Blob Blame History Raw
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}

#include "HsNet.h"

module Network.Socket.Types
    -- * Socket
    , sockFd
    , sockFamily
    , sockType
    , sockProtocol
    , sockStatus
    , SocketStatus(..)

    -- * Socket types
    , SocketType(..)
    , isSupportedSocketType
    , packSocketType
    , packSocketType'
    , packSocketTypeOrThrow
    , unpackSocketType
    , unpackSocketType'

    -- * Family
    , Family(..)
    , isSupportedFamily
    , packFamily
    , unpackFamily

    -- * Socket addresses
    , SockAddr(..)
    , isSupportedSockAddr
    , HostAddress
    , hostAddressToTuple
    , tupleToHostAddress
#if defined(IPV6_SOCKET_SUPPORT)
    , HostAddress6
    , hostAddress6ToTuple
    , tupleToHostAddress6
    , FlowInfo
    , ScopeID
    , peekSockAddr
    , pokeSockAddr
    , sizeOfSockAddr
    , sizeOfSockAddrByFamily
    , withSockAddr
    , withNewSockAddr

    -- * Unsorted
    , ProtocolNumber
    , PortNumber(..)

    -- * Low-level helpers
    , zeroMemory
    ) where

import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Word
import Data.Int
import Foreign.C
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable

-- | Represents a socket.  The fields are, respectively:
--   * File descriptor
--   * Socket family
--   * Socket type
--   * Protocol number
--   * Status flag
--   If you are calling the 'MkSocket' constructor directly you should ensure
--   you have called 'Network.withSocketsDo' and that the file descriptor is
--   in non-blocking mode. See 'Network.Socket.setNonBlockIfNeeded'.
data Socket
  = MkSocket
            CInt                 -- File Descriptor
            ProtocolNumber       -- Protocol Number
            (MVar SocketStatus)  -- Status Flag
  deriving Typeable

sockFd :: Socket -> CInt
sockFd       (MkSocket n _ _ _ _) = n

sockFamily :: Socket -> Family
sockFamily   (MkSocket _ f _ _ _) = f

sockType :: Socket -> SocketType
sockType     (MkSocket _ _ t _ _) = t

sockProtocol :: Socket -> ProtocolNumber
sockProtocol (MkSocket _ _ _ p _) = p

sockStatus :: Socket -> MVar SocketStatus
sockStatus   (MkSocket _ _ _ _ s) = s

instance Eq Socket where
  (MkSocket _ _ _ _ m1) == (MkSocket _ _ _ _ m2) = m1 == m2

instance Show Socket where
  showsPrec _n (MkSocket fd _ _ _ _) =
        showString "<socket: " . shows fd . showString ">"

type ProtocolNumber = CInt

-- | The status of the socket as /determined by this library/, not
-- necessarily reflecting the state of the connection itself.
-- For example, the 'Closed' status is applied when the 'close'
-- function is called.
data SocketStatus
  -- Returned Status    Function called
  = NotConnected        -- ^ Newly created, unconnected socket
  | Bound               -- ^ Bound, via 'bind'
  | Listening           -- ^ Listening, via 'listen'
  | Connected           -- ^ Connected or accepted, via 'connect' or 'accept'
  | ConvertedToHandle   -- ^ Is now a 'Handle' (via 'socketToHandle'), don't touch
  | Closed              -- ^ Closed was closed by 'close'
    deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

-- Socket types

-- There are a few possible ways to do this.  The first is convert the
-- structs used in the C library into an equivalent Haskell type. An
-- other possible implementation is to keep all the internals in the C
-- code and use an Int## and a status flag. The second method is used
-- here since a lot of the C structures are not required to be
-- manipulated.

-- Originally the status was non-mutable so we had to return a new
-- socket each time we changed the status.  This version now uses
-- mutable variables to avoid the need to do this.  The result is a
-- cleaner interface and better security since the application
-- programmer now can't circumvent the status information to perform
-- invalid operations on sockets.

-- | Socket Types.
-- The existence of a constructor does not necessarily imply that that
-- socket type is supported on your system: see 'isSupportedSocketType'.
data SocketType
        = NoSocketType -- ^ 0, used in getAddrInfo hints, for example
        | Stream -- ^ SOCK_STREAM
        | Datagram -- ^ SOCK_DGRAM
        | Raw -- ^ SOCK_RAW
        | RDM -- ^ SOCK_RDM
        | SeqPacket -- ^ SOCK_SEQPACKET
        deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable)

-- | Does the SOCK_ constant corresponding to the given SocketType exist on
-- this system?
isSupportedSocketType :: SocketType -> Bool
isSupportedSocketType = isJust . packSocketType'

