Blob Blame History Raw
// ***************************************************************** -*- C++ -*-
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Exiv2 authors
 * This program is part of the Exiv2 distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  @file    datasets.hpp
  @brief   IPTC dataset and type information
  @author  Brad Schick (brad) <>
  @date    24-Jul-04, brad: created

// *****************************************************************************
#include "exiv2lib_export.h"

// included header files
#include "metadatum.hpp"

// + standard includes
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <map>

// *****************************************************************************
// namespace extensions
namespace Exiv2 {

// *****************************************************************************
// class definitions

    //! Details of an IPTC record.
    struct EXIV2API RecordInfo {
        //! Constructor
        RecordInfo(uint16_t recordId, const char* name, const char* desc);
        uint16_t recordId_;                     //!< Record id
        const char* name_;                      //!< Record name (one word)
        const char* desc_;                      //!< Record description

    //! Details of an IPTC dataset.
    struct EXIV2API DataSet {
        //! Constructor
            uint16_t number,
            const char* name,
            const char* title,
            const char* desc,
            bool mandatory,
            bool repeatable,
            uint32_t minbytes,
            uint32_t maxbytes,
            TypeId type,
            uint16_t recordId,
            const char* photoshop
        uint16_t number_;                       //!< Dataset number
        const char* name_;                      //!< Dataset name
        const char* title_;                     //!< Dataset title or label
        const char* desc_;                      //!< Dataset description
        bool mandatory_;                        //!< True if dataset is mandatory
        bool repeatable_;                       //!< True if dataset is repeatable
        uint32_t minbytes_;                     //!< Minimum number of bytes
        uint32_t maxbytes_;                     //!< Maximum number of bytes
        TypeId type_;                           //!< Exiv2 default type
        uint16_t recordId_;                     //!< Record id
        const char* photoshop_;                 //!< Photoshop string
    }; // struct DataSet

    //! IPTC dataset reference, implemented as a static class.
    class EXIV2API IptcDataSets {
          @name Record identifiers
          @brief Record identifiers to logically group dataSets. There are other
                 possible record types, but they are not standardized by the IPTC
                 IIM4 standard (and not commonly used in images).
        static const uint16_t invalidRecord = 0;
        static const uint16_t envelope = 1;
        static const uint16_t application2 = 2;

        //! @name Dataset identifiers
        static const uint16_t ModelVersion           = 0;
        static const uint16_t Destination            = 5;
        static const uint16_t FileFormat             = 20;
        static const uint16_t FileVersion            = 22;
        static const uint16_t ServiceId              = 30;
        static const uint16_t EnvelopeNumber         = 40;
        static const uint16_t ProductId              = 50;
        static const uint16_t EnvelopePriority       = 60;
        static const uint16_t DateSent               = 70;
        static const uint16_t TimeSent               = 80;
        static const uint16_t CharacterSet           = 90;
        static const uint16_t UNO                    = 100;
        static const uint16_t ARMId                  = 120;
        static const uint16_t ARMVersion             = 122;
        static const uint16_t RecordVersion          = 0;
        static const uint16_t ObjectType             = 3;
        static const uint16_t ObjectAttribute        = 4;
        static const uint16_t ObjectName             = 5;
        static const uint16_t EditStatus             = 7;
        static const uint16_t EditorialUpdate        = 8;
        static const uint16_t Urgency                = 10;
        static const uint16_t Subject                = 12;
        static const uint16_t Category               = 15;
        static const uint16_t SuppCategory           = 20;
        static const uint16_t FixtureId              = 22;
        static const uint16_t Keywords               = 25;
        static const uint16_t LocationCode           = 26;
        static const uint16_t LocationName           = 27;
        static const uint16_t ReleaseDate            = 30;
        static const uint16_t ReleaseTime            = 35;
        static const uint16_t ExpirationDate         = 37;
        static const uint16_t ExpirationTime         = 38;
        static const uint16_t SpecialInstructions    = 40;
        static const uint16_t ActionAdvised          = 42;
        static const uint16_t ReferenceService       = 45;
        static const uint16_t ReferenceDate          = 47;
        static const uint16_t ReferenceNumber        = 50;
        static const uint16_t DateCreated            = 55;
        static const uint16_t TimeCreated            = 60;
        static const uint16_t DigitizationDate       = 62;
        static const uint16_t DigitizationTime       = 63;
        static const uint16_t Program                = 65;
        static const uint16_t ProgramVersion         = 70;
        static const uint16_t ObjectCycle            = 75;
        static const uint16_t Byline                 = 80;
        static const uint16_t BylineTitle            = 85;
        static const uint16_t City                   = 90;
        static const uint16_t SubLocation            = 92;
        static const uint16_t ProvinceState          = 95;
        static const uint16_t CountryCode            = 100;
        static const uint16_t CountryName            = 101;
        static const uint16_t TransmissionReference  = 103;
        static const uint16_t Headline               = 105;
        static const uint16_t Credit                 = 110;
        static const uint16_t Source                 = 115;
        static const uint16_t Copyright              = 116;
        static const uint16_t Contact                = 118;
        static const uint16_t Caption                = 120;
        static const uint16_t Writer                 = 122;
        static const uint16_t RasterizedCaption      = 125;
        static const uint16_t ImageType              = 130;
        static const uint16_t ImageOrientation       = 131;
        static const uint16_t Language               = 135;
        static const uint16_t AudioType              = 150;
        static const uint16_t AudioRate              = 151;
        static const uint16_t AudioResolution        = 152;
        static const uint16_t AudioDuration          = 153;
        static const uint16_t AudioOutcue            = 154;
        static const uint16_t PreviewFormat          = 200;
        static const uint16_t PreviewVersion         = 201;
        static const uint16_t Preview                = 202;

