Blob Blame History Raw
// Generated by gmmproc 2.54.1 -- DO NOT MODIFY!

#include <giommconfig.h>

#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
#include <sigc++/sigc++.h>

/* Copyright (C) 2010 Jonathon Jongsma
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library.  If not, see <>.

#include <glibmm/arrayhandle.h>
#include <glibmm/object.h>
#include <glibmm/variant.h>
#include <giomm/action.h>

using GSettings = struct _GSettings;
using GSettingsClass = struct _GSettingsClass;

namespace Gio
{ class Settings_Class; } // namespace Gio

namespace Gio

  /** @addtogroup giommEnums giomm Enums and Flags */

 *  @var SettingsBindFlags SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT
 *  @var SettingsBindFlags SETTINGS_BIND_GET
 * Update the Object property when the setting changes.
 * It is an error to use this flag if the property is not writable.
 *  @var SettingsBindFlags SETTINGS_BIND_SET
 * Update the setting when the Object property changes.
 * It is an error to use this flag if the property is not readable.
 * Do not try to bind a "sensitivity" property to the writability of the setting.
 *  @var SettingsBindFlags SETTINGS_BIND_GET_NO_CHANGES
 * When set in addition to SETTINGS_BIND_GET, set the Object property
 * value initially from the setting, but do not listen for changes of the setting.
 * When passed to g_settings_bind(), uses a pair of mapping functions that invert
 * the boolean value when mapping between the setting and the property.  The setting and property must both
 * be booleans.  You cannot pass this flag to g_settings_bind_with_mapping().
 *  @enum SettingsBindFlags
 * Flags used when creating a binding. These flags determine in which
 * direction the binding works. The default is to synchronize in both
 * directions.
 * @ingroup giommEnums
 * @par Bitwise operators:
 * <tt>%SettingsBindFlags operator|(SettingsBindFlags, SettingsBindFlags)</tt><br>
 * <tt>%SettingsBindFlags operator&(SettingsBindFlags, SettingsBindFlags)</tt><br>
 * <tt>%SettingsBindFlags operator^(SettingsBindFlags, SettingsBindFlags)</tt><br>
 * <tt>%SettingsBindFlags operator~(SettingsBindFlags)</tt><br>
 * <tt>%SettingsBindFlags& operator|=(SettingsBindFlags&, SettingsBindFlags)</tt><br>
 * <tt>%SettingsBindFlags& operator&=(SettingsBindFlags&, SettingsBindFlags)</tt><br>
 * <tt>%SettingsBindFlags& operator^=(SettingsBindFlags&, SettingsBindFlags)</tt><br>
enum SettingsBindFlags

/** @ingroup giommEnums */
inline SettingsBindFlags operator|(SettingsBindFlags lhs, SettingsBindFlags rhs)
  { return static_cast<SettingsBindFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) | static_cast<unsigned>(rhs)); }

/** @ingroup giommEnums */
inline SettingsBindFlags operator&(SettingsBindFlags lhs, SettingsBindFlags rhs)
  { return static_cast<SettingsBindFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) & static_cast<unsigned>(rhs)); }

/** @ingroup giommEnums */
inline SettingsBindFlags operator^(SettingsBindFlags lhs, SettingsBindFlags rhs)
  { return static_cast<SettingsBindFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) ^ static_cast<unsigned>(rhs)); }

/** @ingroup giommEnums */
inline SettingsBindFlags operator~(SettingsBindFlags flags)
  { return static_cast<SettingsBindFlags>(~static_cast<unsigned>(flags)); }

/** @ingroup giommEnums */
inline SettingsBindFlags& operator|=(SettingsBindFlags& lhs, SettingsBindFlags rhs)
  { return (lhs = static_cast<SettingsBindFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) | static_cast<unsigned>(rhs))); }

/** @ingroup giommEnums */
inline SettingsBindFlags& operator&=(SettingsBindFlags& lhs, SettingsBindFlags rhs)
  { return (lhs = static_cast<SettingsBindFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) & static_cast<unsigned>(rhs))); }

