Blob Blame History Raw
// ***************************************************************** -*- C++ -*-
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Exiv2 authors
 * This program is part of the Exiv2 distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  File:      olympusmn.cpp
  Author(s): Will Stokes (wuz) <>
             Andreas Huggel (ahu) <>
             Gilles Caulier (gc) <caulier dot gilles at gmail dot com>
             Greg Mansfield <G.Mansfield at computer dot org>
  History:   10-Mar-05, wuz: created
  Credits:   See header file.

// *****************************************************************************
// included header files
#include "types.hpp"
#include "olympusmn_int.hpp"
#include "value.hpp"
#include "image.hpp"
#include "tags_int.hpp"
#include "makernote_int.hpp"
#include "i18n.h"                // NLS support.

// + standard includes
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>

// *****************************************************************************
// class member definitions
namespace Exiv2 {
    namespace Internal {

    //! OffOn, multiple tags
    extern const TagDetails olympusOffOn[] = {
        {  0, N_("Off") },
        {  1, N_("On")  }

    //! NoYes, multiple tags
    extern const TagDetails olympusNoYes[] = {
        {  0, N_("No") },
        {  1, N_("Yes")  }

    //! Quality, tag 0x0201
    extern const TagDetails olympusQuality[] = {
        { 1, N_("Standard Quality (SQ)")    },
        { 2, N_("High Quality (HQ)")        },
        { 3, N_("Super High Quality (SHQ)") },
        { 6, N_("Raw")                      }

    //! Macro, tag 0x0202
    extern const TagDetails olympusMacro[] = {
        {  0, N_("Off")         },
        {  1, N_("On")          },
        {  2, N_("Super macro") }

    //! OneTouchWB, tag 0x0302
    extern const TagDetails olympusOneTouchWb[] = {
        {  0, N_("Off")         },
        {  1, N_("On")          },
        {  2, N_("On (preset)") }

    //! SceneMode, tag 0x403 and CameraSettings tag 0x509
    extern const TagDetails olympusSceneMode[] = {
        {  0, N_("Standard")                    },
        {  6, N_("Auto")                        },
        {  7, N_("Sport")                       },
        {  8, N_("Portrait")                    },
        {  9, N_("Landscape+Portrait")          },
        { 10, N_("Landscape")                   },
        { 11, N_("Night Scene")                 },
        { 12, N_("Self Portrait")               },
        { 13, N_("Panorama")                    },
        { 14, N_("2 in 1")                      },
        { 15, N_("Movie")                       },
        { 16, N_("Landscape+Portrait")          },
        { 17, N_("Night+Portrait")              },
        { 18, N_("Indoor")                      },
        { 19, N_("Fireworks")                   },
        { 20, N_("Sunset")                      },
        { 22, N_("Macro")                       },
        { 23, N_("Super Macro")                 },
        { 24, N_("Food")                        },
        { 25, N_("Documents")                   },
        { 26, N_("Museum")                      },
        { 27, N_("Shoot & Select")              },
        { 28, N_("Beach & Snow")                },
        { 29, N_("Self Portrait+Timer")         },
        { 30, N_("Candle")                      },
        { 31, N_("Available Light")             },
        { 32, N_("Behind Glass")                },
        { 33, N_("My Mode")                     },
        { 34, N_("Pet")                         },
        { 35, N_("Underwater Wide1")            },
        { 36, N_("Underwater Macro")            },
        { 37, N_("Shoot & Select1")             },
        { 38, N_("Shoot & Select2")             },
        { 39, N_("High Key")                    },
        { 40, N_("Digital Image Stabilization") },
        { 41, N_("Auction")                     },
        { 42, N_("Beach")                       },
        { 43, N_("Snow")                        },
        { 44, N_("Underwater Wide2")            },
        { 45, N_("Low Key")                     },
        { 46, N_("Children")                    },
        { 47, N_("Vivid")                       },
        { 48, N_("Nature Macro")                },
        { 49, N_("Underwater Snapshot")         },
        { 50, N_("Shooting Guide")              }

    //! FlashDevice, tag 0x1005
    extern const TagDetails olympusFlashDevice[] = {
        {  0, N_("None")                },
        {  1, N_("Internal")            },
        {  4, N_("External")            },
        {  5, N_("Internal + External") }

    //! FocusRange, tag 0x100a
    extern const TagDetails olympusFocusRange[] = {
        {  0, N_("Normal")   },
        {  1, N_("Macro") }

    //! FocusMode, tag 0x100b
    extern const TagDetails olympusFocusMode[] = {
        {  0, N_("Auto")   },
        {  1, N_("Manual") }

    //! Sharpness, tag 0x100f
    extern const TagDetails olympusSharpness[] = {
        { 0, N_("Normal") },
        { 1, N_("Hard")   },
        { 2, N_("Soft")   }

    //! Contrast, tag 0x1029
    extern const TagDetails olympusContrast[] = {
        { 0, N_("High")   },
        { 1, N_("Normal") },
        { 2, N_("Low")    }

    //! CCDScanMode, tag 0x1039
    extern const TagDetails olympusCCDScanMode[] = {
        {  0, N_("Interlaced")  },
        {  1, N_("Progressive") }

    // Olympus Tag Info
    const TagInfo OlympusMakerNote::tagInfo_[] = {

        /* TODO:
           add Minolta makenotes tags here (0x0000-0x0103). See Exiftool database.*/
        TagInfo(0x0000, "0x0000", "0x0000",
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0100, "ThumbnailImage", N_("Thumbnail Image"),
                N_("Thumbnail image"),
                olympusId, makerTags, undefined, -1, printValue),

        TagInfo(0x0104, "BodyFirmwareVersion", N_("Body Firmware Version"),
                N_("Body firmware version"),
                olympusId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0200, "SpecialMode", N_("Special Mode"),
                N_("Picture taking mode"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, print0x0200),
        TagInfo(0x0201, "Quality", N_("Quality"),
                N_("Image quality setting"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusQuality)),
        TagInfo(0x0202, "Macro", N_("Macro"),
                N_("Macro mode"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusMacro)),
        TagInfo(0x0203, "BWMode", N_("Black & White Mode"),
                N_("Black and white mode"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusOffOn)),
        TagInfo(0x0204, "DigitalZoom", N_("Digital Zoom"),
                N_("Digital zoom ratio"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedRational, -1, print0x0204),
        TagInfo(0x0205, "FocalPlaneDiagonal", N_("Focal Plane Diagonal"),
                N_("Focal plane diagonal"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0206, "LensDistortionParams", N_("Lens Distortion Parameters"),
                N_("Lens distortion parameters"),
                olympusId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0207, "CameraType", N_("Camera Type"),
                N_("Camera type"),
                olympusId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0208, "PictureInfo", N_("Picture Info"),
                N_("ASCII format data such as [PictureInfo]"),
                olympusId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0209, "CameraID", N_("Camera ID"),
                N_("Camera ID data"),
                olympusId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, print0x0209),
        TagInfo(0x020b, "ImageWidth", N_("Image Width"),
                N_("Image width"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x020c, "ImageHeight", N_("Image Height"),
                N_("Image height"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x020d, "Software", N_("Software"),
                olympusId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0280, "PreviewImage", N_("Preview Image"),
                N_("Preview image"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedByte, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0300, "PreCaptureFrames", N_("Pre Capture Frames"),
                N_("Pre-capture frames"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0301, "WhiteBoard", N_("White Board"),
                N_("White board"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0302, "OneTouchWB", N_("One Touch WB"),
                N_("One touch white balance"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusOneTouchWb)),
        TagInfo(0x0303, "WhiteBalanceBracket", N_("White Balance Bracket"),
                N_("White balance bracket"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0304, "WhiteBalanceBias", N_("White Balance Bias"),
                N_("White balance bias"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0403, "SceneMode", N_("Scene Mode"),
                N_("Scene mode"),
                olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusSceneMode)),
        TagInfo(0x0404, "Firmware", N_("Firmware"),
                olympusId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0e00, "PrintIM", N_("Print IM"),
                N_("PrintIM information"),
                olympusId, makerTags, undefined, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0f00, "DataDump1", N_("Data Dump 1"),
                N_("Various camera settings 1"),
                olympusId, makerTags, undefined, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0f01, "DataDump2", N_("Data Dump 2"),
                N_("Various camera settings 2"),
                olympusId, makerTags, undefined, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1000, "ShutterSpeed", N_("Shutter Speed"),
                N_("Shutter speed value"),
                olympusId, makerTags, signedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1001, "ISOSpeed", N_("ISO Speed"),
                N_("ISO speed value"),
                olympusId, makerTags, signedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1002, "ApertureValue", N_("Aperture Value"),
                N_("Aperture value"),
                olympusId, makerTags, signedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1003, "Brightness", N_("Brightness"),
                N_("Brightness value"),
                olympusId, makerTags, signedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1004, "FlashMode", N_("Flash Mode"),
                N_("Flash mode"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusOffOn)),
        TagInfo(0x1005, "FlashDevice", N_("Flash Device"),
                N_("Flash device"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusFlashDevice)),
        TagInfo(0x1006, "Bracket", N_("Bracket"),
                N_("Exposure compensation value"),
                olympusId, makerTags, signedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1007, "SensorTemperature", N_("Sensor Temperature"),
                N_("Sensor temperature"),
                olympusId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1008, "LensTemperature", N_("Lens Temperature"),
                N_("Lens temperature"),
                olympusId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1009, "LightCondition", N_("Light Condition"),
                N_("Light condition"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x100a, "FocusRange", N_("Focus Range"),
                N_("Focus range"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusFocusRange)),
        TagInfo(0x100b, "FocusMode", N_("Focus Mode"),
                N_("Focus mode"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusFocusMode)),
        TagInfo(0x100c, "FocusDistance", N_("Focus Distance"),
                N_("Manual focus distance"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x100d, "Zoom", N_("Zoom"),
                N_("Zoom step count"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x100e, "MacroFocus", N_("Macro Focus"),
                N_("Macro focus step count"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x100f, "SharpnessFactor", N_("Sharpness Factor"),
                N_("Sharpness factor"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusSharpness)),
        TagInfo(0x1010, "FlashChargeLevel", N_("Flash Charge Level"),
                N_("Flash charge level"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1011, "ColorMatrix", N_("Color Matrix"),
                N_("Color matrix"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1012, "BlackLevel", N_("BlackLevel"),
                N_("Black level"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1013, "0x1013", "0x1013",
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1014, "0x1014", "0x1014",
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1015, "WhiteBalance", N_("White Balance"),
                N_("White balance mode"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, print0x1015),
        TagInfo(0x1016, "0x1016", "0x1016",
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1017, "RedBalance", N_("Red Balance"),
                N_("Red balance"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1018, "BlueBalance", N_("Blue Balance"),
                N_("Blue balance"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1019, "ColorMatrixNumber", N_("Color Matrix Number"),
                N_("Color matrix number"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x101a, "SerialNumber2", N_("Serial Number 2"),
                N_("Serial number 2"),
                olympusId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x101b, "0x101b", "0x101b",
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x101c, "0x101c", "0x101c",
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x101d, "0x101d", "0x101d",
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x101e, "0x101e", "0x101e",
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x101f, "0x101f", "0x101f",
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1020, "0x1020", "0x1020",
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1021, "0x1021", "0x1021",
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1022, "0x1022", "0x1022",
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1023, "FlashBias", N_("Flash Bias"),
                N_("Flash exposure compensation"),
                olympusId, makerTags, signedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1024, "0x1024", "0x1024",
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1025, "0x1025", "0x1025",
                olympusId, makerTags, signedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1026, "ExternalFlashBounce", N_("External Flash Bounce"),
                N_("External flash bounce"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusOffOn)),
        TagInfo(0x1027, "ExternalFlashZoom", N_("External Flash Zoom"),
                N_("External flash zoom"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1028, "ExternalFlashMode", N_("External Flash Mode"),
                N_("External flash mode"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1029, "Contrast", N_("Contrast"),
                N_("Contrast setting"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusContrast)),
        TagInfo(0x102a, "SharpnessFactor", N_("Sharpness Factor"),
                N_("Sharpness factor"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x102b, "ColorControl", N_("Color Control"),
                N_("Color control"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x102c, "ValidBits", N_("ValidBits"),
                N_("Valid bits"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x102d, "CoringFilter", N_("CoringFilter"),
                N_("Coring filter"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x102e, "ImageWidth", N_("Image Width"),
                N_("Image width"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x102f, "ImageHeight", N_("Image Height"),
                N_("Image height"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1030, "0x1030", "0x1030",
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1031, "0x1031", "0x1031",
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1032, "0x1032", "0x1032",
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1033, "0x1033", "0x1033",
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1034, "CompressionRatio", N_("Compression Ratio"),
                N_("Compression ratio"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1035, "Thumbnail", N_("Thumbnail"),
                N_("Preview image embedded"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusOffOn)),
        TagInfo(0x1036, "ThumbnailOffset", N_("Thumbnail Offset"),
                N_("Offset of the preview image"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1037, "ThumbnailLength", N_("Thumbnail Length"),
                N_("Size of the preview image"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1039, "CCDScanMode", N_("CCD Scan Mode"),
                N_("CCD scan mode"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusCCDScanMode)),
        TagInfo(0x103a, "NoiseReduction", N_("Noise Reduction"),
                N_("Noise reduction"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusOffOn)),
        TagInfo(0x103b, "InfinityLensStep", N_("Infinity Lens Step"),
                N_("Infinity lens step"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x103c, "NearLensStep", N_("Near Lens Step"),
                N_("Near lens step"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x2010, "Equipment", N_("Equipment Info"),
                N_("Camera equipment sub-IFD"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x2020, "CameraSettings", N_("Camera Settings"),
                N_("Camera Settings sub-IFD"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x2030, "RawDevelopment", N_("Raw Development"),
                N_("Raw development sub-IFD"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x2031, "RawDevelopment2", N_("Raw Development 2"),
                N_("Raw development 2 sub-IFD"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x2040, "ImageProcessing", N_("Image Processing"),
                N_("Image processing sub-IFD"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x2050, "FocusInfo", N_("Focus Info"),
                N_("Focus sub-IFD"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x3000, "RawInfo", N_("Raw Info"),
                N_("Raw sub-IFD"),
                olympusId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        // End of list marker
        TagInfo(0xffff, "(UnknownOlympusMakerNoteTag)", "(UnknownOlympusMakerNoteTag)",
                N_("Unknown OlympusMakerNote tag"),
                olympusId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue)

