Blob Blame History Raw
	// An example of using the flex C++ scanner class.

%option C++ noyywrap

int mylineno = 0;

string	\"[^\n"]+\"

ws	[ \t]+

alpha	[A-Za-z]
dig	[0-9]
name	({alpha}|{dig}|\$)({alpha}|{dig}|\_|\.|\-|\/|\$)*
num1	[-+]?{dig}+\.?([eE][-+]?{dig}+)?
num2	[-+]?{dig}*\.{dig}+([eE][-+]?{dig}+)?
number	{num1}|{num2}


{ws}	/* skip blanks and tabs */

"/*"		{
		int c;

		while((c = yyinput()) != 0)
			if(c == '\n')

			else if(c == '*')
				if((c = yyinput()) == '/')

{number}	std::cout << "number " << YYText() << '\n';

\n		mylineno++;

{name}		std::cout << "name " << YYText() << '\n';

{string}	std::cout << "string " << YYText() << '\n';


int main( int /* argc */, char** /* argv */ )
	FlexLexer* lexer = new yyFlexLexer;
	while(lexer->yylex() != 0)
	return 0;