Blob Blame History Raw
-- |
-- Module      :  Codec.Archive.Tar.Write
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2007 Bjorn Bringert,
--                    2008 Andrea Vezzosi,
--                    2008-2009 Duncan Coutts
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :
-- Portability :  portable
module Codec.Archive.Tar.Write (write) where

import Codec.Archive.Tar.Types

import Data.Char     (ord)
import Data.List     (foldl')
import Data.Monoid   (mempty)
import Numeric       (showOct)

import qualified Data.ByteString             as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8       as BS.Char8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy        as LBS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8  as LBS.Char8

-- | Create the external representation of a tar archive by serialising a list
-- of tar entries.
-- * The conversion is done lazily.
write :: [Entry] -> LBS.ByteString
write es = LBS.concat $ map putEntry es ++ [LBS.replicate (512*2) 0]

putEntry :: Entry -> LBS.ByteString
putEntry entry = case entryContent entry of
  NormalFile       content size -> LBS.concat [ header, content, padding size ]
  OtherEntryType _ content size -> LBS.concat [ header, content, padding size ]
  _                             -> header
    header       = putHeader entry
    padding size = LBS.replicate paddingSize 0
      where paddingSize = fromIntegral (negate size `mod` 512)

putHeader :: Entry -> LBS.ByteString
putHeader entry =
   $ take 148 block
  ++ putOct 7 checksum
  ++ ' ' : drop 156 block
--  ++ putOct 8 checksum
--  ++ drop 156 block
    block    = putHeaderNoChkSum entry
    checksum = foldl' (\x y -> x + ord y) 0 block

putHeaderNoChkSum :: Entry -> String
putHeaderNoChkSum Entry {
    entryTarPath     = TarPath name prefix,
    entryContent     = content,
    entryPermissions = permissions,
    entryOwnership   = ownership,
    entryTime        = modTime,
    entryFormat      = format
  } =

    [ putBString 100 $ name
    , putOct       8 $ permissions
    , putOct       8 $ ownerId ownership
    , putOct       8 $ groupId ownership
    , putOct      12 $ contentSize
    , putOct      12 $ modTime
    , fill         8 $ ' ' -- dummy checksum
    , putChar8       $ typeCode
    , putBString 100 $ linkTarget
    ] ++
  case format of
  V7Format    ->
      fill 255 '\NUL'
  UstarFormat -> concat
    [ putBString   8 $ ustarMagic
    , putString   32 $ ownerName ownership
    , putString   32 $ groupName ownership
    , putOct       8 $ deviceMajor
    , putOct       8 $ deviceMinor
    , putBString 155 $ prefix
    , fill        12 $ '\NUL'
  GnuFormat -> concat
    [ putBString   8 $ gnuMagic
    , putString   32 $ ownerName ownership
    , putString   32 $ groupName ownership
    , putGnuDev    8 $ deviceMajor
    , putGnuDev    8 $ deviceMinor
    , putBString 155 $ prefix
    , fill        12 $ '\NUL'
    (typeCode, contentSize, linkTarget,
     deviceMajor, deviceMinor) = case content of
       NormalFile      _ size            -> ('0' , size, mempty, 0,     0)
       Directory                         -> ('5' , 0,    mempty, 0,     0)
       SymbolicLink    (LinkTarget link) -> ('2' , 0,    link,   0,     0)
       HardLink        (LinkTarget link) -> ('1' , 0,    link,   0,     0)
       CharacterDevice major minor       -> ('3' , 0,    mempty, major, minor)
       BlockDevice     major minor       -> ('4' , 0,    mempty, major, minor)
       NamedPipe                         -> ('6' , 0,    mempty, 0,     0)
       OtherEntryType  code _ size       -> (code, size, mempty, 0,     0)

    putGnuDev w n = case content of
      CharacterDevice _ _ -> putOct w n
      BlockDevice     _ _ -> putOct w n
      _                   -> replicate w '\NUL'

ustarMagic, gnuMagic :: BS.ByteString
ustarMagic = BS.Char8.pack "ustar\NUL00"
gnuMagic   = BS.Char8.pack "ustar  \NUL"

-- * TAR format primitive output

type FieldWidth = Int

putBString :: FieldWidth -> BS.ByteString -> String
putBString n s = BS.Char8.unpack (BS.take n s) ++ fill (n - BS.length s) '\NUL'

putString :: FieldWidth -> String -> String
putString n s = take n s ++ fill (n - length s) '\NUL'

--TODO: check integer widths, eg for large file sizes
putOct :: (Integral a, Show a) => FieldWidth -> a -> String
putOct n x =
  let octStr = take (n-1) $ showOct x ""
   in fill (n - length octStr - 1) '0'
   ++ octStr
   ++ putChar8 '\NUL'

putChar8 :: Char -> String
putChar8 c = [c]

fill :: FieldWidth -> Char -> String
fill n c = replicate n c