Blob Blame History Raw
 * WinPR: Windows Portable Runtime
 * Collections
 * Copyright 2012 Marc-Andre Moreau <>
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <winpr/winpr.h>
#include <winpr/wtypes.h>

#include <winpr/crt.h>
#include <winpr/synch.h>
#include <winpr/stream.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

	typedef void* (*OBJECT_NEW_FN)(void* val);
	typedef void (*OBJECT_INIT_FN)(void* obj);
	typedef void (*OBJECT_UNINIT_FN)(void* obj);
	typedef void (*OBJECT_FREE_FN)(void* obj);
	typedef BOOL (*OBJECT_EQUALS_FN)(const void* objA, const void* objB);

	struct _wObject
		OBJECT_NEW_FN fnObjectNew;
		OBJECT_INIT_FN fnObjectInit;
		OBJECT_UNINIT_FN fnObjectUninit;
		OBJECT_FREE_FN fnObjectFree;
		OBJECT_EQUALS_FN fnObjectEquals;
	typedef struct _wObject wObject;

	/* System.Collections.Queue */

	struct _wQueue
		int capacity;
		int growthFactor;
		BOOL synchronized;

		int head;
		int tail;
		int size;
		void** array;
		HANDLE event;

		wObject object;
	typedef struct _wQueue wQueue;

	WINPR_API int Queue_Count(wQueue* queue);

	WINPR_API void Queue_Lock(wQueue* queue);
	WINPR_API void Queue_Unlock(wQueue* queue);

	WINPR_API HANDLE Queue_Event(wQueue* queue);

#define Queue_Object(_queue) (&_queue->object)

	WINPR_API void Queue_Clear(wQueue* queue);

	WINPR_API BOOL Queue_Contains(wQueue* queue, void* obj);

	WINPR_API BOOL Queue_Enqueue(wQueue* queue, void* obj);
	WINPR_API void* Queue_Dequeue(wQueue* queue);

	WINPR_API void* Queue_Peek(wQueue* queue);

	WINPR_API wQueue* Queue_New(BOOL synchronized, int capacity, int growthFactor);
	WINPR_API void Queue_Free(wQueue* queue);

	/* System.Collections.Stack */

	struct _wStack
		int size;
		int capacity;
		void** array;
		BOOL synchronized;
		wObject object;
	typedef struct _wStack wStack;

	WINPR_API int Stack_Count(wStack* stack);
	WINPR_API BOOL Stack_IsSynchronized(wStack* stack);

#define Stack_Object(_stack) (&_stack->object)

	WINPR_API void Stack_Clear(wStack* stack);
	WINPR_API BOOL Stack_Contains(wStack* stack, void* obj);

	WINPR_API void Stack_Push(wStack* stack, void* obj);
	WINPR_API void* Stack_Pop(wStack* stack);

	WINPR_API void* Stack_Peek(wStack* stack);

	WINPR_API wStack* Stack_New(BOOL synchronized);
	WINPR_API void Stack_Free(wStack* stack);

	/* System.Collections.ArrayList */

	struct _wArrayList
		int capacity;
		int growthFactor;
		BOOL synchronized;

		int size;
		void** array;

		wObject object;
	typedef struct _wArrayList wArrayList;

	WINPR_API int ArrayList_Capacity(wArrayList* arrayList);
	WINPR_API int ArrayList_Count(wArrayList* arrayList);
	WINPR_API int ArrayList_Items(wArrayList* arrayList, ULONG_PTR** ppItems);
	WINPR_API BOOL ArrayList_IsFixedSized(wArrayList* arrayList);
	WINPR_API BOOL ArrayList_IsReadOnly(wArrayList* arrayList);
	WINPR_API BOOL ArrayList_IsSynchronized(wArrayList* arrayList);

	WINPR_API void ArrayList_Lock(wArrayList* arrayList);
	WINPR_API void ArrayList_Unlock(wArrayList* arrayList);

	WINPR_API void* ArrayList_GetItem(wArrayList* arrayList, int index);
	WINPR_API void ArrayList_SetItem(wArrayList* arrayList, int index, void* obj);

#define ArrayList_Object(_arrayList) (&_arrayList->object)

#define ArrayList_ForEach(_lst, _type, index, value)                                       \
	for (index = 0;                                                                        \
	     index < ArrayList_Count(_lst) && (value = (_type)ArrayList_GetItem(_lst, index)); \

	WINPR_API void ArrayList_Clear(wArrayList* arrayList);
	WINPR_API BOOL ArrayList_Contains(wArrayList* arrayList, void* obj);

	WINPR_API int ArrayList_Add(wArrayList* arrayList, void* obj);
	WINPR_API BOOL ArrayList_Insert(wArrayList* arrayList, int index, void* obj);

	WINPR_API BOOL ArrayList_Remove(wArrayList* arrayList, void* obj);
	WINPR_API BOOL ArrayList_RemoveAt(wArrayList* arrayList, int index);

	WINPR_API int ArrayList_IndexOf(wArrayList* arrayList, void* obj, int startIndex, int count);
	WINPR_API int ArrayList_LastIndexOf(wArrayList* arrayList, void* obj, int startIndex,
	                                    int count);

	WINPR_API wArrayList* ArrayList_New(BOOL synchronized);
	WINPR_API void ArrayList_Free(wArrayList* arrayList);

	/* System.Collections.DictionaryBase */

	struct _wDictionary
		BOOL synchronized;
	typedef struct _wDictionary wDictionary;

	/* System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary */

	typedef struct _wListDictionaryItem wListDictionaryItem;

	struct _wListDictionaryItem
		void* key;
		void* value;

		wListDictionaryItem* next;

	struct _wListDictionary
		BOOL synchronized;

		wListDictionaryItem* head;
		wObject objectKey;
		wObject objectValue;
	typedef struct _wListDictionary wListDictionary;

#define ListDictionary_KeyObject(_dictionary) (&_dictionary->objectKey)
#define ListDictionary_ValueObject(_dictionary) (&_dictionary->objectValue)

	WINPR_API int ListDictionary_Count(wListDictionary* listDictionary);

	WINPR_API void ListDictionary_Lock(wListDictionary* listDictionary);
	WINPR_API void ListDictionary_Unlock(wListDictionary* listDictionary);

	WINPR_API BOOL ListDictionary_Add(wListDictionary* listDictionary, const void* key,
	                                  void* value);
	WINPR_API void* ListDictionary_Remove(wListDictionary* listDictionary, const void* key);
	WINPR_API void* ListDictionary_Remove_Head(wListDictionary* listDictionary);
	WINPR_API void ListDictionary_Clear(wListDictionary* listDictionary);

	WINPR_API BOOL ListDictionary_Contains(wListDictionary* listDictionary, const void* key);
	WINPR_API int ListDictionary_GetKeys(wListDictionary* listDictionary, ULONG_PTR** ppKeys);

	WINPR_API void* ListDictionary_GetItemValue(wListDictionary* listDictionary, const void* key);
	WINPR_API BOOL ListDictionary_SetItemValue(wListDictionary* listDictionary, const void* key,
	                                           void* value);

	WINPR_API wListDictionary* ListDictionary_New(BOOL synchronized);
	WINPR_API void ListDictionary_Free(wListDictionary* listDictionary);

	/* System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList<T> */

	typedef struct _wLinkedList wLinkedList;

	WINPR_API int LinkedList_Count(wLinkedList* list);
	WINPR_API void* LinkedList_First(wLinkedList* list);
	WINPR_API void* LinkedList_Last(wLinkedList* list);

	WINPR_API BOOL LinkedList_Contains(wLinkedList* list, void* value);
	WINPR_API void LinkedList_Clear(wLinkedList* list);

	WINPR_API BOOL LinkedList_AddFirst(wLinkedList* list, void* value);
	WINPR_API BOOL LinkedList_AddLast(wLinkedList* list, void* value);

