Blob Blame History Raw
\input texinfo
@documentencoding us-ascii
@settitle docbook2X Man-pages Stylesheets Reference
@dircategory Document Preparation
* docbook2X Man-pages Stylesheets Reference: (docbook2man-xslt).
@end direntry

@node Top, Guide to the stylesheet reference, , (dir)
@top docbook2X Man-pages Stylesheets Reference

* docbook2X Man-pages Stylesheets Reference: Guide to the stylesheet reference.
* common/l10n::
* common/messages::
* common/titles::
* param::                       Stylesheet parameters
* manpage::                     Man page chunk
* refentry::                    refentry markup
* sectioning::                  Mapping of DocBook sections into man-page
* sections::                    DocBook sectioning elements
* admon::                       Admonitions
* block::                       Block-level objects
* caption::                     Captions (really headings)
* formal::                      DocBook formal objects
* synop::                       Synopses
* table::                       Table support
* verbatim::                    Verbatim environments
* inline::                      Inline markup
* xref::                        Handle cross references and links
* glossary::                    Glossaries
* lists::                       All sorts of lists
* index::                       Indices
* info::                        The *info wrappers
* keywords::                    Keyword and subject meta-data
* toc::                         User-defined table of contents (toc markup)
* beginpage::                   beginpage element
* pi::                          Handle processing instructions

--- The Detailed Node Listing ---


* [P] localization-file::       (URI of) XML document containing
                                  localization data
* [V] l10n-data::               XML element node containing
* [P] default-document-language::   Assumed language of the input document
                                      when it is not specified in the source
* [T] l10n-match-language::     Determine the language to translate to
* [T] l10n-xml-language::       Determine the language of the given XML
* [T] l10n-xml-actual-language::   Undocumented
* [M] l10n-substitution::       Output localized text, substituting
                                  parameters if necessary
* [t l10n-substitution] text(): [t l10n-substitution] text[].


* [P] message-language::        Undocumented
* [T] l10n-message-choose-language::   Undocumented
* [t l10n-substitution] l;a1::
* [t l10n-substitution] l;a2::
* [t l10n-substitution] l;a3::
* [t l10n-substitution] l;a4::
* [t l10n-substitution] l;a5::
* [T] user-message::            Emit a user message
* [T] print-node-line-number::  Display file name and line number of a node
* [T] print-node-xpath::        Display the path of a node
* [t print-node-xpath] text(): [t print-node-xpath] text[].
* [t print-node-xpath] @@*::
* [t print-node-xpath] *[@@id != '']::
* [t print-node-xpath] *::
* [t print-node-xpath] /::


* [M] for-title::               Provides access to element titles
* [t title] title::
* [t title] *::
* [t title] text(): [t title] text[].
* [t for-title] set::
* [t for-title] *::
* [t for-title] book::
* [t for-title] part::
* [t for-title] preface|chapter|appendix::
* [t for-title] partintro::
* [t for-title] dedication::
* [t for-title] colophon::
* [t for-title] article::
* [t for-title] reference::
* [t for-title] refentry::
* [t for-title] refsynopsisdiv::
* [t for-title] section |sect1|sect2|sect3|sect4|sect5 |refsect1|refsect2|refsect3 |simplesect::
* [t for-title] bibliography::
* [t for-title] glossary::
* [t for-title] index::
* [t for-title] figure|table|example|equation::
* [t for-title] qandaset|qandadiv::
* [t for-title] abstract::
* [t for-title] caution|tip|warning|important|note::
* [t no-anchors] *::
* [t no-anchors] footnote::
* [t no-anchors] anchor::
* [t no-anchors] ulink::
* [t no-anchors] link::
* [t no-anchors] olink::
* [t no-anchors] indexterm::
* [t no-anchors] xref::


* [P] user-message-prefix::     Undocumented
* [P] uppercase-headings::      Make headings uppercase?
* [P] manvolnum-cite-numeral-only::   Man page section citation should use
                                        only the number
* [P] quotes-on-literals::      Display quotes on literal elements?
* [P] show-comments::           Display comment elements?
* [P] function-parens::         Generate parentheses after a function?
* [P] xref-on-link::            Should link generate a cross-reference?
* [P] header-3::                Third header text
* [P] header-4::                Fourth header text
* [P] header-5::                Fifth header text
* [P] default-manpage-section:: Default man page section
* [P] custom-localization-file::   URI of XML document containing custom
                                     localization data
* [P] custom-l10n-data::        XML document containing custom localization
* [P] author-othername-in-middle::   Is othername in author a middle name?


* [T] manpage::                 Undocumented


* [t] reference::
* [t] refentry::
* [t header-text] *::
* [t header-text] text(): [t header-text] text[].
* [t] refmeta::
* [t] refentrytitle::
* [t] manvolnum::
* [t] refmiscinfo::
* [t] refnamediv::
* [t] refname::
* [t] refpurpose::
* [t] refdescriptor::
* [t] refclass::
* [t] refsynopsisdiv::
* [t] refsection::
* [t] refsect1::
* [t] refsect2::
* [T] uppercase-title::         Undocumented


* [T] SS-section::              Undocumented
* [T] SH-section::              Undocumented


* [t] sect1|sect2|sect3|sect4|sect5|simplesect|section::
* [t] title::
* [t] titleabbrev::
* [t] subtitle::


* [T] admonition-title::        Undocumented
* [t] note|important|warning|caution|tip::


* [T] block-object::            Undocumented
* [T] indented.block-object: [T] indented_block-object.
* [t] para|simpara::
* [t] formalpara::
* [t] formalpara/title::
* [t] formalpara/para::
* [t] blockquote::
* [t] blockquote/title::
* [t] attribution::
* [t blockquote-attribution] attribution::
* [t] epigraph::
* [t] sidebar::
* [t] abstract::
* [t] msgset::
* [t] msgentry::
* [t] simplemsgentry::
* [t] msg::
* [t] msgmain::
* [t] msgmain/title::
* [t] msgsub::
* [t] msgsub/title::
* [t] msgrel::
* [t] msgrel/title::
* [t] msgtext::
* [t] msginfo::
* [t] msglevel|msgorig|msgaud::
* [t] msgexplan::
* [t] msgexplan/title::
* [t] revhistory::
* [t] revhistory/revision::
* [t] revision/revnumber::
* [t] revision/date::
* [t] revision/authorinitials::
* [t] revision/authorinitials[1]::
* [t] revision/revremark::
* [t] revision/revdescription::
* [t] ackno::


* [T] make-caption::            Render as a `caption'


* [T] formal-object::           Undocumented
* [T] formal-object-title::     Undocumented
* [T] informal-object::         Undocumented
* [T] semiformal-object::       Undocumented
* [t] figure|example::
* [t] equation::
* [t] informalfigure::
* [t] informalexample::
* [t] informalequation::


* [t] synopsis::
* [t] cmdsynopsis::
* [t cmdsynopsis] *::
* [t cmdsynopsis] sbr::
* [t cmdsynopsis] synopfragmentref::
* [t synopfragment.number] synopfragment: [t synopfragment_number] synopfragment.
* [t cmdsynopsis] synopfragment::
* [t cmdsynopsis] command|option::
* [t cmdsynopsis] replaceable::
* [t cmdsynopsis] group|arg::
* [t cmdsynopsis] group/*::
* [t cmdsynopsis] group/group::
* [t cmdsynopsis] group/option::
* [t cmdsynopsis] group/arg::
* [t] funcsynopsis::
* [t funcsynopsis] *::
* [t funcsynopsis] funcsynopsisinfo::
* [T] funcprototype::           Undocumented
* [t funcsynopsis] modifier::
* [t funcsynopsis] funcdef::
* [t funcsynopsis] function::
* [t funcsynopsis] void::
* [t funcsynopsis] varargs::
* [t funcsynopsis] paramdef::
* [t funcsynopsis] paramdef/parameter::
* [t funcsynopsis] funcparams::


* [t] table::
* [t] informaltable::
* [t] tgroup::
* [t] colspec|spanspec::
* [t] thead|tbody|tfoot::
* [t] row|entry::
* [t] entrytbl[@@cols='2']::
* [t entrytbl] thead::
* [t entrytbl] tbody::
* [t entrytbl] tfoot::
* [t entrytbl-head] row::
* [t entrytbl-body] row::
* [T] copy-through::            Undocumented
* [t copy] @@*::


* [t] literallayout::
* [t] programlisting|screen::
* [t] address::