/** @ingroup giommEnums */
inline SettingsBindFlags& operator^=(SettingsBindFlags& lhs, SettingsBindFlags rhs)
  { return (lhs = static_cast<SettingsBindFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) ^ static_cast<unsigned>(rhs))); }

} // namespace Gio

namespace Glib

template <>
class Value<Gio::SettingsBindFlags> : public Glib::Value_Flags<Gio::SettingsBindFlags>
  static GType value_type() G_GNUC_CONST;

} // namespace Glib

namespace Gio

/** A high-level API for application settings
 * The Settings class provides a convenient API for storing and retrieving
 * application settings.
 * @newin{2,28}

class Settings : public Glib::Object

  using CppObjectType = Settings;
  using CppClassType = Settings_Class;
  using BaseObjectType = GSettings;
  using BaseClassType = GSettingsClass;

  // noncopyable
  Settings(const Settings&) = delete;
  Settings& operator=(const Settings&) = delete;

private:  friend class Settings_Class;
  static CppClassType settings_class_;

  explicit Settings(const Glib::ConstructParams& construct_params);
  explicit Settings(GSettings* castitem);



  Settings(Settings&& src) noexcept;
  Settings& operator=(Settings&& src) noexcept;

  ~Settings() noexcept override;

  /** Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system.
  static GType get_type()      G_GNUC_CONST;


  static GType get_base_type() G_GNUC_CONST;

  ///Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
  GSettings*       gobj()       { return reinterpret_cast<GSettings*>(gobject_); }

  ///Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
  const GSettings* gobj() const { return reinterpret_cast<GSettings*>(gobject_); }

  ///Provides access to the underlying C instance. The caller is responsible for unrefing it. Use when directly setting fields in structs.
  GSettings* gobj_copy();


    explicit Settings(const Glib::ustring& schema_id);

    explicit Settings(const Glib::ustring& schema_id, const Glib::ustring& path);

  //TODO: Requires SettingsBackend: _WRAP_CTOR(Settings(const Glib::ustring& schema_id, const Glib::RefPtr<SettingsBackend>& backend), g_settings_new_with_backend)
  //TODO: Requires SettingsBackend: _WRAP_CTOR(Settings(const Glib::ustring& schema_id, const Glib::RefPtr<SettingsBackend>& backend, const Glib::ustring& path), g_settings_new_with_backend_and_path)

  static Glib::RefPtr<Settings> create(const Glib::ustring& schema_id);

  static Glib::RefPtr<Settings> create(const Glib::ustring& schema_id, const Glib::ustring& path);

  //TODO: Requires SettingsBackend: _WRAP_CREATE(const Glib::ustring& schema_id, const Glib::RefPtr<SettingsBackend>& backend)
  //TODO: Requires SettingsBackend: _WRAP_CREATE(const Glib::ustring& schema_id, const Glib::RefPtr<SettingsBackend>& backend, const Glib::ustring& path)

  //TODO: Rename these to get/set_*_value_variant() and add templated get/set_*_value() methods as elsewhere?
  /** Sets @a key in @a settings to @a value.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't contained in the
   * schema for @a settings or for @a value to have the incorrect type, per
   * the schema.
   * If @a value is floating then this function consumes the reference.
   * @newin{2,26}
   * @param key The name of the key to set.
   * @param value A Variant of the correct type.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if setting the key succeeded,
   * <tt>false</tt> if the key was not writable.
  bool set_value(const Glib::ustring& key, const Glib::VariantBase& value);

  /** Gets the value that is stored in the settings for a @a key.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't contained in the
   * schema for the settings.
   * @param key The key to get the value for.
   * @param value A Variant of the expected type.
   * @newin{2,28}
  void get_value(const Glib::ustring& key, Glib::VariantBase& value) const;

  //TODO: We've added a bool return to handle the nullptr return value case,
  //but maybe other get_value() methods can return nullptrs too.

