Blob Blame History Raw

module Main(main) where

import System.Environment
import TagSoup.Sample
import TagSoup.Test
import TagSoup.Benchmark
import Data.Char(toLower)

helpMsg :: IO ()
helpMsg = putStr $ unlines $
    ["TagSoup, (C) Neil Mitchell 2006-2009"
    ,"  tagsoup arguments"
    ,"<url> may either be a local file, or a http[s]:// page"
    ] ++ map f res
        width = maximum $ map (length . fst) res
        res = map g actions

        g (nam,msg,Left  _) = (nam,msg)
        g (nam,msg,Right _) = (nam ++ " <url>",msg)

        f (lhs,rhs) = "  " ++ lhs ++ replicate (4 + width - length lhs) ' ' ++ rhs

actions :: [(String, String, Either (IO ()) (String -> IO ()))]
actions = [("test","Run the test suite",Left test)
          ,("grab","Grab a web page",Right grab)
          ,("parse","Parse a web page",Right parse)
          ,("bench","Benchmark the parsing",Left time)
          ,("benchfile","Benchmark the parsing of a file",Right timefile)
          ,("validate","Validate a page",Right validate)
          ,("lastmodifieddate","Get the last modified date",Left haskellLastModifiedDateTime)
          ,("spj","Simon Peyton Jones' papers",Left spjPapers)
          ,("ndm","Neil Mitchell's papers",Left ndmPapers)
          ,("time","Current time",Left currentTime)
          ,("google","Google Tech News",Left googleTechNews)
          ,("sequence","Creators on",Left rssCreators)
          ,("help","This help message",Left helpMsg)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    args <- getArgs
    case (args, lookup (map toLower $ head args) $ map (\(a,_,c) -> (a,c)) actions) of
        ([],_) -> do
            putStrLn "No arguments specifying, defaulting to test"
            putStrLn $ replicate 70 '-'
        (x:_,Nothing) -> putStrLn ("Error: unknown command " ++ x) >> helpMsg
        ([_],Just (Left a)) -> a
        (x:xs,Just (Left a)) -> do
            putStrLn $ "Warning: expected no arguments to " ++ x ++ " but got: " ++ unwords xs
        ([_,y],Just (Right a)) -> a y
        (x:xs,Just (Right _)) -> do
            putStrLn $ "Error: expected exactly one argument to " ++ x ++ " but got: " ++ unwords xs