* [T] inline-plain::            Undocumented
* [T] inline-monospace::        Undocumented
* [T] inline-bold-monospace::   Undocumented
* [T] inline-italic-monospace:: Undocumented
* [T] inline-bold::             Undocumented
* [T] inline-italic::           Undocumented
* [T] inline-roman::            Undocumented
* [T] inline-superscript::      Undocumented
* [T] inline-subscript::        Undocumented
* [t] author::
* [t] editor::
* [t] othercredit::
* [t] authorinitials::
* [t] accel::
* [t] action::
* [t] application::
* [t] classname::
* [t] exceptionname::
* [t] interfacename::
* [t] methodname::
* [t] command::
* [t] computeroutput::
* [t] constant::
* [t] database::
* [t] errorcode::
* [t] errorname::
* [t] errortype::
* [t] errortext::
* [t] envar::
* [t] filename::
* [t] refentrytitle/function::
* [t] function::
* [t] guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu::
* [t] hardware::
* [t] interface::
* [t] interfacedefinition::
* [t] keycap::
* [t] keycode::
* [t] keysym::
* [T] inline-quoted::           Undocumented
* [T] inline-quoted-monospace:: Undocumented
* [t] literal::
* [t] medialabel::
* [t] shortcut::
* [t] mousebutton::
* [t] option::
* [t] parameter::
* [t] property::
* [t] prompt::
* [t] replaceable::
* [t] returnvalue::
* [t] structfield::
* [t] structname::
* [t] symbol::
* [t] systemitem::
* [t] token::
* [t] type::
* [t] userinput::
* [t] abbrev::
* [t] acronym::
* [t] citerefentry::
* [t] citetitle::
* [t] emphasis[@@role='strong' or @@role='bold' or parent;;emphasis]::
* [t] emphasis::
* [t] foreignphrase::
* [t] markup::
* [t] phrase::
* [t] quote::
* [t] varname::
* [t] wordasword::
* [t] lineannotation::
* [t] superscript::
* [t] subscript::
* [t] trademark::
* [t] firstterm::
* [t] glossterm::
* [t] sgmltag::
* [T] format-sgmltag::          Undocumented
* [t] email::
* [t] keycombo::
* [t] menuchoice::
* [T] format-menuchoice::       Undocumented
* [t] optional::
* [t] citation::
* [t] comment|remark::
* [t] productname|productnumber::
* [t] pob|street|city|state|postcode|country|phone|fax|otheraddr::
* [t] firstname|surname|lineage|othername|honorific::


* [t] anchor::
* [t] xref::
* [t] link::
* [t] ulink::
* [M] xref-to::                 Give cross-reference markup
* [t xref-to] *::


* [t] glossary[glossentry[1]/preceding-sibling;;*]::
* [t] glossary::
* [t] glosslist::
* [t] glossdiv::
* [t] glossentry::
* [t] glossentry/glossterm::
* [t] glossentry/acronym::
* [t] glossentry/abbrev::
* [t] glossentry/revhistory::
* [t] glossentry/glossdef::
* [t] glossentry/glosssee|glossseealso::
* [t glosssee.xref] glossentry: [t glosssee_xref] glossentry.
* [t glosssee.xref] glossentry/glossterm[1]: [t glosssee_xref] glossentry/glossterm[1].
* [t glosssee.xref] *: [t glosssee_xref] *.


* [T] list.block: [T] list_block.   Undocumented
* [t] itemizedlist::
* [t] itemizedlist/listitem::
* [t] orderedlist::
* [t] orderedlist/listitem::
* [t] variablelist::
* [t] varlistentry::
* [t] term[1]::
* [t] term::
* [t] varlistentry/listitem::
* [t] simplelist::
* [t] member::
* [t] member[1]::
* [t] simplelist[@@type='inline']::
* [t] simplelist[@@type='inline']/member::
* [t] simplelist[@@type='inline']/member[1]::


* [t] index::
* [t] indexdiv::
* [t] indexterm::
* [t] primary::
* [t] secondary|tertiary::
* [t] see|seealso::
* [t] indexentry::
* [t] primaryie|secondaryie|tertiaryie|seeie|seealsoie::


* [t] corpauthor::
* [t] jobtitle::
* [t] orgname::
* [t] orgdiv::
* [t] docinfo|prefaceinfo|chapterinfo|appendixinfo|articleinfo|artheader|glossaryinfo::
* [t] bookinfo|setinfo|seriesinfo::
* [t] referenceinfo|refentryinfo|refsect1info|refsect2info|refsect3info|refsynopsisdivinfo::
* [t] sect1info|sect2info|sect3info|sect4info|sect5info|sectioninfo::
* [t] objectinfo::


* [t] keywordset::
* [t] subjectset::


* [t toc] *::
* [t] toc::
* [t] tocpart|tocchap|tocfront|tocback|tocentry::
* [t] toclevel1|toclevel2|toclevel3|toclevel4|toclevel5::
* [t] lot|lotentry::


* [t] processing-instruction(): [t] processing-instruction[].

@end detailmenu
@end menu

@node Guide to the stylesheet reference, common/l10n, Top, Top
@chapter docbook2X Man-pages Stylesheets Reference

For the most part, this reference assumes knowledge of XSLT.
But if you are not familiar with XSLT, you can still look
at the page of stylesheet parameters; they are the commonly
used options to the stylesheets that may be directly 
set from the command line.  Also take a look at the 
introductory text to each XSL file, which gives some
general advice to tweaking the output of the stylesheets.

In the lists of stylesheet items, the following symbols are 
prefixed before each item to indicate their type:

@table @asis

@item [P]
A global parameter.

The synopsis for the parameter 
shows its default value.

@item [V]
A global variable.

@item [M]
A template mode.

@item [T]
A named template.

@item [t @var{mode}]
A template with a 
@code{match} attribute,
for the given mode.  If @var{mode}
is omitted, that means the default mode.

These usually have no description; they are just
listed so that you know the template exists.
@end table

@node common/l10n, common/messages, Guide to the stylesheet reference, Top
@chapter common/l10n

* [P] localization-file::       (URI of) XML document containing
                                  localization data
* [V] l10n-data::               XML element node containing
* [P] default-document-language::   Assumed language of the input document
                                      when it is not specified in the source
* [T] l10n-match-language::     Determine the language to translate to
* [T] l10n-xml-language::       Determine the language of the given XML
* [T] l10n-xml-actual-language::   Undocumented
* [M] l10n-substitution::       Output localized text, substituting
                                  parameters if necessary
* [t l10n-substitution] text(): [t l10n-substitution] text[].
@end menu

@node [P] localization-file, [V] l10n-data, , common/l10n
@section [P] localization-file
@subheading Name

[P] localization-file --- (URI of) XML document containing localization data
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:param name="localization-file" select="'text/l10n-set.xml'" />
@end example
@subheading Description

This parameter specifies the URI of the localization-set document.
This document, written in XML, describes all the text translations
(and other locale-specific information) used by the stylesheet.

You do not need to change this parameter unless you want to use
custom localization data.

@node [V] l10n-data, [P] default-document-language, [P] localization-file, common/l10n
@section [V] l10n-data
@subheading Name

[V] l10n-data --- XML element node containing localization-data
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:variable name="l10n-data" select="document($localization-file)/l:localization-set" />
@end example
@subheading Description

This is just @samp{document($localization-file)/l:localization-set}.
There is no need to change this.

@node [P] default-document-language, [T] l10n-match-language, [V] l10n-data, common/l10n
@section [P] default-document-language
@subheading Name

[P] default-document-language --- Assumed language of the input document when it is not specified in the source
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:param name="default-document-language" select="'en'" />
@end example
@subheading Description

If the source document does not specify what language
it is written in using the @code{lang}
or @code{xml:lang} attribute.
then it is assumed to be in the language this parameter is set
to.  If these attributes are present (and in effect, whenever
the stylesheet needs language information), the language
specified in this parameter is ignored.

You rarely need to change this parameter; 
it is better to change the source document instead,
adding the @code{lang} 
or the @code{xml:lang} attribute.

The format of the value of this parameter is the usual
@samp{@var{language_code}-@var{country_code}}.  For example, @samp{zh-TW}.
The hyphen (@samp{-}) may also be an 
underscore (@samp{_}).

@node [T] l10n-match-language, [T] l10n-xml-language, [P] default-document-language, common/l10n
@section [T] l10n-match-language
@subheading Name

[T] l10n-match-language --- Determine the language to translate to
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="l10n-match-language">
  <xsl:param name="lang" /></xsl:template>
@end example
@subheading Description

Given a language code @code{lang} 
(usually obtained from 
match it with a language code in the localization data file.
The new language code may in fact be the same language code,
or it could be the language code with the country-code part
stripped.  If the localization data file does not contain
the language @code{lang}, then some default
language that does exist is returned.
@subheading Parameters

@table @asis

@item @code{lang}
The original language code.
@end table

@node [T] l10n-xml-language, [T] l10n-xml-actual-language, [T] l10n-match-language, common/l10n
@section [T] l10n-xml-language
@subheading Name

[T] l10n-xml-language --- Determine the language of the given XML fragment
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="l10n-xml-language">
  <xsl:param name="target" select="." /></xsl:template>
@end example
@subheading Description

Returns the language of the XML content at the given node,
as determined by the @code{lang}
or @code{xml:lang} attribute.

