Blob Blame History Raw
// "$Id: Fl_get_system_colors.cxx 10598 2015-03-01 20:16:56Z AlbrechtS $"
// System color support for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
// Copyright 1998-2015 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:

#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/fl_draw.H>
#include <FL/x.H>
#include <FL/math.h>
#include <FL/fl_utf8.h>
#include "flstring.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <FL/Fl_Pixmap.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Tiled_Image.H>
#include "tile.xpm"

#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(__WATCOMC__)
// Visual C++ 2005 incorrectly displays a warning about the use of POSIX APIs
// on Windows, which is supposed to be POSIX compliant...
#  define putenv _putenv
#endif // WIN32 && !__CYGWIN__

static char	fl_bg_set = 0;
static char	fl_bg2_set = 0;
static char	fl_fg_set = 0;

    Changes fl_color(FL_BACKGROUND_COLOR) to the given color, 
    and changes the gray ramp from 32 to 56 to black to white.  These are 
    the colors used as backgrounds by almost all widgets and used to draw 
    the edges of all the boxtypes.
void Fl::background(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b) {
  fl_bg_set = 1;

  // replace the gray ramp so that FL_GRAY is this color
  if (!r) r = 1; else if (r==255) r = 254;
  double powr = log(r/255.0)/log((FL_GRAY-FL_GRAY_RAMP)/(FL_NUM_GRAY-1.0));
  if (!g) g = 1; else if (g==255) g = 254;
  double powg = log(g/255.0)/log((FL_GRAY-FL_GRAY_RAMP)/(FL_NUM_GRAY-1.0));
  if (!b) b = 1; else if (b==255) b = 254;
  double powb = log(b/255.0)/log((FL_GRAY-FL_GRAY_RAMP)/(FL_NUM_GRAY-1.0));
  for (int i = 0; i < FL_NUM_GRAY; i++) {
    double gray = i/(FL_NUM_GRAY-1.0);
/** Changes fl_color(FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR). */
void Fl::foreground(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b) {
  fl_fg_set = 1;


    Changes the alternative background color. This color is used as a 
    background by Fl_Input and other text widgets.
    <P>This call may change fl_color(FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR) if it 
    does not provide sufficient contrast to FL_BACKGROUND2_COLOR.
void Fl::background2(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b) {
  fl_bg2_set = 1;


// these are set by Fl::args() and override any system colors:
const char *fl_fg = NULL;
const char *fl_bg = NULL;
const char *fl_bg2 = NULL;

static void set_selection_color(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b) {

#if defined(WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__)

#  include <stdio.h>
// simulation of XParseColor:
int fl_parse_color(const char* p, uchar& r, uchar& g, uchar& b) {
  if (*p == '#') p++;
  size_t n = strlen(p);
  size_t m = n/3;
  const char *pattern = 0;
  switch(m) {
  case 1: pattern = "%1x%1x%1x"; break;
  case 2: pattern = "%2x%2x%2x"; break;
  case 3: pattern = "%3x%3x%3x"; break;
  case 4: pattern = "%4x%4x%4x"; break;
  default: return 0;
  int R,G,B; if (sscanf(p,pattern,&R,&G,&B) != 3) return 0;
  switch(m) {
  case 1: R *= 0x11; G *= 0x11; B *= 0x11; break;
  case 3: R >>= 4; G >>= 4; B >>= 4; break;
  case 4: R >>= 8; G >>= 8; B >>= 8; break;
  r = (uchar)R; g = (uchar)G; b = (uchar)B;
  return 1;
// Wrapper around XParseColor...
int fl_parse_color(const char* p, uchar& r, uchar& g, uchar& b) {
  XColor x;
  if (!fl_display) fl_open_display();
  if (XParseColor(fl_display, fl_colormap, p, &x)) {
    r = (uchar)(>>8);
    g = (uchar)(>>8);
    b = (uchar)(>>8);
    return 1;
  } else return 0;
#endif // WIN32 || __APPLE__

/** \fn Fl::get_system_colors()
    Read the user preference colors from the system and use them to call
    Fl::foreground(), Fl::background(), and Fl::background2().

