Blob Blame History Raw
 * gnome-keyring
 * Copyright (C) 2008 Stefan Walter
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this program; if not, see <>.

#include "config.h"

#include "gcr-certificate.h"
#include "gcr-certificate-extensions.h"
#include "gcr-comparable.h"
#include "gcr-icons.h"
#include "gcr-internal.h"
#include "gcr-subject-public-key.h"

#include "gcr/gcr-oids.h"

#include "egg/egg-asn1x.h"
#include "egg/egg-asn1-defs.h"
#include "egg/egg-dn.h"
#include "egg/egg-hex.h"

#include <string.h>
#include <glib/gi18n-lib.h>

 * SECTION:gcr-certificate
 * @title: GcrCertificate
 * @short_description: Represents an X.509 certificate
 * This is an interface that represents an X.509 certificate. Objects can
 * implement this interface to make a certificate usable with the GCR
 * library.
 * Various methods are available to parse out relevant bits of the certificate.
 * However no verification of the validity of a certificate is done here. Use
 * your favorite crypto library to do this.
 * You can use #GcrSimpleCertificate to simply load a certificate for which
 * you already have the raw certificate data.
 * The #GcrCertificate interface has several properties that must be implemented.
 * You can use a mixin to implement these properties if desired. See the
 * gcr_certificate_mixin_class_init() and gcr_certificate_mixin_get_property()
 * functions.
 * All certificates are comparable. If implementing a #GcrCertificate, you can
 * use GCR_CERTIFICATE_MIXIN_IMPLEMENT_COMPARABLE() to implement the #GcrComparable
 * interface.

 * GcrCertificate:
 * An object which holds a certificate.

 * GcrCertificateIface:
 * @parent: the parent interface type
 * @get_der_data: a method which returns the RAW der data of the certificate
 * The interface that implementors of #GcrCertificate must implement.

 * The columns that are valid for a certificate. This is to be used with
 * the #GcrTreeSelector or #GcrCollectionModel.
 * This is an array of #GcrColumn, owned by the gcr library.

 * The DER data in this structure is owned by the derived class.
 * It is only valid for the duration of the current call stack
 * after we call gcr_certificate_get_der_data(). We shouldn't
 * save it anywhere else.
 * We keep the pointer around and compare it so that if the derived
 * class returns exactly the same pointer and size, then we can
 * keep from parsing things over again.

typedef struct _GcrCertificateInfo {
	gconstpointer der;
	gsize n_der;
	GNode *asn1;
	guint key_size;
} GcrCertificateInfo;

/* Forward declarations */

static GBytes * _gcr_certificate_get_subject_const (GcrCertificate *self);
static GBytes * _gcr_certificate_get_issuer_const (GcrCertificate *self);

enum {
	PROP_FIRST = 0x0007000,

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

static GQuark CERTIFICATE_INFO = 0;

static void
certificate_info_free (gpointer data)
	GcrCertificateInfo *info = data;
	if (info) {
		g_assert (info->asn1);
		egg_asn1x_destroy (info->asn1);
		g_free (info);

static GcrCertificateInfo*
certificate_info_load (GcrCertificate *cert)
	GcrCertificateInfo *info;
	GBytes *bytes;
	GNode *asn1;
	gconstpointer der;
	gsize n_der;

	g_assert (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (cert));

	der = gcr_certificate_get_der_data (cert, &n_der);
	if (der == NULL)
		return NULL;

	info = g_object_get_qdata (G_OBJECT (cert), CERTIFICATE_INFO);
	if (info != NULL) {
		if (n_der == info->n_der && der == info->der)
			return info;

	/* TODO: Once GBytes is public, add to GcrCertificate interface */
	bytes = g_bytes_new_static (der, n_der);