    const TagInfo* OlympusMakerNote::tagList()
        return tagInfo_;

// Olympus CameraSettings Tags
    //! ExposureMode, tag 0x0200
    extern const TagDetails olympusExposureMode[] = {
        { 1, N_("Manual")                    },
        { 2, N_("Program")                   },
        { 3, N_("Aperture-priority AE")      },
        { 4, N_("Shutter speed priority AE") },
        { 5, N_("Program-shift")             }

    //! MeteringMode, tag 0x0202
    extern const TagDetails olympusMeteringMode[] = {
        {    2, N_("Center-weighted average") },
        {    3, N_("Spot")                    },
        {    5, N_("ESP")                     },
        {  261, N_("Pattern+AF")              },
        {  515, N_("Spot+Highlight control")  },
        { 1027, N_("Spot+Shadow control")     }

    //! MacroMode, tag 0x0300
    extern const TagDetails olympusMacroMode[] = {
        { 0, N_("Off")         },
        { 1, N_("On")          },
        { 2, N_("Super Macro") }

    //! FocusMode, tag 0x0301
    extern const TagDetails olympusCsFocusMode[] = {
        { 0, N_("Single AF")              },
        { 1, N_("Sequential shooting AF") },
        { 2, N_("Continuous AF")          },
        { 3, N_("Multi AF")               },
        { 10, N_("MF")                    }

    //! FocusProcess, tag 0x0302
    extern const TagDetails olympusFocusProcess[] = {
        { 0, N_("AF Not Used") },
        { 1, N_("AF Used")     }

    //! AFSearch, tag 0x0303
    extern const TagDetails olympusAFSearch[] = {
        { 0, N_("Not Ready") },
        { 1, N_("Ready")     }

    //! FlashMode, tag 0x0400
    extern const TagDetailsBitmask olympusFlashMode[] = {
        { 0x0000, N_("Off")         },
        { 0x0001, N_("On")          },
        { 0x0002, N_("Fill-in")     },
        { 0x0004, N_("Red-eye")     },
        { 0x0008, N_("Slow-sync")   },
        { 0x0010, N_("Forced On")   },
        { 0x0020, N_("2nd Curtain") }

    //! FlashRemoteControl, tag 0x0403
    extern const TagDetails olympusFlashRemoteControl[] = {
        {  0x0, N_("Off")              },
        {  0x1, N_("Channel 1, Low")   },
        {  0x2, N_("Channel 2, Low")   },
        {  0x3, N_("Channel 3, Low")   },
        {  0x4, N_("Channel 4, Low")   },
        {  0x9, N_("Channel 1, Mid")   },
        {  0xa, N_("Channel 2, Mid")   },
        {  0xb, N_("Channel 3, Mid")   },
        {  0xc, N_("Channel 4, Mid")   },
        { 0x11, N_("Channel 1, High")  },
        { 0x12, N_("Channel 2, High")  },
        { 0x13, N_("Channel 3, High")  },
        { 0x14, N_("Channel 4, High")  }

    //! FlashControlMode, tag 0x0404
    extern const TagDetails olympusFlashControlMode[] = {
        { 0, N_("Off")     },
        { 3, N_("TTL")     },
        { 4, N_("Auto")    },
        { 5, N_("Manual")  }

    //! WhiteBalance, tag 0x0500
    extern const TagDetails olympusWhiteBalance[] = {
        {   0, N_("Auto")                              },
        {   1, N_("Auto (Keep Warm Color Off")         },
        {  16, N_("7500K (Fine Weather with Shade)")   },
        {  17, N_("6000K (Cloudy)")                    },
        {  18, N_("5300K (Fine Weather)")              },
        {  20, N_("3000K (Tungsten light)")            },
        {  21, N_("3600K (Tungsten light-like)")       },
        {  22, N_("Auto Setup")                        },
        {  23, N_("5500K (Flash)")                     },
        {  33, N_("6600K (Daylight fluorescent)")      },
        {  34, N_("4500K (Neutral white fluorescent)") },
        {  35, N_("4000K (Cool white fluorescent)")    },
        {  36, N_("White Fluorescent")                 },
        {  48, N_("3600K (Tungsten light-like)")       },
        {  67, N_("Underwater")                        },
        { 256, N_("One Touch WB 1")                    },
        { 257, N_("One Touch WB 2")                    },
        { 258, N_("One Touch WB 3")                    },
        { 259, N_("One Touch WB 4")                    },
        { 512, N_("Custom WB 1")                       },
        { 513, N_("Custom WB 2")                       },
        { 514, N_("Custom WB 3")                       },
        { 515, N_("Custom WB 4")                       }

    //! ModifiedSaturation, tag 0x0504
    extern const TagDetails olympusModifiedSaturation[] = {
        { 0, N_("Off")                 },
        { 1, N_("CM1 (Red Enhance)")   },
        { 2, N_("CM2 (Green Enhance)") },
        { 3, N_("CM3 (Blue Enhance)")  },
        { 4, N_("CM4 (Skin Tones)")    }

    //! ColorSpace, tag 0x0507
    extern const TagDetails olympusColorSpace[] = {
        { 0, N_("sRGB")          },
        { 1, N_("Adobe RGB")     },
        { 2, N_("Pro Photo RGB") }

    //! NoiseReduction, tag 0x050a
    extern const TagDetailsBitmask olympusNoiseReduction[] = {
        { 0x0001, N_("Noise Reduction")          },
        { 0x0002, N_("Noise Filter")             },
        { 0x0004, N_("Noise Filter (ISO Boost)") },
        { 0x0008, N_("Auto")                     }

    //! PictureMode, tag 0x0520
    extern const TagDetails olympusPictureMode[] = {
        {   1, N_("Vivid")                },
        {   2, N_("Natural")              },
        {   3, N_("Muted")                },
        {   4, N_("Portrait")             },
        {   5, N_("i-Enhance")            },
        {   6, N_("e-Portrait")           },
        {   7, N_("Color Creator")        },
        {   9, N_("Color Profile 1")      },
        {  10, N_("Color Profile 2")      },
        {  11, N_("Color Profile 3")      },
        {  12, N_("Monochrome Profile 1") },
        {  13, N_("Monochrome Profile 2") },
        {  14, N_("Monochrome Profile 3") },
        { 256, N_("Monotone")             },
        { 512, N_("Sepia")                }

