Blob Blame History Raw
   Copyright (c) 2012-2012 Red Hat, Inc. <>
   This file is part of GlusterFS.

   This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
   General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or
   later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all
   cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#ifndef __RPC_SYNCOP_H
#define __RPC_SYNCOP_H

#include <glusterfs/syncop.h>
#include "glusterd-sm.h"
#include "glusterd.h"

#define GD_SYNC_OPCODE_KEY "sync-mgmt-operation"

/* gd_syncop_* */
#define GD_SYNCOP(rpc, stb, cookie, cbk, req, prog, procnum, xdrproc)          \
    do {                                                                       \
        int ret = 0;                                                           \
        struct synctask *task = NULL;                                          \
        glusterd_conf_t *conf = THIS->private;                                 \
        task = synctask_get();                                                 \
        stb->task = task;                                                      \
        /*This is to ensure that the brick_op_cbk is able to                   \
         * take the big lock*/                                                 \
        synclock_unlock(&conf->big_lock);                                      \
        ret = gd_syncop_submit_request(rpc, req, stb, cookie, prog, procnum,   \
                                       cbk, (xdrproc_t)xdrproc);               \
        if (!ret)                                                              \
            synctask_yield(stb->task);                                         \
        else                                                                   \
            gf_asprintf(&stb->errstr,                                          \
                        "%s failed. Check log file"                            \
                        " for more details",                                   \
                        (prog)->progname);                                     \
        synclock_lock(&conf->big_lock);                                        \
    } while (0)

#define GD_ALLOC_COPY_UUID(dst_ptr, uuid, ret)                                 \
    do {                                                                       \
        dst_ptr = GF_MALLOC(sizeof(*dst_ptr), gf_common_mt_uuid_t);            \
        if (dst_ptr) {                                                         \
            gf_uuid_copy(*dst_ptr, uuid);                                      \
            ret = 0;                                                           \
        } else {                                                               \
            ret = -1;                                                          \
        }                                                                      \
    } while (0)

gd_syncop_brick_op_cbk(struct rpc_req *req, struct iovec *iov, int count,
                       void *myframe);

gd_syncop_submit_request(struct rpc_clnt *rpc, void *req, void *local,
                         void *cookie, rpc_clnt_prog_t *prog, int procnum,
                         fop_cbk_fn_t cbkfn, xdrproc_t xdrproc);
gd_syncop_mgmt_lock(glusterd_peerinfo_t *peerinfo, struct syncargs *arg,
                    uuid_t my_uuid, uuid_t recv_uuid);

gd_syncop_mgmt_unlock(glusterd_peerinfo_t *peerinfo, struct syncargs *arg,
                      uuid_t my_uuid, uuid_t recv_uuid);

gd_syncop_mgmt_stage_op(glusterd_peerinfo_t *peerinfo, struct syncargs *arg,
                        uuid_t my_uuid, uuid_t recv_uuid, int op,
                        dict_t *dict_out, dict_t *op_ctx);

gd_syncop_mgmt_commit_op(glusterd_peerinfo_t *peerinfo, struct syncargs *arg,
                         uuid_t my_uuid, uuid_t recv_uuid, int op,
                         dict_t *dict_out, dict_t *op_ctx);

gd_synctask_barrier_wait(struct syncargs *args, int count);

gd_brick_op_phase(glusterd_op_t op, dict_t *op_ctx, dict_t *req_dict,
                  char **op_errstr);

glusterd_syncop_aggr_rsp_dict(glusterd_op_t op, dict_t *aggr, dict_t *rsp);

gd_syncargs_init(struct syncargs *args, dict_t *op_ctx);
#endif /* __RPC_SYNCOP_H */