Blob Blame History Raw
// ***************************************************************** -*- C++ -*-
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Exiv2 authors
 * This program is part of the Exiv2 distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  @file    makernote_int.hpp
  @brief   Makernote factory and registry, IFD makernote header, and camera
           vendor specific makernote implementations.<BR>References:<BR>
  [1] <a href="">ExifTool</a> by Phil Harvey<BR>
  [2] <a href="">Decoding raw digital photos in Linux</a> by Dave Coffin
  @author  Andreas Huggel (ahu)
           <a href=""></a>
  @date    11-Apr-06, ahu: created

// *****************************************************************************
// included header files
#include "tifffwd_int.hpp"
#include "tags_int.hpp"
#include "ini.hpp"
#include "types.hpp"

// + standard includes
#include <string>

// *****************************************************************************
// namespace extensions
namespace Exiv2 {
    namespace Internal {
// *****************************************************************************
// function prototypes
          @brief Determine the path to the Exiv2 configuration file
        std::string getExiv2ConfigPath();

          @brief Read value from Exiv2 configuration file
        std::string readExiv2Config(const std::string& section,const std::string& value,const std::string& def);

// *****************************************************************************
// class definitions

    //! Type for a pointer to a function creating a makernote (image)
    typedef TiffComponent* (*NewMnFct)(uint16_t    tag,
                                       IfdId       group,
                                       IfdId       mnGroup,
                                       const byte* pData,
                                       uint32_t    size,
                                       ByteOrder   byteOrder);

    //! Type for a pointer to a function creating a makernote (group)
    typedef TiffComponent* (*NewMnFct2)(uint16_t   tag,
                                        IfdId      group,
                                        IfdId      mnGroup);

    //! Makernote registry structure
    struct TiffMnRegistry {
        struct MakeKey;
          @brief Compare a TiffMnRegistry structure with a key being the make
                 string from the image. The two are equal if
                 TiffMnRegistry::make_ equals a substring of the key of the
                 same size. E.g., registry = "OLYMPUS",
                 key = "OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO.,LTD" (found in the image) match.
        bool operator==(const std::string& key) const;

        //! Compare a TiffMnRegistry structure with a makernote group
        bool operator==(IfdId key) const;

        // DATA
        const char* make_;                      //!< Camera make
        IfdId       mnGroup_;                   //!< Group identifier
        NewMnFct    newMnFct_;                  //!< Makernote create function (image)
        NewMnFct2   newMnFct2_;                 //!< Makernote create function (group)

      @brief TIFF makernote factory for concrete TIFF makernotes.
    class TiffMnCreator {
          @brief Create the Makernote for camera \em make and details from
                 the makernote entry itself if needed. Return a pointer to
                 the newly created TIFF component. Set tag and group of the
                 new component to \em tag and \em group. This method is used
                 when a makernote is parsed from the Exif block.
          @note  Ownership for the component is transferred to the caller,
                 who is responsible to delete the component. No smart pointer
                 is used to indicate this transfer here in order to reduce
                 file dependencies.
        static TiffComponent* create(uint16_t           tag,
                                     IfdId              group,
                                     const std::string& make,
                                     const byte*        pData,
                                     uint32_t           size,
                                     ByteOrder          byteOrder);
          @brief Create the Makernote for a given group. This method is used
                 when a makernote is written back from Exif tags.
        static TiffComponent* create(uint16_t           tag,
                                     IfdId              group,
                                     IfdId              mnGroup);

        //! Prevent destruction (needed if used as a policy class)
        ~TiffMnCreator() {}
        static const TiffMnRegistry registry_[]; //<! List of makernotes
    }; // class TiffMnCreator

    //! Makernote header interface. This class is used with TIFF makernotes.
    class MnHeader {
        //! @name Creators
        //! Virtual destructor.
        virtual ~MnHeader();
        //! @name Manipulators
        //! Read the header from a data buffer, return true if ok
        virtual bool read(const byte* pData,
                          uint32_t    size,
                          ByteOrder   byteOrder) =0;
          @brief Set the byte order for the makernote.
        virtual void setByteOrder(ByteOrder byteOrder);
        //! @name Accessors
        //! Return the size of the header (in bytes).
        virtual uint32_t size() const =0;
        //! Write the header to a data buffer, return the number of bytes written.
        virtual uint32_t write(IoWrapper& ioWrapper,
                               ByteOrder  byteOrder) const =0;
          @brief Return the offset to the start of the Makernote IFD from
                 the start of the Makernote (= the start of the header).
        virtual uint32_t ifdOffset() const;
          @brief Return the byte order for the makernote. If the return value is
                 invalidByteOrder, this means that the byte order of the the
                 image should be used for the makernote.
        virtual ByteOrder byteOrder() const;
          @brief Return the base offset for the makernote IFD entries relative
                 to the start of the TIFF header. \em mnOffset is the offset
                 to the makernote from the start of the TIFF header.
        virtual uint32_t baseOffset(uint32_t mnOffset) const;

