Blob Blame History Raw

  * readEntry:  Read file as a strict ByteString.  This avoids
    problems on Windows, where the file handle wasn't being closed.
  * Added appveyor.yml to do continuous testing on Windows.
  * Test suite: remove need for external zip program (#35).
    Instead of creating an archive with zip, we now store
    a small externally created zip archive to use for testing.

zip-archive 0.3.1

  * Don't use a custom build (#28).
  * Renamed executable Zip -> zip-archive, added --debug option.
    The --debug option prints the intermediate Haskell data structure.


  * Fix check for unix file attributes (#34).
    Previously attributes would not always be preserved
    for files in zip archives.


  * Bump bytestring lower bound so toStrict is guaranteed (Benjamin Landers).


  * Fix bug in `OptLocation` handling (EugeneN).  When using
    `OptLocation folder False` (for adding files to an archive into a
    folder without preserving full path hierarchy), original files'
    names were ignored, resulting in all the files getting the same name.


  * Fix `toArchive` so it doesn't use too much memory when a data
    data descriptor holds the size (Michael Stahl, #29).
    The size fields in the local file headers may not contain valid values,
    in which case the sizes are stored in a "data descriptor" that follows
    the file data.  Previously handling this case required reading the
    entire archive is a `[Word8]` list.  With this change, `getWordsTilSig`
    iteratively reads chunks as strict ByteStrings and converts them to
    a lazy ByteString at the end.


  * Test suite: use withTempDir to create temporary directory.
    This should help fix problems some have encountered with the
    test suite leaving a temporary directory behind.


  * Fix test suite so it runs on Windows.
  * Zip executable: get version from cabal `Paths_zip_archive` (#27).


  * Set `eVersionMadeBy` to 0 (default) in `toEntry`, since we are
    setting external attributes to 0.  See jgm/pandoc#2822.
    Only to `eVersionMadeBy` to UNIX if we actually read file
    attributes on a UNIX system.

zip-archive 0.3

  * Support preservation of file modes on Posix (Dan Aloni, #26).
  * Add `eVersionMadeBy` field to `Entry` (API change).
  * Export `ZipException` (API change).
  * `fromEntry` no longer checks for CRC32 match.  Previously, it issued
    `error` if the match failed.  CRC32 match is now checked in `writeEntry`
    instead, and a `CRC32Exception` is raised if the checksum doesn't match.
  * Test suite: return nonzero status if there are test failures.
    Previously we mistakenly did this only on 'errors', not failures.
  * Test suite: don't use -9 with zip as it isn't always available.
  * Use .travis.yml that builds on both stack and cabal.


  * Declared test suite's dependency on 'zip' using custom Setup.lhs (#21,#22).


  * Removed hard-coded path to zip in test suite (#21).
  * Removed misplaced build-depends in cabal file.


  * Allow compilation with binary >= 0.5.  Note that toArchiveOrFail
    is not safe when compiled against binary < 0.7; it will never
    return a Left value, and will raise an error if parsing fails,
    just like toArchive.  This is documented in the haddocks.
    This is ugly, but justified by the need to have a version
    of zip-archive that compiles against older versions of binary.


  * Make sure all path comparisons compare normalized paths.
    So, findEntryByPath "foo" will find something stored as "./foo"
    in the zip container.


  * Better normalization of file paths:  "./foo/bar" and "foo/./bar"
    are now treated the same, for example.  Note that we do not
    yet treat "foo/../bar" and "bar" as the same.


  * Removed lower bound on directory (>= 1.2), which caused build
    failures with GHC 7.4 and 7.6.
  * Added travis script for automatic testing on 3 GHC versions.


  * Require binary >= 0.7 and directory >= 1.2.  The newer binary
    is needed to provide toArchiveOrFail.  The other change is
    mainly for convenience, to avoid lots of ugly conditional

zip-archive 0.2.3

  * Export new function `toArchiveOrFail`.  Closes #17.
  * Set general purpose bit flag to use UTF8 in local file header.
    Otherwise we get a mismatch between the flag in the central
    directory and the flag in the local file header, which causes some
    programs not to be able to extract the files.  Closes #19.


  * Fix a stack overflow in getWordsTillSig (Tristan Ravitch).

zip-archive 0.2.2

  * Set bit 11 in the file header to ensure other programs
    recognize UTF-8 encoded file names (Tobias Brandt).

zip-archive 0.2.1

  * Added OptLocation, to specify the path to which a file
    is to be added when readEntry is used (Stephen McIntosh).