Blob Blame History Raw
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, GADTs, CPP #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms, ViewPatterns #-}

{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures, FlexibleContexts #-}

{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}

-- | Generation of random shrinkable, showable functions.
-- See the paper \"Shrinking and showing functions\" by Koen Claessen.
-- Example of use:
-- >>> :{
-- >>> let prop :: Fun String Integer -> Bool
-- >>>     prop (Fun _ f) = f "monkey" == f "banana" || f "banana" == f "elephant"
-- >>> :}
-- >>> quickCheck prop
-- *** Failed! Falsifiable (after 3 tests and 134 shrinks):
-- {"elephant"->1, "monkey"->1, _->0}
-- To generate random values of type @'Fun' a b@,
-- you must have an instance @'Function' a@.
-- If your type has a 'Show' instance, you can use 'functionShow' to write the instance; otherwise,
-- use 'functionMap' to give a bijection between your type and a type that is already an instance of 'Function'.
-- See the @'Function' [a]@ instance for an example of the latter.
module Test.QuickCheck.Function
  ( Fun(..)
  , applyFun
  , apply
  , applyFun2
  , applyFun3
  , (:->)
  , Function(..)
  , functionMap
  , functionShow
  , functionIntegral
  , functionRealFrac
  , functionBoundedEnum
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
  , pattern Fn
  , pattern Fn2
  , pattern Fn3

-- imports

import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
import Test.QuickCheck.Poly

import Data.Char
import Data.Word
import Data.List( intersperse )
import Data.Ratio
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Sequence as Sequence
import Data.Int
import Data.Complex
import Data.Foldable(toList)

#ifndef NO_FIXED
import Data.Fixed

import GHC.Generics hiding (C)

-- concrete functions

-- | The type of possibly partial concrete functions
data a :-> c where
  Pair  :: (a :-> (b :-> c)) -> ((a,b) :-> c)
  (:+:) :: (a :-> c) -> (b :-> c) -> (Either a b :-> c)
  Unit  :: c -> (() :-> c)
  Nil   :: a :-> c
  Table :: Eq a => [(a,c)] -> (a :-> c)
  Map   :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> (b :-> c) -> (a :-> c)

instance Functor ((:->) a) where
  fmap f (Pair p)    = Pair (fmap (fmap f) p)
  fmap f (p:+:q)     = fmap f p :+: fmap f q
  fmap f (Unit c)    = Unit (f c)
  fmap f Nil         = Nil
  fmap f (Table xys) = Table [ (x,f y) | (x,y) <- xys ]
  fmap f (Map g h p) = Map g h (fmap f p)

instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (a:->b) where
  show p = showFunction p Nothing

-- only use this on finite functions
showFunction :: (Show a, Show b) => (a :-> b) -> Maybe b -> String
showFunction p md =
  "{" ++ concat (intersperse ", " ( [ show x ++ "->" ++ show c
                                    | (x,c) <- table p
                                 ++ [ "_->" ++ show d
                                    | Just d <- [md]
                                    ] )) ++ "}"

-- turning a concrete function into an abstract function (with a default result)
abstract :: (a :-> c) -> c -> (a -> c)
abstract (Pair p)    d (x,y) = abstract (fmap (\q -> abstract q d y) p) d x
abstract (p :+: q)   d exy   = either (abstract p d) (abstract q d) exy
abstract (Unit c)    _ _     = c
abstract Nil         d _     = d
abstract (Table xys) d x     = head ([y | (x',y) <- xys, x == x'] ++ [d])
abstract (Map g _ p) d x     = abstract p d (g x)

-- generating a table from a concrete function
table :: (a :-> c) -> [(a,c)]
table (Pair p)    = [ ((x,y),c) | (x,q) <- table p, (y,c) <- table q ]
table (p :+: q)   = [ (Left x, c) | (x,c) <- table p ]
                 ++ [ (Right y,c) | (y,c) <- table q ]
table (Unit c)    = [ ((), c) ]
table Nil         = []
table (Table xys) = xys
table (Map _ h p) = [ (h x, c) | (x,c) <- table p ]

