click",   "Net/DoubleClickTime",  translate_int_int },
        { "org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.mouse", "drag-threshold", "Net/DndDragThreshold", translate_int_int },

        { "org.gnome.desktop.background", "show-desktop-icons",    "Gtk/ShellShowsDesktop",   translate_bool_int },

        { "org.gnome.desktop.interface", "font-name",              "Gtk/FontName",            translate_string_string },
        { "org.gnome.desktop.interface", "gtk-key-theme",          "Gtk/KeyThemeName",        translate_string_string },
        { "org.gnome.desktop.interface", "cursor-blink",           "Net/CursorBlink",         translate_bool_int },
        { "org.gnome.desktop.interface", "cursor-blink-time",      "Net/CursorBlinkTime",     translate_int_int },
        { "org.gnome.desktop.interface", "cursor-blink-timeout",   "Gtk/CursorBlinkTimeout",  translate_int_int },
        { "org.gnome.desktop.interface", "gtk-theme",              "Net/ThemeName",           translate_string_string },
        { "org.gnome.desktop.interface", "gtk-im-module",          "Gtk/IMModule",            translate_string_string },
        { "org.gnome.desktop.interface", "icon-theme",             "Net/IconThemeName",       translate_string_string },
        { "org.gnome.desktop.interface", "cursor-theme",           "Gtk/CursorThemeName",     translate_string_string },
        { "org.gnome.desktop.interface", "gtk-enable-primary-paste", "Gtk/EnablePrimaryPaste", translate_bool_int },
        { "org.gnome.desktop.interface", "overlay-scrolling",      "Gtk/OverlayScrolling",    translate_bool_int },
        /* cursor-size is handled via the Xft side as it needs the scaling factor */

        { "org.gnome.desktop.sound", "theme-name",                 "Net/SoundThemeName",            translate_string_string },
        { "org.gnome.desktop.sound", "event-sounds",               "Net/EnableEventSounds" ,        translate_bool_int },
        { "org.gnome.desktop.sound", "input-feedback-sounds",      "Net/EnableInputFeedbackSounds", translate_bool_int },

        { "org.gnome.desktop.privacy", "recent-files-max-age",      "Gtk/RecentFilesMaxAge", translate_int_int },
        { "org.gnome.desktop.privacy", "remember-recent-files",    "Gtk/RecentFilesEnabled", translate_bool_int },
        { "org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences", "button-layout",     "Gtk/DecorationLayout", translate_button_layout },
        { "org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences", "action-double-click-titlebar",  "Gtk/TitlebarDoubleClick",     translate_string_string },
        { "org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences", "action-middle-click-titlebar",  "Gtk/TitlebarMiddleClick",     translate_string_string },
        { "org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences", "action-right-click-titlebar",  "Gtk/TitlebarRightClick",     translate_string_string },
        { "org.gnome.desktop.a11y", "always-show-text-caret",       "Gtk/KeynavUseCaret",         translate_bool_int }

static gboolean
notify_idle (gpointer data)
        GnomeXSettingsManager *manager = data;

        xsettings_manager_notify (manager->priv->manager);

        manager->priv->notify_idle_id = 0;
        return G_SOURCE_REMOVE;

static void
queue_notify (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager)
        if (manager->priv->notify_idle_id != 0)

        manager->priv->notify_idle_id = g_idle_add (notify_idle, manager);
        g_source_set_name_by_id (manager->priv->notify_idle_id, "[gnome-settings-daemon] notify_idle");

typedef enum {
        GTK_SETTINGS_MODULES              = 1 << 1,
} GtkSettingsMask;

static void
send_dbus_event (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager,
                 GtkSettingsMask        mask)
        GVariantBuilder props_builder;
        GVariant *props_changed = NULL;

        g_variant_builder_init (&props_builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{sv}"));

                g_variant_builder_add (&props_builder, "{sv}", "FontconfigTimestamp",
                                       g_variant_new_int64 (manager->priv->fontconfig_timestamp));

        if (mask & GTK_SETTINGS_MODULES) {
                const char *modules = gsd_xsettings_gtk_get_modules (manager->priv->gtk);
                g_variant_builder_add (&props_builder, "{sv}", "Modules",
                                       g_variant_new_string (modules ? modules : ""));

                g_variant_builder_add (&props_builder, "{sv}", "EnableAnimations",
                                       g_variant_new_boolean (manager->priv->enable_animations));

        props_changed = g_variant_new ("(s@a{sv}@as)", GTK_SETTINGS_DBUS_NAME,
                                       g_variant_builder_end (&props_builder),
                                       g_variant_new_strv (NULL, 0));

        g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (manager->priv->dbus_connection,
                                       props_changed, NULL);

static double
get_dpi_from_gsettings (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager)
	GSettings  *interface_settings;
        double      dpi;
        double      factor;

	interface_settings = g_hash_table_lookup (manager->priv->settings, INTERFACE_SETTINGS_SCHEMA);
        factor = g_settings_get_double (interface_settings, TEXT_SCALING_FACTOR_KEY);


        return dpi * factor;

static gboolean
get_legacy_ui_scale (GVariantIter *properties,
                     int          *scale)
        const char *key;
        GVariant *value;

        *scale = 0;

        while (g_variant_iter_loop (properties, "{&sv}", &key, &value)) {
                if (!g_str_equal (key, "legacy-ui-scaling-factor"))

                *scale = g_variant_get_int32 (value);

        if (*scale < 1) {
                g_warning ("Failed to get current UI legacy scaling factor");
                *scale = 1;
                return FALSE;

        return TRUE;

#define MODE_FORMAT "(siiddada{sv})"

#define MONITOR_SPEC_FORMAT "(ssss)"



static int
get_window_scale (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager)
        g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
        g_autoptr(GVariant) current_state = NULL;
        g_autoptr(GVariantIter) properties = NULL;
        int scale = 1;

        current_state =
                g_dbus_connection_call_sync (manager->priv->dbus_connection,
        if (!current_state) {
                g_warning ("Failed to get current display configuration state: %s",
                return 1;

        g_variant_get (current_state,

        if (!get_legacy_ui_scale (properties, &scale))
                g_warning ("Failed to get current UI legacy scaling factor");

        return scale;

typedef struct {
        gboolean    antialias;
        gboolean    hinting;
        int         scaled_dpi;
        int         dpi;
        int         window_scale;
        int         cursor_size;
        char       *cursor_theme;
        const char *rgba;
        const char *hintstyle;
} GnomeXftSettings;

/* Read GSettings and determine the appropriate Xft settings based on them. */
static void
xft_settings_get (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager,
                  GnomeXftSettings      *settings)
	GSettings  *interface_settings;
        GsdFontAntialiasingMode antialiasing;
        GsdFontHinting hinting;
        GsdFontRgbaOrder order;
        gboolean use_rgba = FALSE;
        double dpi;
        int cursor_size;

	interface_settings = g_hash_table_lookup (manager->priv->settings, INTERFACE_SETTINGS_SCHEMA);

        antialiasing = g_settings_get_enum (manager->priv->plugin_settings, FONT_ANTIALIASING_KEY);
        hinting = g_settings_get_enum (manager->priv->plugin_settings, FONT_HINTING_KEY);
        order = g_settings_get_enum (manager->priv->plugin_settings, FONT_RGBA_ORDER_KEY);

        settings->antialias = (antialiasing != GSD_FONT_ANTIALIASING_MODE_NONE);
        settings->hinting = (hinting != GSD_FONT_HINTING_NONE);
        settings->window_scale = get_window_scale (manager);
        dpi = get_dpi_from_gsettings (manager);
        settings->dpi = dpi * 1024; /* Xft wants 1/1024ths of an inch */
        settings->scaled_dpi = dpi * settings->window_scale * 1024;
        cursor_size = g_settings_get_int (interface_settings, CURSOR_SIZE_KEY);
        settings->cursor_size = cursor_size * settings->window_scale;
        settings->cursor_theme = g_settings_get_string (interface_settings, CURSOR_THEME_KEY);
        settings->rgba = "rgb";
        settings->hintstyle = "hintfull";

        switch (hinting) {
                settings->hintstyle = "hintnone";
                settings->hintstyle = "hintslight";
                settings->hintstyle = "hintmedium";
                settings->hintstyle = "hintfull";

        switch (order) {
                settings->rgba = "rgba";
                settings->rgba = "rgb";
                settings->rgba = "bgr";
                settings->rgba = "vrgb";
                settings->rgba = "vbgr";

        switch (antialiasing) {
                settings->antialias = 0;
                settings->antialias = 1;
                settings->antialias = 1;
                use_rgba = TRUE;

        if (!use_rgba) {
                settings->rgba = "none";

static void
xft_settings_clear (GnomeXftSettings *settings)
        g_free (settings->cursor_theme);

static void
xft_settings_set_xsettings (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager,
                            GnomeXftSettings      *settings)
        gnome_settings_profile_start (NULL);

        xsettings_manager_set_int (manager->priv->manager, "Xft/Antialias", settings->antialias);
        xsettings_manager_set_int (manager->priv->manager, "Xft/Hinting", settings->hinting);
        xsettings_manager_set_string (manager->priv->manager, "Xft/HintStyle", settings->hintstyle);
        xsettings_manager_set_int (manager->priv->manager, "Gdk/WindowScalingFactor", settings->window_scale);
        xsettings_manager_set_int (manager->priv->manager, "Gdk/UnscaledDPI", settings->dpi);
        xsettings_manager_set_int (manager->priv->manager, "Xft/DPI", settings->scaled_dpi);
        xsettings_manager_set_string (manager->priv->manager, "Xft/RGBA", settings->rgba);
        xsettings_manager_set_int (manager->priv->manager, "Gtk/CursorThemeSize", settings->cursor_size);
        xsettings_manager_set_string (manager->priv->manager, "Gtk/CursorThemeName", settings->cursor_theme);

        gnome_settings_profile_end (NULL);

static void
update_property (GString *props, const gchar* key, const gchar* value)
        gchar* needle;
        size_t needle_len;
        gchar* found = NULL;

        /* update an existing property */
        needle = g_strconcat (key, ":", NULL);
        needle_len = strlen (needle);
        if (g_str_has_prefix (props->str, needle))
                found = props->str;
            found = strstr (props->str, needle);

        if (found) {
                size_t value_index;
                gchar* end;

                end = strchr (found, '\n');
                value_index = (found - props->str) + needle_len + 1;
                g_string_erase (props, value_index, end ? (end - found - needle_len) : -1);
                g_string_insert (props, value_index, "\n");
                g_string_insert (props, value_index, value);
        } else {
                g_string_append_printf (props, "%s:\t%s\n", key, value);

	g_free (needle);

static void
xft_settings_set_xresources (GnomeXftSettings *settings)
        GString    *add_string;
        char        dpibuf[G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE];
        Display    *dpy;

        gnome_settings_profile_start (NULL);

        /* get existing properties */
        dpy = XOpenDisplay (NULL);
        g_return_if_fail (dpy != NULL);
        add_string = g_string_new (XResourceManagerString (dpy));

        g_debug("xft_settings_set_xresources: orig res '%s'", add_string->str);

        update_property (add_string, "Xft.dpi",
                                g_ascii_dtostr (dpibuf, sizeof (dpibuf), (double) settings->scaled_dpi / 1024.0));
        update_property (add_string, "Xft.antialias",
                                settings->antialias ? "1" : "0");
        update_property (add_string, "Xft.hinting",
                                settings->hinting ? "1" : "0");
        update_property (add_string, "Xft.hintstyle",
        update_property (add_string, "Xft.rgba",
        update_property (add_string, "Xcursor.size",
                                g_ascii_dtostr (dpibuf, sizeof (dpibuf), (double) settings->cursor_size));
        update_property (add_string, "Xcursor.theme",

        g_debug("xft_settings_set_xresources: new res '%s'", add_string->str);

        /* Set the new X property */
        XChangeProperty(dpy, RootWindow (dpy, 0),
                        XA_RESOURCE_MANAGER, XA_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace, (const unsigned char *) add_string->str, add_string->len);
        XCloseDisplay (dpy);

        g_string_free (add_string, TRUE);

        gnome_settings_profile_end (NULL);

