Blob Blame History Raw
#include <exiv2/exiv2.hpp>
// File under test
#include <exiv2/futils.hpp>

// Auxiliary headers
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cerrno>
#include <stdexcept>

#include "gtestwrapper.h"

using namespace Exiv2;

TEST(strError, returnSuccessAfterClosingFile)
    // previous system calls can fail, but errno is not guaranteed to be reset
    // by a successful system call
    // -> reset errno so that a real failure is only detected here
    errno = 0;

    std::string tmpFile("tmp.dat");
    std::ofstream auxFile(tmpFile.c_str());
#if   defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW__) || defined(__MSYS__)
    const char * expectedString = "No error (errno = 0)";
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
    const char * expectedString = "Undefined error: 0 (errno = 0)";
#elif defined(__sun__)
    const char * expectedString = "Error 0 (errno = 0)";
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
    const char * expectedString = "No error: 0 (errno = 0)";
#elif defined(__NetBSD__)
    const char * expectedString = "Undefined error: 0 (errno = 0)";
    const char * expectedString = "Success (errno = 0)";
    ASSERT_STREQ(expectedString, strError().c_str());

TEST(strError, returnNoSuchFileOrDirectoryWhenTryingToOpenNonExistingFile)
    std::ifstream auxFile("nonExistingFile");
    ASSERT_STREQ("No such file or directory (errno = 2)", strError().c_str());

TEST(strError, doNotRecognizeUnknownError)
    errno = 9999;
#if   defined(__MINGW__) || defined(__MSYS__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
    const char * expectedString = "Unknown error 9999 (errno = 9999)";
#elif defined(_WIN32)
    const char * expectedString = "Unknown error (errno = 9999)";
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
    const char * expectedString = "Unknown error: 9999 (errno = 9999)";
#elif defined(__sun__)
    const char * expectedString = "Unknown error (errno = 9999)";
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
    const char * expectedString = "Unknown error: 9999 (errno = 9999)";
#elif defined(__NetBSD__)
    const char * expectedString = "Unknown error: 9999 (errno = 9999)";
    const char * expectedString = "Unknown error 9999 (errno = 9999)";
    ASSERT_STREQ(expectedString, strError().c_str());

TEST(getEnv, getsDefaultValueWhenExpectedEnvVariableDoesNotExist)
    ASSERT_STREQ("/exiv2.php", getEnv(envHTTPPOST).c_str());
    ASSERT_STREQ("40", getEnv(envTIMEOUT).c_str());

TEST(getEnv, getsProperValuesWhenExpectedEnvVariableExists)
    const char * expectedValue = "test";
#ifdef _WIN32
    ASSERT_EQ(0, _putenv_s("EXIV2_HTTP_POST", expectedValue));
    ASSERT_EQ(0, setenv("EXIV2_HTTP_POST", expectedValue, 1));

    ASSERT_STREQ(expectedValue, getEnv(envHTTPPOST).c_str());

#ifndef _WIN32
    ASSERT_EQ(0, unsetenv("EXIV2_HTTP_POST"));

TEST(getEnv, throwsWhenKeyDoesNotExist)
    ASSERT_THROW(getEnv(static_cast<EnVar>(3)), std::out_of_range);

TEST(urlencode, encodesGivenUrl)
    const std::string url = urlencode("");
    ASSERT_STREQ("", url.c_str());

TEST(urlencode, encodesGivenUrlWithSpace)
    const std::string url = urlencode(" code.shtml");
    ASSERT_STREQ("", url.c_str());

TEST(urldecode, decodesGivenUrl)
    const std::string expectedDecodedUrl ("");
    const std::string url ("");
    char * url3 = urldecode(url.c_str());
    ASSERT_STREQ(expectedDecodedUrl.c_str(), url3);
    delete [] url3;

TEST(urldecode, decodesGivenUrlInPlace)
    const std::string expectedDecodedUrl ("");
    std::string url ("");
    ASSERT_STREQ(expectedDecodedUrl.c_str(), url.c_str());

TEST(base64encode, encodesValidString)
    const std::string original ("This is a unit test");
    const std::string expected ("VGhpcyBpcyBhIHVuaXQgdGVzdA==");
    size_t encodeLength = ((original.size() + 2) / 3) * 4 + 1;
    char * result = new char [encodeLength];
    ASSERT_EQ(1, base64encode(original.c_str(), original.size(), result, encodeLength));
    ASSERT_STREQ(expected.c_str(), result);
    delete [] result;

TEST(base64encode, doesNotEncodeWithNotBigEnoughResultSize)
    const std::string original ("This is a unit test");
    size_t encodeLength = (original.size());
    char * result = new char [encodeLength];
    ASSERT_EQ(0, base64encode(original.c_str(), original.size(), result, encodeLength));
    delete [] result;

TEST(base64decode, decodesValidString)
    const std::string original ("VGhpcyBpcyBhIHVuaXQgdGVzdA==");
    const std::string expected ("This is a unit test");
    char * result = new char [original.size()];
              base64decode(original.c_str(), result, original.size()));
    ASSERT_STREQ(expected.c_str(), result);
    delete [] result;

TEST(AUri, parsesAndDecoreUrl)
    const std::string url("");
    Uri uri = Uri::Parse(url);

    ASSERT_EQ("", uri.QueryString);
    ASSERT_EQ("http", uri.Protocol);
    ASSERT_EQ("", uri.Host);
    ASSERT_EQ("80", uri.Port);
    ASSERT_EQ("/urlcode.shtml", uri.Path);
    ASSERT_EQ("", uri.Username);
    ASSERT_EQ("", uri.Password);


#if 0
//1122 This has been removed for v0.27.3
//     On MinGW:
//     path     = C:\msys64\home\rmills\gnu\github\exiv2\buildserver\build\bin\unit_tests.exe
//     expected = bin
//     I don't know how this could work successfully on any platform!
TEST(getProcessPath, obtainPathOfUnitTestsExecutable)
#ifdef _WIN32
    const std::string expectedName("bin");
    const std::string expectedName("bin");
    const std::string path = getProcessPath();

    FILE* f = fopen("/c//temp/test_futils.log","w");
    fprintf(f,"path     = %s\n",path.c_str()        );
    fprintf(f,"expected = %s\n",expectedName.c_str());

    const size_t idxStart = path.size() - expectedName.size();
    ASSERT_EQ(expectedName, path.substr(idxStart, expectedName.size()));