    }; // class MnHeader

    //! Header of an Olympus Makernote
    class OlympusMnHeader : public MnHeader {
        //! @name Creators
        //! Default constructor
        //! Virtual destructor.
        virtual ~OlympusMnHeader();
        //! @name Manipulators
        virtual bool read(const byte* pData,
                          uint32_t    size,
                          ByteOrder   byteOrder);
        //! @name Accessors
        virtual uint32_t size() const;
        virtual uint32_t write(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder) const;
        virtual uint32_t ifdOffset() const;
        //! Return the size of the makernote header signature
        static uint32_t sizeOfSignature();

        DataBuf header_;                //!< Data buffer for the makernote header
        static const byte signature_[]; //!< Olympus makernote header signature

    }; // class OlympusMnHeader

    //! Header of an Olympus II Makernote
    class Olympus2MnHeader : public MnHeader {
        //! @name Creators
        //! Default constructor
        //! Virtual destructor.
        virtual ~Olympus2MnHeader();
        //! @name Manipulators
        virtual bool read(const byte* pData,
                          uint32_t    size,
                          ByteOrder   byteOrder);
        //! @name Accessors
        virtual uint32_t size() const;
        virtual uint32_t write(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder) const;
        virtual uint32_t ifdOffset() const;
        virtual uint32_t baseOffset(uint32_t mnOffset) const;
        //! Return the size of the makernote header signature
        static uint32_t sizeOfSignature();

        DataBuf header_;                //!< Data buffer for the makernote header
        static const byte signature_[]; //!< Olympus makernote header signature

    }; // class Olympus2MnHeader

    //! Header of a Fujifilm Makernote
    class FujiMnHeader : public MnHeader {
        //! @name Creators
        //! Default constructor
        //! Virtual destructor.
        virtual ~FujiMnHeader();
        //! @name Manipulators
        virtual bool read(const byte* pData,
                          uint32_t    size,
                          ByteOrder   byteOrder);
        // setByteOrder not implemented
        //! @name Accessors
        virtual uint32_t  size() const;
        virtual uint32_t  write(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder) const;
        virtual uint32_t  ifdOffset() const;
        virtual ByteOrder byteOrder() const;
        virtual uint32_t  baseOffset(uint32_t mnOffset) const;
        //! Return the size of the makernote header signature
        static uint32_t sizeOfSignature();

        DataBuf header_;                //!< Data buffer for the makernote header
        static const byte signature_[]; //!< Fujifilm makernote header signature
        static const ByteOrder byteOrder_; //!< Byteorder for makernote (always II)
        uint32_t start_;                //!< Start of the mn IFD rel. to mn start

    }; // class FujiMnHeader

    //! Header of a Nikon 2 Makernote
    class Nikon2MnHeader : public MnHeader {
        //! @name Creators
        //! Default constructor
        //! Virtual destructor.
        virtual ~Nikon2MnHeader();
        //! @name Manipulators
        virtual bool read(const byte* pData,
                          uint32_t    size,
                          ByteOrder   byteOrder);
        //! @name Accessors
        virtual uint32_t size() const;
        virtual uint32_t write(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder) const;
        virtual uint32_t ifdOffset() const;
        //! Return the size of the makernote header signature
        static uint32_t sizeOfSignature();

        DataBuf buf_;                   //!< Raw header data
        uint32_t start_;                //!< Start of the mn IFD rel. to mn start
        static const byte signature_[]; //!< Nikon 2 makernote header signature

    }; // class Nikon2MnHeader

    //! Header of a Nikon 3 Makernote
    class Nikon3MnHeader : public MnHeader {
        //! @name Creators
        //! Default constructor
        //! Virtual destructor.
        virtual ~Nikon3MnHeader();
        //! @name Manipulators
        virtual bool read(const byte* pData,
                          uint32_t    size,
                          ByteOrder   byteOrder);
        virtual void setByteOrder(ByteOrder byteOrder);
        //! @name Accessors
        virtual uint32_t  size()      const;
        virtual uint32_t  write(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder) const;
        virtual uint32_t  ifdOffset() const;
        virtual ByteOrder byteOrder() const;
        virtual uint32_t  baseOffset(uint32_t mnOffset) const;
        //! Return the size of the makernote header signature
        static uint32_t sizeOfSignature();