/* We mirror the Xft properties both through XSETTINGS and through
 * X resources
static void
update_xft_settings (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager)
        GnomeXftSettings settings;

        gnome_settings_profile_start (NULL);

        xft_settings_get (manager, &settings);
        xft_settings_set_xsettings (manager, &settings);
        xft_settings_set_xresources (&settings);
        xft_settings_clear (&settings);

        gnome_settings_profile_end (NULL);

static void
xft_callback (GSettings             *settings,
              const gchar           *key,
              GnomeXSettingsManager *manager)
        update_xft_settings (manager);
        queue_notify (manager);

static void
override_callback (GSettings             *settings,
                   const gchar           *key,
                   GnomeXSettingsManager *manager)
        GVariant *value;

        value = g_settings_get_value (settings, XSETTINGS_OVERRIDE_KEY);

        xsettings_manager_set_overrides (manager->priv->manager, value);
        queue_notify (manager);

        g_variant_unref (value);

static void
plugin_callback (GSettings             *settings,
                 const char            *key,
                 GnomeXSettingsManager *manager)
        if (g_str_equal (key, GTK_MODULES_DISABLED_KEY) ||
            g_str_equal (key, GTK_MODULES_ENABLED_KEY)) {
                /* Do nothing, as GsdXsettingsGtk will handle it */
        } else if (g_str_equal (key, XSETTINGS_OVERRIDE_KEY)) {
                override_callback (settings, key, manager);
        } else {
                xft_callback (settings, key, manager);

static void
gtk_modules_callback (GsdXSettingsGtk       *gtk,
                      GParamSpec            *spec,
                      GnomeXSettingsManager *manager)
        const char *modules = gsd_xsettings_gtk_get_modules (manager->priv->gtk);

        if (modules == NULL) {
                xsettings_manager_delete_setting (manager->priv->manager, "Gtk/Modules");
        } else {
                g_debug ("Setting GTK modules '%s'", modules);
                xsettings_manager_set_string (manager->priv->manager,

        queue_notify (manager);
        send_dbus_event (manager, GTK_SETTINGS_MODULES);

static void
fontconfig_callback (FcMonitor              *monitor,
                     GnomeXSettingsManager  *manager)
        gint64 timestamp = g_get_real_time ();
        gint timestamp_sec = (int)(timestamp / G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND);

        gnome_settings_profile_start (NULL);

        xsettings_manager_set_int (manager->priv->manager, "Fontconfig/Timestamp", timestamp_sec);

        manager->priv->fontconfig_timestamp = timestamp;

        queue_notify (manager);
        send_dbus_event (manager, GTK_SETTINGS_FONTCONFIG_TIMESTAMP);
        gnome_settings_profile_end (NULL);

static gboolean
start_fontconfig_monitor_idle_cb (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager)
        gnome_settings_profile_start (NULL);

        fc_monitor_start (manager->priv->fontconfig_monitor);

        gnome_settings_profile_end (NULL);

        manager->priv->start_idle_id = 0;

        return FALSE;

static void
start_fontconfig_monitor (GnomeXSettingsManager  *manager)
        gnome_settings_profile_start (NULL);

        manager->priv->fontconfig_monitor = fc_monitor_new ();
        g_signal_connect (manager->priv->fontconfig_monitor, "updated", G_CALLBACK (fontconfig_callback), manager);

        manager->priv->start_idle_id = g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) start_fontconfig_monitor_idle_cb, manager);
        g_source_set_name_by_id (manager->priv->start_idle_id, "[gnome-settings-daemon] start_fontconfig_monitor_idle_cb");

        gnome_settings_profile_end (NULL);

static void
process_value (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager,
               TranslationEntry      *trans,
               GVariant              *value)
        (* trans->translate) (manager, trans, value);

static TranslationEntry *
find_translation_entry (GSettings *settings, const char *key)
        guint i;
        char *schema;

        g_object_get (settings, "schema-id", &schema, NULL);

        if (g_str_equal (schema, CLASSIC_WM_SETTINGS_SCHEMA)) {
              g_free (schema);
              schema = g_strdup (WM_SETTINGS_SCHEMA);

        for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (translations); i++) {
                if (g_str_equal (schema, translations[i].gsettings_schema) &&
                    g_str_equal (key, translations[i].gsettings_key)) {
                            g_free (schema);
                        return &translations[i];

        g_free (schema);

        return NULL;

