Blob Blame History Raw
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import, unicode_literals
from fontTools.misc.py23 import *
from fontTools.misc.testTools import FakeFont, getXML, parseXML
from fontTools.misc.textTools import deHexStr, hexStr
from fontTools.ttLib import newTable
import unittest

# Glyph Metamorphosis Table Examples
# Example 1: Non-contextual Glyph Substitution
# The example given by Apple's 'mort' specification is suboptimally
# encoded: it uses AAT lookup format 6 even though format 8 would be
# more compact.  Because our encoder always uses the most compact
# encoding, this breaks our round-trip testing. Therefore, we changed
# the example to use GlyphID 13 instead of 12 for the 'parenright'
# character; the non-contiguous glyph range for the AAT lookup makes
# format 6 to be most compact.
    '0001 0000 '  #  0: Version=1.0
    '0000 0001 '  #  4: MorphChainCount=1
    '0000 0001 '  #  8: DefaultFlags=1
    '0000 0050 '  # 12: StructLength=80
    '0003 0001 '  # 16: MorphFeatureCount=3, MorphSubtableCount=1
    '0004 0000 '  # 20: Feature[0].FeatureType=4/VertSubst, .FeatureSetting=on
    '0000 0001 '  # 24: Feature[0].EnableFlags=0x00000001
    'FFFF FFFF '  # 28: Feature[0].DisableFlags=0xFFFFFFFF
    '0004 0001 '  # 32: Feature[1].FeatureType=4/VertSubst, .FeatureSetting=off
    '0000 0000 '  # 36: Feature[1].EnableFlags=0x00000000
    'FFFF FFFE '  # 40: Feature[1].DisableFlags=0xFFFFFFFE
    '0000 0001 '  # 44: Feature[2].FeatureType=0/GlyphEffects, .FeatSetting=off
    '0000 0000 '  # 48: Feature[2].EnableFlags=0 (required for last feature)
    '0000 0000 '  # 52: Feature[2].EnableFlags=0 (required for last feature)
    '0020 '       # 56: Subtable[0].StructLength=32
    '80 '         # 58: Subtable[0].CoverageFlags=0x80
    '04 '         # 59: Subtable[0].MorphType=4/NoncontextualMorph
    '0000 0001 '  # 60: Subtable[0].SubFeatureFlags=0x1
    '0006 0004 '  # 64: LookupFormat=6, UnitSize=4
    '0002 0008 '  # 68: NUnits=2, SearchRange=8
    '0001 0000 '  # 72: EntrySelector=1, RangeShift=0
    '000B 0087 '  # 76: Glyph=11 (parenleft); Value=135 (parenleft.vertical)
    '000D 0088 '  # 80: Glyph=13 (parenright); Value=136 (parenright.vertical)
    'FFFF 0000 '  # 84: Glyph=<end>; Value=0
)                 # 88: <end>

    '<Version value="0x00010000"/>',
    '<!-- MorphChainCount=1 -->',
    '<MorphChain index="0">',
    '  <DefaultFlags value="0x00000001"/>',
    '  <!-- StructLength=80 -->',
    '  <!-- MorphFeatureCount=3 -->',
    '  <!-- MorphSubtableCount=1 -->',
    '  <MorphFeature index="0">',
    '    <FeatureType value="4"/>',
    '    <FeatureSetting value="0"/>',
    '    <EnableFlags value="0x00000001"/>',
    '    <DisableFlags value="0xFFFFFFFF"/>',
    '  </MorphFeature>',
    '  <MorphFeature index="1">',
    '    <FeatureType value="4"/>',
    '    <FeatureSetting value="1"/>',
    '    <EnableFlags value="0x00000000"/>',
    '    <DisableFlags value="0xFFFFFFFE"/>',
    '  </MorphFeature>',
    '  <MorphFeature index="2">',
    '    <FeatureType value="0"/>',
    '    <FeatureSetting value="1"/>',
    '    <EnableFlags value="0x00000000"/>',
    '    <DisableFlags value="0x00000000"/>',
    '  </MorphFeature>',
    '  <MorphSubtable index="0">',
    '    <!-- StructLength=32 -->',
    '    <CoverageFlags value="128"/>',
    '    <!-- MorphType=4 -->',
    '    <SubFeatureFlags value="0x00000001"/>',
    '    <NoncontextualMorph>',
    '      <Substitution>',
    '        <Lookup glyph="parenleft" value="parenleft.vertical"/>',
    '        <Lookup glyph="parenright" value="parenright.vertical"/>',
    '      </Substitution>',
    '    </NoncontextualMorph>',
    '  </MorphSubtable>',

class MORTNoncontextualGlyphSubstitutionTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.maxDiff = None
        glyphs = ['.notdef'] + ['g.%d' % i for i in range (1, 140)]
        glyphs[11], glyphs[13] = 'parenleft', 'parenright'
        glyphs[135], glyphs[136] = 'parenleft.vertical', 'parenright.vertical'
        cls.font = FakeFont(glyphs)

    def test_decompile_toXML(self):
        table = newTable('mort')
        table.decompile(MORT_NONCONTEXTUAL_DATA, self.font)
        self.assertEqual(getXML(table.toXML), MORT_NONCONTEXTUAL_XML)

    def test_compile_fromXML(self):
        table = newTable('mort')
        for name, attrs, content in parseXML(MORT_NONCONTEXTUAL_XML):
            table.fromXML(name, attrs, content, font=self.font)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys