Blob Blame History Raw
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-- | Modifiers for test data.
-- These types do things such as restricting the kind of test data that can be generated.
-- They can be pattern-matched on in properties as a stylistic
-- alternative to using explicit quantification.
-- Examples:
-- @
-- -- Functions cannot be shown (but see "Test.QuickCheck.Function")
-- prop_TakeDropWhile ('Blind' p) (xs :: ['A']) =
--   takeWhile p xs ++ dropWhile p xs == xs
-- @
-- @
-- prop_TakeDrop ('NonNegative' n) (xs :: ['A']) =
--   take n xs ++ drop n xs == xs
-- @
-- @
-- -- cycle does not work for empty lists
-- prop_Cycle ('NonNegative' n) ('NonEmpty' (xs :: ['A'])) =
--   take n (cycle xs) == take n (xs ++ cycle xs)
-- @
-- @
-- -- Instead of 'forAll' 'orderedList'
-- prop_Sort ('Ordered' (xs :: ['OrdA'])) =
--   sort xs == xs
-- @
module Test.QuickCheck.Modifiers
  -- ** Type-level modifiers for changing generator behavior
  , Fixed(..)
  , OrderedList(..)
  , NonEmptyList(..)
  , Positive(..)
  , NonZero(..)
  , NonNegative(..)
  , Large(..)
  , Small(..)
  , Smart(..)
  , Shrink2(..)
  , Shrinking(..)
  , ShrinkState(..)
  , ASCIIString(..)
  , UnicodeString(..)
  , PrintableString(..)

-- imports

import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary

import Data.List
  ( sort
import Data.Ix (Ix)

-- | @Blind x@: as x, but x does not have to be in the 'Show' class.
newtype Blind a = Blind {getBlind :: a}
 deriving ( Eq, Ord
          , Num, Integral, Real, Enum

instance Functor Blind where
  fmap f (Blind x) = Blind (f x)

instance Show (Blind a) where
  show _ = "(*)"

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Blind a) where
  arbitrary = Blind `fmap` arbitrary

  shrink (Blind x) = [ Blind x' | x' <- shrink x ]

-- | @Fixed x@: as x, but will not be shrunk.
newtype Fixed a = Fixed {getFixed :: a}
 deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Read
          , Num, Integral, Real, Enum

instance Functor Fixed where
  fmap f (Fixed x) = Fixed (f x)

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Fixed a) where
  arbitrary = Fixed `fmap` arbitrary

  -- no shrink function

-- | @Ordered xs@: guarantees that xs is ordered.
newtype OrderedList a = Ordered {getOrdered :: [a]}
 deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Read )

instance Functor OrderedList where
  fmap f (Ordered x) = Ordered (map f x)

instance (Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (OrderedList a) where
  arbitrary = Ordered `fmap` orderedList

  shrink (Ordered xs) =
    [ Ordered xs'
    | xs' <- shrink xs
    , sort xs' == xs'

-- | @NonEmpty xs@: guarantees that xs is non-empty.
newtype NonEmptyList a = NonEmpty {getNonEmpty :: [a]}
 deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Read )

instance Functor NonEmptyList where
  fmap f (NonEmpty x) = NonEmpty (map f x)

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (NonEmptyList a) where
  arbitrary = NonEmpty `fmap` (arbitrary `suchThat` (not . null))

  shrink (NonEmpty xs) =
    [ NonEmpty xs'
    | xs' <- shrink xs
    , not (null xs')

-- | @Positive x@: guarantees that @x \> 0@.
newtype Positive a = Positive {getPositive :: a}
 deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Read
          , Enum

instance Functor Positive where
  fmap f (Positive x) = Positive (f x)

instance (Num a, Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Positive a) where
  arbitrary =
    ((Positive . abs) `fmap` (arbitrary `suchThat` (/= 0))) `suchThat` gt0
    where gt0 (Positive x) = x > 0

  shrink (Positive x) =
    [ Positive x'
    | x' <- shrink x
    , x' > 0

-- | @NonZero x@: guarantees that @x \/= 0@.
newtype NonZero a = NonZero {getNonZero :: a}
 deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Read
          , Enum

instance Functor NonZero where
  fmap f (NonZero x) = NonZero (f x)

instance (Num a, Eq a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (NonZero a) where
  arbitrary = fmap NonZero $ arbitrary `suchThat` (/= 0)

  shrink (NonZero x) = [ NonZero x' | x' <- shrink x, x' /= 0 ]

-- | @NonNegative x@: guarantees that @x \>= 0@.
newtype NonNegative a = NonNegative {getNonNegative :: a}
 deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Read
          , Enum

instance Functor NonNegative where
  fmap f (NonNegative x) = NonNegative (f x)

instance (Num a, Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (NonNegative a) where
  arbitrary =
       -- why is this distrbution like this?
       [ (5, (NonNegative . abs) `fmap` arbitrary)
       , (1, return (NonNegative 0))
    ) `suchThat` ge0
    where ge0 (NonNegative x) = x >= 0

  shrink (NonNegative x) =
    [ NonNegative x'
    | x' <- shrink x
    , x' >= 0

-- | @Large x@: by default, QuickCheck generates 'Int's drawn from a small
-- range. @Large Int@ gives you values drawn from the entire range instead.
newtype Large a = Large {getLarge :: a}
 deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Read
          , Num, Integral, Real, Enum, Ix

instance Functor Large where
  fmap f (Large x) = Large (f x)

instance (Integral a, Bounded a) => Arbitrary (Large a) where
  arbitrary = fmap Large arbitrarySizedBoundedIntegral
  shrink (Large x) = fmap Large (shrinkIntegral x)