-- | Find the SOCK_ constant corresponding to the SocketType value.
packSocketType' :: SocketType -> Maybe CInt
packSocketType' stype = case Just stype of
    -- the Just above is to disable GHC's overlapping pattern
    -- detection: see comments for packSocketOption
    Just NoSocketType -> Just 0
    Just Stream -> Just #const SOCK_STREAM
    Just Datagram -> Just #const SOCK_DGRAM
#ifdef SOCK_RAW
    Just Raw -> Just #const SOCK_RAW
#ifdef SOCK_RDM
    Just RDM -> Just #const SOCK_RDM
    Just SeqPacket -> Just #const SOCK_SEQPACKET
    _ -> Nothing

packSocketType :: SocketType -> CInt
packSocketType stype = fromMaybe (error errMsg) (packSocketType' stype)
    errMsg = concat ["Network.Socket.packSocketType: ",
                     "socket type ", show stype, " unsupported on this system"]

-- | Try packSocketType' on the SocketType, if it fails throw an error with
-- message starting "Network.Socket." ++ the String parameter
packSocketTypeOrThrow :: String -> SocketType -> IO CInt
packSocketTypeOrThrow caller stype = maybe err return (packSocketType' stype)
  err = ioError . userError . concat $ ["Network.Socket.", caller, ": ",
    "socket type ", show stype, " unsupported on this system"]

unpackSocketType:: CInt -> Maybe SocketType
unpackSocketType t = case t of
        0 -> Just NoSocketType
        (#const SOCK_STREAM) -> Just Stream
        (#const SOCK_DGRAM) -> Just Datagram
#ifdef SOCK_RAW
        (#const SOCK_RAW) -> Just Raw
#ifdef SOCK_RDM
        (#const SOCK_RDM) -> Just RDM
        (#const SOCK_SEQPACKET) -> Just SeqPacket
        _ -> Nothing

-- | Try unpackSocketType on the CInt, if it fails throw an error with
-- message starting "Network.Socket." ++ the String parameter
unpackSocketType' :: String -> CInt -> IO SocketType
unpackSocketType' caller ty = maybe err return (unpackSocketType ty)
  err = ioError . userError . concat $ ["Network.Socket.", caller, ": ",
    "socket type ", show ty, " unsupported on this system"]

-- Protocol Families.

-- | Address families.
-- A constructor being present here does not mean it is supported by the
-- operating system: see 'isSupportedFamily'.
data Family
    = AF_UNSPEC           -- unspecified
    | AF_UNIX             -- local to host (pipes, portals
    | AF_INET             -- internetwork: UDP, TCP, etc
    | AF_INET6            -- Internet Protocol version 6
    | AF_IMPLINK          -- arpanet imp addresses
    | AF_PUP              -- pup protocols: e.g. BSP
    | AF_CHAOS            -- mit CHAOS protocols
    | AF_NS               -- XEROX NS protocols
    | AF_NBS              -- nbs protocols
    | AF_ECMA             -- european computer manufacturers
    | AF_DATAKIT          -- datakit protocols
    | AF_CCITT            -- CCITT protocols, X.25 etc
    | AF_SNA              -- IBM SNA
    | AF_DECnet           -- DECnet
    | AF_DLI              -- Direct data link interface
    | AF_LAT              -- LAT
    | AF_HYLINK           -- NSC Hyperchannel
    | AF_APPLETALK        -- Apple Talk
    | AF_ROUTE            -- Internal Routing Protocol
    | AF_NETBIOS          -- NetBios-style addresses
    | AF_NIT              -- Network Interface Tap
    | AF_802              -- IEEE 802.2, also ISO 8802
    | AF_ISO              -- ISO protocols
    | AF_OSI              -- umbrella of all families used by OSI
    | AF_NETMAN           -- DNA Network Management
    | AF_X25              -- CCITT X.25
    | AF_AX25
    | AF_OSINET           -- AFI
    | AF_GOSSIP           -- US Government OSI
    | AF_IPX              -- Novell Internet Protocol
    | Pseudo_AF_XTP       -- eXpress Transfer Protocol (no AF)
    | AF_CTF              -- Common Trace Facility
    | AF_WAN              -- Wide Area Network protocols
    | AF_SDL              -- SGI Data Link for DLPI
    | AF_NDD
    | AF_INTF             -- Debugging use only
    | AF_COIP             -- connection-oriented IP, aka ST II
    | AF_CNT              -- Computer Network Technology
    | Pseudo_AF_RTIP      -- Help Identify RTIP packets
    | Pseudo_AF_PIP       -- Help Identify PIP packets
    | AF_SIP              -- Simple Internet Protocol
    | AF_ISDN             -- Integrated Services Digital Network
    | Pseudo_AF_KEY       -- Internal key-management function
    | AF_NATM             -- native ATM access
    | AF_ARP              -- (rev.) addr. res. prot. (RFC 826)
    | Pseudo_AF_HDRCMPLT  -- Used by BPF to not rewrite hdrs in iface output
    | AF_ENCAP
    | AF_LINK             -- Link layer interface
    | AF_RAW              -- Link layer interface
    | AF_RIF              -- raw interface
    | AF_NETROM           -- Amateur radio NetROM
    | AF_BRIDGE           -- multiprotocol bridge
    | AF_ATMPVC           -- ATM PVCs
    | AF_ROSE             -- Amateur Radio X.25 PLP
    | AF_NETBEUI          -- 802.2LLC
    | AF_SECURITY         -- Security callback pseudo AF
    | AF_PACKET           -- Packet family
    | AF_ASH              -- Ash
    | AF_ECONET           -- Acorn Econet
    | AF_ATMSVC           -- ATM SVCs
    | AF_IRDA             -- IRDA sockets
    | AF_PPPOX            -- PPPoX sockets
    | AF_WANPIPE          -- Wanpipe API sockets
    | AF_BLUETOOTH        -- bluetooth sockets
    | AF_CAN              -- Controller Area Network
      deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