    //! PictureModeBWFilter, tag 0x0525
    extern const TagDetails olympusPictureModeBWFilter[] = {
        { 0, N_("n/a")     },
        { 1, N_("Neutral") },
        { 2, N_("Yellow")  },
        { 3, N_("Orange")  },
        { 4, N_("Red")     },
        { 5, N_("Green")   }

    //! PictureModeTone, tag 0x0526
    extern const TagDetails olympusPictureModeTone[] = {
        { 0, N_("n/a")     },
        { 1, N_("Neutral") },
        { 2, N_("Sepia")   },
        { 3, N_("Blue")    },
        { 4, N_("Purple")  },
        { 5, N_("Green")   }

    //! OlympusCs Quality, tag 0x0603
    extern const TagDetails olympusCsQuality[] = {
        { 1, N_("SQ")  },
        { 2, N_("HQ")  },
        { 3, N_("SHQ") },
        { 4, N_("RAW") }

    //! Olympus ImageStabilization, tag 0x0604
    extern const TagDetails olympusImageStabilization[] = {
        { 0, N_("Off")        },
        { 1, N_("On, Mode 1") },
        { 2, N_("On, Mode 2") },
        { 3, N_("On, Mode 3") }

    const TagInfo OlympusMakerNote::tagInfoCs_[] = {
        TagInfo(0x0000, "CameraSettingsVersion", N_("Camera Settings Version"), N_("Camera settings version"), olympusCsId, makerTags, undefined, -1, printExifVersion),
        TagInfo(0x0100, "PreviewImageValid", N_("PreviewImage Valid"), N_("Preview image valid"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusNoYes)),
        TagInfo(0x0101, "PreviewImageStart", N_("PreviewImage Start"), N_("Preview image start"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0102, "PreviewImageLength", N_("PreviewImage Length"), N_("Preview image length"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0200, "ExposureMode", N_("Exposure Mode"), N_("Exposure mode"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusExposureMode)),
        TagInfo(0x0201, "AELock", N_("AE Lock"), N_("Auto exposure lock"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusOffOn)),
        TagInfo(0x0202, "MeteringMode", N_("Metering Mode"), N_("Metering mode"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusMeteringMode)),
        TagInfo(0x0203, "ExposureShift", N_("Exposure Shift"), N_("Exposure shift"), olympusCsId, makerTags, signedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0300, "MacroMode", N_("Macro Mode"), N_("Macro mode"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusMacroMode)),
        TagInfo(0x0301, "FocusMode", N_("Focus Mode"), N_("Focus mode"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printCs0x0301),
        TagInfo(0x0302, "FocusProcess", N_("Focus Process"), N_("Focus process"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusFocusProcess)),
        TagInfo(0x0303, "AFSearch", N_("AF Search"), N_("AF search"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusAFSearch)),
        TagInfo(0x0304, "AFAreas", N_("AF Areas"), N_("AF areas"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0305, "AFPointSelected", N_("AFPointSelected"), N_("AFPointSelected"), olympusCsId, makerTags, signedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0307, "AFFineTuneAdj", N_("AF Fine Tune Adjust"), N_("AF fine tune adjust"), olympusCsId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0400, "FlashMode", N_("Flash Mode"), N_("Flash mode"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG_BITMASK(olympusFlashMode)),
        TagInfo(0x0401, "FlashExposureComp", N_("Flash Exposure Compensation"), N_("Flash exposure compensation"), olympusCsId, makerTags, signedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0403, "FlashRemoteControl", N_("Flash Remote Control"), N_("Flash remote control"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusFlashRemoteControl)),
        TagInfo(0x0404, "FlashControlMode", N_("Flash Control Mode"), N_("Flash control mode"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusFlashControlMode)),
        TagInfo(0x0405, "FlashIntensity", N_("Flash Intensity"), N_("Flash intensity"), olympusCsId, makerTags, signedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0406, "ManualFlashStrength", N_("Manual Flash Strength"), N_("Manual flash strength"), olympusCsId, makerTags, signedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0500, "WhiteBalance", N_("White Balance 2"), N_("White balance 2"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusWhiteBalance)),
        TagInfo(0x0501, "WhiteBalanceTemperature", N_("White Balance Temperature"), N_("White balance temperature"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0502, "WhiteBalanceBracket", N_("White Balance Bracket"), N_("White balance bracket"), olympusCsId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0503, "CustomSaturation", N_("Custom Saturation"), N_("Custom saturation"), olympusCsId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0504, "ModifiedSaturation", N_("Modified Saturation"), N_("Modified saturation"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusModifiedSaturation)),
        TagInfo(0x0505, "ContrastSetting", N_("Contrast Setting"), N_("Contrast setting"), olympusCsId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0506, "SharpnessSetting", N_("Sharpness Setting"), N_("Sharpness setting"), olympusCsId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0507, "ColorSpace", N_("Color Space"), N_("Color space"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusColorSpace)),
        TagInfo(0x0509, "SceneMode", N_("Scene Mode"), N_("Scene mode"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusSceneMode)),
        TagInfo(0x050a, "NoiseReduction", N_("Noise Reduction"), N_("Noise reduction"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG_BITMASK(olympusNoiseReduction)),
        TagInfo(0x050b, "DistortionCorrection", N_("Distortion Correction"), N_("Distortion correction"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusOffOn)),
        TagInfo(0x050c, "ShadingCompensation", N_("Shading Compensation"), N_("Shading compensation"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusOffOn)),
        TagInfo(0x050d, "CompressionFactor", N_("Compression Factor"), N_("Compression factor"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x050f, "Gradation", N_("Gradation"), N_("Gradation"), olympusCsId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, print0x050f),
        TagInfo(0x0520, "PictureMode", N_("Picture Mode"), N_("Picture mode"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusPictureMode)),
        TagInfo(0x0521, "PictureModeSaturation", N_("Picture Mode Saturation"), N_("Picture mode saturation"), olympusCsId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0522, "PictureModeHue", N_("Picture Mode Hue"), N_("Picture mode hue"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0523, "PictureModeContrast", N_("Picture Mode Contrast"), N_("Picture mode contrast"), olympusCsId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0524, "PictureModeSharpness", N_("Picture Mode Sharpness"), N_("Picture mode sharpness"), olympusCsId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0525, "PictureModeBWFilter", N_("Picture Mode BW Filter"), N_("Picture mode BW filter"), olympusCsId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusPictureModeBWFilter)),
        TagInfo(0x0526, "PictureModeTone", N_("Picture Mode Tone"), N_("Picture mode tone"), olympusCsId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusPictureModeTone)),
        TagInfo(0x0527, "NoiseFilter", N_("Noise Filter"), N_("Noise filter"), olympusCsId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, print0x0527),
        TagInfo(0x0529, "ArtFilter", N_("Art Filter"), N_("Art filter"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, print0x0529),
        TagInfo(0x052c, "MagicFilter", N_("Magic Filter"), N_("Magic filter"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, print0x0529),
        TagInfo(0x0600, "DriveMode", N_("Drive Mode"), N_("Drive mode"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0601, "PanoramaMode", N_("Panorama Mode"), N_("Panorama mode"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0603, "Quality", N_("Image Quality 2"), N_("Image quality 2"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusCsQuality)),
        TagInfo(0x0604, "ImageStabilization", N_("Image Stabilization"), N_("Image stabilization"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusImageStabilization)),
        TagInfo(0x0900, "ManometerPressure", N_("Manometer Pressure"), N_("Manometer pressure"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0901, "ManometerReading", N_("Manometer Reading"), N_("Manometer reading"), olympusCsId, makerTags, signedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0902, "ExtendedWBDetect", N_("Extended WB Detect"), N_("Extended WB detect"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusOffOn)),
        TagInfo(0x0903, "LevelGaugeRoll", N_("Level Gauge Roll"), N_("Level gauge roll"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusOffOn)),
        TagInfo(0x0904, "LevelGaugePitch", N_("Level Gauge Pitch"), N_("Level gauge pitch"), olympusCsId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusOffOn)),
        // End of list marker
        TagInfo(0xffff, "(UnknownOlympusCsTag)", "(UnknownOlympusCsTag)", N_("Unknown OlympusCs tag"), olympusCsId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue)

    const TagInfo* OlympusMakerNote::tagListCs()
        return tagInfoCs_;

    //! OlympusEq FlashType, tag 0x1000
    extern const TagDetails olympusEqFlashType[] = {
        { 0, N_("None")            },
        { 2, N_("Simple E-System") },
        { 3, N_("E-System")        }

    //! OlympusEq FlashModel, tag 0x1001
    extern const TagDetails olympusEqFlashModel[] = {
        { 0, N_("None") },
        { 1, "FL-20"    },
        { 2, "FL-50"    },
        { 3, "RF-11"    },
        { 4, "TF-22"    },
        { 5, "FL-36"    },
        { 6, "FL-50R"   },
        { 7, "FL-36R"   },
        { 9, "FL-14"    },
        {11, "FL-600R"  },
        {11, "FL-600R"  }                       // To silence compiler warning

    const TagInfo OlympusMakerNote::tagInfoEq_[] = {
        TagInfo(0x0000, "EquipmentVersion", N_("Equipment Version"), N_("Equipment version"), olympusEqId, makerTags, undefined, -1, printExifVersion),
        TagInfo(0x0100, "CameraType", N_("Camera Type"), N_("Camera type"), olympusEqId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0101, "SerialNumber", N_("Serial Number"), N_("Serial number"), olympusEqId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0102, "InternalSerialNumber", N_("Internal Serial Number"), N_("Internal serial number"), olympusEqId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0103, "FocalPlaneDiagonal", N_("Focal Plane Diagonal"), N_("Focal plane diagonal"), olympusEqId, makerTags, unsignedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0104, "BodyFirmwareVersion", N_("Body Firmware Version"), N_("Body firmware version"), olympusEqId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0201, "LensType", N_("Lens Type"), N_("Lens type"), olympusEqId, makerTags, unsignedByte, -1, print0x0201),
        TagInfo(0x0202, "LensSerialNumber", N_("Lens Serial Number"), N_("Lens serial number"), olympusEqId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0203, "LensModel", N_("Lens Model"), N_("Lens model"), olympusEqId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0204, "LensFirmwareVersion", N_("Lens Firmware Version"), N_("Lens firmware version"), olympusEqId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0205, "MaxApertureAtMinFocal", N_("Max Aperture At Min Focal"), N_("Max aperture at min focal"), olympusEqId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0206, "MaxApertureAtMaxFocal", N_("Max Aperture At Max Focal"), N_("Max aperture at max focal"), olympusEqId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0207, "MinFocalLength", N_("Min Focal Length"), N_("Min focal length"), olympusEqId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0208, "MaxFocalLength", N_("Max Focal Length"), N_("Max focal length"), olympusEqId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x020a, "MaxApertureAtCurrentFocal", N_("Max Aperture At Current Focal"), N_("Max aperture at current focal"), olympusEqId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x020b, "LensProperties", N_("Lens Properties"), N_("Lens properties"), olympusEqId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0301, "Extender", N_("Extender"), N_("Extender"), olympusEqId, makerTags, unsignedByte, -1, printEq0x0301),
        TagInfo(0x0302, "ExtenderSerialNumber", N_("Extender Serial Number"), N_("Extender serial number"), olympusEqId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0303, "ExtenderModel", N_("Extender Model"), N_("Extender model"), olympusEqId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0304, "ExtenderFirmwareVersion", N_("Extender Firmware Version"), N_("Extender firmwareversion"), olympusEqId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0403, "ConversionLens", N_("Conversion Lens"), N_("Conversion lens"), olympusEqId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1000, "FlashType", N_("Flash Type"), N_("Flash type"), olympusEqId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusEqFlashType)),
        TagInfo(0x1001, "FlashModel", N_("Flash Model"), N_("Flash model"), olympusEqId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusEqFlashModel)),
        TagInfo(0x1002, "FlashFirmwareVersion", N_("Flash Firmware Version"), N_("Flash firmware version"), olympusEqId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1003, "FlashSerialNumber", N_("FlashSerialNumber"), N_("FlashSerialNumber"), olympusEqId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue),
        // End of list marker
        TagInfo(0xffff, "(UnknownOlympusEqTag)", "(UnknownOlympusEqTag)", N_("Unknown OlympusEq tag"), olympusEqId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue)

    const TagInfo* OlympusMakerNote::tagListEq()
        return tagInfoEq_;

    //! OlympusRd ColorSpace, tag 0x0108
    extern const TagDetails olympusRdColorSpace[] = {
        { 0, N_("sRGB")          },
        { 1, N_("Adobe RGB")     },
        { 2, N_("Pro Photo RGB") }

    //! OlympusRd Engine, tag 0x0109
    extern const TagDetails olympusRdEngine[] = {
        { 0, N_("High Speed")             },
        { 1, N_("High Function")          },
        { 2, N_("Advanced High Speed")    },
        { 3, N_("Advanced High Function") }

    //! OlympusRd EditStatus, tag 0x010b
    extern const TagDetails olympusRdEditStatus[] = {
        { 0, N_("Original")           },
        { 1, N_("Edited (Landscape)") },
        { 6, N_("Edited (Portrait)")  },
        { 8, N_("Edited (Portrait)")  }

    //! OlympusRd Settings, tag 0x010c
    extern const TagDetailsBitmask olympusRdSettings[] = {
        { 0x0001, N_("WB Color Temp")   },
        { 0x0004, N_("WB Gray Point")   },
        { 0x0008, N_("Saturation")      },
        { 0x0010, N_("Contrast")        },
        { 0x0020, N_("Sharpness")       },
        { 0x0040, N_("Color Space")     },
        { 0x0080, N_("High Function")   },
        { 0x0100, N_("Noise Reduction") }

    const TagInfo OlympusMakerNote::tagInfoRd_[] = {
        TagInfo(0x0000, "RawDevVersion", N_("Raw Development Version"), N_("Raw development version"), olympusRdId, makerTags, undefined, -1, printExifVersion),
        TagInfo(0x0100, "ExposureBiasValue", N_("Exposure Bias Value"), N_("Exposure bias value"), olympusRdId, makerTags, signedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0101, "WhiteBalanceValue", N_("White Balance Value"), N_("White balance value"), olympusRdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0102, "WBFineAdjustment", N_("WB Fine Adjustment"), N_("WB fine adjustment"), olympusRdId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0103, "GrayPoint", N_("Gray Point"), N_("Gray point"), olympusRdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0104, "SaturationEmphasis", N_("Saturation Emphasis"), N_("Saturation emphasis"), olympusRdId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0105, "MemoryColorEmphasis", N_("Memory Color Emphasis"), N_("Memory color emphasis"), olympusRdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0106, "ContrastValue", N_("Contrast Value"), N_("Contrast value"), olympusRdId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0107, "SharpnessValue", N_("Sharpness Value"), N_("Sharpness value"), olympusRdId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0108, "ColorSpace", N_("Color Space"), N_("Color space"), olympusRdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusRdColorSpace)),
        TagInfo(0x0109, "Engine", N_("Engine"), N_("Engine"), olympusRdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusRdEngine)),
        TagInfo(0x010a, "NoiseReduction", N_("Noise Reduction"), N_("Noise reduction"), olympusRdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG_BITMASK(olympusNoiseReduction)),
        TagInfo(0x010b, "EditStatus", N_("Edit Status"), N_("Edit status"), olympusRdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusRdEditStatus)),
        TagInfo(0x010c, "Settings", N_("Settings"), N_("Settings"), olympusRdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG_BITMASK(olympusRdSettings)),
        // End of list marker
        TagInfo(0xffff, "(UnknownOlympusRdTag)", "(UnknownOlympusRdTag)", N_("Unknown OlympusRd tag"), olympusRdId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue)

    const TagInfo* OlympusMakerNote::tagListRd()
        return tagInfoRd_;

    //! OlympusRd2 WhiteBalance, tag 0x0101
    extern const TagDetails olympusRd2WhiteBalance[] = {
        { 1, N_("Color Temperature") },
        { 2, N_("Gray Point")        }

    //! OlympusRd2 ColorSpace, tag 0x0109
    extern const TagDetails olympusRd2ColorSpace[] = {
        { 0, N_("sRGB")          },
        { 1, N_("Adobe RGB")     },
        { 2, N_("Pro Photo RGB") }

    //! OlympusRd2 Engine, tag 0x010b
    extern const TagDetails olympusRd2Engine[] = {
        { 0, N_("High Speed")    },
        { 1, N_("High Function") }

    //! OlympusRd2 PictureMode, tag 0x010c
    extern const TagDetails olympusRd2PictureMode[] = {
        {   1, N_("Vivid")    },
        {   2, N_("Natural")  },
        {   3, N_("Muted")    },
        { 256, N_("Monotone") },
        { 512, N_("Sepia")    }

    //! OlympusRd2 PM_BWFilter, tag 0x0110
    extern const TagDetails olympusRd2PM_BWFilter[] = {
        { 1, N_("Neutral") },
        { 2, N_("Yellow")  },
        { 3, N_("Orange")  },
        { 4, N_("Red")     },
        { 5, N_("Green")   }

    //! OlympusRd2 PMPictureTone, tag 0x0111
    extern const TagDetails olympusRd2PMPictureTone[] = {
        { 1, N_("Neutral") },
        { 2, N_("Sepia")   },
        { 3, N_("Blue")    },
        { 4, N_("Purple")  },
        { 5, N_("Green")   }

    const TagInfo OlympusMakerNote::tagInfoRd2_[] = {
        TagInfo(0x0000, "RawDev2Version", N_("Raw Development 2 Version"), N_("Raw development 2 version"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, undefined, -1, printExifVersion),
        TagInfo(0x0100, "ExposureBiasValue", N_("Exposure Bias Value"), N_("Exposure bias value"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, signedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0101, "WhiteBalance", N_("White Balance"), N_("White balance"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusRd2WhiteBalance)),
        TagInfo(0x0102, "WhiteBalanceValue", N_("White Balance Value"), N_("White balance value"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0103, "WBFineAdjustment", N_("WB Fine Adjustment"), N_("White balance fine adjustment"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0104, "GrayPoint", N_("Gray Point"), N_("Gray point"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0105, "ContrastValue", N_("Contrast Value"), N_("Contrast value"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0106, "SharpnessValue", N_("Sharpness Value"), N_("Sharpness value"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0107, "SaturationEmphasis", N_("Saturation Emphasis"), N_("Saturation emphasis"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0108, "MemoryColorEmphasis", N_("Memory Color Emphasis"), N_("Memory color emphasis"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0109, "ColorSpace", N_("Color Space"), N_("Color space"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusRd2ColorSpace)),
        TagInfo(0x010a, "NoiseReduction", N_("Noise Reduction"), N_("Noise reduction"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG_BITMASK(olympusNoiseReduction)),
        TagInfo(0x010b, "Engine", N_("Engine"), N_("Engine"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusRd2Engine)),
        TagInfo(0x010c, "PictureMode", N_("Picture Mode"), N_("Picture mode"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusRd2PictureMode)),
        TagInfo(0x010d, "PMSaturation", N_("PM Saturation"), N_("Picture mode saturation"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x010e, "PMContrast", N_("PM Contrast"), N_("Picture mode contrast"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x010f, "PMSharpness", N_("PM Sharpness"), N_("Picture mode sharpness"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0110, "PM_BWFilter", N_("PM BW Filter"), N_("PM BW filter"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusRd2PM_BWFilter)),
        TagInfo(0x0111, "PMPictureTone", N_("PM Picture Tone"), N_("PM picture tone"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusRd2PMPictureTone)),
        TagInfo(0x0112, "Gradation", N_("Gradation"), N_("Gradation"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0113, "Saturation", N_("Saturation"), N_("Saturation"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0119, "AutoGradation", N_("Auto Gradation"), N_("Auto gradation"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusOffOn)),
        TagInfo(0x0120, "PMNoiseFilter", N_("PM Noise Filter"), N_("Picture mode noise filter"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        // End of list marker
        TagInfo(0xffff, "(UnknownOlympusRd2Tag)", "(UnknownOlympusRd2Tag)", N_("Unknown OlympusRd2 tag"), olympusRd2Id, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue)

    const TagInfo* OlympusMakerNote::tagListRd2()
        return tagInfoRd2_;

    //! OlympusIp MultipleExposureMode, tag 0x101c
    extern const TagDetails olympusIpMultipleExposureMode[] = {
        { 0, N_("Off")             },
        { 2, N_("On (2 frames)")   },
        { 3, N_("On (3 frames)")   }

