Blob Blame History Raw
/* Copyright (C) 2007 The gtkmm Development Team
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library.  If not, see <>.

#include <giomm/file.h>
#include <giomm/mountoperation.h>
#include <giomm/mount.h>
//#include <giomm/drive.h>
//#include <giomm/icon.h>


typedef struct _GVolumeIface GGVolumeIface;

namespace Gio

// Making a forward declaration here to avoid circular dependency.
// file.hg already includes volume.h.
class File;
class Drive;

/** The Volume interface represents user-visible objects that can be mounted.
 * Mounting a Volume instance is an asynchronous operation. For more information about asynchronous operations, see AsyncReady and SimpleAsyncReady. To
 * mount a GVolume, first call mount(), optionally providing a MountOperation object and a SlotAsyncReady callback.
 * Typically, you will not want to provide a MountOperation if automounting all volumes when a desktop session starts since it's not desirable to
 * put up a lot of dialogs asking for credentials.
 * The callback will be fired when the operation has resolved (either with success or failure), and a AsyncReady structure will be passed to the callback.
 * That callback should then call g_volume_mount_finish() with the GVolume instance and the GAsyncReady data to see if the operation was completed
 * successfully. If an error is present when finish() is called, then it will be filled with any error information.
 * @newin{2,16}
class Volume : public Glib::Interface
  _CLASS_INTERFACE(Volume, GVolume, G_DRIVE, GVolumeIface)
  _WRAP_METHOD(std::string get_name() const, g_volume_get_name)
  _WRAP_METHOD(std::string get_uuid() const, g_volume_get_uuid)

  _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<Icon> get_icon(),
  _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<const Icon> get_icon() const,
               refreturn, constversion)

  _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<Icon> get_symbolic_icon(),
  _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<const Icon> get_symbolic_icon() const,
               refreturn, constversion)

  _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<Drive> get_drive(),
  _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<const Drive> get_drive() const,
               refreturn, constversion)

 _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<Mount> get_mount(),
  _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<const Mount> get_mount() const,
               refreturn, constversion)

  _WRAP_METHOD(bool can_mount() const, g_volume_can_mount)
  _WRAP_METHOD(bool can_eject() const, g_volume_can_eject)
  _WRAP_METHOD(bool should_automount() const, g_volume_should_automount)

  /** Mounts a volume.
   * This is an asynchronous operation, and is finished by calling mount_finish() with the AsyncResult data returned in the callback slot.
   * @param mount_operation A mount operation.
   * @param slot A callback which will be called when the operation is completed or canceled.
   * @param cancellable A cancellable object which can be used to cancel the operation.
   * @param flags Flags affecting the operation.
  void mount(const Glib::RefPtr<MountOperation>& mount_operation, const SlotAsyncReady& slot, const Glib::RefPtr<Cancellable>& cancellable, MountMountFlags flags = MOUNT_MOUNT_NONE);

  /** Mounts a volume.
   * This is an asynchronous operation, and is finished by calling mount_finish() with the AsyncResult data returned in the callback slot.
   * @param mount_operation A mount operation.
   * @param slot A callback which will be called when the operation is completed or canceled.
   * @param flags Flags affecting the operation.
  void mount(const Glib::RefPtr<MountOperation>& mount_operation, const SlotAsyncReady& slot, MountMountFlags flags = MOUNT_MOUNT_NONE);

  /** Mounts a volume.
   * @param mount_operation A mount operation.
   * @param flags Flags affecting the operation.
  void mount(const Glib::RefPtr<MountOperation>& mount_operation, MountMountFlags flags = MOUNT_MOUNT_NONE);

  /** Mounts a volume.
   * @param flags Flags affecting the operation.
  void mount(MountMountFlags flags = MOUNT_MOUNT_NONE);


