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<page xmlns="" xmlns:its="" type="topic" id="tech-clutter" xml:lang="ca">
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    <link type="guide" xref="tech" group="clutter"/>
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    <revision pkgversion="3.0" date="2011-04-05" status="incomplete"/>
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    <credit type="author copyright">
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      <name>Shaun McCance</name>
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      <email its:translate="no"></email>
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    <desc>Animations and scene graph</desc>
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Clutter is a library for doing animations and using a 2.5-D canvas.

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You create graphical objects out of images, and you can manipulate
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them later to move them, rotate them, or give them quasi-3D
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La Clutter utilitza l'API estàndard industrial <link href="">OpenGL</link> i <link href="">OpenGL|ES</link> per accedir a l'acceleració de gràfics per maquinari tan en entorns d'escriptori com de mòbil i tot això sense haver d'exposar les complexitats de la programació per GPU.

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Clutter does not specify any visual style, and does not provide any

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pre-defined complex user interface control; it lets the developer define what
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is needed, using a flexible scene graph API, with free-form placement of the
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scene elements (or actors) on the main viewport (or stage).

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Clutter comes with pre-defined actors for displaying solid colors, image

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  data, text and custom high-precision 2D drawing using the
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  <link xref="tech-cairo">Cairo</link> API. Clutter also provides generic
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  classes for structuring a user interface using both a box-packing model like
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  <link xref="tech-gtk">GTK+</link>, and a series of free-form
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Clutter provides an extensible animation framework and graphical

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effects. An animation is associated with a timeline and changes one or
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more properties of one or more actors over time, for example their
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rotation in a particular dimension, scale, size, opacity, etc.

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Ja hi ha una colla de biblioteques que permeten integrar-la amb altres tecnologies, com ara: la Clutter-GTK per incrustar un escenari de Clutter a dintre una aplicació de GTK+, la Clutter-GStreamer per incrustar conductes de vídeos i àudios de GStreamer, la Clutter-Box2D i la Clutter-Bullet per afegir interaccions físiques en entorns tant en 2D com en 3D.

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<link href="">The Clutter Cookbook</link>

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<link href="">Clutter Reference Manual</link>

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<link href="">The Clutter web site</link>

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