        DataBuf buf_;                   //!< Raw header data
        ByteOrder byteOrder_;           //!< Byteorder for makernote
        uint32_t start_;                //!< Start of the mn IFD rel. to mn start
        static const byte signature_[]; //!< Nikon 3 makernote header signature

    }; // class Nikon3MnHeader

    //! Header of a Panasonic Makernote
    class PanasonicMnHeader : public MnHeader {
        //! @name Creators
        //! Default constructor
        //! Virtual destructor.
        virtual ~PanasonicMnHeader();
        //! @name Manipulators
        virtual bool read(const byte* pData,
                          uint32_t    size,
                          ByteOrder   byteOrder);
        //! @name Accessors
        virtual uint32_t size() const;
        virtual uint32_t write(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder) const;
        virtual uint32_t ifdOffset() const;
        //! Return the size of the makernote header signature
        static uint32_t sizeOfSignature();

        DataBuf buf_;                   //!< Raw header data
        uint32_t start_;                //!< Start of the mn IFD rel. to mn start
        static const byte signature_[]; //!< Panasonic makernote header signature

    }; // class PanasonicMnHeader

    //! Header of an Pentax DNG Makernote
    class PentaxDngMnHeader : public MnHeader {
        //! @name Creators
        //! Default constructor
        //! Virtual destructor.
        virtual ~PentaxDngMnHeader();
        //! @name Manipulators
        virtual bool read(const byte* pData,
                          uint32_t    size,
                          ByteOrder   byteOrder);
        //! @name Accessors
        virtual uint32_t size() const;
        virtual uint32_t write(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder) const;
        virtual uint32_t ifdOffset() const;
        virtual uint32_t baseOffset(uint32_t mnOffset) const;
        //! Return the size of the makernote header signature
        static uint32_t sizeOfSignature();

        DataBuf header_;                //!< Data buffer for the makernote header
        static const byte signature_[]; //!< Pentax DNG makernote header signature

    }; // class PentaxDngMnHeader

    //! Header of an Pentax Makernote
    class PentaxMnHeader : public MnHeader {
        //! @name Creators
        //! Default constructor
        //! Virtual destructor.
        virtual ~PentaxMnHeader();
        //! @name Manipulators
        virtual bool read(const byte* pData,
                          uint32_t    size,
                          ByteOrder   byteOrder);
        //! @name Accessors
        virtual uint32_t size() const;
        virtual uint32_t write(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder) const;
        virtual uint32_t ifdOffset() const;
        //! Return the size of the makernote header signature
        static uint32_t sizeOfSignature();

        DataBuf header_;                //!< Data buffer for the makernote header
        static const byte signature_[]; //!< Pentax makernote header signature

    }; // class PentaxMnHeader

    //! Header of a Samsung Makernote, only used for the relative offset
    class SamsungMnHeader : public MnHeader {
        //! @name Creators
        //! Default constructor
        //! @name Manipulators
        virtual bool read(const byte* pData,
                          uint32_t    size,
                          ByteOrder   byteOrder);
        //! @name Accessors
        virtual uint32_t size() const;
        virtual uint32_t write(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder) const;
        virtual uint32_t baseOffset(uint32_t mnOffset) const;

    }; // class SamsungMnHeader

    //! Header of a Sigma Makernote
    class SigmaMnHeader : public MnHeader {
        //! @name Creators
        //! Default constructor
        //! Virtual destructor.
        virtual ~SigmaMnHeader();
        //! @name Manipulators
        virtual bool read(const byte* pData,
                          uint32_t    size,
                          ByteOrder   byteOrder);
        //! @name Accessors
        virtual uint32_t size() const;
        virtual uint32_t write(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder) const;
        virtual uint32_t ifdOffset() const;
        //! Return the size of the makernote header signature
        static uint32_t sizeOfSignature();

        DataBuf buf_;                    //!< Raw header data
        uint32_t start_;                 //!< Start of the mn IFD rel. to mn start
        static const byte signature1_[]; //!< Sigma makernote header signature 1
        static const byte signature2_[]; //!< Sigma makernote header signature 2