static void
xsettings_callback (GSettings             *settings,
                    const char            *key,
                    GnomeXSettingsManager *manager)
        TranslationEntry *trans;
        GVariant         *value;

        if (g_str_equal (key, TEXT_SCALING_FACTOR_KEY) ||
            g_str_equal (key, CURSOR_SIZE_KEY) ||
            g_str_equal (key, CURSOR_THEME_KEY)) {
        	xft_callback (NULL, key, manager);

        trans = find_translation_entry (settings, key);
        if (trans == NULL) {

        value = g_settings_get_value (settings, key);

        process_value (manager, trans, value);

        g_variant_unref (value);

        queue_notify (manager);

static void
terminate_cb (void *data)
        gboolean *terminated = data;

        if (*terminated) {

        *terminated = TRUE;
        g_warning ("X Settings Manager is terminating");
        gtk_main_quit ();

static gboolean
setup_xsettings_managers (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager)
        GdkDisplay *display;
        gboolean    res;
        gboolean    terminated;

        display = gdk_display_get_default ();

        res = xsettings_manager_check_running (gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay (display),
                                               gdk_screen_get_number (gdk_screen_get_default ()));

        if (res) {
                g_warning ("You can only run one xsettings manager at a time; exiting");
                return FALSE;

        terminated = FALSE;
        manager->priv->manager = xsettings_manager_new (gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay (display),
                                                        gdk_screen_get_number (gdk_screen_get_default ()),
        if (! manager->priv->manager) {
                g_warning ("Could not create xsettings manager!");
                return FALSE;

        return TRUE;

static void
force_disable_animation_changed (GObject    *gobject,
                                 GParamSpec *pspec,
                                 GnomeXSettingsManager *manager)
        gboolean force_disable, value;

        g_object_get (gobject, "force-disable-animations", &force_disable, NULL);
        if (force_disable)
                value = FALSE;
        else {
                GSettings *settings;

                settings = g_hash_table_lookup (manager->priv->settings, "org.gnome.desktop.interface");
                value = g_settings_get_boolean (settings, "enable-animations");

        manager->priv->enable_animations = value;
        xsettings_manager_set_int (manager->priv->manager, "Gtk/EnableAnimations", value);

        queue_notify (manager);
        send_dbus_event (manager, GTK_SETTINGS_ENABLE_ANIMATIONS);

static void
enable_animations_changed_cb (GSettings             *settings,
                              gchar                 *key,
                              GnomeXSettingsManager *manager)
        force_disable_animation_changed (G_OBJECT (manager->priv->remote_display), NULL, manager);

static void
monitors_changed (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager)
        update_xft_settings (manager);
        queue_notify (manager);

static void
on_monitors_changed (GDBusConnection *connection,
                     const gchar     *sender_name,
                     const gchar     *object_path,
                     const gchar     *interface_name,
                     const gchar     *signal_name,
                     GVariant        *parameters,
                     gpointer         data)
        GnomeXSettingsManager *manager = data;
        monitors_changed (manager);

static void
on_display_config_name_appeared_handler (GDBusConnection *connection,
                                         const gchar     *name,
                                         const gchar     *name_owner,
                                         gpointer         data)
        GnomeXSettingsManager *manager = data;
        monitors_changed (manager);

gnome_xsettings_manager_start (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager,
                               GError               **error)
        GVariant    *overrides;
        guint        i;
        GList       *list, *l;
        const char  *session;

        g_debug ("Starting xsettings manager");
        gnome_settings_profile_start (NULL);

        if (!setup_xsettings_managers (manager)) {
                g_set_error (error, GSD_XSETTINGS_ERROR,
                             "Could not initialize xsettings manager.");
                return FALSE;

        manager->priv->remote_display = gsd_remote_display_manager_new ();
        g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (manager->priv->remote_display), "notify::force-disable-animations",
                          G_CALLBACK (force_disable_animation_changed), manager);

        manager->priv->monitors_changed_id =
                g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe (manager->priv->dbus_connection,
        manager->priv->display_config_watch_id =
                g_bus_watch_name_on_connection (manager->priv->dbus_connection,

        manager->priv->settings = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
                                                         NULL, (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref);

