Blob Blame History Raw
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC8
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.UUID.Types as U
import Foreign (alloca, peek, poke)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

import Test.QuickCheck ( Arbitrary(arbitrary), choose )

import Test.Tasty ( defaultMain, TestTree, testGroup )
import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( assertBool, (@?=), (@=?), testCase )
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck ( testProperty )

instance Arbitrary U.UUID where
    -- the UUID random instance ignores bounds
    arbitrary = choose (U.nil, U.nil)

type Test = TestTree

test_null :: Test
test_null =
  testCase "nil is null" $
  assertBool "" (U.null U.nil)

test_nil :: Test
test_nil = testGroup "nil" [
    testCase "nil string" $ U.toString U.nil @?= "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    testCase "nil bytes"  $ U.toByteString U.nil @?= BL.pack (replicate 16 0)

test_conv :: Test
test_conv = testGroup "conversions" [
    testCase "conv bytes to string" $
        maybe "" (U.toString) (U.fromByteString b16) @?= s16,
    testCase "conv string to bytes" $
        maybe BL.empty (U.toByteString) (U.fromString s16) @?= b16
    where b16 = BL.pack [1..16]
          s16 = "01020304-0506-0708-090a-0b0c0d0e0f10"

-- | Test fromByteString with a fixed-input.
test_fromByteString :: Test
test_fromByteString =
    testCase "UUID fromByteString" $
        Just inputUUID @=?
             U.fromByteString (BL8.pack "\165\202\133f\217\197H5\153\200\225\241>s\181\226")

-- | Test fromWords with a fixed-input
test_fromWords :: Test
test_fromWords =
    testCase "UUID fromWords" $
        inputUUID @=? U.fromWords 2781513062 3653584949 2580079089 1047770594

inputUUID :: U.UUID
inputUUID = read "a5ca8566-d9c5-4835-99c8-e1f13e73b5e2"

prop_stringRoundTrip :: Test
prop_stringRoundTrip = testProperty "String round trip" stringRoundTrip
    where stringRoundTrip :: U.UUID -> Bool
          stringRoundTrip u = maybe False (== u) $ U.fromString (U.toString u)

prop_byteStringRoundTrip :: Test
prop_byteStringRoundTrip = testProperty "ByteString round trip" byteStringRoundTrip
    where byteStringRoundTrip :: U.UUID -> Bool
          byteStringRoundTrip u = maybe False (== u)
                                    $ U.fromByteString (U.toByteString u)

prop_stringLength :: Test
prop_stringLength = testProperty "String length" stringLength
    where stringLength :: U.UUID -> Bool
          stringLength u = length (U.toString u) == 36

prop_byteStringLength :: Test
prop_byteStringLength = testProperty "ByteString length" byteStringLength
    where byteStringLength :: U.UUID -> Bool
          byteStringLength u = BL.length (U.toByteString u) == 16

prop_randomsDiffer :: Test
prop_randomsDiffer = testProperty "Randoms differ" randomsDiffer
    where randomsDiffer :: (U.UUID, U.UUID) -> Bool
          randomsDiffer (u1, u2) = u1 /= u2

prop_randomNotNull :: Test
prop_randomNotNull = testProperty "Random not null" randomNotNull
    where randomNotNull :: U.UUID -> Bool
          randomNotNull = not. U.null

prop_readShowRoundTrip :: Test
prop_readShowRoundTrip = testProperty "Read/Show round-trip" prop
    where -- we're using 'Maybe UUID' to add a bit of
          -- real-world complexity.
          prop :: U.UUID -> Bool
          prop uuid = read (show (Just uuid)) == Just uuid

-- Mostly going to test for wrong UUIDs
fromASCIIBytes_fromString1 :: String -> Bool
fromASCIIBytes_fromString1 s =
    if all (\c -> ord c < 256) s
    then U.fromString s == U.fromASCIIBytes (BC8.pack s)
    else True

fromASCIIBytes_fromString2 :: U.UUID -> Bool
fromASCIIBytes_fromString2 (U.toString -> s) =
    U.fromString s == U.fromASCIIBytes (BC8.pack s)

toASCIIBytes_toString :: U.UUID -> Bool
toASCIIBytes_toString uuid =
    U.toString uuid == BC8.unpack (U.toASCIIBytes uuid)

fromASCIIBytes_toASCIIBytes :: U.UUID -> Bool
fromASCIIBytes_toASCIIBytes (BC8.pack . U.toString -> bs) =
    Just bs == (U.toASCIIBytes <$> U.fromASCIIBytes bs)

toASCIIBytes_fromASCIIBytes :: U.UUID -> Bool
toASCIIBytes_fromASCIIBytes uuid =
    Just uuid == U.fromASCIIBytes (U.toASCIIBytes uuid)

toWords_fromWords :: U.UUID -> Bool
toWords_fromWords uuid =
    uuid == myUncurry4 U.fromWords (U.toWords uuid)

fromWords_toWords :: (Word32, Word32, Word32, Word32) -> Bool
fromWords_toWords wds =
    wds == U.toWords (myUncurry4 U.fromWords wds)

myUncurry4 :: (x1 -> x2 -> x3 -> x4 -> y) -> (x1, x2, x3, x4) -> y
myUncurry4 f (a,b,c,d) = f a b c d

prop_storableRoundTrip :: Test
prop_storableRoundTrip =
    testProperty "Storeable round-trip" $ unsafePerformIO . prop
    prop :: U.UUID -> IO Bool
    prop uuid =
        alloca $ \ptr -> do
          poke ptr uuid
          uuid2 <- peek ptr
          return $ uuid == uuid2

main :: IO ()
main = do
    defaultMain $
     testGroup "tests" $
     concat $
     [ [
     , [ prop_stringRoundTrip,
     , [ testProperty "fromASCIIBytes_fromString1"  fromASCIIBytes_fromString1
       , testProperty "fromASCIIBytes_fromString2"  fromASCIIBytes_fromString2
       , testProperty "fromASCIIBytes_toString"     toASCIIBytes_toString
       , testProperty "fromASCIIBytes_toASCIIBytes" fromASCIIBytes_toASCIIBytes
       , testProperty "toASCIIBytes_fromASCIIBytes" toASCIIBytes_fromASCIIBytes
       , testProperty "toWords_fromWords" toWords_fromWords
       , testProperty "fromWords_toWords" fromWords_toWords