    }; // class SigmaMnHeader

    //! Header of a Sony Makernote
    class SonyMnHeader : public MnHeader {
        //! @name Creators
        //! Default constructor
        //! Virtual destructor.
        virtual ~SonyMnHeader();
        //! @name Manipulators
        virtual bool read(const byte* pData,
                          uint32_t    size,
                          ByteOrder   byteOrder);
        //! @name Accessors
        virtual uint32_t size() const;
        virtual uint32_t write(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder) const;
        virtual uint32_t ifdOffset() const;
        //! Return the size of the makernote header signature
        static uint32_t sizeOfSignature();

        DataBuf buf_;                   //!< Raw header data
        uint32_t start_;                //!< Start of the mn IFD rel. to mn start
        static const byte signature_[]; //!< Sony makernote header signature

    }; // class SonyMnHeader

    //! Header of a Casio2 Makernote
    class Casio2MnHeader : public MnHeader {
        //! @name Creators
        //! Default constructor
        //! Virtual destructor.
        virtual ~Casio2MnHeader();
        //! @name Manipulators
        virtual bool read(const byte* pData,
                          uint32_t    size,
                          ByteOrder   byteOrder);
        //! @name Accessors
        virtual uint32_t size() const;
        virtual uint32_t write(IoWrapper& ioWrapper, ByteOrder byteOrder) const;
        virtual uint32_t ifdOffset() const;
        virtual ByteOrder byteOrder() const;
        //! Return the size of the makernote header signature
        static uint32_t sizeOfSignature();

        DataBuf buf_;                   //!< Raw header data
        uint32_t start_;                //!< Start of the mn IFD rel. to mn start
        static const byte signature_[]; //!< Casio makernote header signature
        static const ByteOrder byteOrder_; //!< Byteorder for makernote (always big endian)

    }; // class Casio2MnHeader

    // *****************************************************************************
// template, inline and free functions

    //! Function to create a simple IFD makernote (Canon, Minolta, Nikon1)
    TiffComponent* newIfdMn(uint16_t    tag,
                            IfdId       group,
                            IfdId       mnGroup,
                            const byte* pData,
                            uint32_t    size,
                            ByteOrder   byteOrder);

    //! Function to create a simple IFD makernote (Canon, Minolta, Nikon1)
    TiffComponent* newIfdMn2(uint16_t tag,
                             IfdId    group,
                             IfdId    mnGroup);

    //! Function to create an Olympus makernote
    TiffComponent* newOlympusMn(uint16_t    tag,
                                IfdId       group,
                                IfdId       mnGroup,
                                const byte* pData,
                                uint32_t    size,
                                ByteOrder   byteOrder);

    //! Function to create an Olympus makernote
    TiffComponent* newOlympusMn2(uint16_t tag,
                                 IfdId    group,
                                 IfdId    mnGroup);

    //! Function to create an Olympus II makernote
    TiffComponent* newOlympus2Mn2(uint16_t tag,
                                 IfdId     group,
                                 IfdId     mnGroup);

    //! Function to create a Fujifilm makernote
    TiffComponent* newFujiMn(uint16_t    tag,
                             IfdId       group,
                             IfdId       mnGroup,
                             const byte* pData,
                             uint32_t    size,
                             ByteOrder   byteOrder);

    //! Function to create a Fujifilm makernote
    TiffComponent* newFujiMn2(uint16_t tag,
                              IfdId    group,
                              IfdId    mnGroup);

      @brief Function to create a Nikon makernote. This will create the
             appropriate Nikon 1, 2 or 3 makernote, based on the arguments.
    TiffComponent* newNikonMn(uint16_t    tag,
                              IfdId       group,
                              IfdId       mnGroup,
                              const byte* pData,
                              uint32_t    size,
                              ByteOrder   byteOrder);

    //! Function to create a Nikon2 makernote
    TiffComponent* newNikon2Mn2(uint16_t tag,
                                IfdId    group,
                                IfdId    mnGroup);

    //! Function to create a Nikon3 makernote
    TiffComponent* newNikon3Mn2(uint16_t tag,
                                IfdId    group,
                                IfdId    mnGroup);

    //! Function to create a Panasonic makernote
    TiffComponent* newPanasonicMn(uint16_t    tag,
                                  IfdId       group,
                                  IfdId       mnGroup,
                                  const byte* pData,
                                  uint32_t    size,
                                  ByteOrder   byteOrder);

    //! Function to create a Panasonic makernote
    TiffComponent* newPanasonicMn2(uint16_t tag,
                                   IfdId    group,
                                   IfdId    mnGroup);