	/* Cache is invalid or non existent */
	asn1 = egg_asn1x_create_and_decode (pkix_asn1_tab, "Certificate", bytes);

	g_bytes_unref (bytes);

	if (asn1 == NULL) {
		g_warning ("a derived class provided an invalid or unparseable X.509 DER certificate data.");
		return NULL;

	info = g_new0 (GcrCertificateInfo, 1);
	info->der = der;
	info->n_der = n_der;
	info->asn1 = asn1;

	g_object_set_qdata_full (G_OBJECT (cert), CERTIFICATE_INFO, info, certificate_info_free);
	return info;

static GChecksum*
digest_certificate (GcrCertificate *self, GChecksumType type)
	GChecksum *digest;
	gconstpointer der;
	gsize n_der;

	g_assert (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (self));

	der = gcr_certificate_get_der_data (self, &n_der);
	if (der == NULL)
		return NULL;

	digest = g_checksum_new (type);
	g_return_val_if_fail (digest, NULL);

	g_checksum_update (digest, der, n_der);
	return digest;

 * gcr_certificate_get_markup_text:
 * @self: a certificate
 * Calculate a GMarkup string for displaying this certificate.
 * Returns: (transfer full): the markup string
gchar *
gcr_certificate_get_markup_text (GcrCertificate *self)
	gchar *label = NULL;
	gchar *issuer;
	gchar *markup;

	g_object_get (self, "label", &label, NULL);
	issuer = gcr_certificate_get_issuer_name (self);

	if (issuer)
		markup = g_markup_printf_escaped ("%s\n<small>Issued by: %s</small>", label, issuer);
		markup = g_markup_printf_escaped ("%s\n<small>Issued by: <i>No name</i></small>", label);

	g_free (label);
	g_free (issuer);
	return markup;

static void
on_transform_date_to_string (const GValue *src, GValue *dest)
	static const gsize len = 256;
	GDate *date;
	gchar *result;

	g_return_if_fail (G_VALUE_TYPE (src) == G_TYPE_DATE);

	date = g_value_get_boxed (src);
	g_return_if_fail (date);

	result = g_malloc0 (len);
	if (!g_date_strftime (result, len, "%x", date)) {
		g_free (result);
		result = NULL;

	g_value_take_string (dest, result);

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

static void
gcr_certificate_default_init (GcrCertificateIface *iface)
	static volatile gsize initialized = 0;

	if (g_once_init_enter (&initialized)) {
		CERTIFICATE_INFO = g_quark_from_static_string ("_gcr_certificate_certificate_info");

		 * GcrCertificate:label:
		 * A readable label for this certificate.
		g_object_interface_install_property (iface,
		         g_param_spec_string ("label", "Label", "Certificate label",
		                              "", G_PARAM_READABLE));

		 * GcrCertificate:description:
		 * A readable description for this certificate
		g_object_interface_install_property (iface,
		         g_param_spec_string ("description", "Description", "Description of object being rendered",
		                              "", G_PARAM_READABLE));

		 * GcrCertificate:markup:
		 * GLib markup to describe the certificate
		g_object_interface_install_property (iface,
		         g_param_spec_string ("markup", "Markup", "Markup which describes object being rendered",
		                              "", G_PARAM_READABLE));

		 * GcrCertificate:icon:
		 * An icon representing the certificate
		g_object_interface_install_property (iface,
		         g_param_spec_object ("icon", "Icon", "Icon for the object being rendered",
		                              G_TYPE_ICON, G_PARAM_READABLE));

		 * GcrCertificate:subject:
		 * Common name part of the certificate subject
		g_object_interface_install_property (iface,
		           g_param_spec_string ("subject", "Subject", "Common name of subject",
		                                "", G_PARAM_READABLE));

		 * GcrCertificate:issuer:
		 * Common name part of the certificate issuer
		g_object_interface_install_property (iface,
		           g_param_spec_string ("issuer", "Issuer", "Common name of issuer",
		                                "", G_PARAM_READABLE));

