{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- | Basic definitions for the HUnit library.
-- This module contains what you need to create assertions and test cases and
-- combine them into test suites.
-- This module also provides infrastructure for
-- implementing test controllers (which are used to execute tests).
-- See "Test.HUnit.Text" for a great example of how to implement a test
-- controller.
module Test.HUnit.Base
-- ** Declaring tests
(~=?), (~?=), (~:), (~?),
-- ** Making assertions
assertFailure, {- from Test.HUnit.Lang: -}
assertBool, assertEqual, assertString,
Assertion, {- from Test.HUnit.Lang: -}
(@=?), (@?=), (@?),
-- ** Extending the assertion functionality
Assertable(..), ListAssertable(..),
AssertionPredicate, AssertionPredicable(..),
-- ** Test execution
-- $testExecutionNote
State(..), Counts(..),
Path, Node(..),
ReportStart, ReportProblem,
) where
import Control.Monad (unless, foldM)
import Data.CallStack
-- Assertion Definition
-- ====================
import Test.HUnit.Lang
-- Conditional Assertion Functions
-- -------------------------------
-- | Asserts that the specified condition holds.
assertBool :: HasCallStack
=> String -- ^ The message that is displayed if the assertion fails
-> Bool -- ^ The condition
-> Assertion
assertBool msg b = unless b (assertFailure msg)
-- | Signals an assertion failure if a non-empty message (i.e., a message
-- other than @\"\"@) is passed.
assertString :: HasCallStack
=> String -- ^ The message that is displayed with the assertion failure
-> Assertion
assertString s = unless (null s) (assertFailure s)
-- Overloaded `assert` Function
-- ----------------------------
-- | Allows the extension of the assertion mechanism.
-- Since an 'Assertion' can be a sequence of @Assertion@s and @IO@ actions,
-- there is a fair amount of flexibility of what can be achieved. As a rule,
-- the resulting @Assertion@ should be the body of a 'TestCase' or part of
-- a @TestCase@; it should not be used to assert multiple, independent
-- conditions.
-- If more complex arrangements of assertions are needed, 'Test's and
-- 'Testable' should be used.
class Assertable t
where assert :: HasCallStack => t -> Assertion
instance Assertable ()
where assert = return
instance Assertable Bool
where assert = assertBool ""
instance (ListAssertable t) => Assertable [t]
where assert = listAssert
instance (Assertable t) => Assertable (IO t)
where assert = (>>= assert)
-- | A specialized form of 'Assertable' to handle lists.
class ListAssertable t
where listAssert :: HasCallStack => [t] -> Assertion
instance ListAssertable Char
where listAssert = assertString
-- Overloaded `assertionPredicate` Function
-- ----------------------------------------
-- | The result of an assertion that hasn't been evaluated yet.
-- Most test cases follow the following steps:
-- 1. Do some processing or an action.
-- 2. Assert certain conditions.
-- However, this flow is not always suitable. @AssertionPredicate@ allows for
-- additional steps to be inserted without the initial action to be affected
-- by side effects. Additionally, clean-up can be done before the test case
-- has a chance to end. A potential work flow is:
-- 1. Write data to a file.
-- 2. Read data from a file, evaluate conditions.
-- 3. Clean up the file.
-- 4. Assert that the side effects of the read operation meet certain conditions.
-- 5. Assert that the conditions evaluated in step 2 are met.
type AssertionPredicate = IO Bool
-- | Used to signify that a data type can be converted to an assertion
-- predicate.
class AssertionPredicable t
where assertionPredicate :: t -> AssertionPredicate
instance AssertionPredicable Bool
where assertionPredicate = return
instance (AssertionPredicable t) => AssertionPredicable (IO t)
where assertionPredicate = (>>= assertionPredicate)
-- Assertion Construction Operators
-- --------------------------------
infix 1 @?, @=?, @?=
-- | Asserts that the condition obtained from the specified
-- 'AssertionPredicable' holds.
(@?) :: (HasCallStack, AssertionPredicable t)
=> t -- ^ A value of which the asserted condition is predicated
-> String -- ^ A message that is displayed if the assertion fails
-> Assertion
predi @? msg = assertionPredicate predi >>= assertBool msg
-- | Asserts that the specified actual value is equal to the expected value
-- (with the expected value on the left-hand side).
(@=?) :: (HasCallStack, Eq a, Show a)
=> a -- ^ The expected value
-> a -- ^ The actual value
-> Assertion
expected @=? actual = assertEqual "" expected actual
-- | Asserts that the specified actual value is equal to the expected value
-- (with the actual value on the left-hand side).
(@?=) :: (HasCallStack, Eq a, Show a)
=> a -- ^ The actual value
-> a -- ^ The expected value
-> Assertion
actual @?= expected = assertEqual "" expected actual
-- Test Definition
-- ===============
-- | The basic structure used to create an annotated tree of test cases.
data Test
-- | A single, independent test case composed.
= TestCase Assertion
-- | A set of @Test@s sharing the same level in the hierarchy.
| TestList [Test]
-- | A name or description for a subtree of the @Test@s.
| TestLabel String Test
instance Show Test where
showsPrec _ (TestCase _) = showString "TestCase _"
showsPrec _ (TestList ts) = showString "TestList " . showList ts
showsPrec p (TestLabel l t) = showString "TestLabel " . showString l
. showChar ' ' . showsPrec p t
-- Overloaded `test` Function
-- --------------------------
-- | Provides a way to convert data into a @Test@ or set of @Test@.
class Testable t
where test :: HasCallStack => t -> Test
instance Testable Test
where test = id
instance (Assertable t) => Testable (IO t)
where test = TestCase . assert
instance (Testable t) => Testable [t]
where test = TestList . map test
-- Test Construction Operators
-- ---------------------------
infix 1 ~?, ~=?, ~?=
infixr 0 ~:
-- | Creates a test case resulting from asserting the condition obtained
-- from the specified 'AssertionPredicable'.