    This is done by Fl_Window::show(argc,argv) before applying
    the -fg and -bg switches.
    On X this reads some common values from the Xdefaults database.
    KDE users can set these values by running the "krdb" program, and
    newer versions of KDE set this automatically if you check the "apply
    style to other X programs" switch in their control panel.

#if defined(WIN32)				// --- WIN32 ---

static void
getsyscolor(int what, const char* arg, void (*func)(uchar,uchar,uchar))
  if (arg) {
    uchar r,g,b;
    if (!fl_parse_color(arg, r,g,b))
      Fl::error("Unknown color: %s", arg);
  } else {
    DWORD x = GetSysColor(what);
    func(uchar(x&255), uchar(x>>8), uchar(x>>16));

void Fl::get_system_colors() {
  if (!fl_bg2_set) getsyscolor(COLOR_WINDOW,	fl_bg2,Fl::background2);
  if (!fl_fg_set) getsyscolor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT,	fl_fg, Fl::foreground);
  if (!fl_bg_set) getsyscolor(COLOR_BTNFACE,	fl_bg, Fl::background);
  getsyscolor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT,	0,     set_selection_color);

#elif defined(__APPLE__)			// --- APPLE ---

// MacOS X currently supports two color schemes - Blue and Graphite.
// Since we aren't emulating the Aqua interface (even if Apple would
// let us), we use some defaults that are similar to both.  The
// Fl::scheme("plastic") color/box scheme provides a usable Aqua-like
// look-n-feel...
void Fl::get_system_colors()

  if (!fl_bg2_set) background2(0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
  if (!fl_fg_set) foreground(0, 0, 0);
  if (!fl_bg_set) background(0xd8, 0xd8, 0xd8);
#if 0 
  // this would be the correct code, but it does not run on all versions
  // of OS X. Also, setting a bright selection color would require 
  // some updates in Fl_Adjuster and Fl_Help_Browser
  OSStatus err;
  RGBColor c;
  err = GetThemeBrushAsColor(kThemeBrushPrimaryHighlightColor, 24, true, &c);
  if (err)
    set_selection_color(0x00, 0x00, 0x80);
  set_selection_color(0x00, 0x00, 0x80);

#else						// --- X11 ---

// Read colors that KDE writes to the xrdb database.

// XGetDefault does not do the expected thing: it does not like
// periods in either word. Therefore it cannot match class.Text.background.
// However *.Text.background is matched by pretending the program is "Text".
// But this will also match *.background if there is no *.Text.background
// entry, requiring users to put in both (unless they want the text fields
// the same color as the windows).

static void
getsyscolor(const char *key1, const char* key2, const char *arg, const char *defarg, void (*func)(uchar,uchar,uchar))
  if (!arg) {
    arg = XGetDefault(fl_display, key1, key2);
    if (!arg) arg = defarg;
  XColor x;
  if (!XParseColor(fl_display, fl_colormap, arg, &x))
    Fl::error("Unknown color: %s", arg);

void Fl::get_system_colors()
  const char* key1 = 0;
  if (Fl::first_window()) key1 = Fl::first_window()->xclass();
  if (!key1) key1 = "fltk";
  if (!fl_bg2_set) getsyscolor("Text","background",	fl_bg2,	"#ffffff", Fl::background2);
  if (!fl_fg_set) getsyscolor(key1,  "foreground",	fl_fg,	"#000000", Fl::foreground);
  if (!fl_bg_set) getsyscolor(key1,  "background",	fl_bg,	"#c0c0c0", Fl::background);
  getsyscolor("Text", "selectBackground", 0, "#000080", set_selection_color);

#endif					// --- WIN32 | APPLE | X11 ---

//// Simple implementation of 2.0 Fl::scheme() interface...

extern void	fl_up_box(int, int, int, int, Fl_Color);
extern void	fl_down_box(int, int, int, int, Fl_Color);
extern void	fl_thin_up_box(int, int, int, int, Fl_Color);
extern void	fl_thin_down_box(int, int, int, int, Fl_Color);
extern void	fl_round_up_box(int, int, int, int, Fl_Color);
extern void	fl_round_down_box(int, int, int, int, Fl_Color);

extern void	fl_up_frame(int, int, int, int, Fl_Color);
extern void	fl_down_frame(int, int, int, int, Fl_Color);
extern void	fl_thin_up_frame(int, int, int, int, Fl_Color);
extern void	fl_thin_down_frame(int, int, int, int, Fl_Color);

