{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns#-}
-- ----------------------------------------
module Main(main)
import Text.XML.HXT.Core
import Text.Regex.XMLSchema.Generic
import Data.String.Unicode
( unicodeToXmlEntity
import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (when)
import Data.Maybe
import System.IO -- import the IO and commandline option stuff
import System.Environment
-- ----------------------------------------
main :: IO ()
= do
p <- getProgName
al <- getArgs
let i = if null al
then 4
else (read . head $ al)::Int
main' p i
main' p' = fromMaybe main1 . lookup (pn p') $ mpt
mpt = [ ("REtest", main1)
, ("Copy", main2 "copy" (:[]))
, ("Lines", main2 "lines" lines)
, ("RElines", main2 "relines" relines)
, ("Words", main2 "words" words)
, ("REwords", main2 "rewords" rewords)
-- ----------------------------------------
-- generate a document containing a binary tree of 2^i leafs (= 2^(i-1) XML elements)
main1 :: Int -> IO ()
main1 i
= runX (genDoc i (fn i))
>> return ()
-- ----------------------------------------
-- read a document containing a binary tree of 2^i leafs
main2 :: String -> (String -> [String]) -> Int -> IO ()
main2 ext lines' i
= do
hPutStrLn stderr "start processing"
h <- openBinaryFile (fn i) ReadMode
c <- hGetContents h
let ls = lines' c
o <- openBinaryFile (fn i ++ "." ++ ext) WriteMode
mapM_ (hPutStrLn o) ls
hClose o
hClose h
hPutStrLn stderr "end processing"
relines :: String -> [String]
relines = tokenize "[^\n\r]*"
rewords :: String -> [String]
rewords = tokenize "[^ \t\n\r]+"
-- ----------------------------------------
pn :: String -> String
pn = reverse . takeWhile (/= '/') . reverse
fn :: Int -> String
fn = ("tree-" ++) . (++ ".xml") . reverse . take 4 . reverse . ((replicate 4 '0') ++ ) . show
-- ----------------------------------------
genDoc :: Int -> String -> IOSArrow b XmlTree
genDoc d out = constA (mkBTree d)
xpickleVal xpickle
putDoc out
-- ----------------------------------------
type Counter a = State Int a
incr :: Counter Int
incr = do
modify (+1)
-- ----------------------------------------
data BTree = Leaf Int
| Fork BTree BTree
deriving (Show)
instance XmlPickler BTree where
xpickle = xpAlt tag ps
tag (Leaf _ ) = 0
tag (Fork _ _ ) = 1
ps = [ xpWrap ( Leaf, \ (Leaf i) -> i)
( xpElem "leaf" $ xpAttr "value" $ xpickle )
, xpWrap ( uncurry Fork, \ (Fork l r) -> (l, r))
( xpElem "fork" $ xpPair xpickle xpickle )
-- ----------------------------------------
mkBTree :: Int -> BTree
mkBTree depth = evalState (mkT depth) 0
mkT :: Int -> Counter BTree
mkT 0 = do
i <- incr
return (Leaf i)
mkT n = do
l <- mkT (n-1)
r <- mkT (n-1)
return (Fork l r)
-- ----------------------------------------
-- output is done with low level ops to write the
-- document i a lazy manner
-- adding an xml pi and encoding is done "by hand"
-- latin1 decoding is the identity, so please generate the
-- docs with latin1 encoding. Here ist done even with ASCCI
-- every none ASCII char is represented by a char ref (&nnn;)
putDoc :: String -> IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
putDoc dst
= addXmlPi
addXmlPiEncoding isoLatin1
xshow getChildren
arr unicodeToXmlEntity
arrIO (\ s -> hPutDocument (\h -> hPutStrLn h s))
isStdout = null dst || dst == "-"
hPutDocument :: (Handle -> IO()) -> IO()
hPutDocument action
| isStdout
= action stdout
| otherwise
= do
handle <- openBinaryFile dst WriteMode
action handle
hClose handle
-- ----------------------------------------