Blob Blame History Raw
/* Copyright (C) 2007 The gtkmm Development Team
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library.  If not, see <>.

#include <glibmm/listhandle.h>
#include <giomm/mount.h>
#include <giomm/icon.h>
//#include <giomm/volume.h>
//#include <giomm/mountoperation.h>


typedef struct _GDriveIface GDriveIface;

namespace Gio

_WRAP_ENUM(DriveStartFlags, GDriveStartFlags)
_WRAP_ENUM(DriveStartStopType, GDriveStartStopType)

/** Virtual File System drive management.
 * This represent a piece of hardware connected to the machine. It's generally only created for removable hardware or hardware with removable media.
 * Gio::Drive is a container class for Gio::Volume objects that stem from the same piece of media. As such, Gio::Drive abstracts a drive with
 * (or without) removable media and provides operations for querying whether media is available, determing whether media change is automatically
 * detected and ejecting the media.
 * If the Gio::Drive reports that media isn't automatically detected, one can poll for media; typically one should not do this periodically as a
 * poll for media operation is potententially expensive and may spin up the drive, creating noise.
 * @newin{2,16}
class Drive : public Glib::Interface
  _CLASS_INTERFACE(Drive, GDrive, G_DRIVE, GDriveIface)

  _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::ustring get_name() const, g_drive_get_name)

  _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<Icon> get_icon(), g_drive_get_icon, refreturn)
  _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<const Icon> get_icon() const, g_drive_get_icon,  refreturn, constversion)

  _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<Icon> get_symbolic_icon(), g_drive_get_symbolic_icon, refreturn)
  _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<const Icon> get_symbolic_icon() const, g_drive_get_symbolic_icon,  refreturn, constversion)

  _WRAP_METHOD(bool has_volumes() const, g_drive_has_volumes)

#m4 _CONVERSION(`GList*',`Glib::ListHandle< Glib::RefPtr<Volume> >',`$2($3, Glib::OWNERSHIP_SHALLOW)')
  _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::ListHandle< Glib::RefPtr<Volume> > get_volumes(), g_drive_get_volumes)

  _WRAP_METHOD(bool is_media_removable() const, g_drive_is_media_removable)
  _WRAP_METHOD(bool is_removable() const,  g_drive_is_removable)
  _WRAP_METHOD(bool has_media() const, g_drive_has_media)
  _WRAP_METHOD(bool is_media_check_automatic() const, g_drive_is_media_check_automatic)
  _WRAP_METHOD(bool can_poll_for_media() const, g_drive_can_poll_for_media)
  _WRAP_METHOD(bool can_eject() const, g_drive_can_eject)

  /** Ejects the drive.
   * @param slot A callback which will be called when the eject is completed or canceled.
   * @param flags Flags affecting the unmount if required for eject.
   * @param cancellable A cancellable object which can be used to cancel the eject.
  void eject(const SlotAsyncReady& slot, const Glib::RefPtr<Cancellable>& cancellable, MountUnmountFlags flags = MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE);

  /** Ejects the drive.
   * @param slot A callback which will be called when the eject is completed.
   * @param flags Flags affecting the unmount if required for eject.
  void eject(const SlotAsyncReady& slot, MountUnmountFlags flags = MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE);
  void eject(const Glib::RefPtr<MountOperation>& mount_operation, const SlotAsyncReady& slot, const Glib::RefPtr<Cancellable>& cancellable, MountUnmountFlags flags = MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE);
  void eject(const Glib::RefPtr<MountOperation>& mount_operation, const SlotAsyncReady& slot, MountUnmountFlags flags = MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE);

  /** Ejects the drive.
   * @param flags Flags affecting the unmount if required for eject.
  void eject(MountUnmountFlags flags = MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE);
  void eject(const Glib::RefPtr<MountOperation>& mount_operation, MountUnmountFlags flags = MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE);

  // eject_finish() is deprecated in favor of eject_with_operation_finish(), and
  // since all of our eject() overloads are implemented by
  // eject_with_operation(), we implement the _finish() with
  // eject_with_operation_finish and ignore the deprecated one
  _WRAP_METHOD(bool eject_finish(const Glib::RefPtr<AsyncResult>& result),
  _IGNORE (g_drive_eject_finish)