		 * GcrCertificate:expiry:
		 * The expiry date of the certificate
		g_object_interface_install_property (iface,
		           g_param_spec_boxed ("expiry", "Expiry", "Certificate expiry",
		                               G_TYPE_DATE, G_PARAM_READABLE));

		g_once_init_leave (&initialized, 1);

typedef GcrCertificateIface GcrCertificateInterface;

G_DEFINE_INTERFACE (GcrCertificate, gcr_certificate, GCR_TYPE_COMPARABLE);

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * gcr_certificate_get_columns: (skip)
 * Get the columns appropriate for a certificate
 * Returns: (transfer none): the columns
const GcrColumn*
gcr_certificate_get_columns (void)
	static GcrColumn columns[] = {
		{ "icon", /* later */ 0, /* later */ 0, NULL, 0 },
		{ "label", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING, NC_("column", "Name"),
		{ "issuer", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING, NC_("column", "Issued By"),
		{ "expiry", /* later */ 0, G_TYPE_STRING, NC_("column", "Expires"),
		  GCR_COLUMN_SORTABLE, on_transform_date_to_string },
		{ NULL }

	columns[0].property_type = columns[0].column_type = G_TYPE_ICON;
	columns[3].property_type = G_TYPE_DATE;
	return columns;

 * gcr_certificate_compare:
 * @first: (allow-none): the certificate to compare
 * @other: (allow-none): the certificate to compare against
 * Compare one certificate against another. If the certificates are equal
 * then zero is returned. If one certificate is %NULL or not a certificate,
 * then a non-zero value is returned.
 * The return value is useful in a stable sort, but has no user logical
 * meaning.
 * Returns: zero if the certificates match, non-zero otherwise.
gcr_certificate_compare (GcrComparable *first, GcrComparable *other)
	gconstpointer data1, data2;
	gsize size1, size2;

	if (!GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (first))
		first = NULL;
	if (!GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (other))
		other = NULL;

	if (first == other)
		return TRUE;
	if (!first)
		return 1;
	if (!other)
		return -1;

	data1 = gcr_certificate_get_der_data (GCR_CERTIFICATE (first), &size1);
	data2 = gcr_certificate_get_der_data (GCR_CERTIFICATE (other), &size2);

	return gcr_comparable_memcmp (data1, size1, data2, size2);

 * gcr_certificate_get_der_data:
 * @self: a #GcrCertificate
 * @n_data: a pointer to a location to store the size of the resulting DER data.
 * Gets the raw DER data for an X.509 certificate.
 * Returns: (transfer none) (array length=n_data): raw DER data of the X.509 certificate
const guint8 *
gcr_certificate_get_der_data (GcrCertificate *self,
                              gsize *n_data)
	g_return_val_if_fail (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (self), NULL);
	g_return_val_if_fail (n_data != NULL, NULL);
	g_return_val_if_fail (GCR_CERTIFICATE_GET_INTERFACE (self)->get_der_data, NULL);
	return GCR_CERTIFICATE_GET_INTERFACE (self)->get_der_data (self, n_data);

 * gcr_certificate_get_issuer_name:
 * @self: a #GcrCertificate
 * Get a name to represent the issuer of this certificate.
 * This will try to lookup the common name, orianizational unit,
 * organization in that order.
 * Returns: the allocated issuer name, or NULL if no issuer name
gchar *
gcr_certificate_get_issuer_name (GcrCertificate *self)
	gchar *name;

	name = gcr_certificate_get_issuer_part (self, "cn");
	if (name == NULL)
		name = gcr_certificate_get_issuer_part (self, "ou");
	if (name == NULL)
		name = gcr_certificate_get_issuer_part (self, "o");

	return name;

 * gcr_certificate_get_issuer_cn:
 * @self: a #GcrCertificate
 * Get the common name of the issuer of this certificate.
 * The string returned should be freed by the caller when no longer
 * required.
 * Returns: The allocated issuer CN, or NULL if no issuer CN present.
gcr_certificate_get_issuer_cn (GcrCertificate *self)
	return gcr_certificate_get_issuer_part (self, "cn");

