Blob Blame History Raw
// ***************************************************************** -*- C++ -*-
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Exiv2 authors
 * This program is part of the Exiv2 distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  File:      value.cpp
  Author(s): Andreas Huggel (ahu) <>
  History:   26-Jan-04, ahu: created
             11-Feb-04, ahu: isolated as a component
             31-Jul-04, brad: added Time, Date and String values
// *****************************************************************************
// included header files
#include "value.hpp"
#include "types.hpp"
#include "enforce.hpp"
#include "error.hpp"
#include "convert.hpp"
#include "unused.h"

// + standard includes
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctype.h>

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1900

#define snprintf c99_snprintf
#define vsnprintf c99_vsnprintf

__inline int c99_vsnprintf(char *outBuf, size_t size, const char *format, va_list ap)
    int count = -1;

    if (size != 0)
        count = _vsnprintf_s(outBuf, size, _TRUNCATE, format, ap);
    if (count == -1)
        count = _vscprintf(format, ap);

    return count;

__inline int c99_snprintf(char *outBuf, size_t size, const char *format, ...)
    int count;
    va_list ap;

    va_start(ap, format);
    count = c99_vsnprintf(outBuf, size, format, ap);

    return count;


// *****************************************************************************
// class member definitions
namespace Exiv2 {

    Value::Value(TypeId typeId)
        : ok_(true), type_(typeId)


    Value& Value::operator=(const Value& rhs)
        if (this == &rhs) return *this;
        type_ = rhs.type_;
        ok_ = rhs.ok_;
        return *this;

    Value::AutoPtr Value::create(TypeId typeId)
        AutoPtr value;
        switch (typeId) {
        case invalidTypeId:
        case signedByte:
        case unsignedByte:
            value = AutoPtr(new DataValue(typeId));
        case asciiString:
            value = AutoPtr(new AsciiValue);
        case unsignedShort:
            value = AutoPtr(new ValueType<uint16_t>);
        case unsignedLong:
        case tiffIfd:
            value = AutoPtr(new ValueType<uint32_t>(typeId));
        case unsignedRational:
            value = AutoPtr(new ValueType<URational>);
        case undefined:
            value = AutoPtr(new DataValue);
        case signedShort:
            value = AutoPtr(new ValueType<int16_t>);
        case signedLong:
            value = AutoPtr(new ValueType<int32_t>);
        case signedRational:
            value = AutoPtr(new ValueType<Rational>);
        case tiffFloat:
            value = AutoPtr(new ValueType<float>);
        case tiffDouble:
            value = AutoPtr(new ValueType<double>);
        case string:
            value = AutoPtr(new StringValue);
        case date:
            value = AutoPtr(new DateValue);
        case time:
            value = AutoPtr(new TimeValue);
        case comment:
            value = AutoPtr(new CommentValue);
        case xmpText:
            value = AutoPtr(new XmpTextValue);
        case xmpBag:
        case xmpSeq:
        case xmpAlt:
            value = AutoPtr(new XmpArrayValue(typeId));
        case langAlt:
            value = AutoPtr(new LangAltValue);
            value = AutoPtr(new DataValue(typeId));
        return value;
    } // Value::create

    int Value::setDataArea(const byte* /*buf*/, long /*len*/)
        return -1;

    std::string Value::toString() const
        std::ostringstream os;
        ok_ = !;
        return os.str();

    std::string Value::toString(long /*n*/) const
        return toString();

    long Value::sizeDataArea() const
        return 0;

    DataBuf Value::dataArea() const
        return DataBuf(0, 0);

    DataValue::DataValue(TypeId typeId) : Value(typeId)