The result is always given in a normalized form:
@samp{@var{language_code}-@var{country_code}}, with the @var{language_code}
and @var{country_code} always in lower case.
The @samp{-@var{country_code}} 
may be missing.

No checking is done to make sure the language code is valid.
@subheading Parameters

@table @asis

@item @code{target}
The (element) node to find out the language for.
Defaults to the context node.
@end table

@node [T] l10n-xml-actual-language, [M] l10n-substitution, [T] l10n-xml-language, common/l10n
@section [T] l10n-xml-actual-language
@subheading Name

[T] l10n-xml-actual-language --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="l10n-xml-actual-language">
  <xsl:param name="target" select="." /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [M] l10n-substitution, [t l10n-substitution] text[], [T] l10n-xml-actual-language, common/l10n
@section [M] l10n-substitution
@subheading Name

[M] l10n-substitution --- Output localized text, substituting parameters if necessary
@subheading Description

A piece of the translated text is processed with this mode
to perform any substitutions of parameters like
chapter numbers, etc.  Text nodes are echoed through in
this mode.

@node [t l10n-substitution] text[], , [M] l10n-substitution, common/l10n
@section [t l10n-substitution] text()
@subheading Name

[t l10n-substitution] text()
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="text()" mode="l10n-substitution" />
@end example

@node common/messages, common/titles, common/l10n, Top
@chapter common/messages

* [P] message-language::        Undocumented
* [T] l10n-message-choose-language::   Undocumented
* [t l10n-substitution] l;a1::
* [t l10n-substitution] l;a2::
* [t l10n-substitution] l;a3::
* [t l10n-substitution] l;a4::
* [t l10n-substitution] l;a5::
* [T] user-message::            Emit a user message
* [T] print-node-line-number::  Display file name and line number of a node
* [T] print-node-xpath::        Display the path of a node
* [t print-node-xpath] text(): [t print-node-xpath] text[].
* [t print-node-xpath] @@*::
* [t print-node-xpath] *[@@id != '']::
* [t print-node-xpath] *::
* [t print-node-xpath] /::
@end menu

@node [P] message-language, [T] l10n-message-choose-language, , common/messages
@section [P] message-language
@subheading Name

[P] message-language --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:param name="message-language" select="'en'" />
@end example

@node [T] l10n-message-choose-language, [t l10n-substitution] l;a1, [P] message-language, common/messages
@section [T] l10n-message-choose-language
@subheading Name

[T] l10n-message-choose-language --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="l10n-message-choose-language">
  <xsl:param name="key" />
  <xsl:param name="languages" select="$message-language" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t l10n-substitution] l;a1, [t l10n-substitution] l;a2, [T] l10n-message-choose-language, common/messages
@section [t l10n-substitution] l:a1
@subheading Name

[t l10n-substitution] l:a1
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="l:a1" mode="l10n-substitution">
  <xsl:param name="arg-1" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t l10n-substitution] l;a2, [t l10n-substitution] l;a3, [t l10n-substitution] l;a1, common/messages
@section [t l10n-substitution] l:a2
@subheading Name

[t l10n-substitution] l:a2
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="l:a2" mode="l10n-substitution">
  <xsl:param name="arg-2" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t l10n-substitution] l;a3, [t l10n-substitution] l;a4, [t l10n-substitution] l;a2, common/messages
@section [t l10n-substitution] l:a3
@subheading Name

[t l10n-substitution] l:a3
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="l:a3" mode="l10n-substitution">
  <xsl:param name="arg-3" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t l10n-substitution] l;a4, [t l10n-substitution] l;a5, [t l10n-substitution] l;a3, common/messages
@section [t l10n-substitution] l:a4
@subheading Name

[t l10n-substitution] l:a4
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="l:a4" mode="l10n-substitution">
  <xsl:param name="arg-4" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t l10n-substitution] l;a5, [T] user-message, [t l10n-substitution] l;a4, common/messages
@section [t l10n-substitution] l:a5
@subheading Name

[t l10n-substitution] l:a5
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="l:a5" mode="l10n-substitution">
  <xsl:param name="arg-5" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [T] user-message, [T] print-node-line-number, [t l10n-substitution] l;a5, common/messages
@section [T] user-message
@subheading Name

[T] user-message --- Emit a user message
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="user-message">
  <xsl:param name="node" select="." />
  <xsl:param name="trace-node" select="true()" />
  <xsl:param name="arg-1" />
  <xsl:param name="arg-2" />
  <xsl:param name="arg-3" />
  <xsl:param name="arg-4" />
  <xsl:param name="arg-5" />
  <xsl:param name="key" />
  <xsl:param name="content" /></xsl:template>
@end example
@subheading Description

This template is used in place of @code{xsl:message}.
It traces the path of the given node to help in debugging and allows
messages to be localized.
@subheading Parameters

@table @asis

@item @code{node}
The node to get to trace the path to.
Default is the context node.

@item @code{arg}
Additional string argument to message, if any.

@item @code{key}
The standard message text.  If a localization/customization
exists, it is keyed under this text and displayed instead
of the standard message text.
@end table

@node [T] print-node-line-number, [T] print-node-xpath, [T] user-message, common/messages
@section [T] print-node-line-number
@subheading Name

[T] print-node-line-number --- Display file name and line number of a node
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="print-node-line-number">
  <xsl:param name="node" select="." /></xsl:template>
@end example
@subheading Description

This template displays the file name and 
the line number in that file that contains the given node.
In addition the name of the given node is shown in parentheses
(usually the element name).
The output is suitable for diagnostics to the user.

(``filename'' means the ``filename'' part of the URI of the 
containing entity.)  
@subheading Parameters

@table @asis

@item @code{node}
The node to get to print the information for.
Default is the context node.
@end table

@node [T] print-node-xpath, [t print-node-xpath] text[], [T] print-node-line-number, common/messages
@section [T] print-node-xpath
@subheading Name

[T] print-node-xpath --- Display the path of a node
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="print-node-xpath">
  <xsl:param name="node" select="." /></xsl:template>
@end example
@subheading Description

This template displays the address of the given node in 
XPath notation, in a compact yet unambiguous form
suitable for diagnostics to the user.

It assumes that ID attributes are named 
@code{id}, and if an element
has an ID defined, then the element will be addressed using
that ID, instead of a long XPath starting from the root.
@subheading Parameters

@table @asis

@item @code{node}
The node to get to trace the path to.
Default is the context node.
@end table

@node [t print-node-xpath] text[], [t print-node-xpath] @@*, [T] print-node-xpath, common/messages
@section [t print-node-xpath] text()
@subheading Name

[t print-node-xpath] text()
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="text()" mode="print-node-xpath" />
@end example

@node [t print-node-xpath] @@*, [t print-node-xpath] *[@@id != ''], [t print-node-xpath] text[], common/messages
@section [t print-node-xpath] @@*
@subheading Name

[t print-node-xpath] @@*
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="@@*" mode="print-node-xpath" />
@end example

@node [t print-node-xpath] *[@@id != ''], [t print-node-xpath] *, [t print-node-xpath] @@*, common/messages
@section [t print-node-xpath] *[@@id != '']
@subheading Name

[t print-node-xpath] *[@@id != '']
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="*[@@id != '']" mode="print-node-xpath" />
@end example

@node [t print-node-xpath] *, [t print-node-xpath] /, [t print-node-xpath] *[@@id != ''], common/messages
@section [t print-node-xpath] *
@subheading Name

[t print-node-xpath] *
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="*" mode="print-node-xpath" />
@end example

@node [t print-node-xpath] /, , [t print-node-xpath] *, common/messages
@section [t print-node-xpath] /
@subheading Name

[t print-node-xpath] /
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="/" mode="print-node-xpath" />
@end example

@node common/titles, param, common/messages, Top
@chapter common/titles

* [M] for-title::               Provides access to element titles
* [t title] title::
* [t title] *::
* [t title] text(): [t title] text[].
* [t for-title] set::
* [t for-title] *::
* [t for-title] book::
* [t for-title] part::
* [t for-title] preface|chapter|appendix::
* [t for-title] partintro::
* [t for-title] dedication::
* [t for-title] colophon::
* [t for-title] article::
* [t for-title] reference::
* [t for-title] refentry::
* [t for-title] refsynopsisdiv::
* [t for-title] section |sect1|sect2|sect3|sect4|sect5 |refsect1|refsect2|refsect3 |simplesect::
* [t for-title] bibliography::
* [t for-title] glossary::
* [t for-title] index::
* [t for-title] figure|table|example|equation::
* [t for-title] qandaset|qandadiv::
* [t for-title] abstract::
* [t for-title] caution|tip|warning|important|note::
* [t no-anchors] *::
* [t no-anchors] footnote::
* [t no-anchors] anchor::
* [t no-anchors] ulink::
* [t no-anchors] link::
* [t no-anchors] olink::
* [t no-anchors] indexterm::
* [t no-anchors] xref::
@end menu

@node [M] for-title, [t title] title, , common/titles
@section [M] for-title
@subheading Name

[M] for-title --- Provides access to element titles
@subheading Description

Processing an element in the
@samp{title} mode produces the
title of the element. This does not include the label.