	WINPR_API BOOL LinkedList_Remove(wLinkedList* list, void* value);
	WINPR_API void LinkedList_RemoveFirst(wLinkedList* list);
	WINPR_API void LinkedList_RemoveLast(wLinkedList* list);

	WINPR_API void LinkedList_Enumerator_Reset(wLinkedList* list);
	WINPR_API void* LinkedList_Enumerator_Current(wLinkedList* list);
	WINPR_API BOOL LinkedList_Enumerator_MoveNext(wLinkedList* list);

	WINPR_API wLinkedList* LinkedList_New(void);
	WINPR_API void LinkedList_Free(wLinkedList* list);

	WINPR_API wObject* LinkedList_Object(wLinkedList* list);

	/* System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue> */

	typedef struct _wKeyValuePair wKeyValuePair;

	struct _wKeyValuePair
		void* key;
		void* value;

		wKeyValuePair* next;

	/* Reference Table */

	struct _wReference
		UINT32 Count;
		void* Pointer;
	typedef struct _wReference wReference;

	typedef int (*REFERENCE_FREE)(void* context, void* ptr);

	struct _wReferenceTable
		UINT32 size;
		void* context;
		BOOL synchronized;
		wReference* array;
		REFERENCE_FREE ReferenceFree;
	typedef struct _wReferenceTable wReferenceTable;

	WINPR_API UINT32 ReferenceTable_Add(wReferenceTable* referenceTable, void* ptr);
	WINPR_API UINT32 ReferenceTable_Release(wReferenceTable* referenceTable, void* ptr);

	WINPR_API wReferenceTable* ReferenceTable_New(BOOL synchronized, void* context,
	                                              REFERENCE_FREE ReferenceFree);
	WINPR_API void ReferenceTable_Free(wReferenceTable* referenceTable);

	/* Countdown Event */

	struct _wCountdownEvent
		DWORD count;
		HANDLE event;
		DWORD initialCount;
	typedef struct _wCountdownEvent wCountdownEvent;

	WINPR_API DWORD CountdownEvent_CurrentCount(wCountdownEvent* countdown);
	WINPR_API DWORD CountdownEvent_InitialCount(wCountdownEvent* countdown);
	WINPR_API BOOL CountdownEvent_IsSet(wCountdownEvent* countdown);
	WINPR_API HANDLE CountdownEvent_WaitHandle(wCountdownEvent* countdown);

	WINPR_API void CountdownEvent_AddCount(wCountdownEvent* countdown, DWORD signalCount);
	WINPR_API BOOL CountdownEvent_Signal(wCountdownEvent* countdown, DWORD signalCount);
	WINPR_API void CountdownEvent_Reset(wCountdownEvent* countdown, DWORD count);

	WINPR_API wCountdownEvent* CountdownEvent_New(DWORD initialCount);
	WINPR_API void CountdownEvent_Free(wCountdownEvent* countdown);

	/* Hash Table */

	typedef UINT32 (*HASH_TABLE_HASH_FN)(void* key);
	typedef BOOL (*HASH_TABLE_KEY_COMPARE_FN)(void* key1, void* key2);
	typedef BOOL (*HASH_TABLE_VALUE_COMPARE_FN)(void* value1, void* value2);
	typedef void* (*HASH_TABLE_KEY_CLONE_FN)(void* key);
	typedef void* (*HASH_TABLE_VALUE_CLONE_FN)(void* value);
	typedef void (*HASH_TABLE_KEY_FREE_FN)(void* key);
	typedef void (*HASH_TABLE_VALUE_FREE_FN)(void* value);

	struct _wHashTable
		BOOL synchronized;

		int numOfBuckets;
		int numOfElements;
		float idealRatio;
		float lowerRehashThreshold;
		float upperRehashThreshold;
		wKeyValuePair** bucketArray;

	typedef struct _wHashTable wHashTable;