    DataValue::DataValue(const byte* buf,
              long len, ByteOrder byteOrder,TypeId typeId)
        : Value(typeId)
        read(buf, len, byteOrder);


    long DataValue::count() const
        return size();

    int DataValue::read(const byte* buf, long len, ByteOrder /*byteOrder*/)
        // byteOrder not needed
        value_.assign(buf, buf + len);
        return 0;

    int DataValue::read(const std::string& buf)
        std::istringstream is(buf);
        int tmp;
        ValueType val;
        while (!(is.eof())) {
            is >> tmp;
            if ( return 1;
        return 0;

    long DataValue::copy(byte* buf, ByteOrder /*byteOrder*/) const
        // byteOrder not needed
        return static_cast<long>(
            std::copy(value_.begin(), value_.end(), buf) - buf

    long DataValue::size() const
        return static_cast<long>(value_.size());

    DataValue* DataValue::clone_() const
        return new DataValue(*this);

    std::ostream& DataValue::write(std::ostream& os) const
        std::vector<byte>::size_type end = value_.size();
        for (std::vector<byte>::size_type i = 0; i != end; ++i) {
            os << static_cast<int>(value_[i]);
            if (i < end - 1) os << " ";
        return os;

    std::string DataValue::toString(long n) const
        std::ostringstream os;
        os << static_cast<int>(value_[n]);
        ok_ = !;
        return os.str();

    long DataValue::toLong(long n) const
        ok_ = true;
        return value_[n];

    float DataValue::toFloat(long n) const
        ok_ = true;
        return value_[n];

    Rational DataValue::toRational(long n) const
        ok_ = true;
        return Rational(value_[n], 1);

    StringValueBase::StringValueBase(TypeId typeId)
        : Value(typeId)

    StringValueBase::StringValueBase(TypeId typeId, const std::string& buf)
        : Value(typeId)

    StringValueBase::StringValueBase(const StringValueBase& rhs)
        : Value(rhs), value_(rhs.value_)


    StringValueBase& StringValueBase::operator=(const StringValueBase& rhs)
        if (this == &rhs) return *this;
        value_ = rhs.value_;
        return *this;

    int StringValueBase::read(const std::string& buf)
        value_ = buf;
        return 0;

    int StringValueBase::read(const byte* buf, long len, ByteOrder /*byteOrder*/)
        // byteOrder not needed
        if (buf) value_ = std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf), len);
        return 0;

    long StringValueBase::copy(byte* buf, ByteOrder /*byteOrder*/) const
        if (value_.size() == 0) return 0;
        // byteOrder not needed
        assert(buf != 0);
        return static_cast<long>(
            value_.copy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), value_.size())

    long StringValueBase::count() const
        return size();

    long StringValueBase::size() const
        return static_cast<long>(value_.size());

    std::ostream& StringValueBase::write(std::ostream& os) const
        return os << value_;

    long StringValueBase::toLong(long n) const
        ok_ = true;
        return value_[n];

    float StringValueBase::toFloat(long n) const
        ok_ = true;
        return value_[n];

    Rational StringValueBase::toRational(long n) const
        ok_ = true;
        return Rational(value_[n], 1);

        : StringValueBase(string)

    StringValue::StringValue(const std::string& buf)
        : StringValueBase(string, buf)


    StringValue* StringValue::clone_() const
        return new StringValue(*this);

        : StringValueBase(asciiString)

    AsciiValue::AsciiValue(const std::string& buf)
        : StringValueBase(asciiString, buf)


    int AsciiValue::read(const std::string& buf)
        value_ = buf;
        if (value_.size() > 0 && value_[value_.size()-1] != '\0') value_ += '\0';
        return 0;

    AsciiValue* AsciiValue::clone_() const
        return new AsciiValue(*this);

    std::ostream& AsciiValue::write(std::ostream& os) const
        // Write only up to the first '\0' (if any)
        std::string::size_type pos = value_.find_first_of('\0');
        if (pos == std::string::npos) pos = value_.size();
        return os << value_.substr(0, pos);

    CommentValue::CharsetTable::CharsetTable(CharsetId charsetId,
                                             const char* name,
                                             const char* code)
        : charsetId_(charsetId), name_(name), code_(code)