@node [t title] title, [t title] *, [M] for-title, common/titles
@section [t title] title
@subheading Name

[t title] title
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="title" mode="title" />
@end example

@node [t title] *, [t title] text[], [t title] title, common/titles
@section [t title] *
@subheading Name

[t title] *
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="*" mode="title">
  <xsl:param name="allow-anchors" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t title] text[], [t for-title] set, [t title] *, common/titles
@section [t title] text()
@subheading Name

[t title] text()
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="text()" mode="title" />
@end example

@node [t for-title] set, [t for-title] *, [t title] text[], common/titles
@section [t for-title] set
@subheading Name

[t for-title] set
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="set" mode="for-title">
  <xsl:param name="allow-anchors" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t for-title] *, [t for-title] book, [t for-title] set, common/titles
@section [t for-title] *
@subheading Name

[t for-title] *
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="*" mode="for-title">
  <xsl:param name="allow-anchors" select="false()" />
  <xsl:param name="suppress-error" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t for-title] book, [t for-title] part, [t for-title] *, common/titles
@section [t for-title] book
@subheading Name

[t for-title] book
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="book" mode="for-title">
  <xsl:param name="allow-anchors" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t for-title] part, [t for-title] preface|chapter|appendix, [t for-title] book, common/titles
@section [t for-title] part
@subheading Name

[t for-title] part
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="part" mode="for-title">
  <xsl:param name="allow-anchors" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t for-title] preface|chapter|appendix, [t for-title] partintro, [t for-title] part, common/titles
@section [t for-title] preface|chapter|appendix
@subheading Name

[t for-title] preface|chapter|appendix
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="preface|chapter|appendix" mode="for-title">
  <xsl:param name="allow-anchors" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t for-title] partintro, [t for-title] dedication, [t for-title] preface|chapter|appendix, common/titles
@section [t for-title] partintro
@subheading Name

[t for-title] partintro
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="partintro" mode="for-title">
  <xsl:param name="allow-anchors" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t for-title] dedication, [t for-title] colophon, [t for-title] partintro, common/titles
@section [t for-title] dedication
@subheading Name

[t for-title] dedication
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="dedication" mode="for-title">
  <xsl:param name="allow-anchors" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t for-title] colophon, [t for-title] article, [t for-title] dedication, common/titles
@section [t for-title] colophon
@subheading Name

[t for-title] colophon
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="colophon" mode="for-title">
  <xsl:param name="allow-anchors" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t for-title] article, [t for-title] reference, [t for-title] colophon, common/titles
@section [t for-title] article
@subheading Name

[t for-title] article
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="article" mode="for-title">
  <xsl:param name="allow-anchors" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t for-title] reference, [t for-title] refentry, [t for-title] article, common/titles
@section [t for-title] reference
@subheading Name

[t for-title] reference
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="reference" mode="for-title">
  <xsl:param name="allow-anchors" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t for-title] refentry, [t for-title] refsynopsisdiv, [t for-title] reference, common/titles
@section [t for-title] refentry
@subheading Name

[t for-title] refentry
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="refentry" mode="for-title">
  <xsl:param name="allow-anchors" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t for-title] refsynopsisdiv, [t for-title] section |sect1|sect2|sect3|sect4|sect5 |refsect1|refsect2|refsect3 |simplesect, [t for-title] refentry, common/titles
@section [t for-title] refsynopsisdiv
@subheading Name

[t for-title] refsynopsisdiv
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="refsynopsisdiv" mode="for-title">
  <xsl:param name="allow-anchors" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t for-title] section |sect1|sect2|sect3|sect4|sect5 |refsect1|refsect2|refsect3 |simplesect, [t for-title] bibliography, [t for-title] refsynopsisdiv, common/titles
@section [t for-title] section |sect1|sect2|sect3|sect4|sect5 |refsect1|refsect2|refsect3 |simplesect
@subheading Name

[t for-title] section                      |sect1|sect2|sect3|sect4|sect5                      |refsect1|refsect2|refsect3                      |simplesect
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="section                      |sect1|sect2|sect3|sect4|sect5                      |refsect1|refsect2|refsect3                      |simplesect" mode="for-title">
  <xsl:param name="allow-anchors" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t for-title] bibliography, [t for-title] glossary, [t for-title] section |sect1|sect2|sect3|sect4|sect5 |refsect1|refsect2|refsect3 |simplesect, common/titles
@section [t for-title] bibliography
@subheading Name

[t for-title] bibliography
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="bibliography" mode="for-title">
  <xsl:param name="allow-anchors" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t for-title] glossary, [t for-title] index, [t for-title] bibliography, common/titles
@section [t for-title] glossary
@subheading Name

[t for-title] glossary
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="glossary" mode="for-title">
  <xsl:param name="allow-anchors" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t for-title] index, [t for-title] figure|table|example|equation, [t for-title] glossary, common/titles
@section [t for-title] index
@subheading Name

[t for-title] index
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="index" mode="for-title">
  <xsl:param name="allow-anchors" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t for-title] figure|table|example|equation, [t for-title] qandaset|qandadiv, [t for-title] index, common/titles
@section [t for-title] figure|table|example|equation
@subheading Name

[t for-title] figure|table|example|equation
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="figure|table|example|equation" mode="for-title">
  <xsl:param name="allow-anchors" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t for-title] qandaset|qandadiv, [t for-title] abstract, [t for-title] figure|table|example|equation, common/titles
@section [t for-title] qandaset|qandadiv
@subheading Name

[t for-title] qandaset|qandadiv
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="qandaset|qandadiv" mode="for-title">
  <xsl:param name="allow-anchors" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t for-title] abstract, [t for-title] caution|tip|warning|important|note, [t for-title] qandaset|qandadiv, common/titles
@section [t for-title] abstract
@subheading Name

[t for-title] abstract
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="abstract" mode="for-title">
  <xsl:param name="allow-anchors" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t for-title] caution|tip|warning|important|note, [t no-anchors] *, [t for-title] abstract, common/titles
@section [t for-title] caution|tip|warning|important|note
@subheading Name

[t for-title] caution|tip|warning|important|note
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="caution|tip|warning|important|note" mode="for-title">
  <xsl:param name="allow-anchors" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t no-anchors] *, [t no-anchors] footnote, [t for-title] caution|tip|warning|important|note, common/titles
@section [t no-anchors] *
@subheading Name

[t no-anchors] *
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="*" mode="no-anchors" />
@end example

@node [t no-anchors] footnote, [t no-anchors] anchor, [t no-anchors] *, common/titles
@section [t no-anchors] footnote
@subheading Name

[t no-anchors] footnote
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="footnote" mode="no-anchors" />
@end example

@node [t no-anchors] anchor, [t no-anchors] ulink, [t no-anchors] footnote, common/titles
@section [t no-anchors] anchor
@subheading Name

[t no-anchors] anchor
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="anchor" mode="no-anchors" />
@end example

@node [t no-anchors] ulink, [t no-anchors] link, [t no-anchors] anchor, common/titles
@section [t no-anchors] ulink
@subheading Name

[t no-anchors] ulink
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="ulink" mode="no-anchors" />
@end example

@node [t no-anchors] link, [t no-anchors] olink, [t no-anchors] ulink, common/titles
@section [t no-anchors] link
@subheading Name

[t no-anchors] link
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="link" mode="no-anchors" />
@end example

@node [t no-anchors] olink, [t no-anchors] indexterm, [t no-anchors] link, common/titles
@section [t no-anchors] olink
@subheading Name

[t no-anchors] olink
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="olink" mode="no-anchors" />
@end example

@node [t no-anchors] indexterm, [t no-anchors] xref, [t no-anchors] olink, common/titles
@section [t no-anchors] indexterm
@subheading Name

[t no-anchors] indexterm
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="indexterm" mode="no-anchors" />
@end example

@node [t no-anchors] xref, , [t no-anchors] indexterm, common/titles
@section [t no-anchors] xref
@subheading Name

[t no-anchors] xref
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="xref" mode="no-anchors" />
@end example

@node param, manpage, common/titles, Top
@chapter param

* [P] user-message-prefix::     Undocumented
* [P] uppercase-headings::      Make headings uppercase?
* [P] manvolnum-cite-numeral-only::   Man page section citation should use
                                        only the number
* [P] quotes-on-literals::      Display quotes on literal elements?
* [P] show-comments::           Display comment elements?
* [P] function-parens::         Generate parentheses after a function?
* [P] xref-on-link::            Should link generate a cross-reference?
* [P] header-3::                Third header text
* [P] header-4::                Fourth header text
* [P] header-5::                Fifth header text
* [P] default-manpage-section:: Default man page section
* [P] custom-localization-file::   URI of XML document containing custom
                                     localization data
* [P] custom-l10n-data::        XML document containing custom localization
* [P] author-othername-in-middle::   Is othername in author a middle name?
@end menu

@node [P] user-message-prefix, [P] uppercase-headings, , param
@section [P] user-message-prefix
@subheading Name

[P] user-message-prefix --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:param name="user-message-prefix" select="'docbook2man:'" />
@end example

@node [P] uppercase-headings, [P] manvolnum-cite-numeral-only, [P] user-message-prefix, param
@section [P] uppercase-headings
@subheading Name

[P] uppercase-headings --- Make headings uppercase?
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:param name="uppercase-headings" select="true()" />
@end example
@subheading Description

Headings in man page content should be or should not be uppercased.