    //! OlympusIp olympusIpAspectRatio, tag 0x101c
    extern const TagDetails olympusIpAspectRatio[] = {
        { 1, "4:3"  },
        { 2, "3:2"  },
        { 3, "16:9" },
        { 4, "6:6"  },
        { 5, "5:4"  },
        { 6, "7:6"  },
        { 7, "6:5"  },
        { 8, "7:5"  },
        { 9, "3:4"  }

    const TagInfo OlympusMakerNote::tagInfoIp_[] = {
        TagInfo(0x0000, "ImageProcessingVersion", N_("Image Processing Version"), N_("Image processing version"), olympusIpId, makerTags, undefined, -1, printExifVersion),
        TagInfo(0x0100, "WB_RBLevels", N_("WB RB Levels"), N_("WB RB levels"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0102, "WB_RBLevels3000K", N_("WB RB Levels 3000K"), N_("WB RB levels 3000K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0103, "WB_RBLevels3300K", N_("WB RB Levels 3300K"), N_("WB RB levels 3300K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0104, "WB_RBLevels3600K", N_("WB RB Levels 3600K"), N_("WB RB levels 3600K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0105, "WB_RBLevels3900K", N_("WB RB Levels 3900K"), N_("WB RB levels 3900K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0106, "WB_RBLevels4000K", N_("WB RB Levels 4000K"), N_("WB RB levels 4000K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0107, "WB_RBLevels4300K", N_("WB RB Levels 4300K"), N_("WB RB levels 4300K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0108, "WB_RBLevels4500K", N_("WB RB Levels 4500K"), N_("WB RB levels 4500K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0109, "WB_RBLevels4800K", N_("WB RB Levels 4800K"), N_("WB RB levels 4800K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x010a, "WB_RBLevels5300K", N_("WB RB Levels 5300K"), N_("WB RB levels 5300K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x010b, "WB_RBLevels6000K", N_("WB RB Levels 6000K"), N_("WB RB levels 6000K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x010c, "WB_RBLevels6600K", N_("WB RB Levels 6600K"), N_("WB RB levels 6600K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x010d, "WB_RBLevels7500K", N_("WB RB Levels 7500K"), N_("WB RB levels 7500K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x010e, "WB_RBLevelsCWB1", N_("WB RB Levels CWB1"), N_("WB RB levels CWB1"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x010f, "WB_RBLevelsCWB2", N_("WB RB Levels CWB2"), N_("WB RB levels CWB2"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0110, "WB_RBLevelsCWB3", N_("WB RB Levels CWB3"), N_("WB RB levels CWB3"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0111, "WB_RBLevelsCWB4", N_("WB RB Levels CWB4"), N_("WB RB levels CWB4"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0113, "WB_GLevel3000K", N_("WB G Level 3000K"), N_("WB G level 3000K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0114, "WB_GLevel3300K", N_("WB G Level 3300K"), N_("WB G level 3300K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0115, "WB_GLevel3600K", N_("WB G Level 3600K"), N_("WB G level 3600K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0116, "WB_GLevel3900K", N_("WB G Level 3900K"), N_("WB G level 3900K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0117, "WB_GLevel4000K", N_("WB G Level 4000K"), N_("WB G level 4000K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0118, "WB_GLevel4300K", N_("WB G Level 4300K"), N_("WB G level 4300K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0119, "WB_GLevel4500K", N_("WB G Level 4500K"), N_("WB G level 4500K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x011a, "WB_GLevel4800K", N_("WB G Level 4800K"), N_("WB G level 4800K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x011b, "WB_GLevel5300K", N_("WB G Level 5300K"), N_("WB G level 5300K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x011c, "WB_GLevel6000K", N_("WB G Level 6000K"), N_("WB G level 6000K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x011d, "WB_GLevel6600K", N_("WB G Level 6600K"), N_("WB G level 6600K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x011e, "WB_GLevel7500K", N_("WB G Level 7500K"), N_("WB G level 7500K"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x011f, "WB_GLevel", N_("WB G Level"), N_("WB G level"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0200, "ColorMatrix", N_("Color Matrix"), N_("Color matrix"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0300, "Enhancer", N_("Enhancer"), N_("Enhancer"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0301, "EnhancerValues", N_("Enhancer Values"), N_("Enhancer values"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0310, "CoringFilter", N_("Coring Filter"), N_("Coring filter"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0311, "CoringValues", N_("Coring Values"), N_("Coring values"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0600, "BlackLevel", N_("Black Level"), N_("Black level"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0610, "GainBase", N_("Gain Base"), N_("Gain base"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0611, "ValidBits", N_("Valid Bits"), N_("Valid bits"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0612, "CropLeft", N_("Crop Left"), N_("Crop left"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0613, "CropTop", N_("Crop Top"), N_("Crop top"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0614, "CropWidth", N_("Crop Width"), N_("Crop width"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0615, "CropHeight", N_("Crop Height"), N_("Crop height"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1010, "NoiseReduction", N_("Noise Reduction"), N_("Noise reduction"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG_BITMASK(olympusNoiseReduction)),
        TagInfo(0x1011, "DistortionCorrection", N_("Distortion Correction"), N_("Distortion correction"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusOffOn)),
        TagInfo(0x1012, "ShadingCompensation", N_("Shading Compensation"), N_("Shading compensation"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusOffOn)),
        TagInfo(0x101c, "MultipleExposureMode", N_("Multiple Exposure Mode"), N_("Multiple exposure mode"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusIpMultipleExposureMode)),
        TagInfo(0x1112, "AspectRatio", N_("Aspect Ratio"), N_("Aspect ratio"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedByte, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusIpAspectRatio)),
        TagInfo(0x1113, "AspectFrame", N_("Aspect Frame"), N_("Aspect frame"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1200, "FaceDetect", N_("Face Detect"), N_("Face detect"), olympusIpId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusOffOn)),
        TagInfo(0x1201, "FaceDetectArea", N_("Face Detect Area"), N_("Face detect area"), olympusIpId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        // End of list marker
        TagInfo(0xffff, "(UnknownOlympusIpTag)", "(UnknownOlympusIpTag)", N_("Unknown OlympusIp tag"), olympusIpId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue)

    const TagInfo* OlympusMakerNote::tagListIp()
        return tagInfoIp_;

    //! OlympusFi ExternalFlashBounce, tag 0x1204
    extern const TagDetails olympusFiExternalFlashBounce[] = {
        { 0, N_("Bounce or Off") },
        { 1, N_("Direct") }

    const TagInfo OlympusMakerNote::tagInfoFi_[] = {
        TagInfo(0x0000, "FocusInfoVersion", N_("Focus Info Version"), N_("Focus info version"), olympusFiId, makerTags, undefined, -1, printExifVersion),
        TagInfo(0x0209, "AutoFocus", N_("Auto Focus"), N_("Auto focus"), olympusFiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusOffOn)),
        TagInfo(0x0210, "SceneDetect", N_("Scene Detect"), N_("Scene detect"), olympusFiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0211, "SceneArea", N_("Scene Area"), N_("Scene area"), olympusFiId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0212, "SceneDetectData", N_("Scene Detect Data"), N_("Scene detect data"), olympusFiId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0300, "ZoomStepCount", N_("Zoom Step Count"), N_("Zoom step count"), olympusFiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0301, "FocusStepCount", N_("Focus Step Count"), N_("Focus step count"), olympusFiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0303, "FocusStepInfinity", N_("Focus Step Infinity"), N_("Focus step infinity"), olympusFiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0304, "FocusStepNear", N_("Focus Step Near"), N_("Focus step near"), olympusFiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0305, "FocusDistance", N_("Focus Distance"), N_("Focus distance"), olympusFiId, makerTags, unsignedRational, -1, print0x0305),
        TagInfo(0x0308, "AFPoint", N_("AF Point"), N_("AF point"), olympusFiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, print0x0308),
        TagInfo(0x1201, "ExternalFlash", N_("External Flash"), N_("External flash"), olympusFiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusOffOn)),
        TagInfo(0x1203, "ExternalFlashGuideNumber", N_("External Flash Guide Number"), N_("External flash guide number"), olympusFiId, makerTags, signedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1204, "ExternalFlashBounce", N_("External Flash Bounce"), N_("External flash bounce"), olympusFiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusFiExternalFlashBounce)),
        TagInfo(0x1205, "ExternalFlashZoom", N_("External Flash Zoom"), N_("External flash zoom"), olympusFiId, makerTags, unsignedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1208, "InternalFlash", N_("Internal Flash"), N_("Internal flash"), olympusFiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusOffOn)),
        TagInfo(0x1209, "ManualFlash", N_("Manual Flash"), N_("Manual flash"), olympusFiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, print0x1209),
        TagInfo(0x1500, "SensorTemperature", N_("Sensor Temperature"), N_("Sensor temperature"), olympusFiId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1600, "ImageStabilization", N_("Image Stabilization"), N_("Image stabilization"), olympusFiId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        // End of list marker
        TagInfo(0xffff, "(UnknownOlympusFiTag)", "(UnknownOlympusFiTag)", N_("Unknown OlympusFi tag"), olympusFiId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue)

    const TagInfo* OlympusMakerNote::tagListFi()
        return tagInfoFi_;

    const TagInfo OlympusMakerNote::tagInfoFe_[] = {
        TagInfo(0x0100, "BodyFirmwareVersion", N_("Body Firmware Version"), N_("Body firmware version"), olympusFe1Id, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue),
        // End of list marker
        TagInfo(0xffff, "(UnknownOlympusFeTag)", "(UnknownOlympusFeTag)", N_("Unknown OlympusFe tag"), olympusFe1Id, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue)

    const TagInfo* OlympusMakerNote::tagListFe()
        return tagInfoFe_;