  /** Checks the "user value" of a @a key, if there is one.
   * The user value of a key is the last value that was set by the user.
   * After calling reset() this function should always return
   * false (assuming something is not wrong with the system
   * configuration).
   * It is possible that get_value() will return a different
   * value than this method.  This can happen in the case that the user
   * set a value for a key that was subsequently locked down by the system
   * administrator -- this method will return the user's old value.
   * This method may be useful for adding a "reset" option to a UI or
   * for providing indication that a particular value has been changed.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't contained in the
   * schema for the settings.
   * @param key The key to get the user value for.
   * @param value A Variant of the expected type.
   * @result true if a user value was found.
   * @newin{2,40}
  bool get_user_value(const Glib::ustring& key, Glib::VariantBase& value) const;

  /** Gets the "default value" of a key.
   * This is the value that would be read if reset() were to be
   * called on the key.
   * Note that this may be a different value than returned by
   * get_default_value() if the system administrator
   * has provided a default value.
   * Comparing the return values of get_default_value() and
   * value() is not sufficient for determining if a value
   * has been set because the user may have explicitly set the value to
   * something that happens to be equal to the default.  The difference
   * here is that if the default changes in the future, the user's key
   * will still be set.
   * This method may be useful for adding an indication to a UI of what
   * the default value was before the user set it.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't contained in the
   * schema for the settings.
   * @param key The key to get the default value for.
   * @param value A Variant of the expected type.
   * @newin{2,40}
  void get_default_value(const Glib::ustring& key, Glib::VariantBase& value) const;

  /** Gets the value that is stored at @a key in @a settings.
   * A convenience variant of g_settings_get() for 32-bit integers.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't specified as
   * having a int32 type in the schema for @a settings.
   * @newin{2,26}
   * @param key The key to get the value for.
   * @return An integer.
  int get_int(const Glib::ustring& key) const;
  /** Sets @a key in @a settings to @a value.
   * A convenience variant of g_settings_set() for 32-bit integers.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't specified as
   * having a int32 type in the schema for @a settings.
   * @newin{2,26}
   * @param key The name of the key to set.
   * @param value The value to set it to.
  void set_int(const Glib::ustring& key, int value);
  /** Gets the value that is stored at @a key in @a settings.
   * A convenience variant of g_settings_get() for 64-bit integers.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't specified as
   * having a int64 type in the schema for @a settings.
   * @newin{2,50}
   * @param key The key to get the value for.
   * @return A 64-bit integer.
  gint64 get_int64(const Glib::ustring& key) const;
  /** Sets @a key in @a settings to @a value.
   * A convenience variant of g_settings_set() for 64-bit integers.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't specified as
   * having a int64 type in the schema for @a settings.
   * @newin{2,50}
   * @param key The name of the key to set.
   * @param value The value to set it to.
  void set_int64(const Glib::ustring& key, gint64 value);
  /** Gets the value that is stored at @a key in @a settings.
   * A convenience variant of g_settings_get() for 32-bit unsigned
   * integers.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't specified as
   * having a uint32 type in the schema for @a settings.
   * @newin{2,30}
   * @param key The key to get the value for.
   * @return An unsigned integer.
  guint get_uint(const Glib::ustring& key) const;

  /** Sets @a key in @a settings to @a value.
   * A convenience variant of g_settings_set() for 32-bit unsigned
   * integers.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't specified as
   * having a uint32 type in the schema for @a settings.
   * @newin{2,30}
   * @deprecated Use set_uint() instead.
   * @param key The name of the key to set.
   * @param value The value to set it to.
  void set_uiint(const Glib::ustring& key, guint value);