        g_hash_table_insert (manager->priv->settings,
                             MOUSE_SETTINGS_SCHEMA, g_settings_new (MOUSE_SETTINGS_SCHEMA));
        g_hash_table_insert (manager->priv->settings,
                             BACKGROUND_SETTINGS_SCHEMA, g_settings_new (BACKGROUND_SETTINGS_SCHEMA));
        g_hash_table_insert (manager->priv->settings,
                             INTERFACE_SETTINGS_SCHEMA, g_settings_new (INTERFACE_SETTINGS_SCHEMA));
        g_hash_table_insert (manager->priv->settings,
                             SOUND_SETTINGS_SCHEMA, g_settings_new (SOUND_SETTINGS_SCHEMA));
        g_hash_table_insert (manager->priv->settings,
                             PRIVACY_SETTINGS_SCHEMA, g_settings_new (PRIVACY_SETTINGS_SCHEMA));
        g_hash_table_insert (manager->priv->settings,
                             WM_SETTINGS_SCHEMA, g_settings_new (WM_SETTINGS_SCHEMA));
        g_hash_table_insert (manager->priv->settings,
                             A11Y_SCHEMA, g_settings_new (A11Y_SCHEMA));

        session = g_getenv ("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP");
        if (session && strstr (session, "GNOME-Classic")) {
                GSettingsSchema *schema;

                schema = g_settings_schema_source_lookup (g_settings_schema_source_get_default (),
                                                  CLASSIC_WM_SETTINGS_SCHEMA, FALSE);
                if (schema) {
                        g_hash_table_insert (manager->priv->settings,
                                             g_settings_new_full (schema, NULL, NULL));
                        g_settings_schema_unref (schema);

        g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (g_hash_table_lookup (manager->priv->settings, INTERFACE_SETTINGS_SCHEMA)), "changed::enable-animations",
                          G_CALLBACK (enable_animations_changed_cb), manager);

        for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (fixed_entries); i++) {
                FixedEntry *fixed = &fixed_entries[i];
                (* fixed->func) (manager, fixed);

        list = g_hash_table_get_values (manager->priv->settings);
        for (l = list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
                g_signal_connect_object (G_OBJECT (l->data), "changed", G_CALLBACK (xsettings_callback), manager, 0);
        g_list_free (list);

        for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (translations); i++) {
                GVariant *val;
                GSettings *settings;

                settings = g_hash_table_lookup (manager->priv->settings,
                if (settings == NULL) {
                        g_warning ("Schemas '%s' has not been setup", translations[i].gsettings_schema);

                val = g_settings_get_value (settings, translations[i].gsettings_key);

                process_value (manager, &translations[i], val);
                g_variant_unref (val);

        /* Plugin settings (GTK modules and Xft) */
        manager->priv->plugin_settings = g_settings_new (XSETTINGS_PLUGIN_SCHEMA);
        g_signal_connect_object (manager->priv->plugin_settings, "changed", G_CALLBACK (plugin_callback), manager, 0);

        manager->priv->gtk = gsd_xsettings_gtk_new ();
        g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (manager->priv->gtk), "notify::gtk-modules",
                          G_CALLBACK (gtk_modules_callback), manager);
        gtk_modules_callback (manager->priv->gtk, NULL, manager);

        /* Animation settings */
        force_disable_animation_changed (G_OBJECT (manager->priv->remote_display), NULL, manager);

        /* Xft settings */
        update_xft_settings (manager);

        register_manager_dbus (manager);

        start_fontconfig_monitor (manager);

        overrides = g_settings_get_value (manager->priv->plugin_settings, XSETTINGS_OVERRIDE_KEY);
        xsettings_manager_set_overrides (manager->priv->manager, overrides);
        queue_notify (manager);
        g_variant_unref (overrides);

        gnome_settings_profile_end (NULL);

        return TRUE;

gnome_xsettings_manager_stop (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager)
        GnomeXSettingsManagerPrivate *p = manager->priv;

        g_debug ("Stopping xsettings manager");

        g_clear_object (&manager->priv->remote_display);

        if (p->monitors_changed_id) {
                g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe (p->dbus_connection,
                p->monitors_changed_id = 0;

        if (p->display_config_watch_id) {
                g_bus_unwatch_name (p->display_config_watch_id);
                p->display_config_watch_id = 0;

