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<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="id-"></a>Operations on multiple files</h2></div></div></div>
        gnome-vfs has the dreaded <code class="function">gnome_vfs_xfer_uri_list()</code> function which
        has tons of options and offers the equivalent of cp, mv, ln, mkdir
        and rm at the same time. 
        GIO offers a much simpler I/O scheduler functionality instead, that
        lets you schedule a function to be called in a separate thread, or
        if threads are not available, as an idle in the mainloop.
        See <a class="link" href="gio-GIOScheduler.html#g-io-scheduler-push-job" title="g_io_scheduler_push_jobĀ ()"><code class="function">g_io_scheduler_push_job()</code></a>. 
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