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<page xmlns=""
      type="guide" style="task" id="getting-started" version="1.0 if/1.0">

    <link type="guide" xref="index" group="#gs"/>
    <include href="gs-legal.xml" xmlns=""/>
    <desc>New to GNOME? Learn how to get around.</desc>
    <title type='link'>Getting Started with GNOME</title>
    <title type='text'>Getting Started</title>

<title>Getting Started</title>

<if:when test="!platform:gnome-classic">

  <ui:overlay width="235" height="145">
  <media type="video" its:translate="no" src="figures/gnome-launching-applications.webm"
   width="700" height="394">
    <ui:thumb type="image" mime="image/svg" src="gs-thumb-launching-apps.svg">
      <ui:caption its:translate="yes"><desc style="center">Launch applications</desc></ui:caption>
      <tt:tt its:translate="yes" xmlns:tt="">
         <tt:div begin="1s" end="5s">
           <tt:p>Launching Applications</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="5s" end="7.5s">
           <tt:p>Move your mouse pointer to the <gui>Activities</gui> corner at
            the top left of the screen.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="7.5s" end="9.5s">
           <tt:p>Click the <gui>Show Applications</gui> icon.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="9.5s" end="11s">
           <tt:p>Click the application you want to run, for example,
         <tt:div begin="12s" end="21s">
           <tt:p>Alternatively, use the keyboard to open the <gui>Activities
            Overview</gui> by pressing the
            <key href="help:gnome-help/keyboard-key-super">Super</key> key.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="22s" end="29s">
           <tt:p>Start typing the name of the application you want to launch.
         <tt:div begin="30s" end="33s">
           <tt:p>Press <key>Enter</key> to launch the application.</tt:p>

<if:when test="platform:gnome-classic">

  <ui:overlay width="235" height="145">
  <media type="video" its:translate="no" src="figures/gnome-windows-and-workspaces.webm" width="700" height="394">
    <ui:thumb type="image" mime="image/svg" src="gs-thumb-windows-and-workspaces.svg">
          <ui:caption its:translate="yes"><desc style="center">Use windows and workspaces</desc></ui:caption>
      <tt:tt its:translate="yes" xmlns:tt="">
         <tt:div begin="1s" end="5s">
           <tt:p>Windows and Workspaces</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="6s" end="10s">
           <tt:p>To maximize a window, grab the window’s titlebar and drag it to
            the top of the screen.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="10s" end="13s">
           <tt:p>When the screen is highlighted, release the window.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="14s" end="20s">
           <tt:p>To unmaximize a window, grab the window’s titlebar and drag it
            away from the edges of the screen.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="25s" end="29s">
           <tt:p>You can also click the top bar to drag the window away and
            unmaximize it.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="34s" end="38s">
           <tt:p>To maximize a window along the left side of the screen, grab
            the window’s titlebar and drag it to the left.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="38s" end="40s">
           <tt:p>When half of the screen is highlighted, release the window.
         <tt:div begin="41s" end="44s">
           <tt:p>To maximize a window along the right side of the screen, grab
            the window’s titlebar and drag it to the right.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="44s" end="48s">
           <tt:p>When half of the screen is highlighted, release the window.
         <tt:div begin="54s" end="60s">
           <tt:p>To maximize a window using the keyboard, hold down the
            <key href="help:gnome-help/keyboard-key-super">Super</key> key and
            press <key>&#8593;</key>.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="61s" end="66s">
           <tt:p>To restore the window to its unmaximized size, hold down the
            <key href="help:gnome-help/keyboard-key-super">Super</key> key and
            press <key>&#8595;</key>.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="66s" end="73s">
           <tt:p>To maximize a window along the right side of the screen, hold
            down the <key href="help:gnome-help/keyboard-key-super">Super</key>
            key and press <key>&#8594;</key>.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="76s" end="82s">
           <tt:p>To maximize a window along the left side of the screen, hold
            down the <key href="help:gnome-help/keyboard-key-super">Super</key>
            key and press <key>&#8592;</key>.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="83s" end="89s">
           <tt:p>To move to a workspace which is below the current workspace,
            press <keyseq><key href="help:gnome-help/keyboard-key-super">Super
            </key><key>Page Down</key></keyseq>.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="90s" end="97s">
           <tt:p>To move to a workspace which is above the current workspace,
            press <keyseq><key href="help:gnome-help/keyboard-key-super">Super
            </key><key>Page Up</key></keyseq>.</tt:p>


  <ui:overlay width="235" height="145">
  <media type="video" its:translate="no" src="figures/gnome-task-switching.webm" width="700"
    <ui:thumb type="image" mime="image/svg" src="gs-thumb-task-switching.svg">
        <ui:caption its:translate="yes"><desc style="center">Switch tasks</desc></ui:caption>
      <tt:tt its:translate="yes" xmlns:tt="">
         <tt:div begin="1s" end="5s">
           <tt:p>Switching Tasks</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="5s" end="8s">
           <tt:p if:test="!platform:gnome-classic">Move your mouse pointer
            to the <gui>Activities</gui> corner at the top left of the
         <tt:div begin="9s" end="12s">
           <tt:p>Click a window to switch to that task.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="12s" end="14s">
           <tt:p>To maximize a window along the left side of the screen, grab
            the window’s titlebar and drag it to the left.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="14s" end="16s">
           <tt:p>When half of the screen is highlighted, release the window.
         <tt:div begin="16s" end="18">
           <tt:p>To maximize a window along the right side, grab the window’s
            titlebar and drag it to the right.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="18s" end="20s">
           <tt:p>When half of the screen is highlighted, release the window.
         <tt:div begin="23s" end="27s">
           <tt:p>Press <keyseq>
           <key href="help:gnome-help/keyboard-key-super">Super</key><key>
           Tab</key></keyseq> to show the <gui>window switcher</gui>.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="27s" end="29s">
           <tt:p>Release <key href="help:gnome-help/keyboard-key-super">Super
           </key> to select the next highlighted window.
         <tt:div begin="29s" end="32s">
           <tt:p>To cycle through the list of open windows, do not release
           <key href="help:gnome-help/keyboard-key-super">Super</key> but hold
           it down, and press <key>Tab</key>.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="35s" end="37s">
           <tt:p>Press the <key href="help:gnome-help/keyboard-key-super">Super
           </key> key to show the <gui>Activities Overview</gui>.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="37s" end="40s">
           <tt:p>Start typing the name of the application you want to switch to.
         <tt:div begin="40s" end="43s">
           <tt:p>When the application appears as the first result, press <key>
           Enter</key> to switch to it.</tt:p>

<if:when test="!platform:gnome-classic">

  <ui:overlay width="235" height="145">
  <media type="video" its:translate="no" src="figures/gnome-windows-and-workspaces.webm" width="700" height="394">
    <ui:thumb type="image" mime="image/svg" src="gs-thumb-windows-and-workspaces.svg">
          <ui:caption its:translate="yes"><desc style="center">Use windows and workspaces</desc></ui:caption>
      <tt:tt its:translate="yes" xmlns:tt="">
         <tt:div begin="1s" end="5s">
           <tt:p>Windows and Workspaces</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="6s" end="10s">
           <tt:p>To maximize a window, grab the window’s titlebar and drag it to
            the top of the screen.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="10s" end="13s">
           <tt:p>When the screen is highlighted, release the window.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="14s" end="20s">
           <tt:p>To unmaximize a window, grab the window’s titlebar and drag it
            away from the edges of the screen.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="25s" end="29s">
           <tt:p>You can also click the top bar to drag the window away and
            unmaximize it.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="34s" end="38s">
           <tt:p>To maximize a window along the left side of the screen, grab
            the window’s titlebar and drag it to the left.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="38s" end="40s">
           <tt:p>When half of the screen is highlighted, release the window.
         <tt:div begin="41s" end="44s">
           <tt:p>To maximize a window along the right side of the screen, grab
            the window’s titlebar and drag it to the right.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="44s" end="48s">
           <tt:p>When half of the screen is highlighted, release the window.
         <tt:div begin="54s" end="60s">
           <tt:p>To maximize a window using the keyboard, hold down the
            <key href="help:gnome-help/keyboard-key-super">Super</key> key and
            press <key>&#8593;</key>.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="61s" end="66s">
           <tt:p>To restore the window to its unmaximized size, hold down the
            <key href="help:gnome-help/keyboard-key-super">Super</key> key and
            press <key>&#8595;</key>.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="66s" end="73s">
           <tt:p>To maximize a window along the right side of the screen, hold
            down the <key href="help:gnome-help/keyboard-key-super">Super</key>
            key and press <key>&#8594;</key>.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="76s" end="82s">
           <tt:p>To maximize a window along the left side of the screen, hold
            down the <key href="help:gnome-help/keyboard-key-super">Super</key>
            key and press <key>&#8592;</key>.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="83s" end="89s">
           <tt:p>To move to a workspace which is below the current workspace,
            press <keyseq><key href="help:gnome-help/keyboard-key-super">Super
            </key><key>Page Down</key></keyseq>.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="90s" end="97s">
           <tt:p>To move to a workspace which is above the current workspace,
            press <keyseq><key href="help:gnome-help/keyboard-key-super">Super
            </key><key>Page Up</key></keyseq>.</tt:p>

<if:when test="platform:gnome-classic">

  <ui:overlay width="235" height="145">
  <media type="video" its:translate="no" src="figures/gnome-change-wallpaper.webm" width="700" height="394">
    <ui:thumb type="image" mime="image/svg" src="gs-thumb-changing-wallpaper.svg">
      <ui:caption its:translate="yes"><desc style="center">Change wallpaper</desc></ui:caption>
      <tt:tt its:translate="yes" xmlns:tt="">
         <tt:div begin="1s" end="5s">
           <tt:p>Changing Wallpaper</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="6s" end="9s">
           <tt:p>Click the system menu on the right side of the top bar and press
           the settings button.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="10s" end="12s">
           <tt:p>Select <gui>Background</gui>.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="12s" end="13s">
           <tt:p>Click the current background image.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="13s" end="16s">
           <tt:p>Click the background image you want to use.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="16s" end="18s">
           <tt:p>Click the <gui>Select</gui> button.</tt:p>
         <tt:div begin="18s" end="21s">
           <tt:p>Close the <gui>Background</gui> window.</tt:p>


<links type="topic" style="grid" groups="tasks">
<title style="heading">Common Tasks</title>

<links type="guide" style="heading nodesc">