 * gcr_certificate_get_issuer_part:
 * @self: a #GcrCertificate
 * @part: a DN type string or OID.
 * Get a part of the DN of the issuer of this certificate.
 * Examples of a @part might be the 'OU' (organizational unit)
 * or the 'CN' (common name). Only the value of that part
 * of the DN is returned.
 * The string returned should be freed by the caller when no longer
 * required.
 * Returns: (allow-none): the allocated part of the issuer DN, or %NULL if no
 *          such part is present
gchar *
gcr_certificate_get_issuer_part (GcrCertificate *self, const char *part)
	GcrCertificateInfo *info;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (self), NULL);
	g_return_val_if_fail (part != NULL, NULL);

	info = certificate_info_load (self);
	if (info == NULL)
		return NULL;

	return egg_dn_read_part (egg_asn1x_node (info->asn1, "tbsCertificate", "issuer", "rdnSequence", NULL), part);

static GBytes *
_gcr_certificate_get_issuer_const (GcrCertificate *self)
	GcrCertificateInfo *info;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (self), NULL);

	info = certificate_info_load (self);
	if (info == NULL)
		return NULL;

	return egg_asn1x_get_element_raw (egg_asn1x_node (info->asn1, "tbsCertificate", "issuer", NULL));

 * gcr_certificate_get_issuer_raw:
 * @self: a #GcrCertificate
 * @n_data: The length of the returned data.
 * Get the raw DER data for the issuer DN of the certificate.
 * The data should be freed by using g_free() when no longer required.
 * Returns: (transfer full) (array length=n_data): allocated memory containing
 *          the raw issuer
guchar *
gcr_certificate_get_issuer_raw (GcrCertificate *self,
                                gsize *n_data)
	GBytes *bytes;
	guchar *result;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (self), NULL);
	g_return_val_if_fail (n_data != NULL, NULL);

	bytes = _gcr_certificate_get_issuer_const (self);
	if (bytes == NULL)
		return NULL;

	*n_data = g_bytes_get_size (bytes);
	result = g_memdup (g_bytes_get_data (bytes, NULL), *n_data);
	g_bytes_unref (bytes);

	return result;

 * gcr_certificate_is_issuer:
 * @self: a #GcrCertificate
 * @issuer: a possible issuer #GcrCertificate
 * Check if @issuer could be the issuer of this certificate. This is done by
 * comparing the relevant subject and issuer fields. No signature check is
 * done. Proper verification of certificates must be done via a crypto
 * library.
 * Returns: whether @issuer could be the issuer of the certificate.
gcr_certificate_is_issuer (GcrCertificate *self, GcrCertificate *issuer)
	GBytes *subject_dn;
	GBytes *issuer_dn;
	gboolean ret;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (self), FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (issuer), FALSE);

	subject_dn = _gcr_certificate_get_subject_const (issuer);
	if (subject_dn == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	issuer_dn = _gcr_certificate_get_issuer_const (self);
	if (issuer_dn == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	ret = g_bytes_equal (subject_dn, issuer_dn);

	g_bytes_unref (subject_dn);
	g_bytes_unref (issuer_dn);

	return ret;

 * gcr_certificate_get_issuer_dn:
 * @self: a #GcrCertificate
 * Get the full issuer DN of the certificate as a (mostly)
 * readable string.
 * The string returned should be freed by the caller when no longer
 * required.
 * Returns: The allocated issuer DN of the certificate.
gcr_certificate_get_issuer_dn (GcrCertificate *self)
	GcrCertificateInfo *info;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (self), NULL);

	info = certificate_info_load (self);
	if (info == NULL)
		return NULL;

	return egg_dn_read (egg_asn1x_node (info->asn1, "tbsCertificate", "issuer", "rdnSequence", NULL));

