Blob Blame History Raw
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- test file, so OK

module TagSoup.Benchmark where

import Text.HTML.TagSoup

import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafeInterleaveIO)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX(getPOSIXTime)

conf = 0.95

timefile :: FilePath -> IO ()
timefile file = do
    -- use LBS to be most representative of real life
    lbs <- LBS.readFile file
    let str = LBS.unpack lbs
        bs = BS.concat $ LBS.toChunks lbs
    () <- LBS.length lbs `seq` length str `seq` BS.length bs `seq` return ()
    benchWith (const str, const bs, const lbs) $ benchStatic (toInteger $ LBS.length lbs)

sample :: String
sample = "<this is a test with='attributes' and other=\"things&quot;tested\" /><neil> is </here>" ++
         "<!-- comment --> and some just random &amp; test &gt;&lt;<foo></bar><bar><bob href=no>"

nsample = genericLength sample :: Integer

time :: IO ()
time = benchWith (str,bs,lbs) benchVariable
        str = \i -> concat $ genericReplicate i sample
        bs  = let s = BS.pack sample in \i -> BS.concat (genericReplicate i s)
        lbs = let s = LBS.pack sample in \i -> LBS.concat (genericReplicate i s)

benchWith :: (Integer -> String, Integer -> BS.ByteString, Integer -> LBS.ByteString)
          -> ((Integer -> ()) -> IO [String]) -> IO ()
benchWith (str,bs,lbs) bench = do
        putStrLn "Timing parseTags in characters/second"
        let header = map (:[]) ["(" ++ show (round $ conf * 100) ++ "% confidence)","String","BS","LBS"]
        rows <- mapM row $ replicateM 3 [False,True]
        mapM_ (putStrLn . strict . grid) $ delay2 $ header : rows
        row [a,b,c] = do
            let header = intercalate "," [g a "pos", g b "warn", g c "merge"]
                g b x = (if b then ' ' else '!') : x
                f x = bench $ \i -> rnf $ parseTagsOptions parseOptions{optTagPosition=a,optTagWarning=b,optTagTextMerge=c} $ x i
            c1 <- f str
            c2 <- f bs
            c3 <- f lbs
            return [[header],c1,c2,c3]

        strict = reverse . reverse


disp xs = showUnit (floor xbar) ++ " (~" ++ rng ++ "%)"
    where xbar = mean xs
          rng = if length xs <= 1 then "?" else show (ceiling $ (range conf xs) * 100 / xbar) 

cons x = fmap (x:)

aimTime = 0.3 :: Double -- seconds to aim for
minTime = 0.2 :: Double -- below this a test is considered invalid

-- given a number of times to repeat sample, return a list of what
-- to display
benchVariable :: (Integer -> ()) -> IO [String]
benchVariable op = cons "?" $ f 10 []
        f i seen | length seen > 9 = cons ("  " ++ disp seen) $ return []
                 | otherwise = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
            now <- timer $ op i
            let cps = if now == 0 then 0 else fromInteger (i * nsample) / now
            if now < minTime || (null seen && now < aimTime) then do
                let factor = min 7 $ max 2 $ floor $ aimTime / now
                cons ("? " ++ disp [cps]) $ f (i * factor) []
                cons (show (9 - length seen) ++ " " ++ disp (cps:seen)) $ f i (cps:seen)

benchStatic :: Integer -> (Integer -> ()) -> IO [String]
benchStatic nsample op = cons "?" $ f []
        f seen | length seen > 9 = cons ("  " ++ disp seen) $ return []
               | otherwise = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
            now <- timer $ op $ genericLength seen
            let cps = if now == 0 then 0 else fromInteger nsample / now
            cons (show (9 - length seen) ++ " " ++ disp (cps:seen)) $ f (cps:seen)


-- | Given a number, show it using a unit and decimal place
showUnit :: Integer -> String
showUnit x = num ++ unit
        units = " KMGTPEZY"
        (use,skip) = splitAt 3 $ show x

        unit = [units !! ((length skip + 2) `div` 3)]

        dot = ((length skip - 1) `mod` 3) + 1
        num = a ++ ['.' | b /= ""] ++ b
            where (a,b) = splitAt dot use

-- copied from the criterion package
getTime :: IO Double
getTime = (fromRational . toRational) `fmap` getPOSIXTime

timer :: () -> IO Double
timer x = do
    start <- getTime
    () <- return x
    end <- getTime
    return $ end - start

-- display a grid
grid :: [[String]] -> String
grid xs = unlines $ map (concat . zipWith f cols) xs
    where cols = map (maximum . map length) $ transpose xs
          f n x = x ++ replicate (n+1 - length x) ' '

-- display a series of grids over time
-- when a grid gets to [] keep its value at that
-- when all grids get to [] return []
delay2 :: [[[String]]] -> [[[String]]]
delay2 xs = map (map head) xs : (if all (null . tail) (concat xs) then [] else delay2 $ map (map tl) xs)
    where tl (x:xs) = if null xs then x:xs else xs


instance NFData a => NFData (Tag a) where
    rnf (TagOpen x y) = rnf x `seq` rnf y
    rnf (TagClose x) = rnf x
    rnf (TagText x) = rnf x
    rnf (TagComment x) = rnf x
    rnf (TagWarning x) = rnf x
    rnf (TagPosition x y) = () -- both are already ! bound

# ifdef MIN_VERSION_bytestring
#  define BYTESTRING_HAS_NFDATA (MIN_VERSION_bytestring(0,10,0))
# else
# endif

instance NFData LBS.ByteString where
    rnf x = LBS.length x `seq` ()

instance NFData BS.ByteString where
    rnf x = BS.length x `seq` ()

-- Provided by Emily Mitchell

confNs = let (*) = (,) in
    [0.95 * 1.96
    ,0.90 * 1.644]

size :: [Double] -> Double
size = genericLength

mean :: [Double] -> Double
mean xs = sum xs / size xs

stddev :: [Double] -> Double
stddev xs = sqrt $ sum [sqr (x - xbar) | x <- xs] / size xs
    where xbar = mean xs
          sqr x = x * x

-- given a sample, and a required confidence
-- of the mean (i.e. 2.5% = 0.025)
range ::Double -> [Double] -> Double
range conf xs = conf2 * stddev xs / sqrt (size xs)
    where conf2 = fromMaybe (error $ "Unknown confidence interval: " ++ show conf) $ lookup conf confNs