-- Function

-- | The class @Function a@ is used for random generation of showable
-- functions of type @a -> b@.
-- There is a default implementation for 'function', which you can use
-- if your type has structural equality. Otherwise, you can normally
-- use 'functionMap' or 'functionShow'.
class Function a where
  function :: (a->b) -> (a:->b)
  default function :: (Generic a, GFunction (Rep a)) => (a->b) -> (a:->b)
  function = genericFunction

-- basic instances

-- | Provides a 'Function' instance for types with 'Bounded' and 'Enum'.
-- Use only for small types (i.e. not integers): creates
-- the list @['minBound'..'maxBound']@!
functionBoundedEnum :: (Eq a, Bounded a, Enum a) => (a->b) -> (a:->b)
functionBoundedEnum f = Table [(x,f x) | x <- [minBound..maxBound]]

-- | Provides a 'Function' instance for types with 'RealFrac'.
functionRealFrac :: RealFrac a => (a->b) -> (a:->b)
functionRealFrac = functionMap toRational fromRational

-- | Provides a 'Function' instance for types with 'Integral'.
functionIntegral :: Integral a => (a->b) -> (a:->b)
functionIntegral = functionMap fromIntegral fromInteger

-- | Provides a 'Function' instance for types with 'Show' and 'Read'.
functionShow :: (Show a, Read a) => (a->c) -> (a:->c)
functionShow f = functionMap show read f

-- | The basic building block for 'Function' instances.
-- Provides a 'Function' instance by mapping to and from a type that
-- already has a 'Function' instance.
functionMap :: Function b => (a->b) -> (b->a) -> (a->c) -> (a:->c)
functionMap = functionMapWith function

functionMapWith :: ((b->c) -> (b:->c)) -> (a->b) -> (b->a) -> (a->c) -> (a:->c)
functionMapWith function g h f = Map g h (function (\b -> f (h b)))

instance Function () where
  function f = Unit (f ())

instance (Function a, Function b) => Function (a,b) where
  function = functionPairWith function function

functionPairWith :: ((a->b->c) -> (a:->(b->c))) -> ((b->c) -> (b:->c)) -> ((a,b)->c) -> ((a,b):->c)
functionPairWith func1 func2 f = Pair (func2 `fmap` func1 (curry f))

instance (Function a, Function b) => Function (Either a b) where
  function = functionEitherWith function function

functionEitherWith :: ((a->c) -> (a:->c)) -> ((b->c) -> (b:->c)) -> (Either a b->c) -> (Either a b:->c)
functionEitherWith func1 func2 f = func1 (f . Left) :+: func2 (f . Right)

-- tuple convenience instances

instance (Function a, Function b, Function c) => Function (a,b,c) where
  function = functionMap (\(a,b,c) -> (a,(b,c))) (\(a,(b,c)) -> (a,b,c))

instance (Function a, Function b, Function c, Function d) => Function (a,b,c,d) where
  function = functionMap (\(a,b,c,d) -> (a,(b,c,d))) (\(a,(b,c,d)) -> (a,b,c,d))

instance (Function a, Function b, Function c, Function d, Function e) => Function (a,b,c,d,e) where
  function = functionMap (\(a,b,c,d,e) -> (a,(b,c,d,e))) (\(a,(b,c,d,e)) -> (a,b,c,d,e))

instance (Function a, Function b, Function c, Function d, Function e, Function f) => Function (a,b,c,d,e,f) where
  function = functionMap (\(a,b,c,d,e,f) -> (a,(b,c,d,e,f))) (\(a,(b,c,d,e,f)) -> (a,b,c,d,e,f))

instance (Function a, Function b, Function c, Function d, Function e, Function f, Function g) => Function (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) where
  function = functionMap (\(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) -> (a,(b,c,d,e,f,g))) (\(a,(b,c,d,e,f,g)) -> (a,b,c,d,e,f,g))