  /** Sets @a key in @a settings to @a value.
   * A convenience variant of g_settings_set() for 32-bit unsigned
   * integers.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't specified as
   * having a uint32 type in the schema for @a settings.
   * @newin{2,30}
   * @param key The name of the key to set.
   * @param value The value to set it to.
  void set_uint(const Glib::ustring& key, guint value);
  /** Gets the value that is stored at @a key in @a settings.
   * A convenience variant of g_settings_get() for 64-bit unsigned
   * integers.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't specified as
   * having a uint64 type in the schema for @a settings.
   * @newin{2,50}
   * @param key The key to get the value for.
   * @return A 64-bit unsigned integer.
  guint64 get_uint64(const Glib::ustring& key) const;
  /** Sets @a key in @a settings to @a value.
   * A convenience variant of g_settings_set() for 64-bit unsigned
   * integers.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't specified as
   * having a uint64 type in the schema for @a settings.
   * @newin{2,50}
   * @param key The name of the key to set.
   * @param value The value to set it to.
  void set_uint64(const Glib::ustring& key, guint64 value);
  /** Gets the value that is stored at @a key in @a settings.
   * A convenience variant of g_settings_get() for booleans.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't specified as
   * having a boolean type in the schema for @a settings.
   * @newin{2,26}
   * @param key The key to get the value for.
   * @return A boolean.
  bool get_boolean(const Glib::ustring& key) const;
  /** Sets @a key in @a settings to @a value.
   * A convenience variant of g_settings_set() for booleans.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't specified as
   * having a boolean type in the schema for @a settings.
   * @newin{2,26}
   * @param key The name of the key to set.
   * @param value The value to set it to.
  void set_boolean(const Glib::ustring& key, bool value);
  /** Gets the value that is stored at @a key in @a settings.
   * A convenience variant of g_settings_get() for strings.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't specified as
   * having a string type in the schema for @a settings.
   * @newin{2,26}
   * @param key The key to get the value for.
   * @return A newly-allocated string.
  Glib::ustring get_string(const Glib::ustring& key) const;
  /** Sets @a key in @a settings to @a value.
   * A convenience variant of g_settings_set() for strings.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't specified as
   * having a string type in the schema for @a settings.
   * @newin{2,26}
   * @param key The name of the key to set.
   * @param value The value to set it to.
  void set_string(const Glib::ustring& key, const Glib::ustring& value);
  /** Gets the value that is stored at @a key in @a settings.
   * A convenience variant of g_settings_get() for doubles.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't specified as
   * having a 'double' type in the schema for @a settings.
   * @newin{2,26}
   * @param key The key to get the value for.
   * @return A double.
  double get_double(const Glib::ustring& key) const;
  /** Sets @a key in @a settings to @a value.
   * A convenience variant of g_settings_set() for doubles.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't specified as
   * having a 'double' type in the schema for @a settings.
   * @newin{2,26}
   * @param key The name of the key to set.
   * @param value The value to set it to.
  void set_double(const Glib::ustring& key, double value);

  /** A convenience variant of g_settings_get() for string arrays.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't specified as
   * having an array of strings type in the schema for @a settings.
   * @newin{2,26}
   * @param key The key to get the value for.
   * @return A
   * newly-allocated, <tt>nullptr</tt>-terminated array of strings, the value that
   * is stored at @a key in @a settings.
  Glib::StringArrayHandle get_string_array(const Glib::ustring& key) const;

  /** Sets @a key in @a settings to @a value.
   * A convenience variant of g_settings_set() for string arrays.  If
   *  @a value is <tt>nullptr</tt>, then @a key is set to be the empty array.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't specified as
   * having an array of strings type in the schema for @a settings.
   * @newin{2,26}
   * @param key The name of the key to set.
   * @param value The value to set it to, or <tt>nullptr</tt>.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if setting the key succeeded,
   * <tt>false</tt> if the key was not writable.
  bool set_string_array(const Glib::ustring& key, const Glib::StringArrayHandle& value);

  /** Gets the value that is stored in @a settings for @a key and converts it
   * to the enum value that it represents.
   * In order to use this function the type of the value must be a string
   * and it must be marked in the schema file as an enumerated type.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't contained in the
   * schema for @a settings or is not marked as an enumerated type.
   * If the value stored in the configuration database is not a valid
   * value for the enumerated type then this function will return the
   * default value.
   * @newin{2,26}
   * @param key The key to get the value for.
   * @return The enum value.
  int get_enum(const Glib::ustring& key) const;

  /** Looks up the enumerated type nick for @a value and writes it to @a key,
   * within @a settings.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't contained in the
   * schema for @a settings or is not marked as an enumerated type, or for
   *  @a value not to be a valid value for the named type.
   * After performing the write, accessing @a key directly with
   * g_settings_get_string() will return the 'nick' associated with
   *  @a value.
   * @deprecated This method is misnamed. Use set_enum() instead.
   * @param key A key, within @a settings.
   * @param value An enumerated value.
   * @return <tt>true</tt>, if the set succeeds.
  bool get_enum(const Glib::ustring& key, int value);

