Blob Blame History Raw
// ********************************************************* -*- C++ -*-
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Exiv2 authors
 * This program is part of the Exiv2 distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  @file    futils.hpp
  @brief   Basic file utility functions required by Exiv2
  @author  Andreas Huggel (ahu)
           <a href=""></a>
  @date    12-Dec-03, ahu: created<BR>
           02-Apr-05, ahu: moved to Exiv2 namespace
#ifndef FUTILS_HPP_
#define FUTILS_HPP_

#include "exiv2lib_export.h"
#include "config.h"

#include <string>

// namespace extensions
namespace Exiv2
    //! the name of environmental variables.
    enum EnVar
        envHTTPPOST = 0,
        envTIMEOUT = 1
    //! the collection of protocols.
    enum Protocol
        pFile = 0,
    // *********************************************************************
    // free functions
      @brief  Return the value of environmental variable.
      @param[in]  var The name of environmental variable. Must be a member of the enumeration @ref EnVar.
      @return the value of environmental variable. If it's empty, the default value is returned.
      @throws std::out_of_range when an unexpected EnVar is given as input.
    EXIV2API std::string getEnv(int env_var);

      @brief Encode the input url.
      @param str The url needs encoding.
      @return the url-encoded version of str.
      @note Source:
      @todo This function can probably be hidden into the implementation details
    EXIV2API std::string urlencode(const char* str);

      @brief Decode the input url.
      @param str The url needs decoding.
      @return the url-decoded version of str.

      @note Be sure to 'free' the returned string after use with 'delete []'.
      @todo This function can probably be hidden into the implementation details
    EXIV2API char* urldecode(const char* str);

      @brief Like urlencode(char* str) but accept the input url in the std::string and modify it.
      @todo This function can probably be hidden into the implementation details
    EXIV2API void urldecode(std::string& str);

      @brief Encode in base64 the data in data_buf and put the resulting string in result.
      @param data_buf The data need to encode
      @param dataLength Size in bytes of the in buffer
      @param result The container for the result, NULL if it fails
      @param resultSize Size in bytes of the out string, it should be at least
             ((dataLength + 2) / 3) * 4 + 1
      @return 1 indicate success

      @note Source:
    EXIV2API int base64encode(const void* data_buf, size_t dataLength, char* result, size_t resultSize);

      @brief Decode base64 data and put the resulting string in out.
      @param in The data need to decode.
      @param out The container for the result, it should be large enough to contain the result.
      @param out_size The size of out in bytes.
      @return the size of the resulting string. If it fails, return -1.

      @note Source:
    EXIV2API long base64decode(const char* in, char* out, size_t out_size);

      @brief Return the protocol of the path.
      @param path The path of file to extract the protocol.
      @return the protocol of the path.
    EXIV2API Protocol fileProtocol(const std::string& path);

      @brief Like fileProtocol() but accept a unicode path in an std::wstring.
      @note This function is only available on Windows.
    EXIV2API Protocol fileProtocol(const std::wstring& wpath);

      @brief Test if a file exists.

      @param  path Name of file to verify.
      @param  ct   Flag to check if <i>path</i> is a regular file.
      @return true if <i>path</i> exists and, if <i>ct</i> is set,
      is a regular file, else false.

      @note The function calls <b>stat()</b> test for <i>path</i>
      and its type, see stat(2). <b>errno</b> is left unchanged
      in case of an error.
    EXIV2API bool fileExists(const std::string& path, bool ct = false);

      @brief Like fileExists(const std::string& path, bool ct =false) but
            accepts a unicode path in an std::wstring.
      @note This function is only available on Windows.
    EXIV2API bool fileExists(const std::wstring& wpath, bool ct = false);

      @brief Get the path of file URL.

      @param  url The file URL in the format file:///path or file://host/path
      @return the path of file URL.
    EXIV2API std::string pathOfFileUrl(const std::string& url);

      @brief Like pathOfFileUrl(const std::string& url) but accepts a unicode path in an std::wstring.
      @note This function is only available on Windows.
    EXIV2API std::wstring pathOfFileUrl(const std::wstring& wurl);

      @brief Return a system error message and the error code (errno).
             See %strerror(3).
    EXIV2API std::string strError();

    //! @brief Return the path of the current process.
    EXIV2API std::string getProcessPath();

      @brief A container for URL components. It also provides the method to parse a
            URL to get the protocol, host, path, port, querystring, username, password.


      @todo This class can probably be hidden from the API
    class Uri
        // DATA
        std::string QueryString;  //!< URL query string
        std::string Path;         //!< URL file path
        std::string Protocol;     //!< URL protocol
        std::string Host;         //!< URL host
        std::string Port;         //!< URL port
        std::string Username;     //!< URL username
        std::string Password;     //!< URL password

        /// @brief Parse the input URL to the protocol, host, path, username, password
        static Uri EXIV2API Parse(const std::string& uri);

        /// @brief Decode the url components.
        static void EXIV2API Decode(Uri& uri);

}  // namespace Exiv2

#endif // #ifndef FUTILS_HPP_