  _WRAP_METHOD(bool mount_finish(const Glib::RefPtr<AsyncResult>& result),

  void eject(const SlotAsyncReady& slot, const Glib::RefPtr<Cancellable>& cancellable, MountUnmountFlags flags = MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE);
  void eject(const SlotAsyncReady& slot, MountUnmountFlags flags = MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE);
  void eject(MountUnmountFlags flags = MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE);
  void eject(const Glib::RefPtr<MountOperation>& mount_operation, const SlotAsyncReady& slot, const Glib::RefPtr<Cancellable>& cancellable, MountUnmountFlags flags = MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE);
  void eject(const Glib::RefPtr<MountOperation>& mount_operation, const SlotAsyncReady& slot, MountUnmountFlags flags = MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE);
  void eject(const Glib::RefPtr<MountOperation>& mount_operation, MountUnmountFlags flags = MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE);

  _WRAP_METHOD(bool eject_finish(const Glib::RefPtr<AsyncResult>& result),

  _WRAP_METHOD(std::string get_identifier(const std::string& kind) const,

  #m4 _CONVERSION(`char**',`Glib::StringArrayHandle',`Glib::StringArrayHandle($3, Glib::OWNERSHIP_DEEP)')
  _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::StringArrayHandle enumerate_identifiers() const,

  _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<File> get_activation_root(), g_volume_get_activation_root)
  _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<const File> get_activation_root() const, g_volume_get_activation_root)

  _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::ustring sort_key(), g_volume_get_sort_key)

  _WRAP_SIGNAL(void changed(), changed)
  _WRAP_SIGNAL(void removed(), removed)

  //_WRAP_VFUNC(std::string get_name(), get_name)
  //_WRAP_VFUNC(Glib::RefPtr<Icon> get_icon(), get_icon)
  //_WRAP_VFUNC(std::string get_uuid(), get_uuid)

#m4 _CONVERSION(`Glib::RefPtr<Drive>',`GDrive*',__CONVERT_CONST_REFPTR_TO_P)
  //_WRAP_VFUNC(Glib::RefPtr<Drive> get_drive(), get_drive)

#m4 _CONVERSION(`Glib::RefPtr<Mount>',`GMount*',__CONVERT_CONST_REFPTR_TO_P)
  //_WRAP_VFUNC(Glib::RefPtr<Mount> get_mount(), get_mount)

  //_WRAP_VFUNC(bool can_mount(), can_mount)
  //_WRAP_VFUNC(bool can_eject(), can_eject)
  //_WRAP_VFUNC(void mount_fn(GMountMountFlags flags, GMountOperation* mount_operation, GCancellable* cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data), mount_fn) //TODO: Rename to mount()?
  //_WRAP_VFUNC(bool mount_finish(GAsyncResult* result, GError** error), mount_finish)
  //_WRAP_VFUNC(void eject(GMountUnmountFlags flags, GCancellable* cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data), eject)
  //_WRAP_VFUNC(bool eject_finish(GAsyncResult* result, GError** error), eject_finish)

  //_WRAP_VFUNC(std::string get_identifier(const std::string& kind), get_identifier)

  //TODO: Use an ArrayHandle.
  //_WRAP_VFUNC(char** enumerate_identifiers(), enumerate_identifiers)

  //_WRAP_VFUNC(bool should_automount(), should_automount)

} // namespace Gio

namespace Glib

//Pre-declare this so we can use it in TypeTrait:
Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Volume> wrap(GVolume* object, bool take_copy);

namespace Container_Helpers

/** This specialization of TypeTraits exists
 * because the default use of Glib::wrap(GObject*),
 * instead of a specific Glib::wrap(GSomeInterface*),
 * would not return a wrapper for an interface.
template <>
struct TypeTraits< Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Volume> >
  using CppType = Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Volume>;
  using CType = GVolume*;
  using CTypeNonConst = GVolume*;

  static CType   to_c_type      (const CppType& item)
  { return Glib::unwrap (item); }

  static CppType to_cpp_type    (const CType& item)
    //Use a specific Glib::wrap() function,
    //because CType has the specific type (not just GObject):
    return Glib::wrap(item, true /* take_copy */);

  static void    release_c_type (CType item)
    GLIBMM_DEBUG_UNREFERENCE(nullptr, item);

} // Container_Helpers
} // Glib