	WINPR_API int HashTable_Count(wHashTable* table);
	WINPR_API int HashTable_Add(wHashTable* table, void* key, void* value);
	WINPR_API BOOL HashTable_Remove(wHashTable* table, void* key);
	WINPR_API void HashTable_Clear(wHashTable* table);
	WINPR_API BOOL HashTable_Contains(wHashTable* table, void* key);
	WINPR_API BOOL HashTable_ContainsKey(wHashTable* table, void* key);
	WINPR_API BOOL HashTable_ContainsValue(wHashTable* table, void* value);
	WINPR_API void* HashTable_GetItemValue(wHashTable* table, void* key);
	WINPR_API BOOL HashTable_SetItemValue(wHashTable* table, void* key, void* value);
	WINPR_API int HashTable_GetKeys(wHashTable* table, ULONG_PTR** ppKeys);

	WINPR_API UINT32 HashTable_PointerHash(void* pointer);
	WINPR_API BOOL HashTable_PointerCompare(void* pointer1, void* pointer2);

	WINPR_API UINT32 HashTable_StringHash(void* key);
	WINPR_API BOOL HashTable_StringCompare(void* string1, void* string2);
	WINPR_API void* HashTable_StringClone(void* str);
	WINPR_API void HashTable_StringFree(void* str);

	WINPR_API wHashTable* HashTable_New(BOOL synchronized);
	WINPR_API void HashTable_Free(wHashTable* table);

	/* BufferPool */

	struct _wBufferPoolItem
		int size;
		void* buffer;
	typedef struct _wBufferPoolItem wBufferPoolItem;

	struct _wBufferPool
		int fixedSize;
		DWORD alignment;
		BOOL synchronized;

		int size;
		int capacity;
		void** array;

		int aSize;
		int aCapacity;
		wBufferPoolItem* aArray;

		int uSize;
		int uCapacity;
		wBufferPoolItem* uArray;
	typedef struct _wBufferPool wBufferPool;

	WINPR_API int BufferPool_GetPoolSize(wBufferPool* pool);
	WINPR_API int BufferPool_GetBufferSize(wBufferPool* pool, void* buffer);

	WINPR_API void* BufferPool_Take(wBufferPool* pool, int bufferSize);
	WINPR_API BOOL BufferPool_Return(wBufferPool* pool, void* buffer);
	WINPR_API void BufferPool_Clear(wBufferPool* pool);

	WINPR_API wBufferPool* BufferPool_New(BOOL synchronized, int fixedSize, DWORD alignment);
	WINPR_API void BufferPool_Free(wBufferPool* pool);

	/* ObjectPool */

	struct _wObjectPool
		int size;
		int capacity;
		void** array;
		wObject object;
		BOOL synchronized;
	typedef struct _wObjectPool wObjectPool;

	WINPR_API void* ObjectPool_Take(wObjectPool* pool);
	WINPR_API void ObjectPool_Return(wObjectPool* pool, void* obj);
	WINPR_API void ObjectPool_Clear(wObjectPool* pool);

#define ObjectPool_Object(_pool) (&_pool->object)

	WINPR_API wObjectPool* ObjectPool_New(BOOL synchronized);
	WINPR_API void ObjectPool_Free(wObjectPool* pool);

	/* Message Queue */

	typedef struct _wMessage wMessage;

	typedef void (*MESSAGE_FREE_FN)(wMessage* message);

	struct _wMessage
		UINT32 id;
		void* context;
		void* wParam;
		void* lParam;
		UINT64 time;

	struct _wMessageQueue
		int head;
		int tail;
		int size;
		int capacity;
		wMessage* array;
		HANDLE event;

		wObject object;
	typedef struct _wMessageQueue wMessageQueue;


	WINPR_API HANDLE MessageQueue_Event(wMessageQueue* queue);
	WINPR_API BOOL MessageQueue_Wait(wMessageQueue* queue);
	WINPR_API int MessageQueue_Size(wMessageQueue* queue);