        //! Prevent construction: not implemented.
        IptcDataSets() {}
        //! Prevent copy-construction: not implemented.
        IptcDataSets(const IptcDataSets& rhs);
        //! Prevent assignment: not implemented.
        IptcDataSets& operator=(const IptcDataSets& rhs);

          @brief Return the name of the dataset.
          @param number The dataset number
          @param recordId The IPTC record Id
          @return The name of the dataset or a string containing the hexadecimal
                  value of the dataset in the form "0x01ff", if this is an unknown
        static std::string dataSetName(uint16_t number, uint16_t recordId);
          @brief Return the title (label) of the dataset.
          @param number The dataset number
          @param recordId The IPTC record Id
          @return The title (label) of the dataset
        static const char* dataSetTitle(uint16_t number, uint16_t recordId);
          @brief Return the description of the dataset.
          @param number The dataset number
          @param recordId The IPTC record Id
          @return The description of the dataset
        static const char* dataSetDesc(uint16_t number, uint16_t recordId);
          @brief Return the photohsop name of a given dataset.
          @param number The dataset number
          @param recordId The IPTC record Id
          @return The name used by photoshop for a dataset or an empty
                 string if photoshop does not use the dataset.
        static const char* dataSetPsName(uint16_t number, uint16_t recordId);
          @brief Check if a given dataset is repeatable
          @param number The dataset number
          @param recordId The IPTC record Id
          @return true if the given dataset is repeatable otherwise false
        static bool dataSetRepeatable(uint16_t number, uint16_t recordId);
          @brief Return the dataSet number for dataset name and record id

          @param dataSetName dataSet name
          @param recordId recordId

          @return dataSet number

          @throw Error if the \em dataSetName or \em recordId are invalid
        static uint16_t dataSet(const std::string& dataSetName, uint16_t recordId);
        //! Return the type for dataSet number and Record id
        static TypeId dataSetType(uint16_t number, uint16_t recordId);
          @brief Return the name of the Record
          @param recordId The record id
          @return The name of the record or a string containing the hexadecimal
                  value of the record in the form "0x01ff", if this is an
                  unknown record.
        static std::string recordName(uint16_t recordId);
           @brief Return the description of a record
           @param recordId Record Id number
           @return the description of the Record
        static const char* recordDesc(uint16_t recordId);
           @brief Return the Id number of a record
           @param recordName Name of a record type
           @return the Id number of a Record
           @throw Error if the record is not known;
        static uint16_t recordId(const std::string& recordName);
        //! Return read-only list of built-in Envelope Record datasets
        static const DataSet* envelopeRecordList();
        //! Return read-only list of built-in Application2 Record datasets
        static const DataSet* application2RecordList();
        //! Print a list of all dataSets to output stream
        static void dataSetList(std::ostream& os);

        static int dataSetIdx(uint16_t number, uint16_t recordId);
        static int dataSetIdx(const std::string& dataSetName, uint16_t recordId);

        static const DataSet* records_[];
        static const RecordInfo recordInfo_[];