  /** Looks up the enumerated type nick for @a value and writes it to @a key,
   * within @a settings.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't contained in the
   * schema for @a settings or is not marked as an enumerated type, or for
   *  @a value not to be a valid value for the named type.
   * After performing the write, accessing @a key directly with
   * g_settings_get_string() will return the 'nick' associated with
   *  @a value.
   * @param key A key, within @a settings.
   * @param value An enumerated value.
   * @return <tt>true</tt>, if the set succeeds.
  bool set_enum(const Glib::ustring& key, int value);
  /** Gets the value that is stored in @a settings for @a key and converts it
   * to the flags value that it represents.
   * In order to use this function the type of the value must be an array
   * of strings and it must be marked in the schema file as an flags type.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't contained in the
   * schema for @a settings or is not marked as a flags type.
   * If the value stored in the configuration database is not a valid
   * value for the flags type then this function will return the default
   * value.
   * @newin{2,26}
   * @param key The key to get the value for.
   * @return The flags value.
  guint get_flags(const Glib::ustring& key) const;

  /** Looks up the flags type nicks for the bits specified by @a value, puts
   * them in an array of strings and writes the array to @a key, within
   *  @a settings.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't contained in the
   * schema for @a settings or is not marked as a flags type, or for @a value
   * to contain any bits that are not value for the named type.
   * After performing the write, accessing @a key directly with
   * g_settings_get_strv() will return an array of 'nicks'; one for each
   * bit in @a value.
   * @deprecated This method is misnamed. Use set_flags() instead.
   * @param key A key, within @a settings.
   * @param value A flags value.
   * @return <tt>true</tt>, if the set succeeds.
  bool get_flags(const Glib::ustring& key, guint value);

  /** Looks up the flags type nicks for the bits specified by @a value, puts
   * them in an array of strings and writes the array to @a key, within
   *  @a settings.
   * It is a programmer error to give a @a key that isn't contained in the
   * schema for @a settings or is not marked as a flags type, or for @a value
   * to contain any bits that are not value for the named type.
   * After performing the write, accessing @a key directly with
   * g_settings_get_strv() will return an array of 'nicks'; one for each
   * bit in @a value.
   * @param key A key, within @a settings.
   * @param value A flags value.
   * @return <tt>true</tt>, if the set succeeds.
  bool set_flags(const Glib::ustring& key, guint value);

  // Ignore varargs functions.

  /** Creates a child settings object which has a base path of
   * `base-path/ @a name`, where `base-path` is the base path of
   *  @a settings.
   * The schema for the child settings object must have been declared
   * in the schema of @a settings using a <child> element.
   * @newin{2,26}
   * @param name The name of the child schema.
   * @return A 'child' settings object.
  Glib::RefPtr<Settings> get_child(const Glib::ustring& name);
  /** Creates a child settings object which has a base path of
   * `base-path/ @a name`, where `base-path` is the base path of
   *  @a settings.
   * The schema for the child settings object must have been declared
   * in the schema of @a settings using a <child> element.
   * @newin{2,26}
   * @param name The name of the child schema.
   * @return A 'child' settings object.
  Glib::RefPtr<const Settings> get_child(const Glib::ustring& name) const;
  /** Finds out if a key can be written or not
   * @newin{2,26}
   * @param name The name of a key.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the key @a name is writable.
  bool is_writable(const Glib::ustring& name) const;

  /** Changes the Settings object into 'delay-apply' mode. In this
   * mode, changes to @a settings are not immediately propagated to the
   * backend, but kept locally until g_settings_apply() is called.
   * @newin{2,26}
  void delay();
  /** Applies any changes that have been made to the settings.  This
   * function does nothing unless @a settings is in 'delay-apply' mode;
   * see g_settings_delay().  In the normal case settings are always
   * applied immediately.
  void apply();
  /** Reverts all non-applied changes to the settings.  This function
   * does nothing unless @a settings is in 'delay-apply' mode; see
   * g_settings_delay().  In the normal case settings are always applied
   * immediately.
   * Change notifications will be emitted for affected keys.
  void revert();
  /** Returns whether the Settings object has any unapplied
   * changes.  This can only be the case if it is in 'delayed-apply' mode.
   * @newin{2,26}
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if @a settings has unapplied changes.
  bool get_has_unapplied() const;