    //! Lookup list of supported IFD type information
    const CommentValue::CharsetTable CommentValue::CharsetInfo::charsetTable_[] = {
        CharsetTable(ascii,            "Ascii",            "ASCII\0\0\0"),
        CharsetTable(jis,              "Jis",              "JIS\0\0\0\0\0"),
        CharsetTable(unicode,          "Unicode",          "UNICODE\0"),
        CharsetTable(undefined,        "Undefined",        "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"),
        CharsetTable(invalidCharsetId, "InvalidCharsetId", "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"),
        CharsetTable(lastCharsetId,    "InvalidCharsetId", "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0")

    const char* CommentValue::CharsetInfo::name(CharsetId charsetId)
        return charsetTable_[ charsetId < lastCharsetId ? charsetId : undefined ].name_;

    const char* CommentValue::CharsetInfo::code(CharsetId charsetId)
        return charsetTable_[ charsetId < lastCharsetId ? charsetId : undefined ].code_;

    CommentValue::CharsetId CommentValue::CharsetInfo::charsetIdByName(
        const std::string& name)
        int i = 0;
        for (;    charsetTable_[i].charsetId_ != lastCharsetId
               && charsetTable_[i].name_ != name; ++i) {}
        return charsetTable_[i].charsetId_ == lastCharsetId ?
               invalidCharsetId : charsetTable_[i].charsetId_;

    CommentValue::CharsetId CommentValue::CharsetInfo::charsetIdByCode(
        const std::string& code)
        int i = 0;
        for (;    charsetTable_[i].charsetId_ != lastCharsetId
               && std::string(charsetTable_[i].code_, 8) != code; ++i) {}
        return charsetTable_[i].charsetId_ == lastCharsetId ?
               invalidCharsetId : charsetTable_[i].charsetId_;

        : StringValueBase(Exiv2::undefined), byteOrder_(littleEndian)

    CommentValue::CommentValue(const std::string& comment)
        : StringValueBase(Exiv2::undefined), byteOrder_(littleEndian)


    int CommentValue::read(const std::string& comment)
        std::string c = comment;
        CharsetId charsetId = undefined;
        if (comment.length() > 8 && comment.substr(0, 8) == "charset=") {
            std::string::size_type pos = comment.find_first_of(' ');
            std::string name = comment.substr(8, pos-8);
            // Strip quotes (so you can also specify the charset without quotes)
            if (name[0] == '"') name = name.substr(1);
            if (name[name.length()-1] == '"') name = name.substr(0, name.length()-1);
            charsetId = CharsetInfo::charsetIdByName(name);
            if (charsetId == invalidCharsetId) {
                EXV_WARNING << Error(kerInvalidCharset, name) << "\n";
                return 1;
            if (pos != std::string::npos) c = comment.substr(pos+1);
        if (charsetId == unicode) {
            const char* to = byteOrder_ == littleEndian ? "UCS-2LE" : "UCS-2BE";
            convertStringCharset(c, "UTF-8", to);
        const std::string code(CharsetInfo::code(charsetId), 8);
        return StringValueBase::read(code + c);

    int CommentValue::read(const byte* buf, long len, ByteOrder byteOrder)
        byteOrder_ = byteOrder;
        return StringValueBase::read(buf, len, byteOrder);

    long CommentValue::copy(byte* buf, ByteOrder byteOrder) const
        std::string c = value_;
        if (charsetId() == unicode) {
            c = value_.substr(8);
            const size_t sz = c.size();
            if (byteOrder_ == littleEndian && byteOrder == bigEndian) {
                convertStringCharset(c, "UCS-2LE", "UCS-2BE");
                assert(c.size() == sz);
            else if (byteOrder_ == bigEndian && byteOrder == littleEndian) {
                convertStringCharset(c, "UCS-2BE", "UCS-2LE");
                assert(c.size() == sz);
            c = value_.substr(0, 8) + c;
        if (c.size() == 0)
            return 0;
        assert(buf != 0);
        return static_cast<long>(c.copy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), c.size()));

    std::ostream& CommentValue::write(std::ostream& os) const
        CharsetId csId = charsetId();
        if (csId != undefined) {
            os << "charset=\"" << CharsetInfo::name(csId) << "\" ";
        return os << comment();

    std::string CommentValue::comment(const char* encoding) const
        std::string c;
        if (value_.length() < 8) {
            return c;
        c = value_.substr(8);
        if (charsetId() == unicode) {
            const char* from = encoding == 0 || *encoding == '\0' ? detectCharset(c) : encoding;
            convertStringCharset(c, from, "UTF-8");
        return c;

