Blob Blame History Raw
public class MyWindow : Gtk.ApplicationWindow {

	/* Callback functions for the window actions. */
	void copy_cb (SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) {
		print ("\"Copy\" activated\n");

	void paste_cb (SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) {
		print ("\"Paste\" activated\n");

	void shape_cb (SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) {
		print ("shape is set to %s\n", parameter.get_string(null));
		action.set_state (parameter);

	/* Create the window actions. */
	const ActionEntry[] actions = {
		/*{ "action name", cb to connect to "activate" signal, parameter type,
		     initial state, cb to connect to "change-state" signal } */
		{ "copy", copy_cb },
		{ "paste", paste_cb },
		{ "shape", shape_cb, "s", "'line'"}

	internal MyWindow (MyApplication app) {
		Object (application: app, title: "MenuBar Example");
		this.set_default_size (200, 200);

		/* Setup window actions. */
		this.add_action_entries (actions, this);

class MyApplication: Gtk.Application {
	protected override void activate () {
		new MyWindow (this).show ();

	/* Callback functions for the application actions. */
	void new_cb (SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) {
		//new MyWindow (this).show ();
		print ("You clicked \"New\"\n");

	void quit_cb (SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) {
		print ("You clicked \"Quit\"\n");
		this.quit ();

	void awesome_cb (SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) {
		var active = action.get_state ().get_boolean ();
		action.set_state (new Variant.boolean (!active));
		if (active)
			print ("You unchecked \"Awesome\"\n");
			print ("You checked \"Awesome\"\n");

	void state_cb (SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) {
		print ("state is set to %s\n", parameter.get_string(null));
		action.set_state (parameter);

	/* Create the application actions. */
	const ActionEntry[] actions = {
		{ "new", new_cb },
		{ "quit", quit_cb },
		{ "awesome", awesome_cb, null, "false" },
		{ "state", state_cb, "s", "'off'" }

	protected override void startup () {
		base.startup ();

		/* Setup application actions. */
		this.add_action_entries (actions, this);

		/* Setup menubar and app_menu. */
		/* Get the UI file. */
		var builder = new Gtk.Builder ();
		try {
			builder.add_from_file ("menubar.ui");
		} catch (Error e) {
			error ("Unable to load file: %s", e.message);

		/* Get the menubar from the builder. */
		this.menubar = builder.get_object ("menubar") as MenuModel;

		/* Get the app_menu from the builder. */
		this.app_menu = builder.get_object ("appmenu") as MenuModel;

/* main creates and runs the application. */
public int main (string[] args) {
	return new MyApplication ().run (args);