(~?) :: (HasCallStack, AssertionPredicable t)
=> t -- ^ A value of which the asserted condition is predicated
-> String -- ^ A message that is displayed on test failure
-> Test
predi ~? msg = TestCase (predi @? msg)
-- | Shorthand for a test case that asserts equality (with the expected
-- value on the left-hand side, and the actual value on the right-hand
-- side).
(~=?) :: (HasCallStack, Eq a, Show a)
=> a -- ^ The expected value
-> a -- ^ The actual value
-> Test
expected ~=? actual = TestCase (expected @=? actual)
-- | Shorthand for a test case that asserts equality (with the actual
-- value on the left-hand side, and the expected value on the right-hand
-- side).
(~?=) :: (HasCallStack, Eq a, Show a)
=> a -- ^ The actual value
-> a -- ^ The expected value
-> Test
actual ~?= expected = TestCase (actual @?= expected)
-- | Creates a test from the specified 'Testable', with the specified
-- label attached to it.
-- Since 'Test' is @Testable@, this can be used as a shorthand way of attaching
-- a 'TestLabel' to one or more tests.
(~:) :: (HasCallStack, Testable t) => String -> t -> Test
label ~: t = TestLabel label (test t)
-- Test Execution
-- ==============
-- $testExecutionNote
-- Note: the rest of the functionality in this module is intended for
-- implementors of test controllers. If you just want to run your tests cases,
-- simply use a test controller, such as the text-based controller in
-- "Test.HUnit.Text".
-- | A data structure that hold the results of tests that have been performed
-- up until this point.
data Counts = Counts { cases, tried, errors, failures :: Int }
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
-- | Keeps track of the remaining tests and the results of the performed tests.
-- As each test is performed, the path is removed and the counts are
-- updated as appropriate.
data State = State { path :: Path, counts :: Counts }
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
-- | Report generator for reporting the start of a test run.
type ReportStart us = State -> us -> IO us
-- | Report generator for reporting problems that have occurred during
-- a test run. Problems may be errors or assertion failures.
type ReportProblem us = Maybe SrcLoc -> String -> State -> us -> IO us
-- | Uniquely describes the location of a test within a test hierarchy.
-- Node order is from test case to root.
type Path = [Node]
-- | Composed into 'Path's.
data Node = ListItem Int | Label String
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
-- | Determines the paths for all 'TestCase's in a tree of @Test@s.
testCasePaths :: Test -> [Path]
testCasePaths t0 = tcp t0 []
where tcp (TestCase _) p = [p]
tcp (TestList ts) p =
concat [ tcp t (ListItem n : p) | (t,n) <- zip ts [0..] ]
tcp (TestLabel l t) p = tcp t (Label l : p)
-- | Counts the number of 'TestCase's in a tree of @Test@s.
testCaseCount :: Test -> Int
testCaseCount (TestCase _) = 1
testCaseCount (TestList ts) = sum (map testCaseCount ts)
testCaseCount (TestLabel _ t) = testCaseCount t
-- | Performs a test run with the specified report generators.
-- This handles the actual running of the tests. Most developers will want
-- to use @HUnit.Text.runTestTT@ instead. A developer could use this function
-- to execute tests via another IO system, such as a GUI, or to output the
-- results in a different manner (e.g., upload XML-formatted results to a
-- webservice).
-- Note that the counts in a start report do not include the test case
-- being started, whereas the counts in a problem report do include the
-- test case just finished. The principle is that the counts are sampled
-- only between test case executions. As a result, the number of test
-- case successes always equals the difference of test cases tried and
-- the sum of test case errors and failures.
performTest :: ReportStart us -- ^ report generator for the test run start
-> ReportProblem us -- ^ report generator for errors during the test run
-> ReportProblem us -- ^ report generator for assertion failures during the test run
-> us
-> Test -- ^ the test to be executed
-> IO (Counts, us)
performTest reportStart reportError reportFailure initialUs initialT = do
(ss', us') <- pt initState initialUs initialT
unless (null (path ss')) $ error "performTest: Final path is nonnull"
return (counts ss', us')
initState = State{ path = [], counts = initCounts }
initCounts = Counts{ cases = testCaseCount initialT, tried = 0,
errors = 0, failures = 0}
pt ss us (TestCase a) = do
us' <- reportStart ss us
r <- performTestCase a
case r of
Success -> do
return (ss', us')
Failure loc m -> do
usF <- reportFailure loc m ssF us'
return (ssF, usF)
Error loc m -> do
usE <- reportError loc m ssE us'
return (ssE, usE)
where c@Counts{ tried = n } = counts ss
ss' = ss{ counts = c{ tried = n + 1 } }
ssF = ss{ counts = c{ tried = n + 1, failures = failures c + 1 } }
ssE = ss{ counts = c{ tried = n + 1, errors = errors c + 1 } }
pt ss us (TestList ts) = foldM f (ss, us) (zip ts [0..])
where f (ss', us') (t, n) = withNode (ListItem n) ss' us' t
pt ss us (TestLabel label t) = withNode (Label label) ss us t
withNode node ss0 us0 t = do (ss2, us1) <- pt ss1 us0 t
return (ss2{ path = path0 }, us1)
where path0 = path ss0
ss1 = ss0{ path = node : path0 }