@node [P] manvolnum-cite-numeral-only, [P] quotes-on-literals, [P] uppercase-headings, param
@section [P] manvolnum-cite-numeral-only
@subheading Name

[P] manvolnum-cite-numeral-only --- Man page section citation should use only the number
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:param name="manvolnum-cite-numeral-only" select="true()" />
@end example
@subheading Description

When citing other man pages, the man-page section is either given as is,
or has the letters stripped from it, citing only the number of the
section (e.g. section @samp{3x} becomes
@samp{3}).  This option specifies which style. 

@node [P] quotes-on-literals, [P] show-comments, [P] manvolnum-cite-numeral-only, param
@section [P] quotes-on-literals
@subheading Name

[P] quotes-on-literals --- Display quotes on @code{literal}
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:param name="quotes-on-literals" select="false()" />
@end example
@subheading Description

If true, render @code{literal} elements
with quotes around them.

@node [P] show-comments, [P] function-parens, [P] quotes-on-literals, param
@section [P] show-comments
@subheading Name

[P] show-comments --- Display @code{comment} elements?
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:param name="show-comments" select="true()" />
@end example
@subheading Description

If true, comments will be displayed, otherwise they are suppressed.
Comments here refers to the @code{comment} element,
which will be renamed @code{remark} in DocBook V4.0,
not XML comments (<-- like this -->) which are unavailable.

@node [P] function-parens, [P] xref-on-link, [P] show-comments, param
@section [P] function-parens
@subheading Name

[P] function-parens --- Generate parentheses after a function?
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:param name="function-parens" select="false()" />
@end example
@subheading Description

If true, the formatting of
a @code{<function>} element will include
generated parenthesis.

@node [P] xref-on-link, [P] header-3, [P] function-parens, param
@section [P] xref-on-link
@subheading Name

[P] xref-on-link --- Should @code{link} generate a
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:param name="xref-on-link" select="true()" />
@end example
@subheading Description

Man pages cannot render the hypertext links created by @code{link}.  If this option is set, then the
stylesheet renders a cross reference to the target of the link.
(This may reduce clutter).  Otherwise, only the content of the @code{link} is rendered and the actual link itself is

@node [P] header-3, [P] header-4, [P] xref-on-link, param
@section [P] header-3
@subheading Name

[P] header-3 --- Third header text
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:param name="header-3" select="''" />
@end example
@subheading Description

Specifies the text of the third header of a man page,
typically the date for the man page.  If empty, the @code{date} content for the @code{refentry} is used.

@node [P] header-4, [P] header-5, [P] header-3, param
@section [P] header-4
@subheading Name

[P] header-4 --- Fourth header text
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:param name="header-4" select="''" />
@end example
@subheading Description

Specifies the text of the fourth header of a man page.
If empty, the @code{refmiscinfo} content for
the @code{refentry} is used.

@node [P] header-5, [P] default-manpage-section, [P] header-4, param
@section [P] header-5
@subheading Name

[P] header-5 --- Fifth header text
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:param name="header-5" select="''" />
@end example
@subheading Description

Specifies the text of the fifth header of a man page.
If empty, the `manual name', that is, the title of the
@code{book} or @code{reference} container is used.

@node [P] default-manpage-section, [P] custom-localization-file, [P] header-5, param
@section [P] default-manpage-section
@subheading Name

[P] default-manpage-section --- Default man page section
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:param name="default-manpage-section" select="'1'" />
@end example
@subheading Description

The source document usually indicates the sections that each man page
should belong to (with @code{manvolnum} in
@code{refmeta}).  In case the source
document does not indicate man-page sections, this option specifies the

@node [P] custom-localization-file, [P] custom-l10n-data, [P] default-manpage-section, param
@section [P] custom-localization-file
@subheading Name

[P] custom-localization-file --- URI of XML document containing custom localization data
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:param name="custom-localization-file" select="''" />
@end example
@subheading Description

This parameter specifies the URI of a XML document
that describes text translations (and other locale-specific information)
that is needed by the stylesheet to process the DocBook document.

The text translations pointed to by this parameter always
override the default text translations 
(from the internal parameter @code{localization-file}).
If a particular translation is not present here,
the corresponding default translation 
is used as a fallback.

This parameter is primarily for changing certain
punctuation characters used in formatting the source document.
The settings for punctuation characters are often specific
to the source document, but can also be dependent on the locale.

To not use custom text translations, leave this parameter 
as the empty string.

@node [P] custom-l10n-data, [P] author-othername-in-middle, [P] custom-localization-file, param
@section [P] custom-l10n-data
@subheading Name

[P] custom-l10n-data --- XML document containing custom localization data
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:param name="custom-l10n-data" select="document($custom-localization-file)" />
@end example
@subheading Description

This parameter specifies the XML document
that describes text translations (and other locale-specific information)
that is needed by the stylesheet to process the DocBook document.

This parameter is internal to the stylesheet.
To point to an external XML document with a URI or a file name, 
you should use the @code{custom-localization-file}
parameter instead.

However, inside a custom stylesheet 
(@emph{not on the command-line})
this paramter can be set to the XPath expression
which will cause the custom translations 
directly embedded inside the custom stylesheet to be read.

@node [P] author-othername-in-middle, , [P] custom-l10n-data, param
@section [P] author-othername-in-middle
@subheading Name

[P] author-othername-in-middle --- Is @code{othername} in @code{author} a
middle name?
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:param name="author-othername-in-middle" select="1" />
@end example
@subheading Description

If true, the @code{othername} of an @code{author}
appears between the @code{firstname} and
@code{surname}.  Otherwise, @code{othername}
is suppressed.

@node manpage, refentry, param, Top
@chapter manpage

* [T] manpage::                 Undocumented
@end menu

@node [T] manpage, , , manpage
@section [T] manpage
@subheading Name

[T] manpage --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="manpage">
  <xsl:param name="title" />
  <xsl:param name="section" select="$default-manpage-section" />
  <xsl:param name="h1" select="$title" />
  <xsl:param name="h2" select="$section" />
  <xsl:param name="h3" select="$header-3" />
  <xsl:param name="h4" select="$header-4" />
  <xsl:param name="h5" select="$header-5" />

  <xsl:param name="content">
    <xsl:apply-templates />
@end example

@node refentry, sectioning, manpage, Top
@chapter refentry

* [t] reference::
* [t] refentry::
* [t header-text] *::
* [t header-text] text(): [t header-text] text[].
* [t] refmeta::
* [t] refentrytitle::
* [t] manvolnum::
* [t] refmiscinfo::
* [t] refnamediv::
* [t] refname::
* [t] refpurpose::
* [t] refdescriptor::
* [t] refclass::
* [t] refsynopsisdiv::
* [t] refsection::
* [t] refsect1::
* [t] refsect2::
* [T] uppercase-title::         Undocumented
@end menu

@node [t] reference, [t] refentry, , refentry
@section [t] reference
@subheading Name

[t] reference
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="reference" />
@end example

@node [t] refentry, [t header-text] *, [t] reference, refentry
@section [t] refentry
@subheading Name

[t] refentry
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="refentry" />
@end example

@node [t header-text] *, [t header-text] text[], [t] refentry, refentry
@section [t header-text] *
@subheading Name

[t header-text] *
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="*" mode="header-text" />
@end example

@node [t header-text] text[], [t] refmeta, [t header-text] *, refentry
@section [t header-text] text()
@subheading Name

[t header-text] text()
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="text()" mode="header-text" />
@end example

@node [t] refmeta, [t] refentrytitle, [t header-text] text[], refentry
@section [t] refmeta
@subheading Name

[t] refmeta
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="refmeta" />
@end example

@node [t] refentrytitle, [t] manvolnum, [t] refmeta, refentry
@section [t] refentrytitle
@subheading Name