    //! OlympusRi LightSource, tag 0x1000
    extern const TagDetails olympusRiLightSource[] = {
        {   0, N_("Unknown")                                 },
        {  16, N_("Shade")                                   },
        {  17, N_("Cloudy")                                  },
        {  18, N_("Fine Weather")                            },
        {  20, N_("Tungsten (incandescent)")                 },
        {  22, N_("Evening Sunlight")                        },
        {  33, N_("Daylight Fluorescent (D 5700 - 7100K)")   },
        {  34, N_("Day White Fluorescent (N 4600 - 5400K)")  },
        {  35, N_("Cool White Fluorescent (W 3900 - 4500K)") },
        {  36, N_("White Fluorescent (WW 3200 - 3700K)")     },
        { 256, N_("One Touch White Balance")                 },
        { 512, N_("Custom 1-4")                              }

    const TagInfo OlympusMakerNote::tagInfoRi_[] = {
        TagInfo(0x0000, "RawInfoVersion", N_("Raw Info Version"), N_("Raw info version"), olympusRiId, makerTags, undefined, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0100, "WB_RBLevelsUsed", N_("WB_RB Levels Used"), N_("WB_RB levels used"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0110, "WB_RBLevelsAuto", N_("WB_RB Levels Auto"), N_("WB_RB levels auto"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0120, "WB_RBLevelsShade", N_("WB_RB Levels Shade"), N_("WB_RB levels shade"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0121, "WB_RBLevelsCloudy", N_("WB_RB Levels Cloudy"), N_("WB_RB levels cloudy"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0122, "WB_RBLevelsFineWeather", N_("WB_RB Levels Fine Weather"), N_("WB_RB levels fine weather"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0123, "WB_RBLevelsTungsten", N_("WB_RB Levels Tungsten"), N_("WB_RB levels tungsten"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0124, "WB_RBLevelsEveningSunlight", N_("WB_RB Levels Evening Sunlight"), N_("WB_RB levels evening sunlight"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0130, "WB_RBLevelsDaylightFluor", N_("WB_RB Levels Daylight Fluor"), N_("WB_RB levels daylight fluor"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0131, "WB_RBLevelsDayWhiteFluor", N_("WB_RB Levels Day White Fluor"), N_("WB_RB levels day white fluor"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0132, "WB_RBLevelsCoolWhiteFluor", N_("WB_RB Levels Cool White Fluor"), N_("WB_RB levels cool white fluor"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0133, "WB_RBLevelsWhiteFluorescent", N_("WB_RB Levels White Fluorescent"), N_("WB_RB levels white fluorescent"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0200, "ColorMatrix2", N_("Color Matrix2"), N_("Color matrix 2"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0310, "CoringFilter", N_("Coring Filter"), N_("Coring filter"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0311, "CoringValues", N_("Coring Values"), N_("Coring values"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0600, "BlackLevel2", N_("Black Level 2"), N_("Black level 2"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0601, "YCbCrCoefficients", N_("YCbCr Coefficients"), N_("YCbCr coefficients"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0611, "ValidPixelDepth", N_("Valid Pixel Depth"), N_("Valid pixel depth"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0612, "CropLeft", N_("Crop Left"), N_("Crop left"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0613, "CropTop", N_("Crop Top"), N_("Crop top"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0614, "CropWidth", N_("Crop Width"), N_("Crop width"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x0615, "CropHeight", N_("Crop Height"), N_("Crop height"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedLong, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1000, "LightSource", N_("Light Source"), N_("Light source"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, EXV_PRINT_TAG(olympusRiLightSource)),
        TagInfo(0x1001, "WhiteBalanceComp", N_("White Balance Comp"), N_("White balance comp"), olympusRiId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1010, "SaturationSetting", N_("Saturation Setting"), N_("Saturation setting"), olympusRiId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1011, "HueSetting", N_("Hue Setting"), N_("Hue setting"), olympusRiId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1012, "ContrastSetting", N_("Contrast Setting"), N_("Contrast setting"), olympusRiId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x1013, "SharpnessSetting", N_("Sharpness Setting"), N_("Sharpness setting"), olympusRiId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x2000, "CMExposureCompensation", N_("CM Exposure Compensation"), N_("CM exposure compensation"), olympusRiId, makerTags, signedRational, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x2001, "CMWhiteBalance", N_("CM White Balance"), N_("CM white balance"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x2002, "CMWhiteBalanceComp", N_("CM White Balance Comp"), N_("CM white balance comp"), olympusRiId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x2010, "CMWhiteBalanceGrayPoint", N_("CM White Balance Gray Point"), N_("CM white balance gray point"), olympusRiId, makerTags, unsignedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x2020, "CMSaturation", N_("CM Saturation"), N_("CM saturation"), olympusRiId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x2021, "CMHue", N_("CM Hue"), N_("CM hue"), olympusRiId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x2022, "CMContrast", N_("CM Contrast"), N_("CM contrast"), olympusRiId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        TagInfo(0x2023, "CMSharpness", N_("CM Sharpness"), N_("CM sharpness"), olympusRiId, makerTags, signedShort, -1, printValue),
        // End of list marker
        TagInfo(0xffff, "(UnknownOlympusRiTag)", "(UnknownOlympusRiTag)", N_("Unknown OlympusRi tag"), olympusRiId, makerTags, asciiString, -1, printValue)

    const TagInfo* OlympusMakerNote::tagListRi()
        return tagInfoRi_;

    // Gradation
    std::ostream& OlympusMakerNote::print0x050f(std::ostream& os, const Value& value, const ExifData*)
        if (   !(value.count() == 3 || value.count() == 4)
            || value.typeId() != signedShort) {
            return os << value;

        if      (value.toLong(0) == -1 && value.toLong(1) == -1 && value.toLong(2) == 1) os << _("Low Key");
        else if (value.toLong(0) ==  0 && value.toLong(1) == -1 && value.toLong(2) == 1) os << _("Normal");
        else if (value.toLong(0) ==  1 && value.toLong(1) == -1 && value.toLong(2) == 1) os << _("High Key");
        else os << value.toLong(0) << " " << value.toLong(1) << " " << value.toLong(2);

        if (value.count() == 4) {
            switch (value.toLong(3)) {
                case 0: os << ", " << _("User-Selected"); break;
                case 1: os << ", " << _("Auto-Override"); break;
                default: os << value.toLong(3); break;
        return os;

    // Olympus CameraSettings tag 0x0527 NoiseFilter
    std::ostream& OlympusMakerNote::print0x0527(std::ostream& os, const Value& value, const ExifData*)
        if (   value.count() != 3
               || value.typeId() != signedShort
               || value.toLong(1) != -2
               || value.toLong(2) != 1) {
            return os << value;

        switch (value.toLong(0)) {
            case -2: os << _("Off"); break;
            case -1: os << _("Low"); break;
            case  0: os << _("Standard"); break;
            case  1: os << _("High"); break;
            default: os << value.toLong(0); break;

        return os;

    std::ostream& OlympusMakerNote::print0x0200(std::ostream& os, const Value& value, const ExifData*)
        if (value.count() != 3 || value.typeId() != unsignedLong) {
            return os << value;
        long l0 = value.toLong(0);
        switch (l0) {
        case 0: os << _("Normal"); break;
        case 2: os << _("Fast"); break;
        case 3: os << _("Panorama"); break;
        default: os << "(" << l0 << ")"; break;
        if (l0 != 0) {
            os << ", ";
            long l1 = value.toLong(1);
            os << _("Sequence number") << " " << l1;
        if (l0 != 0 && l0 != 2) {
            os << ", ";
            long l2 = value.toLong(2);
            switch (l2) {
            case 1: os << _("Left to right"); break;
            case 2: os << _("Right to left"); break;
            case 3: os << _("Bottom to top"); break;
            case 4: os << _("Top to bottom"); break;
            default: os << "(" << l2 << ")"; break;
        return os;
    } // OlympusMakerNote::print0x0200

    std::ostream& OlympusMakerNote::print0x0204(std::ostream& os, const Value& value, const ExifData*)
        std::ios::fmtflags of( os.flags() );
        if (   value.count() == 0
            || value.toRational().second == 0) {
            return os << "(" << value << ")";
        float f = value.toFloat();
        if (f == 0.0 || f == 1.0) return os << _("None");
        std::ostringstream oss;
        os << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << f << "x";
        return os;
    } // OlympusMakerNote::print0x0204

    std::ostream& OlympusMakerNote::print0x1015(std::ostream& os, const Value& value, const ExifData*)
        if (value.typeId() != unsignedShort) {
            return os << value;
        if (value.count() == 1) {
            short l0 = (short)value.toLong(0);
            if (l0 == 1) {
                os << _("Auto");
            else {
                return os << value;
        else if (value.count() == 2) {
            short l0 = (short)value.toLong(0);
            short l1 = (short)value.toLong(1);
            if (l0 == 1) {
                switch (l1) {
                case 0: os << _("Auto"); break;
                default: os << _("Auto") << " (" << l1 << ")"; break;
            else if (l0 == 2) {
                switch (l1) {
                case 2: os << _("3000 Kelvin"); break;
                case 3: os << _("3700 Kelvin"); break;
                case 4: os << _("4000 Kelvin"); break;
                case 5: os << _("4500 Kelvin"); break;
                case 6: os << _("5500 Kelvin"); break;
                case 7: os << _("6500 Kelvin"); break;
                case 8: os << _("7500 Kelvin"); break;
                default: os << value; break;
            else if (l0 == 3) {
                switch (l1) {
                case 0: os << _("One-touch"); break;
                default: os << value; break;
            else {
                return os << value;
        else {
            return os << value;
        return os;
    } // OlympusMakerNote::print0x1015

    //! OlympusEq LensType, tag 0x201
    std::ostream& OlympusMakerNote::print0x0201(std::ostream& os, const Value& value, const ExifData*)
        // #1034
        const std::string undefined("undefined") ;
        const std::string section  ("olympus");
        if ( Internal::readExiv2Config(section,value.toString(),undefined) != undefined ) {
            return os << Internal::readExiv2Config(section,value.toString(),undefined);