  /** Resets @a key to its default value.
   * This call resets the key, as much as possible, to its default value.
   * That might the value specified in the schema or the one set by the
   * administrator.
   * @param key The name of a key.
  void reset(const Glib::ustring& key);


//We must hand-code this because gmmproc is confused by the static keyword with the vector.
//#m4 __CONVERSION(`const gchar*const*',`std::vector<Glib::ustring>',`Glib::ArrayHandler<Glib::ustring>::array_to_vector($3, Glib::OWNERSHIP_NONE)')
  /** Deprecated.
   * @newin{2,26}
   * Deprecated: 2.40: Use g_settings_schema_source_list_schemas() instead.
   * If you used g_settings_list_schemas() to check for the presence of
   * a particular schema, use g_settings_schema_source_lookup() instead
   * of your whole loop.
   * @return A list of Settings
   * schemas that are available.  The list must not be modified or
   * freed.

  static std::vector<Glib::ustring> list_schemas();

  /** Gets the list of children on @a settings.
   * The list is exactly the list of strings for which it is not an error
   * to call g_settings_get_child().
   * For GSettings objects that are lists, this value can change at any
   * time and you should connect to the "children-changed" signal to watch
   * for those changes.  Note that there is a race condition here: you may
   * request a child after listing it only for it to have been destroyed
   * in the meantime.  For this reason, g_settings_get_child() may return
   * <tt>nullptr</tt> even for a child that was listed by this function.
   * For GSettings objects that are not lists, you should probably not be
   * calling this function from "normal" code (since you should already
   * know what children are in your schema).  This function may still be
   * useful there for introspection reasons, however.
   * @return A list of the children on @a settings.
  std::vector<Glib::ustring> list_children() const;

  /** Introspects the list of keys on @a settings.
   * You should probably not be calling this function from "normal" code
   * (since you should already know what keys are in your schema).  This
   * function is intended for introspection reasons.
   * @deprecated Use SettingsSchema::list_kes().
   * @return A list of the keys on @a settings.
  std::vector<Glib::ustring> list_keys() const;

   // deprecated


  /** Checks if the given @a value is of the correct type and within the
   * permitted range for @a key.
   * @newin{2,28}
   * Deprecated:2.40:Use g_settings_schema_key_range_check() instead.
   * @deprecated Use g_settings_schema_key_range_check() instead.
   * @param key The key to check.
   * @param value The value to check.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if @a value is valid for @a key.
  bool range_check(const Glib::ustring& key, const Glib::VariantBase& value) const;