	WINPR_API BOOL MessageQueue_Dispatch(wMessageQueue* queue, wMessage* message);
	WINPR_API BOOL MessageQueue_Post(wMessageQueue* queue, void* context, UINT32 type, void* wParam,
	                                 void* lParam);
	WINPR_API BOOL MessageQueue_PostQuit(wMessageQueue* queue, int nExitCode);

	WINPR_API int MessageQueue_Get(wMessageQueue* queue, wMessage* message);
	WINPR_API int MessageQueue_Peek(wMessageQueue* queue, wMessage* message, BOOL remove);

	/*! \brief Clears all elements in a message queue.
	 *  \note If dynamically allocated data is part of the messages,
	 *        a custom cleanup handler must be passed in the 'callback'
	 *        argument for MessageQueue_New.
	 *  \param queue The queue to clear.
	 *  \return 0 in case of success or a error code otherwise.
	WINPR_API int MessageQueue_Clear(wMessageQueue* queue);

	/*! \brief Creates a new message queue.
	 * 				 If 'callback' is null, no custom cleanup will be done
	 * 				 on message queue deallocation.
	 * 				 If the 'callback' argument contains valid uninit or
	 * 				 free functions those will be called by
	 * 				 'MessageQueue_Clear'.
	 * \param callback a pointer to custom initialization / cleanup functions.
	 * 								 Can be NULL if not used.
	 * \return A pointer to a newly allocated MessageQueue or NULL.
	WINPR_API wMessageQueue* MessageQueue_New(const wObject* callback);

	/*! \brief Frees resources allocated by a message queue.
	 * 				 This function will only free resources allocated
	 *				 internally.
	 * \note Empty the queue before calling this function with
	 * 			 'MessageQueue_Clear', 'MessageQueue_Get' or
	 * 			 'MessageQueue_Peek' to free all resources allocated
	 * 			 by the message contained.
	 * \param queue A pointer to the queue to be freed.
	WINPR_API void MessageQueue_Free(wMessageQueue* queue);

	/* Message Pipe */

	struct _wMessagePipe
		wMessageQueue* In;
		wMessageQueue* Out;
	typedef struct _wMessagePipe wMessagePipe;

	WINPR_API void MessagePipe_PostQuit(wMessagePipe* pipe, int nExitCode);

	WINPR_API wMessagePipe* MessagePipe_New(void);
	WINPR_API void MessagePipe_Free(wMessagePipe* pipe);

	/* Publisher/Subscriber Pattern */

	struct _wEventArgs
		DWORD Size;
		const char* Sender;
	typedef struct _wEventArgs wEventArgs;

	typedef void (*pEventHandler)(void* context, wEventArgs* e);


	struct _wEventType
		const char* EventName;
		wEventArgs EventArgs;
		int EventHandlerCount;
		pEventHandler EventHandlers[MAX_EVENT_HANDLERS];
	typedef struct _wEventType wEventType;

#define EventArgsInit(_event_args, _sender)                  \
	memset(_event_args, 0, sizeof(*_event_args));            \
	((wEventArgs*)_event_args)->Size = sizeof(*_event_args); \
	((wEventArgs*)_event_args)->Sender = _sender

#define DEFINE_EVENT_HANDLER(_name) \
	typedef void (*p##_name##EventHandler)(void* context, _name##EventArgs* e)

#define DEFINE_EVENT_RAISE(_name)                                                           \
	static INLINE int PubSub_On##_name(wPubSub* pubSub, void* context, _name##EventArgs* e) \
	{                                                                                       \
		return PubSub_OnEvent(pubSub, #_name, context, (wEventArgs*)e);                     \

#define DEFINE_EVENT_SUBSCRIBE(_name)                                              \
	static INLINE int PubSub_Subscribe##_name(wPubSub* pubSub,                     \
	                                          p##_name##EventHandler EventHandler) \
	{                                                                              \
		return PubSub_Subscribe(pubSub, #_name, (pEventHandler)EventHandler);      \

