Blob Blame History Raw
// ***************************************************************** -*- C++ -*-
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Exiv2 authors
 * This program is part of the Exiv2 distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  @file    exiv2app.hpp
  @brief   Defines class Params, used for the command line handling of exiv2
  @author  Andreas Huggel (ahu)
           <a href=""></a>
  @date    08-Dec-03, ahu: created
#ifndef EXIV2APP_HPP_
#define EXIV2APP_HPP_

// *****************************************************************************
// included header files
#include <exiv2/exiv2.hpp>

#include "utils.hpp"
#include "types.hpp"
#include "getopt.hpp"

// + standard includes
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <iostream>

#include <unistd.h>

// stdin handler includes
#ifndef  _MSC_VER
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW__)
#include <windows.h>
#include <sys/select.h>

#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <io.h>

// *****************************************************************************
// class definitions

//! Command identifiers
enum CmdId { invalidCmdId, add, set, del, reg };
//! Metadata identifiers
// enum MetadataId { invalidMetadataId, iptc, exif, xmp };
//! Metadata identifiers
// mdNone=0, mdExif=1, mdIptc=2, mdComment=4, mdXmp=8
enum MetadataId { invalidMetadataId = Exiv2::mdNone
                , iptc = Exiv2::mdIptc
                , exif = Exiv2::mdExif
                , xmp  = Exiv2::mdXmp
                } ;

//! Structure for one parsed modification command
struct ModifyCmd {
    //! C'tor
    ModifyCmd() :
        cmdId_(invalidCmdId), metadataId_(invalidMetadataId),
        typeId_(Exiv2::invalidTypeId), explicitType_(false) {}
    CmdId cmdId_;                               //!< Command identifier
    std::string key_;                           //!< Exiv2 key string
    MetadataId metadataId_;                     //!< Metadata identifier
    Exiv2::TypeId typeId_;                      //!< Exiv2 type identifier
    //! Flag to indicate if the type was explicitly specified (true)
    bool explicitType_;
    std::string value_;                         //!< Data
//! Container for modification commands
typedef std::vector<ModifyCmd> ModifyCmds;
//! Structure to link command identifiers to strings
struct CmdIdAndString {
    CmdId cmdId_;                               //!< Commands identifier
    std::string cmdString_;                     //!< Command string

  @brief Implements the command line handling for the program.

  Derives from Util::Getopt to use the command line argument parsing
  functionality provided there. This class is implemented as a singleton,
  i.e., there is only one global instance of it, which can be accessed
  from everywhere.

  <b>Usage example:</b> <br>
  #include "params.h"

  int main(int argc, char* const argv[])
      Params& params = Params::instance();
      if (params.getopt(argc, argv)) {
          return 1;
      if (params.help_) {
          return 0;
      if (params.version_) {
          return 0;

      // do something useful here...

      return 0;

class Params : public Util::Getopt {
    std::string optstring_;

    //! Container for command files
    typedef std::vector<std::string> CmdFiles;
    //! Container for commands from the command line
    typedef std::vector<std::string> CmdLines;
    //! Container to store filenames.
    typedef std::vector<std::string> Files;
    //! Container for preview image numbers
    typedef std::set<int> PreviewNumbers;
    //! Container for greps
    typedef  exv_grep_keys_t Greps;
    //! Container for keys
    typedef std::vector<std::string> Keys;

      @brief Controls all access to the global Params instance.
      @return Reference to the global Params instance.
    static Params& instance();
    //! Destructor
    void cleanup();

    //! Enumerates print modes
    enum PrintMode {

    //! Individual items to print, bitmap
    enum PrintItem {
        prTag   =    1,
        prGroup =    2,
        prKey   =    4,
        prName  =    8,
        prLabel =   16,
        prType  =   32,
        prCount =   64,
        prSize  =  128,
        prValue =  256,
        prTrans =  512,
        prHex   = 1024,
        prSet   = 2048

    //! Enumerates common targets, bitmap
    enum CommonTarget {
        ctExif       =   1,
        ctIptc       =   2,
        ctComment    =   4,
        ctThumb      =   8,
        ctXmp        =  16,
        ctXmpSidecar =  32,
        ctPreview    =  64,
        ctIccProfile = 128,
        ctXmpRaw     = 256,
        ctStdInOut   = 512,
        ctIptcRaw    =1024

    //! Enumerates the policies to handle existing files in rename action
    enum FileExistsPolicy { overwritePolicy, renamePolicy, askPolicy };

    //! Enumerates year, month and day adjustments.
    enum Yod { yodYear, yodMonth, yodDay };

    //! Structure for year, month and day adjustment command line arguments.
    struct YodAdjust {
        bool        flag_;              //!< Adjustment flag.
        const char* option_;            //!< Adjustment option string.
        long        adjustment_;        //!< Adjustment value.