  //TODO: Wrap GSettingsSchema

  /** Create a binding between the @a key in the @a settings object
   * and the property @a property of @a object.
   * The binding uses the default GIO mapping functions to map
   * between the settings and property values. These functions
   * handle booleans, numeric types and string types in a
   * straightforward way. Use g_settings_bind_with_mapping() if
   * you need a custom mapping, or map between types that are not
   * supported by the default mapping functions.
   * Unless the @a flags include SETTINGS_BIND_NO_SENSITIVITY, this
   * function also establishes a binding between the writability of
   *  @a key and the "sensitive" property of @a object (if @a object has
   * a boolean property by that name). See g_settings_bind_writable()
   * for more details about writable bindings.
   * Note that the lifecycle of the binding is tied to @a object,
   * and that you can have only one binding per object property.
   * If you bind the same property twice on the same object, the second
   * binding overrides the first one.
   * @newin{2,26}
   * @param key The key to bind.
   * @param object A Object.
   * @param property The name of the property to bind.
   * @param flags Flags for the binding.
  void bind(const Glib::ustring& key, Glib::ObjectBase* object, const Glib::ustring& property, SettingsBindFlags flags = SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT);
  void bind(const Glib::ustring& key, const Glib::PropertyProxy_Base& property_proxy, SettingsBindFlags flags=SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT);
  // TODO: implement bind_with_mapping
  /** Create a binding between the writability of @a key in the
   *  @a settings object and the property @a property of @a object.
   * The property must be boolean; "sensitive" or "visible"
   * properties of widgets are the most likely candidates.
   * Writable bindings are always uni-directional; changes of the
   * writability of the setting will be propagated to the object
   * property, not the other way.
   * When the @a inverted argument is <tt>true</tt>, the binding inverts the
   * value as it passes from the setting to the object, i.e. @a property
   * will be set to <tt>true</tt> if the key is not writable.
   * Note that the lifecycle of the binding is tied to @a object,
   * and that you can have only one binding per object property.
   * If you bind the same property twice on the same object, the second
   * binding overrides the first one.
   * @newin{2,26}
   * @param key The key to bind.
   * @param object A Object.
   * @param property The name of a boolean property to bind.
   * @param inverted Whether to 'invert' the value.
  void bind_writable(const Glib::ustring& key, Glib::ObjectBase* object, const Glib::ustring& property, bool inverted = false);
  void bind_writable(const Glib::ustring& key, const Glib::PropertyProxy_Base& property_proxy, bool inverted=false);
  // TODO: unbind is not actually a class method

  /** Creates a Action corresponding to a given Settings key.
   * The action has the same name as the key.
   * The value of the key becomes the state of the action and the action
   * is enabled when the key is writable.  Changing the state of the
   * action results in the key being written to.  Changes to the value or
   * writability of the key cause appropriate change notifications to be
   * emitted for the action.
   * For boolean-valued keys, action activations take no parameter and
   * result in the toggling of the value.  For all other types,
   * activations take the new value for the key (which must have the
   * correct type).
   * @newin{2,32}
   * @param key The name of a key in @a settings.
   * @return A new Action.
  Glib::RefPtr<Action> create_action(const Glib::ustring& key);

  //TODO?: _WRAP_PROPERTY("backend", Glib::RefPtr<SettingsBackend>)

  /** Whether the Settings object is in 'delay-apply' mode. See
   * g_settings_delay() for details.
   * @newin{2,28}
   * Default value: <tt>false</tt>
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_delay_apply() const;

  /** If this property is <tt>true</tt>, the Settings object has outstanding
   * changes that will be applied when g_settings_apply() is called.
   * Default value: <tt>false</tt>
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_has_unapplied() const;

  /** The path within the backend where the settings are stored.
   * Default value: ""
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< std::string > property_path() const;


/** The name of the schema that describes the types of keys
   * for this Settings object.
   * The type of this property is *not* SettingsSchema.
   * SettingsSchema has only existed since version 2.32 and
   * unfortunately this name was used in previous versions to refer to
   * the schema ID rather than the schema itself.  Take care to use the
   * 'settings-schema' property if you wish to pass in a
   * SettingsSchema.
   * Deprecated:2.32:Use the 'schema-id' property instead.  In a future
   * version, this property may instead refer to a SettingsSchema.
   * @deprecated Use the 'schema-id' property instead. In a future version, this property may instead refer to a SettingsSchema.
   * Default value: ""
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::ustring > property_schema() const;


  /** The name of the schema that describes the types of keys
   * for this Settings object.
   * Default value: ""
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::ustring > property_schema_id() const;

  //TODO: _WRAP_PROPERTY("settings-schema", Glib::RefPtr<SettingsSchema>)

  //TODO?: _WRAP_SIGNAL(bool change_event(const Glib::ArrayHandle<Glib::QueryQuark>& keys, int n_keys), "change-event")

  //TODO: Remove two_signal_methods when we can break ABI.

   * @par Slot Prototype:
   * <tt>void on_my_%changed(const Glib::ustring& key)</tt>
   * Flags: Run Last
   * The "changed" signal is emitted when a key has potentially changed.
   * You should call one of the g_settings_get() calls to check the new
   * value.
   * This signal supports detailed connections.  You can connect to the
   * detailed signal "changed::x" in order to only receive callbacks
   * when key "x" changes.
   * Note that @a settings only emits this signal if you have read @a key at
   * least once while a signal handler was already connected for @a key.
   * @param key The name of the key that changed.

