Blob Blame History Raw
 * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation
 * Graphical Objects
 * Copyright 2011 Marc-Andre Moreau <>
 * Copyright 2016 Armin Novak <>
 * Copyright 2016 Thincast Technologies GmbH
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


typedef struct rdp_bitmap rdpBitmap;
typedef struct rdp_pointer rdpPointer;
typedef struct rdp_glyph rdpGlyph;

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <freerdp/api.h>
#include <freerdp/types.h>
#include <freerdp/freerdp.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* Bitmap Class */
typedef BOOL (*pBitmap_New)(rdpContext* context, rdpBitmap* bitmap);
typedef void (*pBitmap_Free)(rdpContext* context, rdpBitmap* bitmap);
typedef BOOL (*pBitmap_Paint)(rdpContext* context, rdpBitmap* bitmap);
typedef BOOL (*pBitmap_Decompress)(rdpContext* context, rdpBitmap* bitmap,
                                   const BYTE* data, UINT32 width, UINT32 height,
                                   UINT32 bpp, UINT32 length, BOOL compressed,
                                   UINT32 codec_id);
typedef BOOL (*pBitmap_SetSurface)(rdpContext* context, rdpBitmap* bitmap,
                                   BOOL primary);

struct rdp_bitmap
	size_t size; /* 0 */
	pBitmap_New New; /* 1 */
	pBitmap_Free Free; /* 2 */
	pBitmap_Paint Paint; /* 3 */
	pBitmap_Decompress Decompress; /* 4 */
	pBitmap_SetSurface SetSurface; /* 5 */
	UINT32 paddingA[16 - 6];  /* 6 */

	UINT32 left; /* 16 */
	UINT32 top; /* 17 */
	UINT32 right; /* 18 */
	UINT32 bottom; /* 19 */
	UINT32 width; /* 20 */
	UINT32 height; /* 21 */
	UINT32 format; /* 22 */
	UINT32 flags; /* 23 */
	UINT32 length; /* 24 */
	BYTE* data; /* 25 */
	UINT32 paddingB[32 - 26]; /* 26 */

	BOOL compressed; /* 32 */
	BOOL ephemeral; /* 33 */
	UINT32 paddingC[64 - 34]; /* 34 */

FREERDP_API rdpBitmap* Bitmap_Alloc(rdpContext* context);
FREERDP_API BOOL Bitmap_SetRectangle(rdpBitmap* bitmap,
                                     UINT16 left,
                                     UINT16 top, UINT16 right, UINT16 bottom);
FREERDP_API BOOL Bitmap_SetDimensions(rdpBitmap* bitmap,
                                      UINT16 width,
                                      UINT16 height);

/* Pointer Class */

typedef BOOL (*pPointer_New)(rdpContext* context, rdpPointer* pointer);
typedef void (*pPointer_Free)(rdpContext* context, rdpPointer* pointer);
typedef BOOL (*pPointer_Set)(rdpContext* context, const rdpPointer* pointer);
typedef BOOL (*pPointer_SetNull)(rdpContext* context);
typedef BOOL (*pPointer_SetDefault)(rdpContext* context);
typedef BOOL (*pPointer_SetPosition)(rdpContext* context, UINT32 x, UINT32 y);

struct rdp_pointer
	size_t size; /* 0 */
	pPointer_New New; /* 1 */
	pPointer_Free Free; /* 2 */
	pPointer_Set Set; /* 3 */
	pPointer_SetNull SetNull; /* 4*/
	pPointer_SetDefault SetDefault; /* 5 */
	pPointer_SetPosition SetPosition; /* 6 */
	UINT32 paddingA[16 - 7]; /* 7 */

	UINT32 xPos; /* 16 */
	UINT32 yPos; /* 17 */
	UINT32 width; /* 18 */
	UINT32 height; /* 19 */
	UINT32 xorBpp; /* 20 */
	UINT32 lengthAndMask; /* 21 */
	UINT32 lengthXorMask; /* 22 */
	BYTE* xorMaskData; /* 23 */
	BYTE* andMaskData; /* 24 */
	UINT32 paddingB[32 - 25]; /* 25 */

FREERDP_API rdpPointer* Pointer_Alloc(rdpContext* context);

/* Glyph Class */
typedef BOOL (*pGlyph_New)(rdpContext* context, const rdpGlyph* glyph);
typedef void (*pGlyph_Free)(rdpContext* context, rdpGlyph* glyph);
typedef BOOL (*pGlyph_Draw)(rdpContext* context, const rdpGlyph* glyph,
                            INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 w, INT32 h,
                            INT32 sx, INT32 sy, BOOL fOpRedundant);
typedef BOOL (*pGlyph_BeginDraw)(rdpContext* context, INT32 x, INT32 y,
                                 INT32 width, INT32 height, UINT32 bgcolor,
                                 UINT32 fgcolor, BOOL fOpRedundant);
typedef BOOL (*pGlyph_EndDraw)(rdpContext* context, INT32 x, INT32 y,
                               INT32 width, INT32 height, UINT32 bgcolor, UINT32 fgcolor);
typedef BOOL (*pGlyph_SetBounds)(rdpContext* context, INT32 x, INT32 y,
                                 INT32 width, INT32 height);

struct rdp_glyph
	size_t size; /* 0 */
	pGlyph_New New; /* 1 */
	pGlyph_Free Free; /* 2 */
	pGlyph_Draw Draw; /* 3 */
	pGlyph_BeginDraw BeginDraw; /* 4 */
	pGlyph_EndDraw EndDraw; /* 5 */
	pGlyph_SetBounds SetBounds; /* 6 */
	UINT32 paddingA[16 - 7]; /* 7 */

	INT32 x; /* 16 */
	INT32 y; /* 17 */
	UINT32 cx; /* 18 */
	UINT32 cy; /* 19 */
	UINT32 cb; /* 20 */
	BYTE* aj; /* 21 */
	UINT32 paddingB[32 - 22]; /* 22 */

FREERDP_API rdpGlyph* Glyph_Alloc(rdpContext* context, INT32 x, INT32 y,
                                  UINT32 cx, UINT32 cy, UINT32 cb, const BYTE* aj);

/* Graphics Module */

struct rdp_graphics
	rdpContext* context; /* 0 */
	rdpBitmap* Bitmap_Prototype; /* 1 */
	rdpPointer* Pointer_Prototype; /* 2 */
	rdpGlyph* Glyph_Prototype; /* 3 */
	UINT32 paddingA[16 - 4]; /* 4 */

FREERDP_API void graphics_register_bitmap(rdpGraphics* graphics,
        rdpBitmap* bitmap);
FREERDP_API void graphics_register_pointer(rdpGraphics* graphics,
        rdpPointer* pointer);
FREERDP_API void graphics_register_glyph(rdpGraphics* graphics,
        rdpGlyph* glyph);

FREERDP_API rdpGraphics* graphics_new(rdpContext* context);
FREERDP_API void graphics_free(rdpGraphics* graphics);

#ifdef __cplusplus