 * gcr_certificate_get_subject_cn:
 * @self: a #GcrCertificate
 * Get the common name of the subject of this certificate.
 * The string returned should be freed by the caller when no longer
 * required.
 * Returns: The allocated subject CN, or NULL if no subject CN present.
gcr_certificate_get_subject_cn (GcrCertificate *self)
	return gcr_certificate_get_subject_part (self, "cn");

 * gcr_certificate_get_subject_name:
 * @self: a #GcrCertificate
 * Get a name to represent the subject of this certificate.
 * This will try to lookup the common name, orianizational unit,
 * organization in that order.
 * Returns: the allocated subject name, or NULL if no subject name
gchar *
gcr_certificate_get_subject_name (GcrCertificate *self)
	gchar *name;

	name = gcr_certificate_get_subject_part (self, "cn");
	if (name == NULL)
		name = gcr_certificate_get_subject_part (self, "ou");
	if (name == NULL)
		name = gcr_certificate_get_subject_part (self, "o");

	return name;

 * gcr_certificate_get_subject_part:
 * @self: a #GcrCertificate
 * @part: a DN type string or OID.
 * Get a part of the DN of the subject of this certificate.
 * Examples of a @part might be the 'OU' (organizational unit)
 * or the 'CN' (common name). Only the value of that part
 * of the DN is returned.
 * The string returned should be freed by the caller when no longer
 * required.
 * Returns: (allow-none): the allocated part of the subject DN, or %NULL if no
 *          such part is present.
gcr_certificate_get_subject_part (GcrCertificate *self, const char *part)
	GcrCertificateInfo *info;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (self), NULL);
	g_return_val_if_fail (part != NULL, NULL);

	info = certificate_info_load (self);
	if (info == NULL)
		return NULL;

	return egg_dn_read_part (egg_asn1x_node (info->asn1, "tbsCertificate", "subject", "rdnSequence", NULL), part);

 * gcr_certificate_get_subject_dn:
 * @self: a #GcrCertificate
 * Get the full subject DN of the certificate as a (mostly)
 * readable string.
 * The string returned should be freed by the caller when no longer
 * required.
 * Returns: The allocated subject DN of the certificate.
gcr_certificate_get_subject_dn (GcrCertificate *self)
	GcrCertificateInfo *info;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (self), NULL);

	info = certificate_info_load (self);
	if (info == NULL)
		return NULL;

	return egg_dn_read (egg_asn1x_node (info->asn1, "tbsCertificate", "subject", "rdnSequence", NULL));

static GBytes *
_gcr_certificate_get_subject_const (GcrCertificate *self)
	GcrCertificateInfo *info;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (self), NULL);

	info = certificate_info_load (self);
	if (info == NULL)
		return NULL;

	return egg_asn1x_get_element_raw (egg_asn1x_node (info->asn1, "tbsCertificate", "subject", NULL));

 * gcr_certificate_get_subject_raw:
 * @self: a #GcrCertificate
 * @n_data: The length of the returned data.
 * Get the raw DER data for the subject DN of the certificate.
 * The data should be freed by using g_free() when no longer required.
 * Returns: (transfer full) (array length=n_data): allocated memory containing
 *          the raw subject
guchar *
gcr_certificate_get_subject_raw (GcrCertificate *self, gsize *n_data)
	GBytes *bytes;
	guchar *result;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (self), NULL);
	g_return_val_if_fail (n_data != NULL, NULL);

	bytes = _gcr_certificate_get_subject_const (self);
	if (bytes == NULL)
		return NULL;

	*n_data = g_bytes_get_size (bytes);
	result = g_memdup (g_bytes_get_data (bytes, NULL), *n_data);

	g_bytes_unref (bytes);

	return result;