    }; // class IptcDataSets

      @brief Concrete keys for IPTC metadata.
    class EXIV2API IptcKey : public Key {
        //! Shortcut for an %IptcKey auto pointer.
        typedef std::auto_ptr<IptcKey> AutoPtr;

        //! @name Creators
          @brief Constructor to create an IPTC key from a key string.

          @param key The key string.
          @throw Error if the first part of the key is not '<b>Iptc</b>' or
                 the remaining parts of the key cannot be parsed and
                 converted to a record name and a dataset name.
        explicit IptcKey(const std::string& key);
          @brief Constructor to create an IPTC key from dataset and record ids.
          @param tag Dataset id
          @param record Record id
        IptcKey(uint16_t tag, uint16_t record);
        //! Copy constructor
        IptcKey(const IptcKey& rhs);
        //! Destructor
        virtual ~IptcKey();

        //! @name Manipulators
          @brief Assignment operator.
        IptcKey& operator=(const IptcKey& rhs);

        //! @name Accessors
        virtual std::string key() const;
        virtual const char* familyName() const;
          @brief Return the name of the group (the second part of the key).
                 For IPTC keys, the group name is the record name.
        virtual std::string groupName() const;
        virtual std::string tagName() const;
        virtual std::string tagLabel() const;
        virtual uint16_t tag() const;
        AutoPtr clone() const;
        //! Return the name of the record
        std::string recordName() const;
        //! Return the record id
        uint16_t record() const;

        //! @name Manipulators
          @brief Set the key corresponding to the dataset and record id.
                 The key is of the form '<b>Iptc</b>.recordName.dataSetName'.
        void makeKey();
          @brief Parse and convert the key string into dataset and record id.
                 Updates data members if the string can be decomposed, or throws
                 \em Error.

          @throw Error if the key cannot be decomposed.
        void decomposeKey();

        //! Internal virtual copy constructor.
        virtual IptcKey* clone_() const;

        // DATA
        static const char* familyName_;

        uint16_t tag_;                 //!< Tag value
        uint16_t record_;              //!< Record value
        std::string key_;              //!< Key

    }; // class IptcKey

      @brief typedef for string:string map
    typedef std::map<std::string,std::string>                 Dictionary;
      @brief typedef for Dictionary*
    typedef Dictionary*                                       Dictionary_p;
      @brief typedef for Dictionary iterator
    typedef Dictionary::const_iterator                        Dictionary_i;

      @brief typedef for string set (unique strings)
    typedef std::set<std::string>                             StringSet;
      @brief typedef for StringSet*
    typedef StringSet*                                        StringSet_p;
      @brief Class to provide a StringSet iterator
    typedef std::set<std::string>::const_iterator             StringSet_i;

      @brief typedef for string vector
    typedef std::vector<std::string>                          StringVector;
      @brief typedef for StringVector pointer
    typedef StringVector*                                     StringVector_p;
      @brief Class to provide a StringVector iterator
    typedef StringVector::const_iterator                      StringVector_i;

      @brief typedef for uint32_t vector
    typedef std::vector<uint32_t>                             Uint32Vector  ;
      @brief typedef for Uint32Vector pointer
    typedef Uint32Vector*                                     Uint32Vector_p;
      @brief typedef for Uint32Vector iterator
    typedef Uint32Vector::const_iterator                      Uint32Vector_i;

// *****************************************************************************
// free functions

    //! Output operator for dataSet
    EXIV2API std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DataSet& dataSet);

}                                       // namespace Exiv2

#endif                                  // #ifndef DATASETS_HPP_