#define DEFINE_EVENT_UNSUBSCRIBE(_name)                                              \
	static INLINE int PubSub_Unsubscribe##_name(wPubSub* pubSub,                     \
	                                            p##_name##EventHandler EventHandler) \
	{                                                                                \
		return PubSub_Unsubscribe(pubSub, #_name, (pEventHandler)EventHandler);      \

#define DEFINE_EVENT_BEGIN(_name)      \
	typedef struct _##_name##EventArgs \
	{                                  \
		wEventArgs e;

#define DEFINE_EVENT_END(_name)   \
	}                             \
	_name##EventArgs;             \
	DEFINE_EVENT_RAISE(_name)     \

#define DEFINE_EVENT_ENTRY(_name) { #_name, { sizeof(_name##EventArgs), NULL }, 0, { NULL } },

	struct _wPubSub
		BOOL synchronized;

		int size;
		int count;
		wEventType* events;
	typedef struct _wPubSub wPubSub;

	WINPR_API void PubSub_Lock(wPubSub* pubSub);
	WINPR_API void PubSub_Unlock(wPubSub* pubSub);

	WINPR_API wEventType* PubSub_GetEventTypes(wPubSub* pubSub, int* count);
	WINPR_API void PubSub_AddEventTypes(wPubSub* pubSub, wEventType* events, int count);
	WINPR_API wEventType* PubSub_FindEventType(wPubSub* pubSub, const char* EventName);

	WINPR_API int PubSub_Subscribe(wPubSub* pubSub, const char* EventName,
	                               pEventHandler EventHandler);
	WINPR_API int PubSub_Unsubscribe(wPubSub* pubSub, const char* EventName,
	                                 pEventHandler EventHandler);

	WINPR_API int PubSub_OnEvent(wPubSub* pubSub, const char* EventName, void* context,
	                             wEventArgs* e);

	WINPR_API wPubSub* PubSub_New(BOOL synchronized);
	WINPR_API void PubSub_Free(wPubSub* pubSub);

	/* BipBuffer */

	struct _wBipBlock
		size_t index;
		size_t size;
	typedef struct _wBipBlock wBipBlock;

	struct _wBipBuffer
		size_t size;
		BYTE* buffer;
		size_t pageSize;
		wBipBlock blockA;
		wBipBlock blockB;
		wBipBlock readR;
		wBipBlock writeR;
	typedef struct _wBipBuffer wBipBuffer;

	WINPR_API BOOL BipBuffer_Grow(wBipBuffer* bb, size_t size);
	WINPR_API void BipBuffer_Clear(wBipBuffer* bb);

	WINPR_API size_t BipBuffer_UsedSize(wBipBuffer* bb);
	WINPR_API size_t BipBuffer_BufferSize(wBipBuffer* bb);

	WINPR_API BYTE* BipBuffer_WriteReserve(wBipBuffer* bb, size_t size);
	WINPR_API BYTE* BipBuffer_WriteTryReserve(wBipBuffer* bb, size_t size, size_t* reserved);
	WINPR_API void BipBuffer_WriteCommit(wBipBuffer* bb, size_t size);

	WINPR_API BYTE* BipBuffer_ReadReserve(wBipBuffer* bb, size_t size);
	WINPR_API BYTE* BipBuffer_ReadTryReserve(wBipBuffer* bb, size_t size, size_t* reserved);
	WINPR_API void BipBuffer_ReadCommit(wBipBuffer* bb, size_t size);

	WINPR_API SSIZE_T BipBuffer_Read(wBipBuffer* bb, BYTE* data, size_t size);
	WINPR_API SSIZE_T BipBuffer_Write(wBipBuffer* bb, const BYTE* data, size_t size);

	WINPR_API wBipBuffer* BipBuffer_New(size_t size);
	WINPR_API void BipBuffer_Free(wBipBuffer* bb);

#ifdef __cplusplus