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Visual Studio 2017 Release DLL v0.27.2 Bundle

Structure of the bundle:

bin/exiv2.exe                                 exiv2 and sample applications
bin/exiv2.dll                                 dll
lib/exiv2.lib & exiv2-xmp.lib                 link libraries
lib/cmake/exiv2                               CMake support/consume files
include/exiv2/                                include files
samples/exifprint.cpp                         sample code
logs/                                         build and test logs

ReadMe.txt                                    This file
license.txt                                   GPLv2.0 Software License
releasenotes.txt                              Late breaking news                                     Developer Manual                               Developer Manual Appendix                             Developer Sample Code Manual
exiv2.png                                     Exiv2 Logo

| Caution: Use a Windows unzip utility such as 7z or winzip                  |
| Cygwin unzip utilities can result in incorrect security with bin/exiv2.dll |

To run exiv2.exe from the bundle:
c:\> cd <bundle>\bin
<bundle>\bin> exiv2

Add the bin to your PATH:
c:\> cd <bundle>\bin
<bundle>\bin>set PATH=%CD%;%PATH%

To compile and link your own code:

| Caution: You must use the same version of Visual Studio as the build          |
|          You will need to use the "Visual Studio Command Prompt"              |
|          or initialise the DOS environment by calling vcvarsall.bat           |
| C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\amd64>vcvars64.bat |

c:\> cd <bundle>
<bundle>> cl /EHsc -Iinclude /MD samples\exifprint.cpp /link lib\exiv2.lib
<bundle>> exifprint --version