        if (p->shell_name_watch_id > 0) {
                g_bus_unwatch_name (p->shell_name_watch_id);
                p->shell_name_watch_id = 0;

        if (p->manager != NULL) {
                xsettings_manager_destroy (p->manager);
                p->manager = NULL;

        if (p->plugin_settings != NULL) {
                g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_data (p->plugin_settings, manager);
                g_object_unref (p->plugin_settings);
                p->plugin_settings = NULL;

        if (p->gtk_settings_name_id > 0) {
                g_bus_unown_name (p->gtk_settings_name_id);
                p->gtk_settings_name_id = 0;

        if (p->fontconfig_monitor != NULL) {
                g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_data (p->fontconfig_monitor, manager);
                fc_monitor_stop (p->fontconfig_monitor);
                g_object_unref (p->fontconfig_monitor);
                p->fontconfig_monitor = NULL;

        if (p->settings != NULL) {
                g_hash_table_destroy (p->settings);
                p->settings = NULL;

        if (p->gtk != NULL) {
                g_object_unref (p->gtk);
                p->gtk = NULL;

static void
gnome_xsettings_manager_class_init (GnomeXSettingsManagerClass *klass)
        GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);

        object_class->finalize = gnome_xsettings_manager_finalize;

        g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (GnomeXSettingsManagerPrivate));

static void
gnome_xsettings_manager_init (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager)
        GError *error = NULL;

        manager->priv = GNOME_XSETTINGS_MANAGER_GET_PRIVATE (manager);

        manager->priv->dbus_connection = g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION,
                                                         NULL, &error);
        if (!manager->priv->dbus_connection)
                g_error ("Failed to get session bus: %s", error->message);

static void
gnome_xsettings_manager_finalize (GObject *object)
        GnomeXSettingsManager *xsettings_manager;

        g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
        g_return_if_fail (GNOME_IS_XSETTINGS_MANAGER (object));

        xsettings_manager = GNOME_XSETTINGS_MANAGER (object);

        g_return_if_fail (xsettings_manager->priv != NULL);

        gnome_xsettings_manager_stop (xsettings_manager);

        if (xsettings_manager->priv->start_idle_id != 0)
                g_source_remove (xsettings_manager->priv->start_idle_id);

        g_clear_object (&xsettings_manager->priv->dbus_connection);

        G_OBJECT_CLASS (gnome_xsettings_manager_parent_class)->finalize (object);

static GVariant *
handle_get_property (GDBusConnection *connection,
                     const gchar *sender,
                     const gchar *object_path,
                     const gchar *interface_name,
                     const gchar *property_name,
                     GError **error,
                     gpointer user_data)
        GnomeXSettingsManager *manager = user_data;

        if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "FontconfigTimestamp") == 0) {
                return g_variant_new_int64 (manager->priv->fontconfig_timestamp);
        } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "Modules") == 0) {
                const char *modules = gsd_xsettings_gtk_get_modules (manager->priv->gtk);
                return g_variant_new_string (modules ? modules : "");
        } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "EnableAnimations") == 0) {
                return g_variant_new_boolean (manager->priv->enable_animations);
        } else {
                g_set_error (error, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_FAILED,
                             "No such interface: %s", interface_name);
                return NULL;

static const GDBusInterfaceVTable interface_vtable =

static void
register_manager_dbus (GnomeXSettingsManager *manager)
        g_assert (manager->priv->dbus_connection != NULL);

        manager->priv->introspection_data = g_dbus_node_info_new_for_xml (introspection_xml, NULL);
        g_assert (manager->priv->introspection_data != NULL);

        g_dbus_connection_register_object (manager->priv->dbus_connection,

        manager->priv->gtk_settings_name_id = g_bus_own_name_on_connection (manager->priv->dbus_connection,
                                                                            NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

GnomeXSettingsManager *
gnome_xsettings_manager_new (void)
        if (manager_object != NULL) {
                g_object_ref (manager_object);
        } else {
                manager_object = g_object_new (GNOME_TYPE_XSETTINGS_MANAGER, NULL);
                g_object_add_weak_pointer (manager_object,
                                           (gpointer *) &manager_object);

        return GNOME_XSETTINGS_MANAGER (manager_object);