-- | @Small x@: generates values of @x@ drawn from a small range.
-- The opposite of 'Large'.
newtype Small a = Small {getSmall :: a}
 deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Read
          , Num, Integral, Real, Enum, Ix

instance Functor Small where
  fmap f (Small x) = Small (f x)

instance Integral a => Arbitrary (Small a) where
  arbitrary = fmap Small arbitrarySizedIntegral
  shrink (Small x) = map Small (shrinkIntegral x)

-- | @Shrink2 x@: allows 2 shrinking steps at the same time when shrinking x
newtype Shrink2 a = Shrink2 {getShrink2 :: a}
 deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Read
          , Num, Integral, Real, Enum

instance Functor Shrink2 where
  fmap f (Shrink2 x) = Shrink2 (f x)

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Shrink2 a) where
  arbitrary =
    Shrink2 `fmap` arbitrary

  shrink (Shrink2 x) =
    [ Shrink2 y | y <- shrink_x ] ++
    [ Shrink2 z
    | y <- shrink_x
    , z <- shrink y
    shrink_x = shrink x

-- | @Smart _ x@: tries a different order when shrinking.
data Smart a =
  Smart Int a

instance Functor Smart where
  fmap f (Smart n x) = Smart n (f x)

instance Show a => Show (Smart a) where
  showsPrec n (Smart _ x) = showsPrec n x

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Smart a) where
  arbitrary =
    do x <- arbitrary
       return (Smart 0 x)

  shrink (Smart i x) = take i' ys `ilv` drop i' ys
    ys = [ Smart j y | (j,y) <- [0..] `zip` shrink x ]
    i' = 0 `max` (i-2)

    []     `ilv` bs     = bs
    as     `ilv` []     = as
    (a:as) `ilv` (b:bs) = a : b : (as `ilv` bs)

  shrink (Smart i x) = part0 ++ part2 ++ part1
    ys = [ Smart i y | (i,y) <- [0..] `zip` shrink x ]
    i' = 0 `max` (i-2)
    k  = i `div` 10

    part0 = take k ys
    part1 = take (i'-k) (drop k ys)
    part2 = drop i' ys

    -- drop a (drop b xs) == drop (a+b) xs           | a,b >= 0
    -- take a (take b xs) == take (a `min` b) xs
    -- take a xs ++ drop a xs == xs

    --    take k ys ++ take (i'-k) (drop k ys) ++ drop i' ys
    -- == take k ys ++ take (i'-k) (drop k ys) ++ drop (i'-k) (drop k ys)
    -- == take k ys ++ take (i'-k) (drop k ys) ++ drop (i'-k) (drop k ys)
    -- == take k ys ++ drop k ys
    -- == ys

-- | @Shrinking _ x@: allows for maintaining a state during shrinking.
data Shrinking s a =
  Shrinking s a

class ShrinkState s a where
  shrinkInit  :: a -> s
  shrinkState :: a -> s -> [(a,s)]

instance Functor (Shrinking s) where
  fmap f (Shrinking s x) = Shrinking s (f x)

instance Show a => Show (Shrinking s a) where
  showsPrec n (Shrinking _ x) = showsPrec n x

instance (Arbitrary a, ShrinkState s a) => Arbitrary (Shrinking s a) where
  arbitrary =
    do x <- arbitrary
       return (Shrinking (shrinkInit x) x)

  shrink (Shrinking s x) =
    [ Shrinking s' x'
    | (x',s') <- shrinkState x s


-- | @ASCIIString@: generates an ASCII string.
newtype ASCIIString = ASCIIString {getASCIIString :: String}
  deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Read )

instance Arbitrary ASCIIString where
  arbitrary = ASCIIString `fmap` listOf arbitraryASCIIChar
  shrink (ASCIIString xs) = ASCIIString `fmap` shrink xs

-- | @UnicodeString@: generates a unicode String.
-- The string will not contain surrogate pairs.
newtype UnicodeString = UnicodeString {getUnicodeString :: String}
  deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Read )

instance Arbitrary UnicodeString where
  arbitrary = UnicodeString `fmap` listOf arbitraryUnicodeChar
  shrink (UnicodeString xs) = UnicodeString `fmap` shrink xs

-- | @PrintableString@: generates a printable unicode String.
-- The string will not contain surrogate pairs.
newtype PrintableString = PrintableString {getPrintableString :: String}
  deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Read )

instance Arbitrary PrintableString where
  arbitrary = PrintableString `fmap` listOf arbitraryPrintableChar
  shrink (PrintableString xs) = PrintableString `fmap` shrink xs

-- the end.