    CommentValue::CharsetId CommentValue::charsetId() const
        CharsetId charsetId = undefined;
        if (value_.length() >= 8) {
            const std::string code = value_.substr(0, 8);
            charsetId = CharsetInfo::charsetIdByCode(code);
        return charsetId;

    const char* CommentValue::detectCharset(std::string& c) const
        // Interpret a BOM if there is one
        if (0 == strncmp(, "\xef\xbb\xbf", 3)) {
            c = c.substr(3);
            return "UTF-8";
        if (0 == strncmp(, "\xff\xfe", 2)) {
            c = c.substr(2);
            return "UCS-2LE";
        if (0 == strncmp(, "\xfe\xff", 2)) {
            c = c.substr(2);
            return "UCS-2BE";

        // Todo: Add logic to guess if the comment is encoded in UTF-8

        return byteOrder_ == littleEndian ? "UCS-2LE" : "UCS-2BE";

    CommentValue* CommentValue::clone_() const
        return new CommentValue(*this);

    XmpValue::XmpValue(TypeId typeId)
        : Value(typeId),

    XmpValue& XmpValue::operator=(const XmpValue& rhs)
        if (this == &rhs) return *this;
        xmpArrayType_ = rhs.xmpArrayType_;
        xmpStruct_ = rhs.xmpStruct_;
        return *this;

    void XmpValue::setXmpArrayType(XmpArrayType xmpArrayType)
        xmpArrayType_ = xmpArrayType;

    void XmpValue::setXmpStruct(XmpStruct xmpStruct)
        xmpStruct_ = xmpStruct;

    XmpValue::XmpArrayType XmpValue::xmpArrayType() const
        return xmpArrayType_;

    XmpValue::XmpArrayType XmpValue::xmpArrayType(TypeId typeId)
        XmpArrayType xa = xaNone;
        switch (typeId) {
        case xmpAlt: xa = xaAlt; break;
        case xmpBag: xa = xaBag; break;
        case xmpSeq: xa = xaSeq; break;
        default: break;
        return xa;

    XmpValue::XmpStruct XmpValue::xmpStruct() const
        return xmpStruct_;

    long XmpValue::copy(byte* buf,
                        ByteOrder /*byteOrder*/) const
        std::ostringstream os;
        std::string s = os.str();
        if (s.size() > 0) std::memcpy(buf, &s[0], s.size());
        return static_cast<long>(s.size());

    int XmpValue::read(const byte* buf,
                       long len,
                       ByteOrder /*byteOrder*/)
        std::string s(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf), len);
        return read(s);

    long XmpValue::size() const
        std::ostringstream os;
        return static_cast<long>(os.str().size());

        : XmpValue(xmpText)

    XmpTextValue::XmpTextValue(const std::string& buf)
        : XmpValue(xmpText)

    int XmpTextValue::read(const std::string& buf)
        // support a type=Alt,Bag,Seq,Struct indicator
        std::string b = buf;
        std::string type;
        if (buf.length() > 5 && buf.substr(0, 5) == "type=") {
            std::string::size_type pos = buf.find_first_of(' ');
            type = buf.substr(5, pos-5);
            // Strip quotes (so you can also specify the type without quotes)
            if (type[0] == '"') type = type.substr(1);
            if (type[type.length()-1] == '"') type = type.substr(0, type.length()-1);
            if (pos != std::string::npos) b = buf.substr(pos+1);
        if (!type.empty()) {
            if (type == "Alt") {
            else if (type == "Bag") {
            else if (type == "Seq") {
            else if (type == "Struct") {
            else {
                throw Error(kerInvalidXmpText, type);
        value_ = b;
        return 0;