[t] refentrytitle
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="refentrytitle" />
@end example

@node [t] manvolnum, [t] refmiscinfo, [t] refentrytitle, refentry
@section [t] manvolnum
@subheading Name

[t] manvolnum
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="manvolnum" />
@end example

@node [t] refmiscinfo, [t] refnamediv, [t] manvolnum, refentry
@section [t] refmiscinfo
@subheading Name

[t] refmiscinfo
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="refmiscinfo" />
@end example

@node [t] refnamediv, [t] refname, [t] refmiscinfo, refentry
@section [t] refnamediv
@subheading Name

[t] refnamediv
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="refnamediv" />
@end example

@node [t] refname, [t] refpurpose, [t] refnamediv, refentry
@section [t] refname
@subheading Name

[t] refname
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="refname" />
@end example

@node [t] refpurpose, [t] refdescriptor, [t] refname, refentry
@section [t] refpurpose
@subheading Name

[t] refpurpose
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="refpurpose" />
@end example

@node [t] refdescriptor, [t] refclass, [t] refpurpose, refentry
@section [t] refdescriptor
@subheading Name

[t] refdescriptor
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="refdescriptor" />
@end example

@node [t] refclass, [t] refsynopsisdiv, [t] refdescriptor, refentry
@section [t] refclass
@subheading Name

[t] refclass
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="refclass" />
@end example

@node [t] refsynopsisdiv, [t] refsection, [t] refclass, refentry
@section [t] refsynopsisdiv
@subheading Name

[t] refsynopsisdiv
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="refsynopsisdiv" />
@end example

@node [t] refsection, [t] refsect1, [t] refsynopsisdiv, refentry
@section [t] refsection
@subheading Name

[t] refsection
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="refsection" />
@end example

@node [t] refsect1, [t] refsect2, [t] refsection, refentry
@section [t] refsect1
@subheading Name

[t] refsect1
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="refsect1" />
@end example

@node [t] refsect2, [T] uppercase-title, [t] refsect1, refentry
@section [t] refsect2
@subheading Name

[t] refsect2
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="refsect2" />
@end example

@node [T] uppercase-title, , [t] refsect2, refentry
@section [T] uppercase-title
@subheading Name

[T] uppercase-title --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="refsect1/title//text()|refsect2/title//text()" name="uppercase-title" mode="title">

  <xsl:param name="content" select="." /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node sectioning, sections, refentry, Top
@chapter sectioning

* [T] SS-section::              Undocumented
* [T] SH-section::              Undocumented
@end menu

@node [T] SS-section, [T] SH-section, , sectioning
@section [T] SS-section
@subheading Name

[T] SS-section --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="SS-section">
  <xsl:param name="title">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="for-title" />

  <xsl:param name="content">
    <xsl:apply-templates />
@end example

@node [T] SH-section, , [T] SS-section, sectioning
@section [T] SH-section
@subheading Name

[T] SH-section --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="SH-section">
  <xsl:param name="title">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="for-title" />

  <xsl:param name="content">
    <xsl:apply-templates />
@end example

@node sections, admon, sectioning, Top
@chapter sections

* [t] sect1|sect2|sect3|sect4|sect5|simplesect|section::
* [t] title::
* [t] titleabbrev::
* [t] subtitle::
@end menu

@node [t] sect1|sect2|sect3|sect4|sect5|simplesect|section, [t] title, , sections
@section [t] sect1|sect2|sect3|sect4|sect5|simplesect|section
@subheading Name

[t] sect1|sect2|sect3|sect4|sect5|simplesect|section
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="sect1|sect2|sect3|sect4|sect5|simplesect|section" />
@end example

@node [t] title, [t] titleabbrev, [t] sect1|sect2|sect3|sect4|sect5|simplesect|section, sections
@section [t] title
@subheading Name

[t] title
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="title" />
@end example

@node [t] titleabbrev, [t] subtitle, [t] title, sections
@section [t] titleabbrev
@subheading Name

[t] titleabbrev
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="titleabbrev" />
@end example

@node [t] subtitle, , [t] titleabbrev, sections
@section [t] subtitle
@subheading Name

[t] subtitle
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="subtitle" />
@end example

@node admon, block, sections, Top
@chapter admon

* [T] admonition-title::        Undocumented
* [t] note|important|warning|caution|tip::
@end menu

@node [T] admonition-title, [t] note|important|warning|caution|tip, , admon
@section [T] admonition-title
@subheading Name

[T] admonition-title --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="admonition-title" />
@end example

@node [t] note|important|warning|caution|tip, , [T] admonition-title, admon
@section [t] note|important|warning|caution|tip
@subheading Name

[t] note|important|warning|caution|tip
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="note|important|warning|caution|tip" />
@end example

@node block, caption, admon, Top
@chapter block

* [T] block-object::            Undocumented
* [T] indented.block-object: [T] indented_block-object.
* [t] para|simpara::
* [t] formalpara::
* [t] formalpara/title::
* [t] formalpara/para::
* [t] blockquote::
* [t] blockquote/title::
* [t] attribution::
* [t blockquote-attribution] attribution::
* [t] epigraph::
* [t] sidebar::
* [t] abstract::
* [t] msgset::
* [t] msgentry::
* [t] simplemsgentry::
* [t] msg::
* [t] msgmain::
* [t] msgmain/title::
* [t] msgsub::
* [t] msgsub/title::
* [t] msgrel::
* [t] msgrel/title::
* [t] msgtext::
* [t] msginfo::
* [t] msglevel|msgorig|msgaud::
* [t] msgexplan::
* [t] msgexplan/title::
* [t] revhistory::
* [t] revhistory/revision::
* [t] revision/revnumber::
* [t] revision/date::
* [t] revision/authorinitials::
* [t] revision/authorinitials[1]::
* [t] revision/revremark::
* [t] revision/revdescription::
* [t] ackno::
@end menu

@node [T] block-object, [T] indented_block-object, , block
@section [T] block-object
@subheading Name

[T] block-object --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="block-object" />
@end example

@node [T] indented_block-object, [t] para|simpara, [T] block-object, block
@section [T] indented.block-object
@subheading Name

[T] indented.block-object --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="indented.block-object" />
@end example

@node [t] para|simpara, [t] formalpara, [T] indented_block-object, block
@section [t] para|simpara
@subheading Name

[t] para|simpara
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="para|simpara" />
@end example

@node [t] formalpara, [t] formalpara/title, [t] para|simpara, block
@section [t] formalpara
@subheading Name

[t] formalpara
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="formalpara" />
@end example

@node [t] formalpara/title, [t] formalpara/para, [t] formalpara, block
@section [t] formalpara/title
@subheading Name

[t] formalpara/title
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="formalpara/title" />
@end example

@node [t] formalpara/para, [t] blockquote, [t] formalpara/title, block
@section [t] formalpara/para
@subheading Name

[t] formalpara/para
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="formalpara/para" />
@end example

@node [t] blockquote, [t] blockquote/title, [t] formalpara/para, block
@section [t] blockquote
@subheading Name

[t] blockquote
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="blockquote" />
@end example

@node [t] blockquote/title, [t] attribution, [t] blockquote, block
@section [t] blockquote/title
@subheading Name

[t] blockquote/title
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="blockquote/title" />
@end example

@node [t] attribution, [t blockquote-attribution] attribution, [t] blockquote/title, block
@section [t] attribution
@subheading Name

[t] attribution
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="attribution" />
@end example

@node [t blockquote-attribution] attribution, [t] epigraph, [t] attribution, block
@section [t blockquote-attribution] attribution
@subheading Name

[t blockquote-attribution] attribution
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="attribution" mode="blockquote-attribution" />
@end example

@node [t] epigraph, [t] sidebar, [t blockquote-attribution] attribution, block
@section [t] epigraph
@subheading Name

[t] epigraph
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="epigraph" />
@end example

@node [t] sidebar, [t] abstract, [t] epigraph, block
@section [t] sidebar
@subheading Name

[t] sidebar
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="sidebar" />
@end example

@node [t] abstract, [t] msgset, [t] sidebar, block
@section [t] abstract
@subheading Name

[t] abstract
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="abstract" />
@end example

@node [t] msgset, [t] msgentry, [t] abstract, block
@section [t] msgset
@subheading Name

[t] msgset
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="msgset" />
@end example

@node [t] msgentry, [t] simplemsgentry, [t] msgset, block
@section [t] msgentry
@subheading Name

[t] msgentry
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="msgentry" />
@end example

@node [t] simplemsgentry, [t] msg, [t] msgentry, block
@section [t] simplemsgentry
@subheading Name

[t] simplemsgentry
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="simplemsgentry" />
@end example

@node [t] msg, [t] msgmain, [t] simplemsgentry, block
@section [t] msg
@subheading Name