-- other instances

instance Function a => Function [a] where
  function = functionMap g h
    g []     = Left ()
    g (x:xs) = Right (x,xs)

    h (Left _)       = []
    h (Right (x,xs)) = x:xs

instance Function a => Function (Maybe a) where
  function = functionMap g h
    g Nothing  = Left ()
    g (Just x) = Right x

    h (Left _)  = Nothing
    h (Right x) = Just x

instance Function Bool where
  function = functionMap g h
    g False = Left ()
    g True  = Right ()

    h (Left _)  = False
    h (Right _) = True

instance Function Integer where
  function = functionMap gInteger hInteger
    gInteger n | n < 0     = Left (gNatural (abs n - 1))
               | otherwise = Right (gNatural n)

    hInteger (Left ws)  = -(hNatural ws + 1)
    hInteger (Right ws) = hNatural ws

    gNatural 0 = []
    gNatural n = (fromIntegral (n `mod` 256) :: Word8) : gNatural (n `div` 256)

    hNatural []     = 0
    hNatural (w:ws) = fromIntegral w + 256 * hNatural ws

instance Function Int where
  function = functionIntegral

instance Function Word where
  function = functionIntegral

instance Function Char where
  function = functionMap ord chr

instance Function Float where
  function = functionRealFrac

instance Function Double where
  function = functionRealFrac

-- instances for assorted types in the base package

instance Function Ordering where
  function = functionMap g h
      g LT = Left False
      g EQ = Left True
      g GT = Right ()

      h (Left False) = LT
      h (Left True)  = EQ
      h (Right _)    = GT

instance (Integral a, Function a) => Function (Ratio a) where
  function = functionMap g h
     g r = (numerator r, denominator r)
     h (n, d) = n % d

#ifndef NO_FIXED
instance HasResolution a => Function (Fixed a) where
  function = functionRealFrac

instance (RealFloat a, Function a) => Function (Complex a) where
  function = functionMap g h
     g (x :+ y) = (x,   y)
     h (x,   y) =  x :+ y

instance (Ord a, Function a) => Function (Set.Set a) where
  function = functionMap Set.toList Set.fromList

instance (Ord a, Function a, Function b) => Function (Map.Map a b) where
  function = functionMap Map.toList Map.fromList

instance Function IntSet.IntSet where
  function = functionMap IntSet.toList IntSet.fromList

instance Function a => Function (IntMap.IntMap a) where
  function = functionMap IntMap.toList IntMap.fromList

instance Function a => Function (Sequence.Seq a) where
  function = functionMap toList Sequence.fromList

instance Function Int8 where
  function = functionBoundedEnum

instance Function Int16 where
  function = functionIntegral

instance Function Int32 where
  function = functionIntegral

instance Function Int64 where
  function = functionIntegral

instance Function Word8 where
  function = functionBoundedEnum

instance Function Word16 where
  function = functionIntegral

instance Function Word32 where
  function = functionIntegral

instance Function Word64 where
  function = functionIntegral

-- poly instances

instance Function A where
  function = functionMap unA A

instance Function B where
  function = functionMap unB B

instance Function C where
  function = functionMap unC C

instance Function OrdA where
  function = functionMap unOrdA OrdA

instance Function OrdB where
  function = functionMap unOrdB OrdB

instance Function OrdC where
  function = functionMap unOrdC OrdC

-- instance Arbitrary

instance (Function a, CoArbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (a:->b) where
  arbitrary = function `fmap` arbitrary
  shrink    = shrinkFun shrink

-- generic function instances

-- | Generic 'Function' implementation.
genericFunction :: (Generic a, GFunction (Rep a)) => (a->b) -> (a:->b)
genericFunction = functionMapWith gFunction from to

class GFunction f where
  gFunction :: (f a -> b) -> (f a :-> b)

instance GFunction U1 where
  gFunction = functionMap (\U1 -> ()) (\() -> U1)

instance (GFunction f, GFunction g) => GFunction (f :*: g) where
  gFunction = functionMapWith (functionPairWith gFunction gFunction) g h
     g (x :*: y) = (x, y)
     h (x, y) = x :*: y

instance (GFunction f, GFunction g) => GFunction (f :+: g) where
  gFunction = functionMapWith (functionEitherWith gFunction gFunction) g h
     g (L1 x) = Left x
     g (R1 x) = Right x
     h (Left x) = L1 x
     h (Right x) = R1 x

instance GFunction f => GFunction (M1 i c f) where
  gFunction = functionMapWith gFunction (\(M1 x) -> x) M1

instance Function a => GFunction (K1 i a) where
  gFunction = functionMap (\(K1 x) -> x) K1

