Blob Blame History Raw
#! /usr/bin/env python
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Settings
vardir = "."
date_format = "%d-%b-%Y"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# functions
def usage():
   print("""Usage: [...]
   Substitute placeholders in input files with content

def gen_html(file):
   """Replace variables in the file with their content"""
   text = open(file).read()
   for var in vars:
      vartext = open(vardir + "/" + var).read()
      text = text.replace(var, vartext)
   text = last_modified(text)
   return text

def last_modified(text):
   """Substitute variable __last_modified__ with the current date"""
   date = time.strftime(date_format, time.localtime())
   text = text.replace("__last_modified__", date)
   return text

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# main
import sys
import os
import re
import time

# Check command line arguments
if len(sys.argv) == 1:

# The input files from the command line
input = sys.argv[1:]

# Get a list of all variables (files in the form __*__) from vardir 
vars = os.listdir(vardir)
for i in range(len(vars)-1, -1, -1):
   if re.match("^__.*__$", vars[i]): continue
   del vars[i]

# Substitute variables in all input files
print("Substituting variables {0}".format(vars))
for file in input:
   print("Processing {0}...".format(file))
   text = gen_html(file)
   file = file.replace(".in", "")
   open(file, 'w').write(text)