Blob Blame History Raw
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<page xmlns="" xmlns:its="" xmlns:ui="" type="guide" id="c" xml:lang="gl">

    <!-- The text title is used on the -->
    <title type="link">C</title>
    <link type="guide" xref="index#tutorials"/>
    <revision version="3.4" date="2012-04-28" status="stub"/>

    <credit type="editor">
      <name>Tiffany Antopolski</name>
      <email its:translate="no"></email>
    <credit type="editor">
      <name>Bastian Ilso</name>
      <email its:translate="no"></email>

    <include xmlns="" href="legal.xml"/>

    <desc>Tutorials and code samples in C.</desc>
    <mal:credit xmlns:mal="" type="translator copyright">
      <mal:name>Fran Dieguez</mal:name>

  <title>Platform Demos in C</title>

  <section id="prerequisites">


    <p>To compile these platform demos you will need a C compiler, for example
    <link href="">gcc</link>.
    You will also need GTK+ 3 including headers and pkg-config files.
    Linux distributions usually abstract GTK+ 3 headers and pkg-config files
    into separate packages called <em>gtk3-devel</em>, <em>gtk3-dev</em>
    or similar.</p>


  <section id="for-beginners" ui:expanded="false">

    <title>Guidelines for new developers</title>

    <p>Beyond the prerequisites mentioned above, several tools has been
    developed to assist you further in developing your GNOME application.
    GNOME also recommends a specific coding style and conventions which this
    section will elaborate further upon.</p>

    <section id="recommended-tools">
      <title>Recommended tools</title>

          <p><link href="">DevHelp</link>:
            An API documentation browser for GNOME.</p>
          <p>A GNOME IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
          An IDE can assist you in writing and debugging C code,
          for example <link href="">Builder</link>
          or <link href="">Anjuta</link>.</p>
          <p><link href="">Glade</link>:
          A user interface designer for GTK+ Applications.</p>
          <p>An IRC Client, for example
          <link href="">Polari</link> or
          <link href="">Empathy</link>.
          If you run into problems while following the beginner tutorials,
          join #gnome on <em></em>.</p>

    <section id="coding-style">
      <title>Coding Style</title>

      <p>Most applications in the GNOME project is written in the
      <link href="">GNU style</link>
      of indentation. The tutorials and code examples presented are following
      this convention and you are recommended to do so too.</p>

    <section id="executing-code">
      <title>Executing Code</title>

      <p>Para executar os exemplos de código</p>

          <p>Copie e pegue o código en <var>nomedeficheiro</var>.c</p>
          <p>Escriba no terminal</p>
          <screen>gcc <var>filename</var>.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-3.0` -o <var>filename</var></screen>

        <p>For more information about compiling GTK+ programs see
        <link href="">Compiling GTK+ Applications on UNIX</link>.</p>


  <section id="examples">

<section id="samples">
<title>Widget Code Examples</title>
 <section id="windows" style="2column"><title>Xanelas</title>
  <section id="display-widgets" style="2column"><title>Widgets de visualización</title>
  <section id="buttons" style="2column"><title>Botóns e casillas</title>
  <section id="entry" style="2column"><title>Entrada de datos numérica e de texto</title>
  <section id="multiline" style="2column"><title>Editor de texto multiliña</title>
  <section id="menu-combo-toolbar" style="2column"><title>Widgets de menú, caixa combinada e barra de ferramentas</title>
  <section id="treeview" style="2column"><title>Widget TreeView</title>
  <section id="selectors"><title>Selectores</title>
    <section id="file-selectors" style="2column"><title>Selectores de ficheiros</title>
    <section id="font-selectors" style="2column"><title>Selectores de tipos de letra</title>
    <section id="color-selectors" style="2column"><title>Selectores de color</title>
  <section id="layout" style="2column"><title>Contedores da distribución</title>
  <section id="ornaments" style="2column"><title>Adornos</title>
  <section id="scrolling" style="2column"><title>Desprazamento</title>
  <section id="misc" style="2column"><title>Varios</title>

