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	 * WARNING: This is an internal interface, and not a public API. It
	 * can change between releases.
	 * This can be viewed as an interface for remoting the GcrPrompt
	 * interface.
	 * We use a callback interface exported from the prompting client.
	 * The prompter calls this rather than emit signals. It does this so
	 * that the prompter can be aware if the client returns errors or is
	 * no longer around.

	<interface name="org.gnome.keyring.internal.Prompter">
		 * Prompts first call BeginPrompting() with the path that. This
		 * returns immediately. The prompter then calls PromptReady()
		 * on the callback when it's ready for that client prompt to
		 * start showing prompts.
		<method name="BeginPrompting">
			<!-- DBus path to the client prompt callback -->
			<arg name="callback" type="o" direction="in"/>

		 * Called by client prompts to actually show a prompt. This can
		 * only be called after the prompter calls PromptReady() on
		 * the callback.
		 * This returns immediately, and PromptReady() will be called
		 * on the callback when the prompt completes.
		<method name="PerformPrompt">
			<!-- DBus path to the client prompt callback -->
			<arg name="callback" type="o" direction="in"/>

			<!-- Type of prompt: 'password' or 'confirm' -->
			<arg name="type" type="s" direction="in"/>

			<!-- GcrPrompt properties which changed since last prompt -->
			<arg name="properties" type="a{sv}" direction="in"/>

			<!-- GcrSecretExchange output from client -->
			<arg name="exchange" type="s" direction="in"/>

		 * Called by client prompts to stop prompting. If a prompt is
		 * currently being displayed then it will be cancelled as if
		 * the user cancelled it.
		 * Will call PromptDone() on the client callback.
		<method name="StopPrompting">
			<!-- DBus path to the client prompt callback -->
			<arg name="callback" type="o" direction="in"/>

	<!-- Called when ready to prompt or a prompt completes -->
	<interface name="org.gnome.keyring.internal.Prompter.Callback">

		 * Called by the prompter when ready to show a prompt. This
		 * occurs when the prompter is ready for the first prompt,
		 * and also after prompts complete.
		<method name="PromptReady">
			<arg name="reply" type="s" direction="in"/>
			<arg name="properties" type="a{sv}" direction="in"/>
			<arg name="exchange" type="s" direction="in"/>

		 * Called when the prompter stops prompting for this callback
		<method name="PromptDone">