packFamily :: Family -> CInt
packFamily f = case packFamily' f of
    Just fam -> fam
    Nothing -> error $
               "Network.Socket.packFamily: unsupported address family: " ++
               show f

-- | Does the AF_ constant corresponding to the given family exist on this
-- system?
isSupportedFamily :: Family -> Bool
isSupportedFamily = isJust . packFamily'

packFamily' :: Family -> Maybe CInt
packFamily' f = case Just f of
    -- the Just above is to disable GHC's overlapping pattern
    -- detection: see comments for packSocketOption
    Just AF_UNSPEC -> Just #const AF_UNSPEC
#ifdef AF_UNIX
    Just AF_UNIX -> Just #const AF_UNIX
#ifdef AF_INET
    Just AF_INET -> Just #const AF_INET
#ifdef AF_INET6
    Just AF_INET6 -> Just #const AF_INET6
    Just AF_IMPLINK -> Just #const AF_IMPLINK
#ifdef AF_PUP
    Just AF_PUP -> Just #const AF_PUP
#ifdef AF_CHAOS
    Just AF_CHAOS -> Just #const AF_CHAOS
#ifdef AF_NS
    Just AF_NS -> Just #const AF_NS
#ifdef AF_NBS
    Just AF_NBS -> Just #const AF_NBS
#ifdef AF_ECMA
    Just AF_ECMA -> Just #const AF_ECMA
    Just AF_DATAKIT -> Just #const AF_DATAKIT
#ifdef AF_CCITT
    Just AF_CCITT -> Just #const AF_CCITT
#ifdef AF_SNA
    Just AF_SNA -> Just #const AF_SNA
#ifdef AF_DECnet
    Just AF_DECnet -> Just #const AF_DECnet
#ifdef AF_DLI
    Just AF_DLI -> Just #const AF_DLI
#ifdef AF_LAT
    Just AF_LAT -> Just #const AF_LAT
#ifdef AF_HYLINK
    Just AF_HYLINK -> Just #const AF_HYLINK
    Just AF_APPLETALK -> Just #const AF_APPLETALK
#ifdef AF_ROUTE
    Just AF_ROUTE -> Just #const AF_ROUTE
    Just AF_NETBIOS -> Just #const AF_NETBIOS
#ifdef AF_NIT
    Just AF_NIT -> Just #const AF_NIT
#ifdef AF_802
    Just AF_802 -> Just #const AF_802
#ifdef AF_ISO
    Just AF_ISO -> Just #const AF_ISO
#ifdef AF_OSI
    Just AF_OSI -> Just #const AF_OSI
#ifdef AF_NETMAN
    Just AF_NETMAN -> Just #const AF_NETMAN
#ifdef AF_X25
    Just AF_X25 -> Just #const AF_X25
#ifdef AF_AX25
    Just AF_AX25 -> Just #const AF_AX25
#ifdef AF_OSINET
    Just AF_OSINET -> Just #const AF_OSINET
#ifdef AF_GOSSIP
    Just AF_GOSSIP -> Just #const AF_GOSSIP
#ifdef AF_IPX