    XmpTextValue::AutoPtr XmpTextValue::clone() const
        return AutoPtr(clone_());

    long XmpTextValue::size() const
        return static_cast<long>(value_.size());

    long XmpTextValue::count() const
        return size();

    std::ostream& XmpTextValue::write(std::ostream& os) const
        bool del = false;
        if (xmpArrayType() != XmpValue::xaNone) {
            switch (xmpArrayType()) {
            case XmpValue::xaAlt: os << "type=\"Alt\""; break;
            case XmpValue::xaBag: os << "type=\"Bag\""; break;
            case XmpValue::xaSeq: os << "type=\"Seq\""; break;
            case XmpValue::xaNone: break; // just to suppress the warning
            del = true;
        else if (xmpStruct() != XmpValue::xsNone) {
            switch (xmpStruct()) {
            case XmpValue::xsStruct: os << "type=\"Struct\""; break;
            case XmpValue::xsNone: break; // just to suppress the warning
            del = true;
        if (del && !value_.empty()) os << " ";
        return os << value_;

    long XmpTextValue::toLong(long /*n*/) const
        return parseLong(value_, ok_);

    float XmpTextValue::toFloat(long /*n*/) const
        return parseFloat(value_, ok_);

    Rational XmpTextValue::toRational(long /*n*/) const
        return parseRational(value_, ok_);

    XmpTextValue* XmpTextValue::clone_() const
        return new XmpTextValue(*this);

    XmpArrayValue::XmpArrayValue(TypeId typeId)
        : XmpValue(typeId)

    int XmpArrayValue::read(const std::string& buf)
        if (!buf.empty()) value_.push_back(buf);
        return 0;

    XmpArrayValue::AutoPtr XmpArrayValue::clone() const
        return AutoPtr(clone_());

    long XmpArrayValue::count() const
        return static_cast<long>(value_.size());

    std::ostream& XmpArrayValue::write(std::ostream& os) const
        for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = value_.begin();
             i != value_.end(); ++i) {
            if (i != value_.begin()) os << ", ";
            os << *i;
        return os;

    std::string XmpArrayValue::toString(long n) const
        ok_ = true;
        return value_[n];

    long XmpArrayValue::toLong(long n) const
        return parseLong(value_[n], ok_);

    float XmpArrayValue::toFloat(long n) const
        return parseFloat(value_[n], ok_);

    Rational XmpArrayValue::toRational(long n) const
        return parseRational(value_[n], ok_);

    XmpArrayValue* XmpArrayValue::clone_() const
        return new XmpArrayValue(*this);

        : XmpValue(langAlt)

    LangAltValue::LangAltValue(const std::string& buf)
        : XmpValue(langAlt)

    int LangAltValue::read(const std::string& buf)
        std::string b = buf;
        std::string lang = "x-default";
        if (buf.length() > 5 && buf.substr(0, 5) == "lang=") {
            std::string::size_type pos = buf.find_first_of(' ');
            lang = buf.substr(5, pos-5);
            // Strip quotes (so you can also specify the language without quotes)
            if (lang[0] == '"') lang = lang.substr(1);
            if (lang[lang.length()-1] == '"') lang = lang.substr(0, lang.length()-1);
            if (pos != std::string::npos) b = buf.substr(pos+1);
        value_[lang] = b;
        return 0;

    LangAltValue::AutoPtr LangAltValue::clone() const
        return AutoPtr(clone_());

    long LangAltValue::count() const
        return static_cast<long>(value_.size());

    static const std::string x_default = "x-default";

    std::ostream& LangAltValue::write(std::ostream& os) const
        bool        first     = true;

        // Write the default entry first
        ValueType::const_iterator i = value_.find(x_default);
        if (i != value_.end()) {
            os << "lang=\"" << i->first << "\" " << i->second;
            first = false;