-- shrinking

shrinkFun :: (c -> [c]) -> (a :-> c) -> [a :-> c]
shrinkFun shr (Pair p) =
  [ pair p' | p' <- shrinkFun (\q -> shrinkFun shr q) p ]
  pair Nil = Nil
  pair p   = Pair p

shrinkFun shr (p :+: q) =
  [ p .+. Nil | not (isNil q) ] ++
  [ Nil .+. q | not (isNil p) ] ++
  [ p  .+. q' | q' <- shrinkFun shr q ] ++
  [ p' .+. q  | p' <- shrinkFun shr p ]
  isNil :: (a :-> b) -> Bool
  isNil Nil = True
  isNil _   = False

  Nil .+. Nil = Nil
  p   .+. q   = p :+: q

shrinkFun shr (Unit c) =
  [ Nil ] ++
  [ Unit c' | c' <- shr c ]

shrinkFun shr (Table xys) =
  [ table xys' | xys' <- shrinkList shrXy xys ]
  shrXy (x,y) = [(x,y') | y' <- shr y]

  table []  = Nil
  table xys = Table xys

shrinkFun shr Nil =

shrinkFun shr (Map g h p) =
  [ mapp g h p' | p' <- shrinkFun shr p ]
  mapp g h Nil = Nil
  mapp g h p   = Map g h p

-- the Fun modifier

-- | Generation of random shrinkable, showable functions.
-- To generate random values of type @'Fun' a b@,
-- you must have an instance @'Function' a@.
-- See also 'applyFun', and 'Fn' with GHC >= 7.8.
data Fun a b = Fun (a :-> b, b, Shrunk) (a -> b)
data Shrunk = Shrunk | NotShrunk deriving Eq

#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
-- | A modifier for testing functions.
-- > prop :: Fun String Integer -> Bool
-- > prop (Fn f) = f "banana" == f "monkey"
-- >            || f "banana" == f "elephant"
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
pattern Fn :: (a -> b) -> Fun a b
pattern Fn f <- (applyFun -> f)

-- | A modifier for testing binary functions.
-- > prop_zipWith :: Fun (Int, Bool) Char -> [Int] -> [Bool] -> Bool
-- > prop_zipWith (Fn2 f) xs ys = zipWith f xs ys == [ f x y | (x, y) <- zip xs ys]
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
pattern Fn2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Fun (a, b) c
pattern Fn2 f <- (applyFun2 -> f)

-- | A modifier for testing ternary functions.
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
pattern Fn3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Fun (a, b, c) d
pattern Fn3 f <- (applyFun3 -> f)

mkFun :: (a :-> b) -> b -> Fun a b
mkFun p d = Fun (p, d, NotShrunk) (abstract p d)

-- | Alias to 'applyFun'.
apply :: Fun a b -> (a -> b)
apply = applyFun

-- | Extracts the value of a function.
-- 'Fn' is the pattern equivalent of this function.
-- > prop :: Fun String Integer -> Bool
-- > prop f = applyFun f "banana" == applyFun f "monkey"
-- >       || applyFun f "banana" == applyFun f "elephant"
applyFun :: Fun a b -> (a -> b)
applyFun (Fun _ f) = f

-- | Extracts the value of a binary function.
-- 'Fn2' is the pattern equivalent of this function.
--  > prop_zipWith :: Fun (Int, Bool) Char -> [Int] -> [Bool] -> Bool
--  > prop_zipWith f xs ys = zipWith (applyFun2 f) xs ys == [ applyFun2 f x y | (x, y) <- zip xs ys]
applyFun2 :: Fun (a, b) c -> (a -> b -> c)
applyFun2 (Fun _ f) a b = f (a, b)

-- | Extracts the value of a ternary function. 'Fn3' is the
-- pattern equivalent of this function.
applyFun3 :: Fun (a, b, c) d -> (a -> b -> c -> d)
applyFun3 (Fun _ f) a b c = f (a, b, c)

instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (Fun a b) where
  show (Fun (_, _, NotShrunk) _) = "<fun>"
  show (Fun (p, d, Shrunk) _)    = showFunction p (Just d)

instance (Function a, CoArbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (Fun a b) where
  arbitrary =
    do p <- arbitrary
       d <- arbitrary
       return (mkFun p d)

  shrink (Fun (p, d, s) f) =
    [ mkFun p' d' | (p', d') <- shrink (p, d) ] ++
    [ Fun (p, d, Shrunk) f | s == NotShrunk ]

-- the end.