    Just AF_IPX -> Just #const AF_IPX
#ifdef Pseudo_AF_XTP
    Just Pseudo_AF_XTP -> Just #const Pseudo_AF_XTP
#ifdef AF_CTF
    Just AF_CTF -> Just #const AF_CTF
#ifdef AF_WAN
    Just AF_WAN -> Just #const AF_WAN
#ifdef AF_SDL
    Just AF_SDL -> Just #const AF_SDL
    Just AF_NETWARE -> Just #const AF_NETWARE
#ifdef AF_NDD
    Just AF_NDD -> Just #const AF_NDD
#ifdef AF_INTF
    Just AF_INTF -> Just #const AF_INTF
#ifdef AF_COIP
    Just AF_COIP -> Just #const AF_COIP
#ifdef AF_CNT
    Just AF_CNT -> Just #const AF_CNT
#ifdef Pseudo_AF_RTIP
    Just Pseudo_AF_RTIP -> Just #const Pseudo_AF_RTIP
#ifdef Pseudo_AF_PIP
    Just Pseudo_AF_PIP -> Just #const Pseudo_AF_PIP
#ifdef AF_SIP
    Just AF_SIP -> Just #const AF_SIP
#ifdef AF_ISDN
    Just AF_ISDN -> Just #const AF_ISDN
#ifdef Pseudo_AF_KEY
    Just Pseudo_AF_KEY -> Just #const Pseudo_AF_KEY
#ifdef AF_NATM
    Just AF_NATM -> Just #const AF_NATM
#ifdef AF_ARP
    Just AF_ARP -> Just #const AF_ARP
#ifdef Pseudo_AF_HDRCMPLT
    Just Pseudo_AF_HDRCMPLT -> Just #const Pseudo_AF_HDRCMPLT
#ifdef AF_ENCAP
    Just AF_ENCAP -> Just #const AF_ENCAP
#ifdef AF_LINK
    Just AF_LINK -> Just #const AF_LINK
#ifdef AF_RAW
    Just AF_RAW -> Just #const AF_RAW
#ifdef AF_RIF
    Just AF_RIF -> Just #const AF_RIF
#ifdef AF_NETROM
    Just AF_NETROM -> Just #const AF_NETROM
#ifdef AF_BRIDGE
    Just AF_BRIDGE -> Just #const AF_BRIDGE
#ifdef AF_ATMPVC
    Just AF_ATMPVC -> Just #const AF_ATMPVC
#ifdef AF_ROSE
    Just AF_ROSE -> Just #const AF_ROSE
    Just AF_NETBEUI -> Just #const AF_NETBEUI
    Just AF_SECURITY -> Just #const AF_SECURITY
#ifdef AF_PACKET
    Just AF_PACKET -> Just #const AF_PACKET
#ifdef AF_ASH
    Just AF_ASH -> Just #const AF_ASH
#ifdef AF_ECONET
    Just AF_ECONET -> Just #const AF_ECONET
#ifdef AF_ATMSVC
    Just AF_ATMSVC -> Just #const AF_ATMSVC
#ifdef AF_IRDA
    Just AF_IRDA -> Just #const AF_IRDA
#ifdef AF_PPPOX
    Just AF_PPPOX -> Just #const AF_PPPOX
    Just AF_WANPIPE -> Just #const AF_WANPIPE
    Just AF_BLUETOOTH -> Just #const AF_BLUETOOTH
#ifdef AF_CAN
    Just AF_CAN -> Just #const AF_CAN
    _ -> Nothing

