Blob Blame History Raw
// =================================================================================================
// Copyright 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated
// All Rights Reserved
// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
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#include "ModuleUtils.h"
#include "source/UnicodeConversions.hpp"
#include "source/XIO.hpp"

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <limits>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <errno.h>

namespace XMP_PLUGIN

// global map of loaded modules (handle, full path)
typedef std::map<OS_ModuleRef, std::string>			ModuleRefToPathMap;
static ModuleRefToPathMap							sMapModuleRefToPath;
//typedef std::map<void*, std::string>				ResourceFileToPathMap;
typedef std::map<OS_ModuleRef, std::string>			ResourceFileToPathMap;
static ResourceFileToPathMap						sMapResourceFileToPath;
static XMP_ReadWriteLock							sMapModuleRWLock;

typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<int>					FilePtr;

static std::string GetModulePath( OS_ModuleRef inOSModule );
/** ************************************************************************************************************************
** CloseFile()
void CloseFile(
	int* inFilePtr)
	delete inFilePtr;

/** ************************************************************************************************************************
** OpenResourceFile()
static FilePtr OpenResourceFile(
	OS_ModuleRef inOSModule,
	const std::string& inResourceName,
	const std::string& inResourceType)
	// It is assumed, that all resources reside in a folder with
	// the same name as the shared object plus '.resources' extension
	std::string path( GetModulePath(inOSModule) );
	XMP_StringPtr extPos = path.c_str() + path.size();
	for ( ; (extPos != path.c_str()) && (*extPos != '.'); --extPos ) {}
	path.erase( extPos - path.c_str() ); // Remove extension
	path += ".resources";
	path += kDirChar;
	path += inResourceName + "." + inResourceType;

	FilePtr file;
	if( Host_IO::GetFileMode(path.c_str()) == Host_IO::kFMode_IsFile )
		int fileRef = ::open( path.c_str(), O_RDONLY );
		if (fileRef != -1)
			file.reset(new int(fileRef), CloseFile);
	return file;

OS_ModuleRef LoadModule( const std::string & inModulePath, bool inOnlyResourceAccess)
	OS_ModuleRef result = NULL;
	if( inOnlyResourceAccess )
		int fileHandle = open(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(inModulePath.c_str()), O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);
		if( !fileHandle )
			std::cerr << "Cannot open library for resource access: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
		{	// success !
			result = (void*) fileHandle;
			ResourceFileToPathMap::const_iterator iter = sMapResourceFileToPath.find(result);
			if (iter == sMapResourceFileToPath.end())
				// not found, so insert
				sMapResourceFileToPath.insert(std::make_pair(result, inModulePath));

		result = dlopen(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(inModulePath.c_str()), RTLD_LAZY/*RTLD_NOW*/);

		if( !result )
			std::cerr << "Cannot open library: " << dlerror() << std::endl;
		{	// success !
			XMP_AutoLock writeLock ( &sMapModuleRWLock, kXMP_WriteLock );
			ModuleRefToPathMap::const_iterator iter = sMapModuleRefToPath.find(result);
			if( iter == sMapModuleRefToPath.end() )
				// not found, so insert
				sMapModuleRefToPath.insert(std::make_pair(result, inModulePath));

	return result;

void UnloadModule( OS_ModuleRef inModule, bool inOnlyResourceAccess )
	if( inModule != NULL )
		// we bluntly assume, that only one instance of the same library is loaded ad therefore added to the global map !
		if( inOnlyResourceAccess )
			ResourceFileToPathMap::iterator iter = sMapResourceFileToPath.find(inModule);
			if( iter != sMapResourceFileToPath.end() )
				close((long) inModule);
				XMP_Throw("OS_Utils_Linux::UnloadModule called with invalid module handle", kXMPErr_InternalFailure);
			XMP_AutoLock writeLock ( &sMapModuleRWLock, kXMP_WriteLock );
			ModuleRefToPathMap::iterator iter = sMapModuleRefToPath.find(inModule);
			if( iter != sMapModuleRefToPath.end() )
				XMP_Throw("OS_Utils_Linux::UnloadModule called with invalid module handle", kXMPErr_InternalFailure);

/** ************************************************************************************************************************
** GetModulePath()
static std::string GetModulePath(
	OS_ModuleRef inOSModule)
	std::string result;

	if( inOSModule != NULL )
		ModuleRefToPathMap::const_iterator iter;
			XMP_AutoLock readLock ( &sMapModuleRWLock, kXMP_ReadLock );
			iter = sMapModuleRefToPath.find(inOSModule);

		ResourceFileToPathMap::const_iterator iter2 = sMapResourceFileToPath.find(inOSModule);
		if( (iter != sMapModuleRefToPath.end()) && (iter2 != sMapResourceFileToPath.end()) )
			XMP_Throw("OS_Utils_Linux::GetModulePath: Module handle is present in both global maps", kXMPErr_InternalFailure);
		if (iter != sMapModuleRefToPath.end())
			result = iter->second;
		else if (iter2 != sMapResourceFileToPath.end())
			result = iter2->second;
			XMP_Throw("OS_Utils_Linux::GetModulePath: Failed to find inOSModule in global map !", kXMPErr_InternalFailure);
	return result;

void* GetFunctionPointerFromModuleImpl(	OS_ModuleRef inOSModule, const char* inSymbol )
	void* proc = NULL;
	if( inOSModule != NULL )
		proc = dlsym(inOSModule, inSymbol);
		if( !proc )
			std::cerr << "Cannot get function " << inSymbol << " : " << dlerror() << std::endl;
	return proc;

bool GetResourceDataFromModule(
	OS_ModuleRef inOSModule,
	const std::string & inResourceName,
	const std::string & inResourceType,
	std::string & outBuffer)
	bool success = false;
	FilePtr file = OpenResourceFile( inOSModule, inResourceName, inResourceType );

	if( file )
		ssize_t	size = 0;
		ssize_t	file_size = ::lseek(*file.get(), 0, SEEK_END);
		// presumingly we don't want to load more than 2GByte at once (!)
		if( file_size < std::numeric_limits<XMP_Int32>::max() )
			size = file_size;
			if( size > 0 )

				::lseek(*file.get(), 0, SEEK_SET);
				ssize_t bytesRead = ::read( *file.get(), (unsigned char*)&outBuffer[0], size );
				success = bytesRead == size;
	return success;

} //namespace XMP_PLUGIN