[t] msg
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="msg" />
@end example

@node [t] msgmain, [t] msgmain/title, [t] msg, block
@section [t] msgmain
@subheading Name

[t] msgmain
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="msgmain" />
@end example

@node [t] msgmain/title, [t] msgsub, [t] msgmain, block
@section [t] msgmain/title
@subheading Name

[t] msgmain/title
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="msgmain/title" />
@end example

@node [t] msgsub, [t] msgsub/title, [t] msgmain/title, block
@section [t] msgsub
@subheading Name

[t] msgsub
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="msgsub" />
@end example

@node [t] msgsub/title, [t] msgrel, [t] msgsub, block
@section [t] msgsub/title
@subheading Name

[t] msgsub/title
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="msgsub/title" />
@end example

@node [t] msgrel, [t] msgrel/title, [t] msgsub/title, block
@section [t] msgrel
@subheading Name

[t] msgrel
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="msgrel" />
@end example

@node [t] msgrel/title, [t] msgtext, [t] msgrel, block
@section [t] msgrel/title
@subheading Name

[t] msgrel/title
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="msgrel/title" />
@end example

@node [t] msgtext, [t] msginfo, [t] msgrel/title, block
@section [t] msgtext
@subheading Name

[t] msgtext
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="msgtext" />
@end example

@node [t] msginfo, [t] msglevel|msgorig|msgaud, [t] msgtext, block
@section [t] msginfo
@subheading Name

[t] msginfo
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="msginfo" />
@end example

@node [t] msglevel|msgorig|msgaud, [t] msgexplan, [t] msginfo, block
@section [t] msglevel|msgorig|msgaud
@subheading Name

[t] msglevel|msgorig|msgaud
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="msglevel|msgorig|msgaud" />
@end example

@node [t] msgexplan, [t] msgexplan/title, [t] msglevel|msgorig|msgaud, block
@section [t] msgexplan
@subheading Name

[t] msgexplan
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="msgexplan" />
@end example

@node [t] msgexplan/title, [t] revhistory, [t] msgexplan, block
@section [t] msgexplan/title
@subheading Name

[t] msgexplan/title
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="msgexplan/title" />
@end example

@node [t] revhistory, [t] revhistory/revision, [t] msgexplan/title, block
@section [t] revhistory
@subheading Name

[t] revhistory
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="revhistory" />
@end example

@node [t] revhistory/revision, [t] revision/revnumber, [t] revhistory, block
@section [t] revhistory/revision
@subheading Name

[t] revhistory/revision
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="revhistory/revision" />
@end example

@node [t] revision/revnumber, [t] revision/date, [t] revhistory/revision, block
@section [t] revision/revnumber
@subheading Name

[t] revision/revnumber
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="revision/revnumber" />
@end example

@node [t] revision/date, [t] revision/authorinitials, [t] revision/revnumber, block
@section [t] revision/date
@subheading Name

[t] revision/date
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="revision/date" />
@end example

@node [t] revision/authorinitials, [t] revision/authorinitials[1], [t] revision/date, block
@section [t] revision/authorinitials
@subheading Name

[t] revision/authorinitials
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="revision/authorinitials" />
@end example

@node [t] revision/authorinitials[1], [t] revision/revremark, [t] revision/authorinitials, block
@section [t] revision/authorinitials[1]
@subheading Name

[t] revision/authorinitials[1]
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="revision/authorinitials[1]" />
@end example

@node [t] revision/revremark, [t] revision/revdescription, [t] revision/authorinitials[1], block
@section [t] revision/revremark
@subheading Name

[t] revision/revremark
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="revision/revremark" />
@end example

@node [t] revision/revdescription, [t] ackno, [t] revision/revremark, block
@section [t] revision/revdescription
@subheading Name

[t] revision/revdescription
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="revision/revdescription" />
@end example

@node [t] ackno, , [t] revision/revdescription, block
@section [t] ackno
@subheading Name

[t] ackno
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="ackno" />
@end example

@node caption, formal, block, Top
@chapter caption

* [T] make-caption::            Render as a `caption'
@end menu

@node [T] make-caption, , , caption
@section [T] make-caption
@subheading Name

[T] make-caption --- Render as a `caption'
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="make-caption">
  <xsl:param name="content">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="for-title" />
@end example
@subheading Description

This template renders content (usually titles in certain block objects) 
as a `caption'. 
@subheading Parameters

@table @asis

@item @code{content}
The result tree fragment to render.  If not specified, defaults to
applying @code{for-title} mode to the 
@emph{context} node.  
@end table

@node formal, synop, caption, Top
@chapter formal

* [T] formal-object::           Undocumented
* [T] formal-object-title::     Undocumented
* [T] informal-object::         Undocumented
* [T] semiformal-object::       Undocumented
* [t] figure|example::
* [t] equation::
* [t] informalfigure::
* [t] informalexample::
* [t] informalequation::
@end menu

@node [T] formal-object, [T] formal-object-title, , formal
@section [T] formal-object
@subheading Name

[T] formal-object --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="formal-object" />
@end example

@node [T] formal-object-title, [T] informal-object, [T] formal-object, formal
@section [T] formal-object-title
@subheading Name

[T] formal-object-title --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="formal-object-title" />
@end example

@node [T] informal-object, [T] semiformal-object, [T] formal-object-title, formal
@section [T] informal-object
@subheading Name

[T] informal-object --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="informal-object" />
@end example

@node [T] semiformal-object, [t] figure|example, [T] informal-object, formal
@section [T] semiformal-object
@subheading Name

[T] semiformal-object --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="semiformal-object" />
@end example

@node [t] figure|example, [t] equation, [T] semiformal-object, formal
@section [t] figure|example
@subheading Name

[t] figure|example
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="figure|example" />
@end example

@node [t] equation, [t] informalfigure, [t] figure|example, formal
@section [t] equation
@subheading Name

[t] equation
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="equation" />
@end example

@node [t] informalfigure, [t] informalexample, [t] equation, formal
@section [t] informalfigure
@subheading Name

[t] informalfigure
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="informalfigure" />
@end example

@node [t] informalexample, [t] informalequation, [t] informalfigure, formal
@section [t] informalexample
@subheading Name

[t] informalexample
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="informalexample" />
@end example

@node [t] informalequation, , [t] informalexample, formal
@section [t] informalequation
@subheading Name

[t] informalequation
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="informalequation" />
@end example

@node synop, table, formal, Top
@chapter synop

* [t] synopsis::
* [t] cmdsynopsis::
* [t cmdsynopsis] *::
* [t cmdsynopsis] sbr::
* [t cmdsynopsis] synopfragmentref::
* [t synopfragment.number] synopfragment: [t synopfragment_number] synopfragment.
* [t cmdsynopsis] synopfragment::
* [t cmdsynopsis] command|option::
* [t cmdsynopsis] replaceable::
* [t cmdsynopsis] group|arg::
* [t cmdsynopsis] group/*::
* [t cmdsynopsis] group/group::
* [t cmdsynopsis] group/option::
* [t cmdsynopsis] group/arg::
* [t] funcsynopsis::
* [t funcsynopsis] *::
* [t funcsynopsis] funcsynopsisinfo::
* [T] funcprototype::           Undocumented
* [t funcsynopsis] modifier::
* [t funcsynopsis] funcdef::
* [t funcsynopsis] function::
* [t funcsynopsis] void::
* [t funcsynopsis] varargs::
* [t funcsynopsis] paramdef::
* [t funcsynopsis] paramdef/parameter::
* [t funcsynopsis] funcparams::
@end menu

@node [t] synopsis, [t] cmdsynopsis, , synop
@section [t] synopsis
@subheading Name

[t] synopsis
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="synopsis" />
@end example

@node [t] cmdsynopsis, [t cmdsynopsis] *, [t] synopsis, synop
@section [t] cmdsynopsis
@subheading Name

[t] cmdsynopsis
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="cmdsynopsis" />
@end example

@node [t cmdsynopsis] *, [t cmdsynopsis] sbr, [t] cmdsynopsis, synop
@section [t cmdsynopsis] *
@subheading Name

[t cmdsynopsis] *
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="*" mode="cmdsynopsis" />
@end example

@node [t cmdsynopsis] sbr, [t cmdsynopsis] synopfragmentref, [t cmdsynopsis] *, synop
@section [t cmdsynopsis] sbr
@subheading Name

[t cmdsynopsis] sbr
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="sbr" mode="cmdsynopsis" />
@end example

@node [t cmdsynopsis] synopfragmentref, [t synopfragment_number] synopfragment, [t cmdsynopsis] sbr, synop
@section [t cmdsynopsis] synopfragmentref
@subheading Name

[t cmdsynopsis] synopfragmentref
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="synopfragmentref" mode="cmdsynopsis" priority="3.0" />
@end example