--------- ----------

unpackFamily :: CInt -> Family
unpackFamily f = case f of
        (#const AF_UNSPEC) -> AF_UNSPEC
#ifdef AF_UNIX
        (#const AF_UNIX) -> AF_UNIX
#ifdef AF_INET
        (#const AF_INET) -> AF_INET
#ifdef AF_INET6
        (#const AF_INET6) -> AF_INET6
        (#const AF_IMPLINK) -> AF_IMPLINK
#ifdef AF_PUP
        (#const AF_PUP) -> AF_PUP
#ifdef AF_CHAOS
        (#const AF_CHAOS) -> AF_CHAOS
#ifdef AF_NS
        (#const AF_NS) -> AF_NS
#ifdef AF_NBS
        (#const AF_NBS) -> AF_NBS
#ifdef AF_ECMA
        (#const AF_ECMA) -> AF_ECMA
        (#const AF_DATAKIT) -> AF_DATAKIT
#ifdef AF_CCITT
        (#const AF_CCITT) -> AF_CCITT
#ifdef AF_SNA
        (#const AF_SNA) -> AF_SNA
#ifdef AF_DECnet
        (#const AF_DECnet) -> AF_DECnet
#ifdef AF_DLI
        (#const AF_DLI) -> AF_DLI
#ifdef AF_LAT
        (#const AF_LAT) -> AF_LAT
#ifdef AF_HYLINK
        (#const AF_HYLINK) -> AF_HYLINK
        (#const AF_APPLETALK) -> AF_APPLETALK
#ifdef AF_ROUTE
        (#const AF_ROUTE) -> AF_ROUTE
        (#const AF_NETBIOS) -> AF_NETBIOS
#ifdef AF_NIT
        (#const AF_NIT) -> AF_NIT
#ifdef AF_802
        (#const AF_802) -> AF_802
#ifdef AF_ISO
        (#const AF_ISO) -> AF_ISO
#ifdef AF_OSI
# if (!defined(AF_ISO)) || (defined(AF_ISO) && (AF_ISO != AF_OSI))
        (#const AF_OSI) -> AF_OSI
# endif
#ifdef AF_NETMAN
        (#const AF_NETMAN) -> AF_NETMAN
#ifdef AF_X25
        (#const AF_X25) -> AF_X25
#ifdef AF_AX25
        (#const AF_AX25) -> AF_AX25
#ifdef AF_OSINET
        (#const AF_OSINET) -> AF_OSINET
#ifdef AF_GOSSIP
        (#const AF_GOSSIP) -> AF_GOSSIP
#if defined(AF_IPX) && (!defined(AF_NS) || AF_NS != AF_IPX)
        (#const AF_IPX) -> AF_IPX
#ifdef Pseudo_AF_XTP
        (#const Pseudo_AF_XTP) -> Pseudo_AF_XTP
#ifdef AF_CTF
        (#const AF_CTF) -> AF_CTF
#ifdef AF_WAN
        (#const AF_WAN) -> AF_WAN
#ifdef AF_SDL
        (#const AF_SDL) -> AF_SDL
        (#const AF_NETWARE) -> AF_NETWARE
#ifdef AF_NDD
        (#const AF_NDD) -> AF_NDD
#ifdef AF_INTF
        (#const AF_INTF) -> AF_INTF
#ifdef AF_COIP
        (#const AF_COIP) -> AF_COIP
#ifdef AF_CNT
        (#const AF_CNT) -> AF_CNT
#ifdef Pseudo_AF_RTIP
        (#const Pseudo_AF_RTIP) -> Pseudo_AF_RTIP
#ifdef Pseudo_AF_PIP
        (#const Pseudo_AF_PIP) -> Pseudo_AF_PIP
#ifdef AF_SIP
        (#const AF_SIP) -> AF_SIP
#ifdef AF_ISDN
        (#const AF_ISDN) -> AF_ISDN
#ifdef Pseudo_AF_KEY
        (#const Pseudo_AF_KEY) -> Pseudo_AF_KEY
#ifdef AF_NATM
        (#const AF_NATM) -> AF_NATM
#ifdef AF_ARP
        (#const AF_ARP) -> AF_ARP
#ifdef Pseudo_AF_HDRCMPLT
        (#const Pseudo_AF_HDRCMPLT) -> Pseudo_AF_HDRCMPLT
#ifdef AF_ENCAP
        (#const AF_ENCAP) -> AF_ENCAP
#ifdef AF_LINK
        (#const AF_LINK) -> AF_LINK
#ifdef AF_RAW
        (#const AF_RAW) -> AF_RAW
#ifdef AF_RIF
        (#const AF_RIF) -> AF_RIF
#ifdef AF_NETROM
        (#const AF_NETROM) -> AF_NETROM
#ifdef AF_BRIDGE
        (#const AF_BRIDGE) -> AF_BRIDGE
#ifdef AF_ATMPVC
        (#const AF_ATMPVC) -> AF_ATMPVC
#ifdef AF_ROSE
        (#const AF_ROSE) -> AF_ROSE
        (#const AF_NETBEUI) -> AF_NETBEUI
        (#const AF_SECURITY) -> AF_SECURITY
#ifdef AF_PACKET
        (#const AF_PACKET) -> AF_PACKET
#ifdef AF_ASH
        (#const AF_ASH) -> AF_ASH
#ifdef AF_ECONET
        (#const AF_ECONET) -> AF_ECONET
#ifdef AF_ATMSVC
        (#const AF_ATMSVC) -> AF_ATMSVC
#ifdef AF_IRDA
        (#const AF_IRDA) -> AF_IRDA
#ifdef AF_PPPOX
        (#const AF_PPPOX) -> AF_PPPOX
        (#const AF_WANPIPE) -> AF_WANPIPE
        (#const AF_BLUETOOTH) -> AF_BLUETOOTH
#ifdef AF_CAN
        (#const AF_CAN) -> AF_CAN
        unknown -> error $
          "Network.Socket.Types.unpackFamily: unknown address family: " ++
          show unknown

-- Port Numbers

-- | Use the @Num@ instance (i.e. use a literal) to create a
-- @PortNumber@ value with the correct network-byte-ordering. You
-- should not use the PortNum constructor. It will be removed in the
-- next release.
-- >>> 1 :: PortNumber
-- 1
-- >>> read "1" :: PortNumber
-- 1
newtype PortNumber = PortNum Word16 deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)
-- newtyped to prevent accidental use of sane-looking
-- port numbers that haven't actually been converted to
-- network-byte-order first.