        // 6 numbers: 0. Make, 1. Unknown, 2. Model, 3. Sub-model, 4-5. Unknown.
        // Only the Make, Model and Sub-model are used to determine the lens model
        static struct {
            byte val[3];
            const char *label;
        } lensTypes[] = {
            { { 0,  0,  0 }, N_("None")                                                },
            { { 0,  1,  0 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 50mm F2.0 Macro"                },
            { { 0,  1,  1 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital 40-150mm F3.5-4.5"                 },
            { { 0,  1, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 14-42mm F3.5-5.6"             },
            { { 0,  2,  0 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 150mm F2.0"                     },
            { { 0,  2, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 17mm F2.8 Pancake"               },
            { { 0,  3,  0 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 300mm F2.8"                     },
            { { 0,  3, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 14-150mm F4.0-5.6"            },
            { { 0,  4, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 9-18mm F4.0-5.6"              },
            { { 0,  5,  0 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital 14-54mm F2.8-3.5"                  },
            { { 0,  5,  1 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital Pro ED 90-250mm F2.8"              },
            { { 0,  5, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 L"           },
            { { 0,  6,  0 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 50-200mm F2.8-3.5"              },
            { { 0,  6,  1 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 8mm F3.5 Fisheye"               },
            { { 0,  6, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm F4.0-5.6"            },
            { { 0,  7,  0 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital 11-22mm F2.8-3.5"                  },
            { { 0,  7,  1 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital 18-180mm F3.5-6.3"                 },
            { { 0,  7, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 12mm F2.0"                    },
            { { 0,  8,  1 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital 70-300mm F4.0-5.6"                 },
            { { 0,  8, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 75-300mm F4.8-6.7"            },
            { { 0,  9, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 II"             },
            { { 0, 16,  1 }, "Kenko Tokina Reflex 300mm F6.3 MF Macro"                 },
            { { 0, 16, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-50mm F3.5-6.3 EZ"          },
            { { 0, 17, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 45mm F1.8"                       },
            { { 0, 18, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm F2.8 Macro"              },
            { { 0, 19, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 II R"           },
            { { 0, 20, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm F4.0-5.6 R"          },
            { { 0, 21,  0 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 7-14mm F4.0"                    },
            { { 0, 21, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 75mm F1.8"                    },
            { { 0, 22, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 17mm F1.8"                       },
            { { 0, 23,  0 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital Pro ED 35-100mm F2.0"              },
            { { 0, 24,  0 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital 14-45mm F3.5-5.6"                  },
            { { 0, 24, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 75-300mm F4.8-6.7 II"         },
            { { 0, 25, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-40mm F2.8 Pro"             },
            { { 0, 32,  0 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital 35mm F3.5 Macro"                   },
            { { 0, 32, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm F2.8 Pro"            },
            { { 0, 33, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 EZ"          },
            { { 0, 34,  0 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital 17.5-45mm F3.5-5.6"                },
            { { 0, 34, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 25mm F1.8"                       },
            { { 0, 35,  0 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 14-42mm F3.5-5.6"               },
            { { 0, 35, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 7-14mm F2.8 Pro"              },
            { { 0, 36,  0 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm F4.0-5.6"              },
            { { 0, 36, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 300mm F4.0 IS Pro"            },
            { { 0, 37, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 8mm F1.8 Fisheye Pro"         },
            { { 0, 38, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-100mm F4.0 IS Pro"         },
            { { 0, 39, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 30mm F3.5 Macro"              },
            { { 0, 40, 16 }, "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 25mm F1.2 Pro"                },
            { { 0, 48,  0 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 50-200mm F2.8-3.5 SWD"          },
            { { 0, 49,  0 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 12-60mm F2.8-4.0 SWD"           },
            { { 0, 50,  0 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 14-35mm F2.0 SWD"               },
            { { 0, 51,  0 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital 25mm F2.8"                         },
            { { 0, 52,  0 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 9-18mm F4.0-5.6"                },
            { { 0, 53,  0 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital 14-54mm F2.8-3.5 II"               },
            { { 1,  1,  0 }, "Sigma 18-50mm F3.5-5.6 DC"                               },
            { { 1,  1, 16 }, "Sigma 30mm F2.8 EX DN"                                   },
            { { 1,  2,  0 }, "Sigma 55-200mm F4.0-5.6 DC"                              },
            { { 1,  2, 16 }, "Sigma 19mm F2.8 EX DN"                                   },
            { { 1,  3,  0 }, "Sigma 18-125mm F3.5-5.6 DC"                              },
            { { 1,  3, 16 }, "Sigma 30mm F2.8 DN | A"                                  },
            { { 1,  4,  0 }, "Sigma 18-125mm F3.5-5.6"                                 },
            { { 1,  4, 16 }, "Sigma 19mm F2.8 DN | A"                                  },
            { { 1,  5,  0 }, "Sigma 30mm F1.4"                                         },
            { { 1,  5, 16 }, "Sigma 60mm F2.8 DN | A"                                  },
            { { 1,  6,  0 }, "Sigma 50-500mm F4.0-6.3 EX DG APO HSM RF"                },
            { { 1,  6, 16 }, "Sigma 30mm F1.4 DC DN | C"                               },
            { { 1,  7,  0 }, "Sigma 105mm F2.8 DG"                                     },
            { { 1,  8,  0 }, "Sigma 150mm F2.8 DG HSM"                                 },
            { { 1,  9,  0 }, "Sigma 18-50mm F2.8 EX DC Macro"                          },
            { { 1, 16,  0 }, "Sigma 24mm F1.8 EX DG Aspherical Macro"                  },
            { { 1, 17,  0 }, "Sigma 135-400mm F4.5-5.6 DG ASP APO RF"                  },
            { { 1, 18,  0 }, "Sigma 300-800mm F5.6 EX DG APO"                          },
            { { 1, 19,  0 }, "Sigma 30mm F1.4 EX DC HSM"                               },
            { { 1, 20,  0 }, "Sigma 50-500mm F4.0-6.3 EX DG APO HSM RF"                },
            { { 1, 21,  0 }, "Sigma 10-20mm F4.0-5.6 EX DC HSM"                        },
            { { 1, 22,  0 }, "Sigma 70-200mm F2.8 EX DG Macro HSM II"                  },
            { { 1, 23,  0 }, "Sigma 50mm F1.4 EX DG HSM"                               },
            { { 2,  1,  0 }, "Leica D Vario Elmarit 14-50mm F2.8-3.5 Asph."            },
            { { 2,  1, 16 }, "Lumix G Vario 14-45mm F3.5-5.6 Asph. Mega OIS"           },
            { { 2,  2,  0 }, "Leica D Summilux 25mm F1.4 Asph."                        },
            { { 2,  2, 16 }, "Lumix G Vario 45-200mm F4.0-5.6 Mega OIS"                },
            { { 2,  3,  0 }, "Leica D Vario Elmar 14-50mm F3.8-5.6 Asph. Mega OIS"     },
            { { 2,  3,  1 }, "Leica D Vario Elmar 14-50mm F3.8-5.6 Asph."              },
            { { 2,  3, 16 }, "Lumix G Vario HD 14-140mm F4.0-5.8 Asph. Mega OIS"       },
            { { 2,  4,  0 }, "Leica D Vario Elmar 14-150mm F3.5-5.6"                   },
            { { 2,  4, 16 }, "Lumix G Vario 7-14mm F4.0 Asph."                         },
            { { 2,  5, 16 }, "Lumix G 20mm F1.7 Asph."                                 },
            { { 2,  6, 16 }, "Leica DG Macro-Elmarit 45mm F2.8 Asph. Mega OIS"         },
            { { 2,  7, 16 }, "Lumix G Vario 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 Asph. Mega OIS"           },
            { { 2,  8, 16 }, "Lumix G Fisheye 8mm F3.5"                                },
            { { 2,  9, 16 }, "Lumix G Vario 100-300mm F4.0-5.6 Mega OIS"               },
            { { 2, 16, 16 }, "Lumix G 14mm F2.5 Asph."                                 },
            { { 2, 17, 16 }, "Lumix G 3D 12.5mm F12"                                   },
            { { 2, 18, 16 }, "Leica DG Summilux 25mm F1.4 Asph."                       },
            { { 2, 19, 16 }, "Lumix G X Vario PZ 45-175mm F4.0-5.6 Asph. Power OIS"    },
            { { 2, 20, 16 }, "Lumix G X Vario PZ 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 Asph. Power OIS"     },
            { { 2, 21, 16 }, "Lumix G X Vario 12-35mm F2.8 Asph. Power OIS"            },
            { { 2, 22, 16 }, "Lumix G Vario 45-150mm F4.0-5.6 Asph. Mega OIS"          },
            { { 2, 23, 16 }, "Lumix G X Vario 35-100mm F2.8 Power OIS"                 },
            { { 2, 24, 16 }, "Lumix G Vario 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 II Asph. Mega OIS"        },
            { { 2, 25, 16 }, "Lumix G Vario 14-140mm F3.5-5.6 Asph. Power OIS"         },
            { { 2, 32, 16 }, "Lumix G Vario 12-32mm F3.5-5.6 Asph. Mega OIS"           },
            { { 2, 33, 16 }, "Leica DG Nocticron 42.5mm F1.2 Asph. Power OIS"          },
            { { 2, 34, 16 }, "Leica DG Summilux 15mm F1.7 Asph."                       },
            { { 2, 35, 16 }, "Lumix G Vario 35-100mm F4.0-5.6 Asph. Mega OIS"          },
            { { 2, 36, 16 }, "Lumix G Macro 30mm F2.8 Asph. Mega OIS"                  },
            { { 2, 37, 16 }, "Lumix G 42.5mm F1.7 Asph. Power OIS"                     },
            { { 2, 38, 16 }, "Lumix G 25mm F1.7 Asph."                                 },
            { { 2, 39, 16 }, "Leica DG Vario-Elmar 100-400mm F4.0-6.3 Asph. Power OIS" },
            { { 2, 40, 16 }, "Lumix G Vario 12-60mm F3.5-5.6 Asph. Power OIS"          },
            { { 3,  1,  0 }, "Leica D Vario Elmarit 14-50mm F2.8-3.5 Asph."            },
            { { 3,  2,  0 }, "Leica D Summilux 25mm F1.4 Asph."                        },
            { { 5,  1, 16 }, "Tamron 14-150mm F3.5-5.8 Di III"                         },
            // End of list marker
            { { 0xff,  0,  0 }, "" }

        if (value.count() != 6 || value.typeId() != unsignedByte) {
            return os << value;

        byte v0 = (byte)value.toLong(0);
        byte v2 = (byte)value.toLong(2);
        byte v3 = (byte)value.toLong(3);

        for (int i = 0; lensTypes[i].val[0] != 0xff; i++) {
            if (lensTypes[i].val[0] == v0 &&
                lensTypes[i].val[1] == v2 &&
                lensTypes[i].val[2] == v3) {
                    return os << lensTypes[i].label;
        return os << value;
    } // OlympusMakerNote::print0x0201

    // Olympus tag 0x0209 CameraID
    std::ostream& OlympusMakerNote::print0x0209(std::ostream& os, const Value& value, const ExifData*)
        if (value.typeId() != asciiString && value.typeId() != undefined) {
            return os << value;

        char ch;
        int size = value.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < size && ((ch = (char)value.toLong(i)) != '\0'); i++) {
            os << ch;
        return os;
    } // OlympusMakerNote::print0x0209