#ifndef FL_DOXYGEN
const char	*Fl::scheme_ = (const char *)0;	    // current scheme 
Fl_Image	*Fl::scheme_bg_ = (Fl_Image *)0;    // current background image for the scheme

static Fl_Pixmap	tile(tile_xpm);

    Sets the current widget scheme. NULL will use the scheme defined
    in the FLTK_SCHEME environment variable or the scheme resource
    under X11. Otherwise, any of the following schemes can be used:

        - "none" - This is the default look-n-feel which resembles old
                   Windows (95/98/Me/NT/2000) and old GTK/KDE

        - "base" - This is an alias for "none"

        - "plastic" - This scheme is inspired by the Aqua user interface
                      on Mac OS X

        - "gtk+" - This scheme is inspired by the Red Hat Bluecurve theme

        - "gleam" - This scheme is inspired by the Clearlooks Glossy scheme.
                    (Colin Jones and Edmanuel Torres).

    Uppercase scheme names are equivalent, but the stored scheme name will
    always be lowercase and Fl::scheme() will return this lowercase name.

    If the resulting scheme name is not defined, the default scheme will
    be used and Fl::scheme() will return NULL.

    \see Fl::is_scheme()
int Fl::scheme(const char *s) {
  if (!s) {
    if ((s = getenv("FLTK_SCHEME")) == NULL) {
#if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__APPLE__)
      const char* key = 0;
      if (Fl::first_window()) key = Fl::first_window()->xclass();
      if (!key) key = "fltk";
      s = XGetDefault(fl_display, key, "scheme");
#endif // !WIN32 && !__APPLE__

  if (s) {
    if (!fl_ascii_strcasecmp(s, "none") || !fl_ascii_strcasecmp(s, "base") || !*s) s = 0;
    else if (!fl_ascii_strcasecmp(s, "gtk+")) s = strdup("gtk+");
    else if (!fl_ascii_strcasecmp(s, "plastic")) s = strdup("plastic");
    else if (!fl_ascii_strcasecmp(s, "gleam")) s = strdup("gleam");
    else s = 0;
  if (scheme_) free((void*)scheme_);
  scheme_ = s;

  // Save the new scheme in the FLTK_SCHEME env var so that child processes
  // inherit it...
  static char e[1024];
  if (s) strlcat(e,s,sizeof(e));

  // Load the scheme...
  return reload_scheme();

int Fl::reload_scheme() {
  Fl_Window *win;

  if (scheme_ && !fl_ascii_strcasecmp(scheme_, "plastic")) {
    // Update the tile image to match the background color...
    uchar r, g, b;
    int nr, ng, nb;
    int i;
//    static uchar levels[3] = { 0xff, 0xef, 0xe8 };
    // OSX 10.3 and higher use a background with less contrast...
    static uchar levels[3] = { 0xff, 0xf8, 0xf4 };

    get_color(FL_GRAY, r, g, b);

//    printf("FL_GRAY = 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x\n", r, g, b);

    for (i = 0; i < 3; i ++) {
      nr = levels[i] * r / 0xe8;
      if (nr > 255) nr = 255;

      ng = levels[i] * g / 0xe8;
      if (ng > 255) ng = 255;

      nb = levels[i] * b / 0xe8;
      if (nb > 255) nb = 255;

      sprintf(tile_cmap[i], "%c c #%02x%02x%02x", "Oo."[i], nr, ng, nb);
//      puts(tile_cmap[i]);


    if (!scheme_bg_) scheme_bg_ = new Fl_Tiled_Image(&tile, 0, 0);

    // Load plastic buttons, etc...
    set_boxtype(FL_UP_FRAME,        FL_PLASTIC_UP_FRAME);
    set_boxtype(FL_DOWN_FRAME,      FL_PLASTIC_DOWN_FRAME);

    set_boxtype(FL_UP_BOX,          FL_PLASTIC_UP_BOX);
    set_boxtype(FL_DOWN_BOX,        FL_PLASTIC_DOWN_BOX);
    set_boxtype(FL_THIN_UP_BOX,     FL_PLASTIC_THIN_UP_BOX);

