Blob Blame History Raw
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<page xmlns="" xmlns:its="" xmlns:xi="" type="guide" style="task" id="fontchooserwidget.js" xml:lang="es">
    <title type="text">FontChooserWidget (JavaScript)</title>
    <link type="guide" xref="beginner.js#font-selectors"/>
    <revision version="0.2" date="2013-06-25" status="review"/>

    <credit type="author copyright">
      <name>Meg Ford</name>
      <email its:translate="no"></email>

    <desc>Un widget para elegir la tipografía</desc>
    <mal:credit xmlns:mal="" type="translator copyright">
      <mal:name>Daniel Mustieles</mal:name>
      <mal:years>2011 - 2017</mal:years>
    <mal:credit xmlns:mal="" type="translator copyright">
      <mal:name>Nicolás Satragno</mal:name>
      <mal:years>2012 - 2013</mal:years>
    <mal:credit xmlns:mal="" type="translator copyright">
      <mal:name>Jorge González</mal:name>


  <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="media/fontchooserwidget.png"/>
  <p>Un FontChooserWidget con una función de retorno de llamada.</p>

  <links type="section"/>

  <section id="code">
    <title>Código usado para generar este ejemplo</title>
    <code mime="application/javascript" style="numbered">//!/usr/bin/gjs = '3.0';
const Gtk =;

class FontChooserWidgetExample {

    // Create the application itthis
    constructor() {
        this.application = new Gtk.Application({ application_id: 'org.example.fontchooserwidget' });

        // Connect 'activate' and 'startup' signals to the callback functions
        this.application.connect('activate', this._onActivate.bind(this));
        this.application.connect('startup', this._onStartup.bind(this));

    // Callback function for 'activate' signal presents windows when active
    _onActivate() {

    // Callback function for 'startup' signal builds the UI
    _onStartup() {

    // Build the application's UI
    _buildUI() {
        // Create the application window
        this.window = new Gtk.ApplicationWindow  ({ application: this.application,
                                                    window_position: Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER,
                                                    title: "FontChooserWidget",
                                                    default_width: 200,
                                                    default_height: 200,
                                                    border_width: 10 });

        this.fontChooser = new Gtk.FontChooserWidget();
        // a default font
        // a text to preview the font
        this.fontChooser.set_preview_text("This is an example of preview text!");

        // connect signal from the font chooser to the callback function
        this.fontChooser.connect("notify::font", this._fontCb.bind(this));

        // add the font chooser to the window

     // callback function:
     _fontCb() {
        // print in the terminal
        print("You chose the font " + this.fontChooser.get_font());

// Run the application
let app = new FontChooserWidgetExample(); (ARGV);

  <section id="references">
    <title>Referencias de la API</title>
    <p>En este ejemplo se usa lo siguiente:</p>
      <item><p><link href="">GtkFontChooserWidget</link></p></item>