{-# DEPRECATED PortNum "Do not use the PortNum constructor. Use the Num instance. PortNum will be removed in the next release." #-}

instance Show PortNumber where
  showsPrec p pn = showsPrec p (portNumberToInt pn)

instance Read PortNumber where
  readsPrec n = map (\(x,y) -> (intToPortNumber x, y)) . readsPrec n

intToPortNumber :: Int -> PortNumber
intToPortNumber v = PortNum (htons (fromIntegral v))

portNumberToInt :: PortNumber -> Int
portNumberToInt (PortNum po) = fromIntegral (ntohs po)

foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "ntohs" ntohs :: Word16 -> Word16
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "htons" htons :: Word16 -> Word16
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "ntohl" ntohl :: Word32 -> Word32
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "htonl" htonl :: Word32 -> Word32

instance Enum PortNumber where
    toEnum   = intToPortNumber
    fromEnum = portNumberToInt

instance Num PortNumber where
   fromInteger i = intToPortNumber (fromInteger i)
    -- for completeness.
   (+) x y   = intToPortNumber (portNumberToInt x + portNumberToInt y)
   (-) x y   = intToPortNumber (portNumberToInt x - portNumberToInt y)
   negate x  = intToPortNumber (-portNumberToInt x)
   (*) x y   = intToPortNumber (portNumberToInt x * portNumberToInt y)
   abs n     = intToPortNumber (abs (portNumberToInt n))
   signum n  = intToPortNumber (signum (portNumberToInt n))

instance Real PortNumber where
    toRational x = toInteger x % 1

instance Integral PortNumber where
    quotRem a b = let (c,d) = quotRem (portNumberToInt a) (portNumberToInt b) in
                  (intToPortNumber c, intToPortNumber d)
    toInteger a = toInteger (portNumberToInt a)

instance Storable PortNumber where
   sizeOf    _ = sizeOf    (undefined :: Word16)
   alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: Word16)
   poke p (PortNum po) = poke (castPtr p) po
   peek p = PortNum `liftM` peek (castPtr p)

-- Socket addresses

-- The scheme used for addressing sockets is somewhat quirky. The
-- calls in the BSD socket API that need to know the socket address
-- all operate in terms of struct sockaddr, a `virtual' type of
-- socket address.

-- The Internet family of sockets are addressed as struct sockaddr_in,
-- so when calling functions that operate on struct sockaddr, we have
-- to type cast the Internet socket address into a struct sockaddr.
-- Instances of the structure for different families might *not* be
-- the same size. Same casting is required of other families of
-- sockets such as Xerox NS. Similarly for Unix domain sockets.

-- To represent these socket addresses in Haskell-land, we do what BSD
-- didn't do, and use a union/algebraic type for the different
-- families. Currently only Unix domain sockets and the Internet
-- families are supported.

#if defined(IPV6_SOCKET_SUPPORT)
type FlowInfo = Word32
type ScopeID = Word32

-- | The existence of a constructor does not necessarily imply that
-- that socket address type is supported on your system: see
-- 'isSupportedSockAddr'.
data SockAddr       -- C Names
  = SockAddrInet
    PortNumber  -- sin_port  (network byte order)
    HostAddress -- sin_addr  (ditto)
  | SockAddrInet6
        PortNumber      -- sin6_port (network byte order)
        FlowInfo        -- sin6_flowinfo (ditto)
        HostAddress6    -- sin6_addr (ditto)
        ScopeID         -- sin6_scope_id (ditto)
  | SockAddrUnix
        String          -- sun_path
  | SockAddrCan
        Int32           -- can_ifindex (can be get by Network.BSD.ifNameToIndex "can0")
        -- TODO: Extend this to include transport protocol information
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)

-- | Is the socket address type supported on this system?
isSupportedSockAddr :: SockAddr -> Bool
isSupportedSockAddr addr = case addr of
  SockAddrInet {} -> True
#if defined(IPV6_SOCKET_SUPPORT)
  SockAddrInet6 {} -> True
  SockAddrUnix{} -> True
  SockAddrCan{} -> True
#if !(defined(IPV6_SOCKET_SUPPORT) \
      && defined(DOMAIN_SOCKET_SUPPORT) && defined(CAN_SOCKET_SUPPORT))
  _ -> False

#if defined(WITH_WINSOCK)
type CSaFamily = (#type unsigned short)
#elif defined(darwin_HOST_OS)
type CSaFamily = (#type u_char)
type CSaFamily = (#type sa_family_t)

-- | Computes the storage requirements (in bytes) of the given
-- 'SockAddr'.  This function differs from 'Foreign.Storable.sizeOf'
-- in that the value of the argument /is/ used.
sizeOfSockAddr :: SockAddr -> Int
sizeOfSockAddr (SockAddrUnix path) =
    case path of
        '\0':_ -> (#const sizeof(sa_family_t)) + length path
        _      -> #const sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)
sizeOfSockAddr (SockAddrInet _ _) = #const sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)
#if defined(IPV6_SOCKET_SUPPORT)
sizeOfSockAddr (SockAddrInet6 _ _ _ _) = #const sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)
sizeOfSockAddr (SockAddrCan _) = #const sizeof(struct sockaddr_can)

-- | Computes the storage requirements (in bytes) required for a
-- 'SockAddr' with the given 'Family'.
sizeOfSockAddrByFamily :: Family -> Int
sizeOfSockAddrByFamily AF_UNIX  = #const sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)
#if defined(IPV6_SOCKET_SUPPORT)
sizeOfSockAddrByFamily AF_INET6 = #const sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)
sizeOfSockAddrByFamily AF_INET  = #const sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)
sizeOfSockAddrByFamily AF_CAN   = #const sizeof(struct sockaddr_can)
sizeOfSockAddrByFamily family = error $
    "Network.Socket.Types.sizeOfSockAddrByFamily: address family '" ++
    show family ++ "' not supported."

-- | Use a 'SockAddr' with a function requiring a pointer to a
-- 'SockAddr' and the length of that 'SockAddr'.
withSockAddr :: SockAddr -> (Ptr SockAddr -> Int -> IO a) -> IO a
withSockAddr addr f = do
    let sz = sizeOfSockAddr addr
    allocaBytes sz $ \p -> pokeSockAddr p addr >> f (castPtr p) sz

-- | Create a new 'SockAddr' for use with a function requiring a
-- pointer to a 'SockAddr' and the length of that 'SockAddr'.
withNewSockAddr :: Family -> (Ptr SockAddr -> Int -> IO a) -> IO a
withNewSockAddr family f = do
    let sz = sizeOfSockAddrByFamily family
    allocaBytes sz $ \ptr -> f ptr sz

-- We can't write an instance of 'Storable' for 'SockAddr' because
-- @sockaddr@ is a sum type of variable size but
-- 'Foreign.Storable.sizeOf' is required to be constant.

-- Note that on Darwin, the sockaddr structure must be zeroed before
-- use.

-- | Write the given 'SockAddr' to the given memory location.
pokeSockAddr :: Ptr a -> SockAddr -> IO ()
pokeSockAddr p (SockAddrUnix path) = do
#if defined(darwin_HOST_OS)
    zeroMemory p (#const sizeof(struct sockaddr_un))
    case path of
      ('\0':_) -> zeroMemory p (#const sizeof(struct sockaddr_un))
      _        -> return ()
    (#poke struct sockaddr_un, sun_len) p ((#const sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)) :: Word8)
    (#poke struct sockaddr_un, sun_family) p ((#const AF_UNIX) :: CSaFamily)
    let pathC = map castCharToCChar path
        poker = case path of ('\0':_) -> pokeArray; _ -> pokeArray0 0
    poker ((#ptr struct sockaddr_un, sun_path) p) pathC
pokeSockAddr p (SockAddrInet (PortNum port) addr) = do
#if defined(darwin_HOST_OS)
    zeroMemory p (#const sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))
    (#poke struct sockaddr_in, sin_len) p ((#const sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) :: Word8)
    (#poke struct sockaddr_in, sin_family) p ((#const AF_INET) :: CSaFamily)
    (#poke struct sockaddr_in, sin_port) p port
    (#poke struct sockaddr_in, sin_addr) p addr
#if defined(IPV6_SOCKET_SUPPORT)
pokeSockAddr p (SockAddrInet6 (PortNum port) flow addr scope) = do
#if defined(darwin_HOST_OS)
    zeroMemory p (#const sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6))
    (#poke struct sockaddr_in6, sin6_len) p ((#const sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)) :: Word8)
    (#poke struct sockaddr_in6, sin6_family) p ((#const AF_INET6) :: CSaFamily)
    (#poke struct sockaddr_in6, sin6_port) p port
    (#poke struct sockaddr_in6, sin6_flowinfo) p flow
    (#poke struct sockaddr_in6, sin6_addr) p (In6Addr addr)
    (#poke struct sockaddr_in6, sin6_scope_id) p scope
pokeSockAddr p (SockAddrCan ifIndex) = do
#if defined(darwin_HOST_OS)
    zeroMemory p (#const sizeof(struct sockaddr_can))
    (#poke struct sockaddr_can, can_ifindex) p ifIndex

-- | Read a 'SockAddr' from the given memory location.
peekSockAddr :: Ptr SockAddr -> IO SockAddr
peekSockAddr p = do
  family <- (#peek struct sockaddr, sa_family) p
  case family :: CSaFamily of
    (#const AF_UNIX) -> do
        str <- peekCString ((#ptr struct sockaddr_un, sun_path) p)
        return (SockAddrUnix str)
    (#const AF_INET) -> do
        addr <- (#peek struct sockaddr_in, sin_addr) p
        port <- (#peek struct sockaddr_in, sin_port) p
        return (SockAddrInet (PortNum port) addr)
#if defined(IPV6_SOCKET_SUPPORT)
    (#const AF_INET6) -> do
        port <- (#peek struct sockaddr_in6, sin6_port) p
        flow <- (#peek struct sockaddr_in6, sin6_flowinfo) p
        In6Addr addr <- (#peek struct sockaddr_in6, sin6_addr) p
        scope <- (#peek struct sockaddr_in6, sin6_scope_id) p
        return (SockAddrInet6 (PortNum port) flow addr scope)
    (#const AF_CAN) -> do
        ifidx <- (#peek struct sockaddr_can, can_ifindex) p
        return (SockAddrCan ifidx)
    _ -> ioError $ userError $
      "Network.Socket.Types.peekSockAddr: address family '" ++
      show family ++ "' not supported."