    // Use standard size scrollbars...
  } else if (scheme_ && !fl_ascii_strcasecmp(scheme_, "gtk+")) {
    // Use a GTK+ inspired look-n-feel...
    if (scheme_bg_) {
      delete scheme_bg_;
      scheme_bg_ = (Fl_Image *)0;

    set_boxtype(FL_UP_FRAME,        FL_GTK_UP_FRAME);
    set_boxtype(FL_DOWN_FRAME,      FL_GTK_DOWN_FRAME);
    set_boxtype(FL_THIN_UP_FRAME,   FL_GTK_THIN_UP_FRAME);

    set_boxtype(FL_UP_BOX,          FL_GTK_UP_BOX);
    set_boxtype(FL_DOWN_BOX,        FL_GTK_DOWN_BOX);
    set_boxtype(FL_THIN_UP_BOX,     FL_GTK_THIN_UP_BOX);
    set_boxtype(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX,   FL_GTK_THIN_DOWN_BOX);
    set_boxtype(_FL_ROUND_UP_BOX,   FL_GTK_ROUND_UP_BOX);

    // Use slightly thinner scrollbars...
  } else if (scheme_ && !fl_ascii_strcasecmp(scheme_, "gleam")) {
    // Use a GTK+ inspired look-n-feel...
    if (scheme_bg_) {
      delete scheme_bg_;
      scheme_bg_ = (Fl_Image *)0;

    set_boxtype(FL_UP_FRAME,        FL_GLEAM_UP_FRAME);
    set_boxtype(FL_DOWN_FRAME,      FL_GLEAM_DOWN_FRAME);
    set_boxtype(FL_THIN_UP_FRAME,   FL_GLEAM_UP_FRAME);

    set_boxtype(FL_UP_BOX,          FL_GLEAM_UP_BOX);
    set_boxtype(FL_DOWN_BOX,        FL_GLEAM_DOWN_BOX);
    set_boxtype(FL_THIN_UP_BOX,     FL_GLEAM_THIN_UP_BOX);
    set_boxtype(_FL_ROUND_UP_BOX,   FL_GLEAM_ROUND_UP_BOX);

    // Use slightly thinner scrollbars...
  } else {
    // Use the standard FLTK look-n-feel...
    if (scheme_bg_) {
      delete scheme_bg_;
      scheme_bg_ = (Fl_Image *)0;

    set_boxtype(FL_UP_FRAME,        fl_up_frame, D1, D1, D2, D2);
    set_boxtype(FL_DOWN_FRAME,      fl_down_frame, D1, D1, D2, D2);
    set_boxtype(FL_THIN_UP_FRAME,   fl_thin_up_frame, 1, 1, 2, 2);
    set_boxtype(FL_THIN_DOWN_FRAME, fl_thin_down_frame, 1, 1, 2, 2);

    set_boxtype(FL_UP_BOX,          fl_up_box, D1, D1, D2, D2);
    set_boxtype(FL_DOWN_BOX,        fl_down_box, D1, D1, D2, D2);
    set_boxtype(FL_THIN_UP_BOX,     fl_thin_up_box, 1, 1, 2, 2);
    set_boxtype(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX,   fl_thin_down_box, 1, 1, 2, 2);
    set_boxtype(_FL_ROUND_UP_BOX,   fl_round_up_box, 3, 3, 6, 6);
    set_boxtype(_FL_ROUND_DOWN_BOX, fl_round_down_box, 3, 3, 6, 6);

    // Use standard size scrollbars...

  // Set (or clear) the background tile for all windows...

  // FIXME: This makes it impossible to assign a background image
  // and/or a label to a window. IMHO we should be able to assign a
  // background image to a window. Currently (as of FLTK 1.3.3) there
  // is the workaround to use a group inside the window to achieve this.
  // See also STR #3075.
  // AlbrechtS, 01 Mar 2015

  for (win = first_window(); win; win = next_window(win)) {
    win->labeltype(scheme_bg_ ? FL_NORMAL_LABEL : FL_NO_LABEL);

  return 1;

// End of "$Id: Fl_get_system_colors.cxx 10598 2015-03-01 20:16:56Z AlbrechtS $".