 * gcr_certificate_get_issued_date:
 * @self: a #GcrCertificate
 * Get the issued date of this certificate.
 * The #GDate returned should be freed by the caller using
 * g_date_free() when no longer required.
 * Returns: An allocated issued date of this certificate.
gcr_certificate_get_issued_date (GcrCertificate *self)
	GcrCertificateInfo *info;
	GDate *date;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (self), NULL);

	info = certificate_info_load (self);
	if (info == NULL)
		return NULL;

	date = g_date_new ();
	if (!egg_asn1x_get_time_as_date (egg_asn1x_node (info->asn1, "tbsCertificate", "validity", "notBefore", NULL), date)) {
		g_date_free (date);
		return NULL;

	return date;

 * gcr_certificate_get_expiry_date:
 * @self: a #GcrCertificate
 * Get the expiry date of this certificate.
 * The #GDate returned should be freed by the caller using
 * g_date_free() when no longer required.
 * Returns: An allocated expiry date of this certificate.
gcr_certificate_get_expiry_date (GcrCertificate *self)
	GcrCertificateInfo *info;
	GDate *date;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (self), NULL);

	info = certificate_info_load (self);
	if (info == NULL)
		return NULL;

	date = g_date_new ();
	if (!egg_asn1x_get_time_as_date (egg_asn1x_node (info->asn1, "tbsCertificate", "validity", "notAfter", NULL), date)) {
		g_date_free (date);
		return NULL;

	return date;

 * gcr_certificate_get_key_size:
 * @self: a #GcrCertificate
 * Get the key size in bits of the public key represented
 * by this certificate.
 * Returns: The key size of the certificate.
gcr_certificate_get_key_size (GcrCertificate *self)
	GcrCertificateInfo *info;
	GNode *subject_public_key;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (self), 0);

	info = certificate_info_load (self);
	if (info == NULL)
		return 0;

	if (!info->key_size) {
		subject_public_key = egg_asn1x_node (info->asn1, "tbsCertificate",
		                                     "subjectPublicKeyInfo", NULL);
		info->key_size = _gcr_subject_public_key_calculate_size (subject_public_key);

	return info->key_size;

 * gcr_certificate_get_fingerprint:
 * @self: a #GcrCertificate
 * @type: the type of algorithm for the fingerprint.
 * @n_length: The length of the resulting fingerprint.
 * Calculate the fingerprint for this certificate.
 * You can pass G_CHECKSUM_SHA1 or G_CHECKSUM_MD5 as the @type
 * parameter.
 * The caller should free the returned data using g_free() when
 * it is no longer required.
 * Returns: (array length=n_length): the raw binary fingerprint
guchar *
gcr_certificate_get_fingerprint (GcrCertificate *self, GChecksumType type, gsize *n_length)
	GChecksum *sum;
	guchar *digest;
	gssize length;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (self), NULL);
	g_return_val_if_fail (n_length != NULL, NULL);

	sum = digest_certificate (self, type);
	if (sum == NULL)
		return NULL;

	length = g_checksum_type_get_length (type);
	g_return_val_if_fail (length > 0, NULL);
	digest = g_malloc (length);
	*n_length = length;
	g_checksum_get_digest (sum, digest, n_length);
	g_checksum_free (sum);

	return digest;

 * gcr_certificate_get_fingerprint_hex:
 * @self: a #GcrCertificate
 * @type: the type of algorithm for the fingerprint.
 * Calculate the fingerprint for this certificate, and return it
 * as a hex string.
 * You can pass G_CHECKSUM_SHA1 or G_CHECKSUM_MD5 as the @type
 * parameter.
 * The caller should free the returned data using g_free() when
 * it is no longer required.
 * Returns: an allocated hex string which contains the fingerprint.
gcr_certificate_get_fingerprint_hex (GcrCertificate *self, GChecksumType type)
	GChecksum *sum;
	guchar *digest;
	gsize n_digest;
	gssize length;
	gchar *hex;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (self), NULL);

	sum = digest_certificate (self, type);
	if (sum == NULL)
		return NULL;

	length = g_checksum_type_get_length (type);
	g_return_val_if_fail (length > 0, NULL);
	digest = g_malloc (length);
	n_digest = length;
	g_checksum_get_digest (sum, digest, &n_digest);
	hex = egg_hex_encode_full (digest, n_digest, TRUE, " ", 1);
	g_checksum_free (sum);
	g_free (digest);
	return hex;

