Blob Blame History Raw
// =================================================================================================
// Copyright 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated
// All Rights Reserved
// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
// =================================================================================================

#include "public/include/XMP_Environment.h"	// ! XMP_Environment.h must be the first included header.
#include "public/include/XMP_Const.h"
#include "source/XIO.hpp"

#include "XMPFiles/source/FormatSupport/WAVE/WAVEBehavior.h"
#include "XMPFiles/source/FormatSupport/IFF/Chunk.h"

#include <algorithm>

using namespace IFF_RIFF;

// Static init
const LittleEndian& WAVEBehavior::mEndian = LittleEndian::getInstance();

// WAVEBehavior::getRealSize(...)
// Purpose: Validate the passed in size value, identify the valid size if the 
//			passed in isn't valid and return the valid size.
//			Throw an exception if the passed in size isn't valid and there's 
//			no way to identify a valid size.

XMP_Uns64 WAVEBehavior::getRealSize( const XMP_Uns64 size, const ChunkIdentifier& id, IChunkContainer& tree, XMP_IO* stream )
	XMP_Uns64 realSize = size;

	if( size >= kNormalRF64ChunkSize ) // 4GB
		if( this->isRF64( tree ) )
			// RF64 supports sizes beyond 4GB
			DS64* rf64 = this->getDS64( tree, stream );

			if( rf64 != NULL )
				// get 64bit size from RF64 structure
				switch( )
					case kChunk_RF64:	realSize = rf64->riffSize;	break;
					case kChunk_data:	realSize = rf64->dataSize;	break;

						bool found = false;

						// try to find size value for passed chunk id in the ds64 table
						if( rf64->tableLength > 0 )
							for( std::vector<ChunkSize64>::iterator iter=rf64->table.begin(); iter!=rf64->table.end(); iter++ )
								if( iter->id == )
									realSize = iter->size;
									found = true;

						if( !found )
							// no size for passed id available
							XMP_Throw( "Unknown size value", kXMPErr_BadFileFormat );
				// no RF64 size info available
				XMP_Throw( "Unknown size value", kXMPErr_BadFileFormat );
			// WAVE doesn't support that size
			XMP_Throw( "Unknown size value", kXMPErr_BadFileFormat );

	return realSize;

// WAVEBehavior::getMaxChunkSize(...)
// Purpose: Return the maximum size of a single chunk, i.e. the maximum size 
//			of a top-level chunk.

XMP_Uns64 WAVEBehavior::getMaxChunkSize() const
	// simple WAVE 4GByte
	XMP_Uns64 ret = 0x00000000FFFFFFFFLL;

	if( mIsRF64 )
		// RF64: full possible 64bit size

	return ret;

// WAVEBehavior::isValidTopLevelChunk(...)
// Purpose: Return true if the passed identifier is valid for top-level chunks 
//			of a certain format.

bool WAVEBehavior::isValidTopLevelChunk( const ChunkIdentifier& id, XMP_Uns32 chunkNo )
	return ( chunkNo == 0 )												&& 
		   ( ( ( == kChunk_RIFF ) && ( id.type == kType_WAVE ) )	||  
		     ( ( == kChunk_RF64 ) && ( id.type == kType_WAVE ) ) );

// WAVEBehavior::fixHierarchy(...)
// Purpose: Fix the hierarchy of chunks depending ones based on size changes of 
//			one or more chunks and second based on format specific rules.
//			Throw an exception if the hierarchy can't be fixed.

void WAVEBehavior::fixHierarchy( IChunkContainer& tree )
	XMP_Validate( tree.numChildren() == 1, "WAVE files should only have one top level chunk (RIFF)", kXMPErr_BadFileFormat);
	Chunk* riffChunk = tree.getChildAt(0);

	XMP_Validate( (riffChunk->getType() == kType_WAVE || riffChunk->getType() == kChunk_RF64) , "Invalid type for WAVE/RF64 top level chunk (RIFF)", kXMPErr_BadFileFormat);

	if( riffChunk->hasChanged() )
		// move new added chunks to temporary container
		Chunk* tmpContainer = Chunk::createChunk( mEndian );
		this->moveChunks( *riffChunk, *tmpContainer, riffChunk->numChildren() - mChunksAdded );

		// try to arrange chunks at their current position
		this->arrangeChunksInPlace( *riffChunk, *tmpContainer );

		// for all chunks that were moved to the end try to find a FREE chunk for them
		this->arrangeChunksInTree( *tmpContainer, *riffChunk );