  /** Polls drive to see if media has been inserted or removed.
   * @param slot A callback which will be called when the poll is completed.
   * @param cancellable A cancellable object which can be used to cancel the operation.
  void poll_for_media(const SlotAsyncReady& slot, const Glib::RefPtr<Cancellable>& cancellable);

  /** Polls drive to see if media has been inserted or removed.
   * @param slot A callback which will be called when the poll is completed.
  void poll_for_media(const SlotAsyncReady& slot);

  /** Polls drive to see if media has been inserted or removed.
  void poll_for_media();

  _WRAP_METHOD(bool poll_for_media_finish(const Glib::RefPtr<AsyncResult>& result),

  _WRAP_METHOD(std::string get_identifier(const std::string& kind) const, g_drive_get_identifier)

  #m4 _CONVERSION(`char**',`Glib::StringArrayHandle',`Glib::StringArrayHandle($3, Glib::OWNERSHIP_DEEP)')
  _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::StringArrayHandle enumerate_identifiers() const, g_drive_enumerate_identifiers)

  /** @newin{2,22} */
  void start(const Glib::RefPtr<MountOperation>& mount_operation, const Glib::RefPtr<Cancellable>& cancellable, const SlotAsyncReady& slot, DriveStartFlags flags = DRIVE_START_NONE);
  /** @newin{2,22} */
  void start(const Glib::RefPtr<MountOperation>& mount_operation, const SlotAsyncReady& slot, DriveStartFlags flags = DRIVE_START_NONE);
  _WRAP_METHOD(bool start_finish(const Glib::RefPtr<AsyncResult>& result), g_drive_start_finish, errthrow)
  /** @newin{2,22} */
  _WRAP_METHOD(bool can_start() const, g_drive_can_start)
  /** @newin{2,22} */
  _WRAP_METHOD(bool can_start_degraded() const, g_drive_can_start_degraded)

  /** @newin{2,22} */
  void stop(const Glib::RefPtr<MountOperation>& mount_operation, const Glib::RefPtr<Cancellable>& cancellable, const SlotAsyncReady& slot, MountUnmountFlags flags = MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE);
  /** @newin{2,22} */
  void stop(const Glib::RefPtr<MountOperation>& mount_operation, const SlotAsyncReady& slot, MountUnmountFlags flags = MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE);
  _WRAP_METHOD(bool stop_finish(const Glib::RefPtr<AsyncResult>& result), g_drive_stop_finish, errthrow)
  /** @newin{2,22} */
  _WRAP_METHOD(bool can_stop() const, g_drive_can_stop)

  _WRAP_METHOD(DriveStartStopType get_start_stop_type() const, g_drive_get_start_stop_type)

  _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::ustring get_sort_key() const,  g_drive_get_sort_key)

  /** @newin{2,20}
  _WRAP_SIGNAL(void changed(), changed, no_default_handler)

  /** @newin{2,20}
  _WRAP_SIGNAL(void disconnected(), disconnected, no_default_handler)

  /** @newin{2,20}
  _WRAP_SIGNAL(void eject_button(), eject_button, no_default_handler)
  _WRAP_SIGNAL(void stop_button(), stop_button, no_default_handler)

  //_WRAP_VFUNC(Glib::ustring get_name() const, get_name)
  //Careful of ref-counting: //_WRAP_VFUNC(Glib::RefPtr<Icon> get_icon() const, get_icon)
  //_WRAP_VFUNC(bool has_volumes() const, has_volumes)

} // namespace Gio

namespace Glib

//Pre-declare this so we can use it in TypeTrait:
Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Drive> wrap(GDrive* object, bool take_copy);

namespace Container_Helpers

/** This specialization of TypeTraits exists
 * because the default use of Glib::wrap(GObject*),
 * instead of a specific Glib::wrap(GSomeInterface*),
 * would not return a wrapper for an interface.
template <>
struct TypeTraits< Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Drive> >
  using CppType = Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Drive>;
  using CType = GDrive*;
  using CTypeNonConst = GDrive*;

  static CType   to_c_type      (const CppType& item)
  { return Glib::unwrap (item); }

  static CppType to_cpp_type    (const CType& item)
    //Use a specific Glib::wrap() function,
    //because CType has the specific type (not just GObject):
    return Glib::wrap(item, true /* take_copy */);

  static void    release_c_type (CType item)
    GLIBMM_DEBUG_UNREFERENCE(nullptr, item);

} // Container_Helpers
} // Glib