Blob Blame History Raw
/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */
 * Copyright © 2011 – 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License along with this library; if not, see <>.

#error "Only <goabackend/goabackend.h> can be included directly."


#include <gio/gio.h>
#include <goabackend/goaoauth2provider.h>
#include <goabackend/goaprovider-priv.h>
#include <webkit2/webkit2.h>
#include <webkitdom/webkitdom.h>


 * GoaOAuth2Provider:
 * The #GoaOAuth2Provider structure contains only private data and should
 * only be accessed using the provided API.

 * GoaOAuth2ProviderClass:
 * @parent_class: The parent class.
 * @get_authorization_uri: Virtual function for goa_oauth2_provider_get_authorization_uri().
 * @get_token_uri: Virtual function for goa_oauth2_provider_get_token_uri().
 * @get_redirect_uri: Virtual function for goa_oauth2_provider_get_redirect_uri().
 * @get_scope: Virtual function for goa_oauth2_provider_get_scope().
 * @get_client_id: Virtual function for goa_oauth2_provider_get_client_id().
 * @get_client_secret: Virtual function for goa_oauth2_provider_get_client_secret().
 * @get_identity_sync: Virtual function for goa_oauth2_provider_get_identity_sync().
 * @build_authorization_uri: Virtual function for goa_oauth2_provider_build_authorization_uri().
 * @get_use_mobile_browser: Virtual function for goa_oauth2_provider_get_use_mobile_browser().
 * @add_account_key_values: Virtual function for goa_oauth2_provider_add_account_key_values().
 * @decide_navigation_policy: Virtual function for goa_oauth2_provider_decide_navigation_policy().
 * @process_redirect_url: Virtual function for goa_oauth2_provider_process_redirect_url().
 * @is_deny_node: Virtual function for goa_oauth2_provider_is_deny_node().
 * @is_identity_node: Virtual function for goa_oauth2_provider_is_identity_node().
 * @is_password_node: Virtual function for goa_oauth2_provider_is_password_node().
 * Class structure for #GoaOAuth2Provider.
struct _GoaOAuth2ProviderClass
  GoaProviderClass parent_class;

  /* pure virtual */
  const gchar *(*get_authorization_uri)        (GoaOAuth2Provider            *provider);
  const gchar *(*get_redirect_uri)             (GoaOAuth2Provider            *provider);
  const gchar *(*get_client_id)                (GoaOAuth2Provider            *provider);
  const gchar *(*get_client_secret)            (GoaOAuth2Provider            *provider);
  gchar       *(*get_identity_sync)            (GoaOAuth2Provider            *provider,
                                                const gchar                  *access_token,
                                                gchar                       **out_presentation_identity,
                                                GCancellable                 *cancellable,
                                                GError                      **error);

  /* virtual but with default implementation */
  gchar       *(*build_authorization_uri)      (GoaOAuth2Provider            *provider,
                                                const gchar                  *authorization_uri,
                                                const gchar                  *escaped_redirect_uri,
                                                const gchar                  *escaped_client_id,
                                                const gchar                  *escaped_scope);
  const gchar *(*get_token_uri)                (GoaOAuth2Provider            *provider);
  const gchar *(*get_scope)                    (GoaOAuth2Provider            *provider);
  gboolean     (*get_use_mobile_browser)       (GoaOAuth2Provider            *provider);
  void         (*add_account_key_values)       (GoaOAuth2Provider            *provider,
                                                GVariantBuilder              *builder);

  /* pure virtual */
  gboolean     (*is_identity_node)             (GoaOAuth2Provider            *provider,
                                                WebKitDOMHTMLInputElement    *element);

  /* virtual but with default implementation */
  gboolean     (*is_deny_node)                 (GoaOAuth2Provider            *provider,
                                                WebKitDOMNode                *node);
  gboolean     (*is_password_node)             (GoaOAuth2Provider            *provider,
                                                WebKitDOMHTMLInputElement    *element);
  gboolean     (*decide_navigation_policy)     (GoaOAuth2Provider              *provider,
                                                WebKitWebView                  *web_view,
                                                WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision *decision);
  gboolean     (*process_redirect_url)         (GoaOAuth2Provider            *provider,
                                                const gchar                  *redirect_url,
                                                gchar                       **access_token,
                                                GError                      **error);


#endif /* __GOA_OAUTH2_PROVIDER_PRIV_H__ */