 * gcr_certificate_get_serial_number:
 * @self: a #GcrCertificate
 * @n_length: the length of the returned data.
 * Get the raw binary serial number of the certificate.
 * The caller should free the returned data using g_free() when
 * it is no longer required.
 * Returns: (array length=n_length): the raw binary serial number.
guchar *
gcr_certificate_get_serial_number (GcrCertificate *self, gsize *n_length)
	GcrCertificateInfo *info;
	GBytes *bytes;
	guchar *result;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (self), NULL);
	g_return_val_if_fail (n_length != NULL, NULL);

	info = certificate_info_load (self);
	if (info == NULL)
		return NULL;

	bytes = egg_asn1x_get_integer_as_raw (egg_asn1x_node (info->asn1, "tbsCertificate", "serialNumber", NULL));
	g_return_val_if_fail (bytes != NULL, NULL);

	*n_length = g_bytes_get_size (bytes);
	result = g_memdup (g_bytes_get_data (bytes, NULL), *n_length);

	g_bytes_unref (bytes);
	return result;

 * gcr_certificate_get_serial_number_hex:
 * @self: a #GcrCertificate
 * Get the serial number of the certificate as a hex string.
 * The caller should free the returned data using g_free() when
 * it is no longer required.
 * Returns: an allocated string containing the serial number as hex.
gcr_certificate_get_serial_number_hex (GcrCertificate *self)
	guchar *serial;
	gsize n_serial;
	gchar *hex;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (self), NULL);

	serial = gcr_certificate_get_serial_number (self, &n_serial);
	if (serial == NULL)
		return NULL;

	hex = egg_hex_encode (serial, n_serial);
	g_free (serial);
	return hex;

 * gcr_certificate_get_icon: (skip)
 * @self: The certificate
 * Get the icon for a certificate.
 * Returns: (transfer full): the icon for this certificate, which should be
 *          released with g_object_unref()
GIcon *
gcr_certificate_get_icon (GcrCertificate *self)
	g_return_val_if_fail (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (self), FALSE);
	return g_themed_icon_new (GCR_ICON_CERTIFICATE);

 * gcr_certificate_get_basic_constraints:
 * @self: the certificate
 * @is_ca: (out) (allow-none): location to place a %TRUE if is an authority
 * @path_len: (out) (allow-none): location to place the max path length
 * Get the basic constraints for the certificate if present. If %FALSE is
 * returned then no basic constraints are present and the @is_ca and
 * @path_len arguments are not changed.
 * Returns: whether basic constraints are present or not
gcr_certificate_get_basic_constraints (GcrCertificate *self,
                                       gboolean *is_ca,
                                       gint *path_len)
	GcrCertificateInfo *info;
	GBytes *value;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (self), FALSE);

	info = certificate_info_load (self);
	if (info == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	value = _gcr_certificate_extension_find (info->asn1, GCR_OID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS, NULL);
	if (!value)
		return FALSE;

	if (!_gcr_certificate_extension_basic_constraints (value, is_ca, path_len))
		g_return_val_if_reached (FALSE);

	g_bytes_unref (value);
	return TRUE;

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Implement the GcrComparable interface. Use this macro like this:
 * <informalexample><programlisting>
 * G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (MyCertificate, my_certificate, G_TYPE_OBJECT,
 *	G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GCR_TYPE_CERTIFICATE, my_certificate_iface_init);
 * );
 * </programlisting></informalexample>

