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<page xmlns=""
      type="guide" style="task"
    <title type="text">Image (Python)</title>
    <link type="guide" xref=""/>
    <link type="seealso" xref="" />
    <link type="next" xref=""/>
    <revision version="0.2" date="2012-06-14" status="draft"/>

    <credit type="author copyright">
      <name>Marta Maria Casetti</name>
      <email its:translate="no"></email>
    <credit type="editor">
      <name>Sindhu S</name>
      <email its:translate="no"></email>

    <desc>A widget displaying an image</desc>

  <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="media/image.png"/>
  <p>This GtkApplication displays an image file from the current directory.</p>

    If the image file is not loaded successfully, the image will contain a
    "broken image" icon. <file>filename.png</file> needs to be in the
    current directory for this code to work.

  <links type="section"/>

  <section id="code">
  <title>Code used to generate this example</title>

  <code mime="text/x-python" style="numbered">
  <xi:include href="samples/" parse="text"><xi:fallback/></xi:include>

  <p>Another way to obtain what we have in the example is to create the image as
  an instance of another class and add it to the instance of
  <code>MyWindow</code> in the <code>do_activate(self)</code> method:</p>

  <code mime="text/x-python">
    # a class to create a window
    class MyWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
    def __init__(self, app):
        Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title="Welcome to GNOME", application=app)
        self.set_default_size(300, 300)

    # a class to create an image
    class MyImage(Gtk.Image):
    def __init__(self):

    class MyApplication(Gtk.Application):
    def __init__(self):

    def do_activate(self):
        # create an instance of MyWindow
        win = MyWindow(self)
        # create an instance of MyImage and add it to the window
        # show the window and everything on it

    <p>To use this code snippet, you will need to add the code that imports
    <code>Gtk</code> and <code>GdkPixbuf</code> from <code>gi.repository</code>
    and lines that instantiate the <code>MyApplication</code> window.</p>

  <section id="methods">
  <title>Useful methods for an Image widget</title>

      <p>To load an image over a network use
      <code>set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf)</code>, where <code>pixbuf</code> is a
      <link href="">
      <code mime="text/python">
        from gi.repository import Gtk
        from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf
        import sys

        class MyWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
            # create a window
            def __init__(self, app):
                Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title="Welcome to GNOME", application=app)
                self.set_default_size(300, 300)

                # create a pixbuf from file filename="gnome-image.png", with width=32
                # and height=64 amd boolean preserve_aspect_ratio=False.
                pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_scale("gnome-image.png", 64, 128, False)

                # create an image
                image = Gtk.Image()
                # set the content of the image as the pixbuf
                # add the image to the window
        <p>If <code>preserve_aspect_ratio=True</code> we can use
        <code>new_from_file_at_size(filename, width, height)</code>. If
        <code>width</code> or <code>height</code> is <code>-1</code>, it is
        not constrained.</p>
        <p>For loading from an input stream, see <code>new_from_stream()</code>
        and <code>new_from_stream_at_scale()</code> in the documentation.</p>

  <section id="references">
    <title>API References</title>

    <p>In this sample we used the following:</p>
        <p><link href="">
        <p><link href="">