    bool help_;                         //!< Help option flag.
    bool version_;                      //!< Version option flag.
    bool verbose_;                      //!< Verbose (talkative) option flag.
    bool force_;                        //!< Force overwrites flag.
    bool binary_;                       //!< Suppress long binary values.
    bool unknown_;                      //!< Suppress unknown tags.
    bool preserve_;                     //!< Preserve timestamps flag.
    bool timestamp_;                    //!< Rename also sets the file timestamp.
    bool timestampOnly_;                //!< Rename only sets the file timestamp.
    FileExistsPolicy fileExistsPolicy_; //!< What to do if file to rename exists.
    bool adjust_;                       //!< Adjustment flag.
    PrintMode printMode_;               //!< Print mode.
    unsigned long printItems_;          //!< Print items.
    unsigned long printTags_;           //!< Print tags (bitmap of MetadataId flags).
    //! %Action (integer rather than TaskType to avoid dependency).
    int  action_;
    int  target_;                       //!< What common target to process.

    long adjustment_;                   //!< Adjustment in seconds.
    YodAdjust yodAdjust_[3];            //!< Year, month and day adjustment info.
    std::string format_;                //!< Filename format (-r option arg).
    bool formatSet_;                    //!< Whether the format is set with -r
    CmdFiles cmdFiles_;                 //!< Names of the modification command files
    CmdLines cmdLines_;                 //!< Commands from the command line
    ModifyCmds modifyCmds_;             //!< Parsed modification commands
    std::string jpegComment_;           //!< Jpeg comment to set in the image
    std::string directory_;             //!< Location for files to extract/insert
    std::string suffix_;                //!< File extension of the file to insert
    Files files_;                       //!< List of non-option arguments.
    PreviewNumbers previewNumbers_;     //!< List of preview numbers
    Greps greps_;                       //!< List of keys to 'grep' from the metadata
    Keys  keys_;                        //!< List of keys to match from the metadata
    std::string charset_;               //!< Charset to use for UNICODE Exif user comment

    Exiv2::DataBuf  stdinBuf;           //!< DataBuf with the binary bytes from stdin

    //! Pointer to the global Params object.
    static Params* instance_;
    //! Initializer for year, month and day adjustment info.
    static const YodAdjust emptyYodAdjust_[];

    bool first_;

      @brief Default constructor. Note that optstring_ is initialized here.
             The c'tor is private to force instantiation through instance().
    Params() : optstring_(":hVvqfbuktTFa:Y:O:D:r:p:P:d:e:i:c:m:M:l:S:g:K:n:Q:"),
        yodAdjust_[yodYear]  = emptyYodAdjust_[yodYear];
        yodAdjust_[yodMonth] = emptyYodAdjust_[yodMonth];
        yodAdjust_[yodDay]   = emptyYodAdjust_[yodDay];

    //! Prevent copy-construction: not implemented.
    Params(const Params& rhs);

    //! Destructor, frees any allocated regexes in greps_

    //! @name Helpers
    int setLogLevel(const std::string& optarg);
    int evalGrep( const std::string& optarg);
    int evalKey( const std::string& optarg);
    int evalRename(int opt, const std::string& optarg);
    int evalAdjust(const std::string& optarg);
    int evalYodAdjust(const Yod& yod, const std::string& optarg);
    int evalPrint(const std::string& optarg);
    int evalPrintFlags(const std::string& optarg);
    int evalDelete(const std::string& optarg);
    int evalExtract(const std::string& optarg);
    int evalInsert(const std::string& optarg);
    int evalModify(int opt, const std::string& optarg);

      @brief Call Getopt::getopt() with optstring, to inititate command line
             argument parsing, perform consistency checks after all command line
             arguments are parsed.

      @param argc Argument count as passed to main() on program invocation.
      @param argv Argument array as passed to main() on program invocation.

      @return 0 if successful, >0 in case of errors.
    int getopt(int argc, char* const argv[]);

    //! Handle options and their arguments.
    virtual int option(int opt, const std::string& optarg, int optopt);

    //! Handle non-option parameters.
    virtual int nonoption(const std::string& argv);

    //! Print a minimal usage note to an output stream.
    void usage(std::ostream& os =std::cout) const;

    //! Print further usage explanations to an output stream.
    void help(std::ostream& os =std::cout) const;

    //! Print version information to an output stream.
    void version(bool verbose =false, std::ostream& os =std::cout) const;

    //! Print target_
    static std::string printTarget(const std::string& before,int target,bool bPrint=false,std::ostream& os=std::cout);

    //! getStdin binary data read from stdin to DataBuf
        stdin can be used by multiple images in the exiv2 command line:
        For example: $ cat foo.icc | exiv2 -iC- a.jpg b.jpg c.jpg will modify the ICC profile in several images.
    void getStdin(Exiv2::DataBuf& buf);

}; // class Params

#endif                                  // #ifndef EXIV2APP_HPP_