  Glib::SignalProxy< void,const Glib::ustring& > signal_changed();

   * @par Slot Prototype:
   * <tt>void on_my_%changed(const Glib::ustring& key)</tt>
   * Flags: Run Last
   * The "changed" signal is emitted when a key has potentially changed.
   * You should call one of the g_settings_get() calls to check the new
   * value.
   * This signal supports detailed connections.  You can connect to the
   * detailed signal "changed::x" in order to only receive callbacks
   * when key "x" changes.
   * Note that @a settings only emits this signal if you have read @a key at
   * least once while a signal handler was already connected for @a key.
   * @param key The name of the key that changed.

  Glib::SignalProxyDetailedAnyType< void,const Glib::ustring& > signal_changed(const Glib::ustring& key);

   * @par Slot Prototype:
   * <tt>bool on_my_%writable_change_event(GQuark key)</tt>
   * Flags: Run Last
   * The "writable-change-event" signal is emitted once per writability
   * change event that affects this settings object.  You should connect
   * to this signal if you are interested in viewing groups of changes
   * before they are split out into multiple emissions of the
   * "writable-changed" signal.  For most use cases it is more
   * appropriate to use the "writable-changed" signal.
   * In the event that the writability change applies only to a single
   * key, @a key will be set to the Quark for that key.  In the event
   * that the writability change affects the entire settings object,
   *  @a key will be 0.
   * The default handler for this signal invokes the "writable-changed"
   * and "changed" signals for each affected key.  This is done because
   * changes in writability might also imply changes in value (if for
   * example, a new mandatory setting is introduced).  If any other
   * connected handler returns <tt>true</tt> then this default functionality
   * will be suppressed.
   * @param key The quark of the key, or 0.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> to stop other handlers from being invoked for the
   * event. <tt>false</tt> to propagate the event further.

  Glib::SignalProxy< bool,GQuark > signal_writable_change_event();

   * @par Slot Prototype:
   * <tt>void on_my_%writable_changed(const Glib::ustring& key)</tt>
   * Flags: Run Last
   * The "writable-changed" signal is emitted when the writability of a
   * key has potentially changed.  You should call
   * g_settings_is_writable() in order to determine the new status.
   * This signal supports detailed connections.  You can connect to the
   * detailed signal "writable-changed::x" in order to only receive
   * callbacks when the writability of "x" changes.
   * @param key The key.

  Glib::SignalProxy< void,const Glib::ustring& > signal_writable_changed();

   * @par Slot Prototype:
   * <tt>void on_my_%writable_changed(const Glib::ustring& key)</tt>
   * Flags: Run Last
   * The "writable-changed" signal is emitted when the writability of a
   * key has potentially changed.  You should call
   * g_settings_is_writable() in order to determine the new status.
   * This signal supports detailed connections.  You can connect to the
   * detailed signal "writable-changed::x" in order to only receive
   * callbacks when the writability of "x" changes.
   * @param key The key.

  Glib::SignalProxyDetailedAnyType< void,const Glib::ustring& > signal_writable_changed(const Glib::ustring& key);


  //C++ methods used to invoke GTK+ virtual functions:

  //GTK+ Virtual Functions (override these to change behaviour):

  //Default Signal Handlers::
  /// This is a default handler for the signal signal_changed().
  virtual void on_changed(const Glib::ustring& key);
  /// This is a default handler for the signal signal_writable_change_event().
  virtual bool on_writable_change_event(GQuark key);
  /// This is a default handler for the signal signal_writable_changed().
  virtual void on_writable_changed(const Glib::ustring& key);


} // namespace Gio

namespace Glib
  /** A Glib::wrap() method for this object.
   * @param object The C instance.
   * @param take_copy False if the result should take ownership of the C instance. True if it should take a new copy or ref.
   * @result A C++ instance that wraps this C instance.
   * @relates Gio::Settings
  Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Settings> wrap(GSettings* object, bool take_copy = false);

#endif /* _GIOMM_SETTINGS_H */