    //! OlympusEq Extender, tag 0x0301
    std::ostream& OlympusMakerNote::printEq0x0301(std::ostream& os, const Value& value, const ExifData*)
        // 6 numbers: 0. Make, 1. Unknown, 2. Model, 3. Sub-model, 4-5. Unknown.
        // Only the Make and Model are used to determine the extender model
        static struct {
            byte val[2];
            const char *label;
        } extenderModels[] = {
            { { 0, 0 }, N_("None")                                           },
            { { 0, 4 }, "Olympus Zuiko Digital EC-14 1.4x Teleconverter" },
            { { 0, 8 }, "Olympus EX-25 Extension Tube"                   },
            { { 0, 16 },"Olympus Zuiko Digital EC-20 2.0x Teleconverter" },
            // End of list marker
            { { 0xff,  0 }, "" }

        if (value.count() != 6 || value.typeId() != unsignedByte) {
            return os << value;

        byte v0 = (byte)value.toLong(0);
        byte v2 = (byte)value.toLong(2);

        for (int i = 0; extenderModels[i].val[0] != 0xff; i++) {
            if (extenderModels[i].val[0] == v0 &&
                extenderModels[i].val[1] == v2) {
                    return os << extenderModels[i].label;
        return os << value;
    } // OlympusMakerNote::printEq0x0301

    //! OlympusCs FocusMode, tag 0x0301
    // (1 or 2 values)
    std::ostream& OlympusMakerNote::printCs0x0301(std::ostream& os, const Value& value, const ExifData*)
        static struct {
            uint16_t val;
            const char *label;
        } focusModes0[] = {
            { 0, N_("Single AF")              },
            { 1, N_("Sequential shooting AF") },
            { 2, N_("Continuous AF")          },
            { 3, N_("Multi AF")               },
            { 4, N_("Face detect")            },
            { 10, N_("MF")                    },
            // End of list marker
            { 0xff, "" }
        static struct {
            uint16_t val;
            const char *label;
        } focusModes1[] = {
            { 0x0001, N_("S-AF")        },
            { 0x0004, N_("C-AF")        },
            { 0x0010, N_("MF")          },
            { 0x0020, N_("Face detect") },
            { 0x0040, N_("Imager AF")   },
            { 0x0100, N_("AF sensor")   },
            // End of list marker
            { 0, "" }

        if (value.count() < 1 || value.typeId() != unsignedShort) {
            return os << "(" << value << ")";
        } else {
            uint16_t v = (uint16_t)value.toLong(0);

            // If value 2 is present, it is used instead of value 1.
            if (value.count() > 1) {
                std::string p = "";    // Used to enable ',' separation

                v = (uint16_t)value.toLong(1);
                for (int i = 0; focusModes1[i].val != 0; i++) {
                    if ((v & focusModes1[i].val) != 0) {
                        if (p.size() > 0) {
                            os << ", ";
                        p = focusModes1[i].label;
                        os << p;
            } else {
                for (int i = 0; focusModes0[i].val != 0xff; i++) {
                   if (focusModes0[i].val == v) {
                       os << focusModes0[i].label;
            return os << v;
    } // OlympusMakerNote::printCs0x0301

    //! OlympusCs ArtFilter, tag 0x0529, OlympusCs MagicFilter, tag 0x052c
    std::ostream& OlympusMakerNote::print0x0529(std::ostream& os, const Value& value, const ExifData*)
        static struct {
            uint16_t val[2];
            const char *label;
        } artFilters[] = {
            { {  0,    0}, N_("Off")                   },
            { {  0, 1280}, N_("Off")                   },
            { {  1, 1280}, N_("Soft Focus")            },
            { {  2, 1280}, N_("Pop Art")               },
            { {  3, 1280}, N_("Pale & Light Color")    },
            { {  4, 1280}, N_("Light Tone")            },
            { {  5, 1280}, N_("Pin Hole")              },
            { {  6, 1280}, N_("Grainy Film")           },
            { {  9, 1280}, N_("Diorama")               },
            { { 10, 1280}, N_("Cross Process")         },
            { { 12, 1280}, N_("Fish Eye")              },
            { { 13, 1280}, N_("Drawing")               },
            { { 14, 1280}, N_("Gentle Sepia")          },
            { { 15, 1280}, N_("Pale & Light Color II") },
            { { 16, 1280}, N_("Pop Art II")            },
            { { 17, 1280}, N_("Pin Hole II")           },
            { { 18, 1280}, N_("Pin Hole III")          },
            { { 19, 1280}, N_("Grainy Film II")        },
            { { 20, 1280}, N_("Dramatic Tone")         },
            { { 21, 1280}, N_("Punk")                  },
            { { 22, 1280}, N_("Soft Focus 2")          },
            { { 23, 1280}, N_("Sparkle")               },
            { { 24, 1280}, N_("Watercolor")            },
            { { 25, 1280}, N_("Key Line")              },
            { { 26, 1280}, N_("Key Line II")           },
            { { 27, 1280}, N_("Miniature")             },
            { { 28, 1280}, N_("Reflection")            },
            { { 29, 1280}, N_("Fragmented")            },
            { { 31, 1280}, N_("Cross Process II")      },
            { { 32, 1280}, N_("Dramatic Tone II")      },
            { { 33, 1280}, N_("Watercolor I")          },
            { { 34, 1280}, N_("Watercolor II")         },
            { { 35, 1280}, N_("Diorama II")            },
            { { 36, 1280}, N_("Vintage")               },
            { { 37, 1280}, N_("Vintage II")            },
            { { 38, 1280}, N_("Vintage III")           },
            { { 39, 1280}, N_("Partial Color")         },
            { { 40, 1280}, N_("Partial Color II")      },
            { { 41, 1280}, N_("Partial Color III")     },
            // End of list marker
            { { 0xffff,  0 }, "" }

        if (value.count() != 4 || value.typeId() != unsignedShort) {
            return os << value;

        uint16_t v0 = (uint16_t)value.toLong(0);
        uint16_t v1 = (uint16_t)value.toLong(1);

        for (int i = 0; artFilters[i].val[0] != 0xffff; i++) {
            if (artFilters[i].val[0] == v0 &&
                artFilters[i].val[1] == v1) {
                    return os << artFilters[i].label;
        return os << "";
    } // OlympusMakerNote::print0x0529

    // Olympus FocusInfo tag 0x1209 ManualFlash
    std::ostream& OlympusMakerNote::print0x1209(std::ostream& os, const Value& value, const ExifData*)
        if (value.count() != 2 || value.typeId() != unsignedShort) {
            return os << value;

        switch (value.toLong(0)) {
            case 0: os << _("Off"); break;
            case 1: os << _("On"); break;
            default: os << value.toLong(0); break;
        os << " ";
        os << value.toLong(1);

        return os;
    } // OlympusMakerNote::print0x1209

    // Olympus FocusDistance 0x0305
    std::ostream& OlympusMakerNote::print0x0305(std::ostream& os, const Value& value, const ExifData*) {
        std::ios::fmtflags f( os.flags() );
        if (value.count() != 1 || value.typeId() != unsignedRational) {
            return os << value;

        Rational distance = value.toRational();
        if(static_cast<uint32_t>(distance.first) == 0xffffffff) {
            os << _("Infinity");
        else {
            std::ostringstream oss;
            os << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2);
            os << (float)distance.first/1000 << " m";
        return os;

    // Olympus FocusInfo tag 0x0308 AFPoint
    std::ostream& OlympusMakerNote::print0x0308(std::ostream& os, const Value&
value, const ExifData* metadata)
        static struct {
            uint16_t val;
            const char *label;
        } afPoints[] = {
            {   0, N_("Left (or n/a)") },
            {   1, N_("Center (horizontal)") },
            {   2, N_("Right") },
            {   3, N_("Center (vertical)") },
            { 255, N_("None") },
            // End of list marker
            { 0xffff, "" }

        static struct {
            byte val;
            const char *label;
        } afPointsE3[] = {
            { 0x00, N_("None")                       },
            { 0x01, N_("Top-left (horizontal)")      },
            { 0x02, N_("Top-center (horizontal)")    },
            { 0x03, N_("Top-right (horizontal)")     },
            { 0x04, N_("Left (horizontal)")          },
            { 0x05, N_("Mid-left (horizontal)")      },
            { 0x06, N_("Center (horizontal)")        },
            { 0x07, N_("Mid-right (horizontal)")     },
            { 0x08, N_("Right (horizontal)")         },
            { 0x09, N_("Bottom-left (horizontal)")   },
            { 0x0a, N_("Bottom-center (horizontal)") },
            { 0x0b, N_("Bottom-right (horizontal)")  },
            { 0x0c, N_("Top-left (vertical)")        },
            { 0x0d, N_("Top-center (vertical)")      },
            { 0x0e, N_("Top-right (vertical)")       },
            { 0x0f, N_("Left (vertical)")            },
            { 0x10, N_("Mid-left (vertical)")        },
            { 0x11, N_("Center (vertical)")          },
            { 0x12, N_("Mid-right (vertical)")       },
            { 0x13, N_("Right (vertical)")           },
            { 0x14, N_("Bottom-left (vertical)")     },
            { 0x15, N_("Bottom-center (vertical)")   },
            { 0x16, N_("Bottom-right (vertical)")    },
            // End of list marker
            { 0xff, "" }

        if (value.count() != 1 || value.typeId() != unsignedShort) {
            return os << value;

        bool E3_E30model = false;

        if (metadata != NULL) {
            ExifData::const_iterator pos = metadata->findKey(ExifKey("Exif.Image.Model"));
            if (pos != metadata->end() && pos->count() != 0) {
                std::string model = pos->toString();
                if (model.find("E-3 ") != std::string::npos ||
                    model.find("E-30 ") != std::string::npos) {
                      E3_E30model = true;

        uint16_t v = (uint16_t) value.toLong(0);

        if (!E3_E30model) {
            for (int i = 0; afPoints[i].val != 0xffff; i++) {
                if (afPoints[i].val == v) {
                    return os << afPoints[i].label;
        } else {

            // E-3 and E-30
            for (int i = 0; afPointsE3[i].val != 0xff; i++) {
                if (afPointsE3[i].val == (v & 0x1f)) {
                    os << afPointsE3[i].label;
                    os << ", ";
                    if ((v & 0xe0) == 0)  return os << N_("Single Target");
                    if (v & 0x40)  return os << N_("All Target");
                    if (v & 0x80)  return os << N_("Dynamic Single Target");
        return os << v;
    } // OlympusMakerNote::print0x0308

}}                                      // namespace Internal, Exiv2