        // Write the others
        for (i = value_.begin(); i != value_.end(); ++i) {
            if (i->first != x_default ) {
                if (!first) os << ", ";
                os << "lang=\"" << i->first << "\" " << i->second;
                first = false;
        return os;

    std::string LangAltValue::toString(long /*n*/) const
        return toString(x_default);

    std::string LangAltValue::toString(const std::string& qualifier) const
        ValueType::const_iterator i = value_.find(qualifier);
        if (i != value_.end()) {
            ok_ = true;
            return i->second;
        ok_ = false;
        return "";

    long LangAltValue::toLong(long /*n*/) const
        ok_ = false;
        return 0;

    float LangAltValue::toFloat(long /*n*/) const
        ok_ = false;
        return 0.0f;

    Rational LangAltValue::toRational(long /*n*/) const
        ok_ = false;
        return Rational(0, 0);

    LangAltValue* LangAltValue::clone_() const
        return new LangAltValue(*this);

        : Value(date)

    DateValue::DateValue(int year, int month, int day)
        : Value(date)
        date_.year = year;
        date_.month = month; = day;


    int DateValue::read(const byte* buf, long len, ByteOrder /*byteOrder*/)
        // Hard coded to read Iptc style dates
        if (len != 8) {
            EXV_WARNING << Error(kerUnsupportedDateFormat) << "\n";
            return 1;
        // Make the buffer a 0 terminated C-string for sscanf
        char b[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
        std::memcpy(b, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf), 8);
        int scanned = sscanf(b, "%4d%2d%2d",
                             &date_.year, &date_.month, &;
        if (scanned != 3) {
            EXV_WARNING << Error(kerUnsupportedDateFormat) << "\n";
            return 1;
        return 0;

    int DateValue::read(const std::string& buf)
        // Hard coded to read Iptc style dates
        if (buf.length() < 8) {
            EXV_WARNING << Error(kerUnsupportedDateFormat) << "\n";
            return 1;
        int scanned = sscanf(buf.c_str(), "%4d-%d-%d",
                             &date_.year, &date_.month, &;
        if (scanned != 3) {
            EXV_WARNING << Error(kerUnsupportedDateFormat) << "\n";
            return 1;
        return 0;

    void DateValue::setDate(const Date& src)
        date_.year = src.year;
        date_.month = src.month; =;

    long DateValue::copy(byte* buf, ByteOrder /*byteOrder*/) const
        // sprintf wants to add the null terminator, so use oversized buffer
        char temp[9];

        int wrote = sprintf(temp, "%04d%02d%02d", date_.year, date_.month,;
        assert(wrote == 8);
        std::memcpy(buf, temp, wrote);
        return wrote;

    const DateValue::Date& DateValue::getDate() const
        return date_;

    long DateValue::count() const
        return size();

    long DateValue::size() const
        return 8;

    DateValue* DateValue::clone_() const
        return new DateValue(*this);

    std::ostream& DateValue::write(std::ostream& os) const
        std::ios::fmtflags f( os.flags() );
        os << date_.year << '-' << std::right
           << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << date_.month << '-'
           << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') <<;
        return os;

    long DateValue::toLong(long /*n*/) const
        // Range of tm struct is limited to about 1970 to 2038
        // This will return -1 if outside that range
        std::tm tms;
        std::memset(&tms, 0, sizeof(tms));
        tms.tm_mday =;
        tms.tm_mon = date_.month - 1;
        tms.tm_year = date_.year - 1900;
        long l = static_cast<long>(std::mktime(&tms));
        ok_ = (l != -1);
        return l;

    float DateValue::toFloat(long n) const
        return static_cast<float>(toLong(n));

    Rational DateValue::toRational(long n) const
        return Rational(toLong(n), 1);

        : Value(time)

    TimeValue::TimeValue(int hour, int minute,
                         int second, int tzHour,
                         int tzMinute)
        : Value(date)
        time_.hour = hour;
        time_.minute = minute;
        time_.second = second;
        time_.tzHour = tzHour;
        time_.tzMinute = tzMinute;


    int TimeValue::read(const byte* buf, long len, ByteOrder /*byteOrder*/)
        // Make the buffer a 0 terminated C-string for scanTime[36]
        char b[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
        std::memcpy(b, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf), (len < 12 ? len : 11));
        // Hard coded to read HHMMSS or Iptc style times
        int rc = 1;
        if (len == 6) {
            // Try to read (non-standard) HHMMSS format
            rc = scanTime3(b, "%2d%2d%2d");
        if (len == 11) {
            rc = scanTime6(b, "%2d%2d%2d%1c%2d%2d");
        if (rc) {
            rc = 1;
            EXV_WARNING << Error(kerUnsupportedTimeFormat) << "\n";
        return rc;