		// append all remaining new added chunks to the end of the tree
		this->moveChunks( *tmpContainer, *riffChunk, 0 );
		delete tmpContainer;

		// check for FREE chunks at the end
		Chunk* endFREE = this->mergeFreeChunks( *riffChunk, riffChunk->numChildren() - 1 );

		if( endFREE != NULL )
			riffChunk->removeChildAt( riffChunk->numChildren() - 1 );
			delete endFREE;

		// Fix the offset values of all chunks. Throw an exception in the case that
		// the offset of a non-modified chunk needs to be reset.
		XMP_Validate( riffChunk->getOffset() == 0, "Invalid offset for RIFF top level chunk", kXMPErr_InternalFailure );

		this->validateOffsets( tree );
		// update the RF64 chunk (if this is RF64) based on the current chunk sizes
		this->updateRF64( tree );

void WAVEBehavior::insertChunk( IChunkContainer& tree, Chunk& chunk )
	XMP_Validate( tree.numChildren() == 1, "WAVE files should only have one top level chunk (RIFF)", kXMPErr_BadFileFormat);
	Chunk* riffChunk = tree.getChildAt(0);

	XMP_Validate( riffChunk->getType() == kType_WAVE , "Invalid type for WAVE top level chunk (RIFF)", kXMPErr_BadFileFormat);

	// add new chunk to the end of the RIFF:WAVE


bool WAVEBehavior::removeChunk( IChunkContainer& tree, Chunk& chunk )
	// validate parameter
	XMP_Validate( chunk.getID() != kChunk_RIFF, "Can't remove RIFF chunk!", kXMPErr_InternalFailure );
	XMP_Validate( chunk.getChunkMode() != CHUNK_UNKNOWN, "Cant' remove UNKNOWN Chunk", kXMPErr_InternalFailure );
	XMP_Validate( tree.numChildren() == 1, "WAVE files should only have one top level chunk (RIFF)", kXMPErr_BadFileFormat);	

	// get top-level chunk
	Chunk* riffChunk = tree.getChildAt(0);

	// validate top-level chunk
	XMP_Validate( (riffChunk->getType() == kType_WAVE || riffChunk->getType() == kChunk_RF64) , "Invalid type for WAVE/RF64 top level chunk (RIFF)", kXMPErr_BadFileFormat);

	// calculate index of chunk to remove
	XMP_Uns32 i = std::find( riffChunk->firstChild(), riffChunk->lastChild(), &chunk ) - riffChunk->firstChild();

	// validate index
	XMP_Validate( i < riffChunk->numChildren(), "Invalid chunk in tree", kXMPErr_InternalFailure );

	// adjust new chunks counter
	if( i > riffChunk->numChildren() - mChunksAdded - 1 )

	if( i < riffChunk->numChildren()-1 )
		// fill gap with free chunk
		Chunk* free = this->createFREE( chunk.getPadSize( true ) );
		riffChunk->replaceChildAt( i, free );

		// merge JUNK chunks
		this->mergeFreeChunks( *riffChunk, i );
		// remove chunk from tree
		riffChunk->removeChildAt( i );

	// if there is an entry in the ds64 table for the removed chunk
	// then update the ds64 table entry
	if( mDS64Data != NULL && mDS64Data->tableLength > 0 )
		for( std::vector<ChunkSize64>::iterator iter=mDS64Data->table.begin(); iter!=mDS64Data->table.end(); iter++ )
			if( iter->id == chunk.getID() )
				// don't remove entry but set its size to zero
				iter->size = 0LL;
	return true;

Chunk* WAVEBehavior::createFREE( XMP_Uns64 chunkSize )
	XMP_Int64 alloc = chunkSize - Chunk::HEADER_SIZE;

	Chunk* chunk = NULL;

	// create a 'JUNK' chunk
	if( alloc > 0 )
		XMP_Uns8* data = new XMP_Uns8[static_cast<size_t>( alloc )];
		memset( data, 0, static_cast<size_t>( alloc ) );

		chunk = Chunk::createUnknownChunk( mEndian, kChunk_JUNK, kType_NONE, alloc );

		chunk->setData( data, alloc );		

		delete[] data;
		chunk = Chunk::createHeaderChunk( mEndian, kChunk_JUNK );

	// force set dirty flag

	return chunk;

XMP_Bool WAVEBehavior::isFREEChunk( const Chunk& chunk ) const
	// Check for sigature JUNK and JUNQ
	return ( chunk.getID() == kChunk_JUNK || chunk.getID() == kChunk_JUNQ );