 * gcr_certificate_mixin_emit_notify:
 * @self: the #GcrCertificate
 * Implementers of the #GcrCertificate mixin should call this function to notify
 * when the certificate has changed to emit notifications on the various
 * properties.
gcr_certificate_mixin_emit_notify (GcrCertificate *self)
	GObject *obj;

	g_return_if_fail (GCR_IS_CERTIFICATE (self));

	obj = G_OBJECT (self);
	g_object_notify (obj, "label");
	g_object_notify (obj, "markup");
	g_object_notify (obj, "subject");
	g_object_notify (obj, "issuer");
	g_object_notify (obj, "expiry");

 * gcr_certificate_mixin_comparable_init: (skip)
 * @iface: The interface
 * Initialize a #GcrComparableIface to compare the current certificate.
 * In general it's easier to use the GCR_CERTIFICATE_MIXIN_IMPLEMENT_COMPARABLE()
 * macro instead of this function.
gcr_certificate_mixin_comparable_init (GcrComparableIface *iface)
	iface->compare = gcr_certificate_compare;

 * gcr_certificate_mixin_class_init: (skip)
 * @object_class: The GObjectClass for this class
 * Initialize the certificate mixin for the class. This mixin implements the
 * various required properties for the certificate.
 * Call this function near the end of your derived class_init function. The
 * derived class must implement the #GcrCertificate interface.
gcr_certificate_mixin_class_init (GObjectClass *object_class)
	if (!g_object_class_find_property (object_class, "description"))
		g_object_class_override_property (object_class, PROP_DESCRIPTION, "description");
	if (!g_object_class_find_property (object_class, "markup"))
		g_object_class_override_property (object_class, PROP_MARKUP, "markup");
	if (!g_object_class_find_property (object_class, "label"))
		g_object_class_override_property (object_class, PROP_LABEL, "label");
	if (!g_object_class_find_property (object_class, "icon"))
		g_object_class_override_property (object_class, PROP_ICON, "icon");
	if (!g_object_class_find_property (object_class, "subject"))
		g_object_class_override_property (object_class, PROP_SUBJECT, "subject");
	if (!g_object_class_find_property (object_class, "issuer"))
		g_object_class_override_property (object_class, PROP_ISSUER, "issuer");
	if (!g_object_class_find_property (object_class, "expiry"))
		g_object_class_override_property (object_class, PROP_EXPIRY, "expiry");

	_gcr_initialize_library ();

 * gcr_certificate_mixin_get_property: (skip)
 * @obj: The object
 * @prop_id: The property id
 * @value: The value to fill in.
 * @pspec: The param specification.
 * Implementation to get various required certificate properties. This should
 * be called from your derived class get_property function, or used as a
 * get_property virtual function.
 * Example of use as called from derived class get_property function:
 * <informalexample><programlisting>
 * static void
 * my_get_property (GObject *obj, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec)
 * {
 * 	switch (prop_id) {
 * 	...
 * 	default:
 * 		gcr_certificate_mixin_get_property (obj, prop_id, value, pspec);
 * 		break;
 * 	}
 * </programlisting></informalexample>
 * Example of use as get_property function:
 * <informalexample><programlisting>
 * static void
 * my_class_init (MyClass *klass)
 * {
 * 	GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
 * 	gobject_class->get_property = gcr_certificate_mixin_get_property;
 * 	...
 * }
 * </programlisting></informalexample>

gcr_certificate_mixin_get_property (GObject *obj, guint prop_id,
                                    GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec)
	GcrCertificate *cert = GCR_CERTIFICATE (obj);

	switch (prop_id) {
		g_value_take_string (value, gcr_certificate_get_subject_name (cert));
		g_value_take_string (value, gcr_certificate_get_subject_name (cert));
	case PROP_ICON:
		g_value_set_object (value, gcr_certificate_get_icon (cert));
		g_value_set_string (value, _("Certificate"));
		g_value_take_string (value, gcr_certificate_get_markup_text (cert));
		g_value_take_string (value, gcr_certificate_get_issuer_name (cert));
		g_value_take_boxed (value, gcr_certificate_get_expiry_date (cert));
		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (obj, prop_id, pspec);