    //! Function to create an Pentax makernote
    TiffComponent* newPentaxMn(uint16_t    tag,
                               IfdId       group,
                               IfdId       mnGroup,
                               const byte* pData,
                               uint32_t    size,
                               ByteOrder   byteOrder);

    //! Function to create an Pentax makernote
    TiffComponent* newPentaxMn2(uint16_t tag,
                                IfdId    group,
                                IfdId    mnGroup);

    //! Function to create an Pentax DNG makernote
    TiffComponent* newPentaxDngMn2(uint16_t tag,
                                IfdId    group,
                                IfdId    mnGroup);

    //! Function to create a Samsung makernote
    TiffComponent* newSamsungMn(uint16_t    tag,
                                IfdId       group,
                                IfdId       mnGroup,
                                const byte* pData,
                                uint32_t    size,
                                ByteOrder   byteOrder);

    //! Function to create a Samsung makernote
    TiffComponent* newSamsungMn2(uint16_t tag,
                                 IfdId    group,
                                 IfdId    mnGroup);

    //! Function to create a Sigma makernote
    TiffComponent* newSigmaMn(uint16_t    tag,
                              IfdId       group,
                              IfdId       mnGroup,
                              const byte* pData,
                              uint32_t    size,
                              ByteOrder   byteOrder);

    //! Function to create a Sigma makernote
    TiffComponent* newSigmaMn2(uint16_t tag,
                               IfdId    group,
                               IfdId    mnGroup);

    //! Function to create a Sony makernote
    TiffComponent* newSonyMn(uint16_t    tag,
                             IfdId       group,
                             IfdId       mnGroup,
                             const byte* pData,
                             uint32_t    size,
                             ByteOrder   byteOrder);

    //! Function to create a Sony1 makernote
    TiffComponent* newSony1Mn2(uint16_t tag,
                               IfdId    group,
                               IfdId    mnGroup);

    //! Function to create a Sony2 makernote
    TiffComponent* newSony2Mn2(uint16_t tag,
                               IfdId    group,
                               IfdId    mnGroup);

    //! Function to create a Casio2 makernote
    TiffComponent* newCasioMn(uint16_t    tag,
                             IfdId       group,
                             IfdId       mnGroup,
                             const byte* pData,
                             uint32_t    size,
                             ByteOrder   byteOrder);

    //! Function to create a Casio2 makernote
    TiffComponent* newCasio2Mn2(uint16_t tag,
                               IfdId    group,
                               IfdId    mnGroup);

      @brief Function to select cfg + def of the Sony Camera Settings complex binary array.

      @param tag Tag number of the binary array
      @param pData Pointer to the raw array data.
      @param size Size of the array data.
      @param pRoot Pointer to the root component of the TIFF tree.
      @return An index into the array set, -1 if no match was found.
    int sonyCsSelector(uint16_t tag, const byte* pData, uint32_t size, TiffComponent* const pRoot);

      @brief Function to select cfg + def of a Nikon complex binary array.

      @param tag Tag number of the binary array
      @param pData Pointer to the raw array data.
      @param size Size of the array data.
      @param pRoot Pointer to the root component of the TIFF tree.
      @return An index into the array set, -1 if no match was found.
    int nikonSelector(uint16_t tag, const byte* pData, uint32_t size, TiffComponent* const pRoot);

      @brief Function to select cfg + def of a Nikon complex binary array.

      @param tag Tag number of the binary array
      @param pData Pointer to the raw array data.
      @param size Size of the array data.
      @param pRoot Pointer to the root component of the TIFF tree.
      @return An index into the array set, -1 if no match was found.
     int nikonAf2Selector(uint16_t tag, const byte* pData, uint32_t size, TiffComponent* const pRoot);

      @brief Encrypt and decrypt Nikon data.

      Checks the version of the Nikon data array and en/decrypts (portions of) it as
      needed. (The Nikon encryption algorithm is symmetric.)

      @note This function requires access to other components of the composite, it
            should only be called after all other components are read.

      @param tag Tag number of the binary array
      @param pData Pointer to the start of the data to en/decrypt.
      @param size Size of the data buffer.
      @param pRoot Pointer to the root element of the composite.
      @return En/decrypted data. Ownership of the memory is passed to the caller.
              The buffer may be empty in case no decryption was needed.
    DataBuf nikonCrypt(uint16_t tag, const byte* pData, uint32_t size, TiffComponent* const pRoot);

}}                                      // namespace Internal, Exiv2

#endif                                  // #ifndef MAKERNOTE_INT_HPP_