XMP_Uns64 WAVEBehavior::getMinFREESize() const
	// avoid creation of chunks with size==0
	return static_cast<XMP_Uns64>( Chunk::HEADER_SIZE ) + 2;

// WAVEBehavior::isRF64(...)
// Purpose: Is the current file a RF64 file

bool WAVEBehavior::isRF64( const IChunkContainer& tree )
	// The file format will not change at runtime
	// So if the flag is not already set, have a look at the tree 
	if( ! mIsRF64 && tree.numChildren() != 0 )
		Chunk *chunk = tree.getChildAt(0);
		// Only the TopLevel chunk is interesting
		mIsRF64 = chunk->getID() == kChunk_RF64 && 
				chunk->getType() == kType_WAVE;
	return mIsRF64;

// WAVEBehavior::getDS64(...)
// Purpose: Return RF64 structure.

WAVEBehavior::DS64* WAVEBehavior::getDS64( IChunkContainer& tree, XMP_IO* stream )
	DS64* ret = mDS64Data;

	if( ret == NULL )
		// try to find 'ds64' chunk in the tree
		Chunk* ds64 = NULL;
		Chunk* rf64 = NULL;

		if( tree.numChildren() > 0 )
			rf64 = tree.getChildAt(0);

			if( rf64 != NULL && rf64->getID() == kChunk_RF64 && rf64->numChildren() > 0 )
				// 'ds64' chunk needs to be the very first child of the 'RF64' chunk
				ds64 = rf64->getChildAt(0);

			// Try to create 'ds64' chunk by parsing the stream
			if( ds64 == NULL && stream != NULL )
				// remember file position before start reading from the stream
				XMP_Uns64 filePos = stream->Offset();

					ds64 = Chunk::createChunk( mEndian );
					ds64->readChunk( stream );
				catch( ... )
					delete ds64;
					ds64 = NULL;

				if( rf64 != NULL && ds64 != NULL && ds64->getID() == kChunk_ds64 )
					// Successfully read 'ds64' chunk.
					// Now read its data area as well and
					// add chunk to the 'RF64' chunk
					ds64->cacheChunkData( stream );
					rf64->appendChild( ds64, false );
					// Either the reading failed or the 'ds64' chunk
					// doesn't exists at the expected position.
					// Now clean up and reject the stream position.
					delete ds64;
					ds64 = NULL;

					stream->Seek( filePos, kXMP_SeekFromStart );
			else if( ds64 != NULL && ds64->getID() != kChunk_ds64 )
				// first child of 'RF64' chunk is NOT 'ds64'!
				ds64 = NULL;

		// parse 'ds64' chunk, store the RF64 struct and return it
		if( ds64 != NULL ) 
			DS64* ds64data = new DS64();

			if( this->parseDS64Chunk( *ds64, *ds64data ) )
				mDS64Data	= ds64data;
				ret			= mDS64Data;
				delete ds64data;

	return ret;

// WAVEBehavior::updateRF64(...)
// Purpose: update the RF64 chunk (if this is RF64) based on the current chunk sizes

void WAVEBehavior::updateRF64( IChunkContainer& tree )
	if( this->isRF64( tree ) )
		XMP_Validate( mDS64Data != NULL, "Missing DS64 structure", kXMPErr_InternalFailure );
		XMP_Validate( tree.numChildren() == 1, "Invalid RF64 tree", kXMPErr_InternalFailure );

		// Check all chunks that sizes have changed and update their related value in the DS64 chunk
		Chunk* rf64 = tree.getChildAt(0);
		XMP_Validate( rf64 != NULL && rf64->getID() == kChunk_RF64 && rf64->numChildren() > 0, "Invalid RF64 chunk", kXMPErr_InternalFailure );

		this->doUpdateRF64( *rf64 );

		// try to find 'ds64' chunk in the tree
		// (needs to be the very first child of the 'RF64' chunk)
		Chunk* ds64 = rf64->getChildAt(0);
		XMP_Validate( ds64 != NULL && ds64->getID() == kChunk_ds64, "Missing 'ds64' chunk", kXMPErr_InternalFailure );

		// serialize DS64 structure and write into ds64 chunk
		this->serializeDS64Chunk( *mDS64Data, *ds64 );		

void WAVEBehavior::doUpdateRF64( Chunk& chunk )
	// update ds64 entry for chunk if its size has changed
	if( chunk.hasChanged() && chunk.getOriginalSize() > kNormalRF64ChunkSize )
		switch( chunk.getID() )
			case kChunk_RF64:	mDS64Data->riffSize = chunk.getSize();		break;
			case kChunk_data:
				if( chunk.getSize() != chunk.getOriginalSize() )
					XMP_Throw( "Data chunk must not change", kXMPErr_InternalFailure );
				bool requireEntry = ( chunk.getSize() > kNormalRF64ChunkSize );
				bool found = false;