-- | The raw network byte order number is read using host byte order.
-- Therefore on little-endian architectures the byte order is swapped. For
-- example @ is represented as @0x0100007f@ on little-endian hosts
-- and as @0x7f000001@ on big-endian hosts.
-- For direct manipulation prefer 'hostAddressToTuple' and
-- 'tupleToHostAddress'.
type HostAddress = Word32

-- | Converts 'HostAddress' to representation-independent IPv4 quadruple.
-- For example for @ the function will return @(0x7f, 0, 0, 1)@
-- regardless of host endianness.
hostAddressToTuple :: HostAddress -> (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8)
hostAddressToTuple ha' =
    let ha = htonl ha'
        byte i = fromIntegral (ha `shiftR` i) :: Word8
    in (byte 24, byte 16, byte 8, byte 0)

-- | Converts IPv4 quadruple to 'HostAddress'.
tupleToHostAddress :: (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8) -> HostAddress
tupleToHostAddress (b3, b2, b1, b0) =
    let x `sl` i = fromIntegral x `shiftL` i :: Word32
    in ntohl $ (b3 `sl` 24) .|. (b2 `sl` 16) .|. (b1 `sl` 8) .|. (b0 `sl` 0)

#if defined(IPV6_SOCKET_SUPPORT)
-- | Independent of endianness. For example @::1@ is stored as @(0, 0, 0, 1)@.
-- For direct manipulation prefer 'hostAddress6ToTuple' and
-- 'tupleToHostAddress6'.
type HostAddress6 = (Word32, Word32, Word32, Word32)

hostAddress6ToTuple :: HostAddress6 -> (Word16, Word16, Word16, Word16,
                                        Word16, Word16, Word16, Word16)
hostAddress6ToTuple (w3, w2, w1, w0) =
    let high, low :: Word32 -> Word16
        high w = fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 16)
        low w = fromIntegral w
    in (high w3, low w3, high w2, low w2, high w1, low w1, high w0, low w0)

tupleToHostAddress6 :: (Word16, Word16, Word16, Word16,
                        Word16, Word16, Word16, Word16) -> HostAddress6
tupleToHostAddress6 (w7, w6, w5, w4, w3, w2, w1, w0) =
    let add :: Word16 -> Word16 -> Word32
        high `add` low = (fromIntegral high `shiftL` 16) .|. (fromIntegral low)
    in (w7 `add` w6, w5 `add` w4, w3 `add` w2, w1 `add` w0)

-- The peek32 and poke32 functions work around the fact that the RFCs
-- don't require 32-bit-wide address fields to be present.  We can
-- only portably rely on an 8-bit field, s6_addr.

s6_addr_offset :: Int
s6_addr_offset = (#offset struct in6_addr, s6_addr)

peek32 :: Ptr a -> Int -> IO Word32
peek32 p i0 = do
    let i' = i0 * 4
        peekByte n = peekByteOff p (s6_addr_offset + i' + n) :: IO Word8
        a `sl` i = fromIntegral a `shiftL` i
    a0 <- peekByte 0
    a1 <- peekByte 1
    a2 <- peekByte 2
    a3 <- peekByte 3
    return ((a0 `sl` 24) .|. (a1 `sl` 16) .|. (a2 `sl` 8) .|. (a3 `sl` 0))

poke32 :: Ptr a -> Int -> Word32 -> IO ()
poke32 p i0 a = do
    let i' = i0 * 4
        pokeByte n = pokeByteOff p (s6_addr_offset + i' + n)
        x `sr` i = fromIntegral (x `shiftR` i) :: Word8
    pokeByte 0 (a `sr` 24)
    pokeByte 1 (a `sr` 16)
    pokeByte 2 (a `sr`  8)
    pokeByte 3 (a `sr`  0)

-- | Private newtype proxy for the Storable instance. To avoid orphan instances.
newtype In6Addr = In6Addr HostAddress6

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
#let alignment t = "%lu", (unsigned long)offsetof(struct {char x__; t (y__); }, y__)

instance Storable In6Addr where
    sizeOf _    = #const sizeof(struct in6_addr)
    alignment _ = #alignment struct in6_addr

    peek p = do
        a <- peek32 p 0
        b <- peek32 p 1
        c <- peek32 p 2
        d <- peek32 p 3
        return $ In6Addr (a, b, c, d)

    poke p (In6Addr (a, b, c, d)) = do
        poke32 p 0 a
        poke32 p 1 b
        poke32 p 2 c
        poke32 p 3 d

-- Helper functions

foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h" memset :: Ptr a -> CInt -> CSize -> IO ()

-- | Zero a structure.
zeroMemory :: Ptr a -> CSize -> IO ()
zeroMemory dest nbytes = memset dest 0 (fromIntegral nbytes)