    int TimeValue::read(const std::string& buf)
        // Hard coded to read H:M:S or Iptc style times
        int rc = 1;
        if (buf.length() < 9) {
            // Try to read (non-standard) H:M:S format
            rc = scanTime3(buf.c_str(), "%d:%d:%d");
        else {
            rc = scanTime6(buf.c_str(), "%d:%d:%d%1c%d:%d");
        if (rc) {
            rc = 1;
            EXV_WARNING << Error(kerUnsupportedTimeFormat) << "\n";
        return rc;

    int TimeValue::scanTime3(const char* buf, const char* format)
        int rc = 1;
        Time t;
        int scanned = sscanf(buf, format, &t.hour, &t.minute, &t.second);
        if (   scanned  == 3
            && t.hour   >= 0 && t.hour   < 24
            && t.minute >= 0 && t.minute < 60
            && t.second >= 0 && t.second < 60) {
            time_ = t;
            rc = 0;
        return rc;

    int TimeValue::scanTime6(const char* buf, const char* format)
        int rc = 1;
        Time t;
        char plusMinus;
        int scanned = sscanf(buf, format, &t.hour, &t.minute, &t.second,
                             &plusMinus, &t.tzHour, &t.tzMinute);
        if (   scanned    == 6
            && t.hour     >= 0 && t.hour     < 24
            && t.minute   >= 0 && t.minute   < 60
            && t.second   >= 0 && t.second   < 60
            && t.tzHour   >= 0 && t.tzHour   < 24
            && t.tzMinute >= 0 && t.tzMinute < 60) {
            time_ = t;
            if (plusMinus == '-') {
                time_.tzHour *= -1;
                time_.tzMinute *= -1;
            rc = 0;
        return rc;

    void TimeValue::setTime( const Time& src )
        std::memcpy(&time_, &src, sizeof(time_));

    long TimeValue::copy(byte* buf, ByteOrder /*byteOrder*/) const
        char temp[12];
        char plusMinus = '+';
        if (time_.tzHour < 0 || time_.tzMinute < 0)
            plusMinus = '-';

        const int wrote = snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), // 11 bytes are written + \0
                   time_.hour, time_.minute, time_.second,
                   plusMinus, abs(time_.tzHour), abs(time_.tzMinute));

        enforce(wrote == 11, Exiv2::kerUnsupportedTimeFormat);
        std::memcpy(buf, temp, wrote);
        return wrote;

    const TimeValue::Time& TimeValue::getTime() const
        return time_;

    long TimeValue::count() const
        return size();

    long TimeValue::size() const
        return 11;

    TimeValue* TimeValue::clone_() const
        return new TimeValue(*this);

    std::ostream& TimeValue::write(std::ostream& os) const
        char plusMinus = '+';
        if (time_.tzHour < 0 || time_.tzMinute < 0) plusMinus = '-';

        std::ios::fmtflags f( os.flags() );
        os << std::right
           << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << time_.hour << ':'
           << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << time_.minute << ':'
           << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << time_.second << plusMinus
           << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << abs(time_.tzHour) << ':'
           << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << abs(time_.tzMinute);

        return os;

    long TimeValue::toLong(long /*n*/) const
        // Returns number of seconds in the day in UTC.
        long result = (time_.hour - time_.tzHour) * 60 * 60;
        result += (time_.minute - time_.tzMinute) * 60;
        result += time_.second;
        if (result < 0) {
            result += 86400;
        ok_ = true;
        return result;

    float TimeValue::toFloat(long n) const
        return static_cast<float>(toLong(n));

    Rational TimeValue::toRational(long n) const
        return Rational(toLong(n), 1);

}                                       // namespace Exiv2