				// try to find entry for passed chunk id in the ds64 table
				if( mDS64Data->tableLength > 0 )
					for( std::vector<ChunkSize64>::iterator iter=mDS64Data->table.begin(); iter!=mDS64Data->table.end(); iter++ )
						if( iter->id == chunk.getID() )
							// always set new size even if it's less than 4GB
							iter->size = chunk.getSize();
							found = true;

				// We can't add new entries to the table. So if we found no entry within 'ds64'
				// for the passed chunk ID and the size of the chunk is larger than 4GB then
				// we have to throw an exception
				XMP_Validate( found || ( ! found && ! requireEntry ), "Can't update 'ds64' chunk", kXMPErr_Unimplemented );

	// go through all children to update ds64 data
	for( XMP_Uns32 i=0; i<chunk.numChildren(); i++ )
		Chunk* child = chunk.getChildAt(i);
		this->doUpdateRF64( *child );

// WAVEBehavior::parseRF64Chunk(...)
// Purpose: Parses the data block of the given RF64 chunk into the internal data structures

bool WAVEBehavior::parseDS64Chunk( const Chunk& ds64Chunk, WAVEBehavior::DS64& ds64 )
	bool ret = false;

	// It is a valid ds64 chunk
	if( ds64Chunk.getID() == kChunk_ds64 && ds64Chunk.getSize() >= kMinimumDS64ChunkSize )
		const XMP_Uns8* data;
		XMP_Uns64 size = ds64Chunk.getData(&data);

		memset( &ds64, 0, kMinimumDS64ChunkSize);

		// copy fix input data into RF64 block (except chunk size table)
		// Safe as fixed size matches size of struct that is #pragma packed(1)
		memcpy( &ds64, data, kMinimumDS64ChunkSize );

		// If there is more data but the table length is <= 0 then this is not a valid ds64 chunk
		if( size > kMinimumDS64ChunkSize && ds64.tableLength > 0 )
			// copy chunk sizes table
			XMP_Assert( size - kMinimumDS64ChunkSize >= ds64.tableLength * sizeof(ChunkSize64));

			XMP_Uns32 offset = kMinimumDS64ChunkSize;
			ChunkSize64 chunkSize;

			for( XMP_Uns32 i = 0 ; i < ds64.tableLength ; i++, offset += sizeof(ChunkSize64) )
			{ = mEndian.getUns32( data + offset );
				chunkSize.size = mEndian.getUns64( data + offset + 4 );

				ds64.table.push_back( chunkSize );

		// remember any existing table buffer
		ds64.trailingBytes = static_cast<XMP_Uns32>(size - kMinimumDS64ChunkSize - ds64.tableLength * sizeof(ChunkSize64));
		// Either a table has been correctly parsed or there was no table
		ret = (size - kMinimumDS64ChunkSize) >= (ds64.tableLength * sizeof(ChunkSize64));
	return ret;

// WAVEBehavior::serializeRF64Chunk(...)
// Purpose: Serializes the internal RF64 data structures into the data part of the given chunk
bool WAVEBehavior::serializeDS64Chunk( const WAVEBehavior::DS64& ds64, Chunk& ds64Chunk )
	if( ds64Chunk.getID() != kChunk_ds64 )
		return false; // not a valid ds64 chunk

	// Calculate needed size
	XMP_Uns32 size = kMinimumDS64ChunkSize + ds64.tableLength * sizeof(ChunkSize64) + ds64.trailingBytes;
	// Create tmp buffer
	XMP_Uns8* data = new XMP_Uns8[size];
	memset( data, 0, size );

	// copy fix input data into buffer (except chunk sizes table)
	// Safe as fixed size matches size of struct that is #pragma packed(1)
	memcpy( data, &ds64, kMinimumDS64ChunkSize );

	// copy chunk sizes table
	if( ds64.tableLength > 0 )
		XMP_Uns32 offset = kMinimumDS64ChunkSize;
		for( XMP_Uns32 i = 0 ; i < ds64.tableLength ; i++, offset += sizeof(ChunkSize64) )
			mEndian.putUns32(, data + offset );
			mEndian.putUns64(, data + offset + 4 );

	ds64Chunk.setData( data, size );

	// free tmp buffer
	delete []data;

	return true;