@node [t synopfragment_number] synopfragment, [t cmdsynopsis] synopfragment, [t cmdsynopsis] synopfragmentref, synop
@section [t synopfragment.number] synopfragment
@subheading Name

[t synopfragment.number] synopfragment
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="synopfragment" mode="synopfragment.number" />
@end example

@node [t cmdsynopsis] synopfragment, [t cmdsynopsis] command|option, [t synopfragment_number] synopfragment, synop
@section [t cmdsynopsis] synopfragment
@subheading Name

[t cmdsynopsis] synopfragment
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="synopfragment" mode="cmdsynopsis" />
@end example

@node [t cmdsynopsis] command|option, [t cmdsynopsis] replaceable, [t cmdsynopsis] synopfragment, synop
@section [t cmdsynopsis] command|option
@subheading Name

[t cmdsynopsis] command|option
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="command|option" mode="cmdsynopsis">
  <xsl:param name="no-sepchar" select="false()" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t cmdsynopsis] replaceable, [t cmdsynopsis] group|arg, [t cmdsynopsis] command|option, synop
@section [t cmdsynopsis] replaceable
@subheading Name

[t cmdsynopsis] replaceable
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="replaceable" mode="cmdsynopsis" />
@end example

@node [t cmdsynopsis] group|arg, [t cmdsynopsis] group/*, [t cmdsynopsis] replaceable, synop
@section [t cmdsynopsis] group|arg
@subheading Name

[t cmdsynopsis] group|arg
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="group|arg" mode="cmdsynopsis" />
@end example

@node [t cmdsynopsis] group/*, [t cmdsynopsis] group/group, [t cmdsynopsis] group|arg, synop
@section [t cmdsynopsis] group/*
@subheading Name

[t cmdsynopsis] group/*
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="group/*" mode="cmdsynopsis" priority="2.0" />
@end example

@node [t cmdsynopsis] group/group, [t cmdsynopsis] group/option, [t cmdsynopsis] group/*, synop
@section [t cmdsynopsis] group/group
@subheading Name

[t cmdsynopsis] group/group
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="group/group" mode="cmdsynopsis" priority="2.5" />
@end example

@node [t cmdsynopsis] group/option, [t cmdsynopsis] group/arg, [t cmdsynopsis] group/group, synop
@section [t cmdsynopsis] group/option
@subheading Name

[t cmdsynopsis] group/option
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="group/option" mode="cmdsynopsis" priority="2.5" />
@end example

@node [t cmdsynopsis] group/arg, [t] funcsynopsis, [t cmdsynopsis] group/option, synop
@section [t cmdsynopsis] group/arg
@subheading Name

[t cmdsynopsis] group/arg
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="group/arg" mode="cmdsynopsis" priority="2.5" />
@end example

@node [t] funcsynopsis, [t funcsynopsis] *, [t cmdsynopsis] group/arg, synop
@section [t] funcsynopsis
@subheading Name

[t] funcsynopsis
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="funcsynopsis" />
@end example

@node [t funcsynopsis] *, [t funcsynopsis] funcsynopsisinfo, [t] funcsynopsis, synop
@section [t funcsynopsis] *
@subheading Name

[t funcsynopsis] *
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="*" mode="funcsynopsis" />
@end example

@node [t funcsynopsis] funcsynopsisinfo, [T] funcprototype, [t funcsynopsis] *, synop
@section [t funcsynopsis] funcsynopsisinfo
@subheading Name

[t funcsynopsis] funcsynopsisinfo
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="funcsynopsisinfo" mode="funcsynopsis" />
@end example

@node [T] funcprototype, [t funcsynopsis] modifier, [t funcsynopsis] funcsynopsisinfo, synop
@section [T] funcprototype
@subheading Name

[T] funcprototype --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="funcprototype" name="funcprototype" mode="funcsynopsis" />
@end example

@node [t funcsynopsis] modifier, [t funcsynopsis] funcdef, [T] funcprototype, synop
@section [t funcsynopsis] modifier
@subheading Name

[t funcsynopsis] modifier
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="modifier" mode="funcsynopsis" />
@end example

@node [t funcsynopsis] funcdef, [t funcsynopsis] function, [t funcsynopsis] modifier, synop
@section [t funcsynopsis] funcdef
@subheading Name

[t funcsynopsis] funcdef
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="funcdef" mode="funcsynopsis" />
@end example

@node [t funcsynopsis] function, [t funcsynopsis] void, [t funcsynopsis] funcdef, synop
@section [t funcsynopsis] function
@subheading Name

[t funcsynopsis] function
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="function" mode="funcsynopsis" />
@end example

@node [t funcsynopsis] void, [t funcsynopsis] varargs, [t funcsynopsis] function, synop
@section [t funcsynopsis] void
@subheading Name

[t funcsynopsis] void
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="void" mode="funcsynopsis" />
@end example

@node [t funcsynopsis] varargs, [t funcsynopsis] paramdef, [t funcsynopsis] void, synop
@section [t funcsynopsis] varargs
@subheading Name

[t funcsynopsis] varargs
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="varargs" mode="funcsynopsis" />
@end example

@node [t funcsynopsis] paramdef, [t funcsynopsis] paramdef/parameter, [t funcsynopsis] varargs, synop
@section [t funcsynopsis] paramdef
@subheading Name

[t funcsynopsis] paramdef
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="paramdef" mode="funcsynopsis" />
@end example

@node [t funcsynopsis] paramdef/parameter, [t funcsynopsis] funcparams, [t funcsynopsis] paramdef, synop
@section [t funcsynopsis] paramdef/parameter
@subheading Name

[t funcsynopsis] paramdef/parameter
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="paramdef/parameter" mode="funcsynopsis" />
@end example

@node [t funcsynopsis] funcparams, , [t funcsynopsis] paramdef/parameter, synop
@section [t funcsynopsis] funcparams
@subheading Name

[t funcsynopsis] funcparams
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="funcparams" mode="funcsynopsis" />
@end example

@node table, verbatim, synop, Top
@chapter table

* [t] table::
* [t] informaltable::
* [t] tgroup::
* [t] colspec|spanspec::
* [t] thead|tbody|tfoot::
* [t] row|entry::
* [t] entrytbl[@@cols='2']::
* [t entrytbl] thead::
* [t entrytbl] tbody::
* [t entrytbl] tfoot::
* [t entrytbl-head] row::
* [t entrytbl-body] row::
* [T] copy-through::            Undocumented
* [t copy] @@*::
@end menu

@node [t] table, [t] informaltable, , table
@section [t] table
@subheading Name

[t] table
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="table" />
@end example

@node [t] informaltable, [t] tgroup, [t] table, table
@section [t] informaltable
@subheading Name

[t] informaltable
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="informaltable" />
@end example

@node [t] tgroup, [t] colspec|spanspec, [t] informaltable, table
@section [t] tgroup
@subheading Name

[t] tgroup
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="tgroup" />
@end example

@node [t] colspec|spanspec, [t] thead|tbody|tfoot, [t] tgroup, table
@section [t] colspec|spanspec
@subheading Name

[t] colspec|spanspec
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="colspec|spanspec" />
@end example

@node [t] thead|tbody|tfoot, [t] row|entry, [t] colspec|spanspec, table
@section [t] thead|tbody|tfoot
@subheading Name

[t] thead|tbody|tfoot
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="thead|tbody|tfoot" />
@end example

@node [t] row|entry, [t] entrytbl[@@cols='2'], [t] thead|tbody|tfoot, table
@section [t] row|entry
@subheading Name

[t] row|entry
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="row|entry" />
@end example

@node [t] entrytbl[@@cols='2'], [t entrytbl] thead, [t] row|entry, table
@section [t] entrytbl[@@cols='2']
@subheading Name

[t] entrytbl[@@cols='2']
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="entrytbl[@@cols='2']" />
@end example

@node [t entrytbl] thead, [t entrytbl] tbody, [t] entrytbl[@@cols='2'], table
@section [t entrytbl] thead
@subheading Name

[t entrytbl] thead
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="thead" mode="entrytbl" />
@end example

@node [t entrytbl] tbody, [t entrytbl] tfoot, [t entrytbl] thead, table
@section [t entrytbl] tbody
@subheading Name

[t entrytbl] tbody
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="tbody" mode="entrytbl" />
@end example

@node [t entrytbl] tfoot, [t entrytbl-head] row, [t entrytbl] tbody, table
@section [t entrytbl] tfoot
@subheading Name

[t entrytbl] tfoot
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="tfoot" mode="entrytbl" />
@end example

@node [t entrytbl-head] row, [t entrytbl-body] row, [t entrytbl] tfoot, table
@section [t entrytbl-head] row
@subheading Name

[t entrytbl-head] row
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="row" mode="entrytbl-head" />
@end example

@node [t entrytbl-body] row, [T] copy-through, [t entrytbl-head] row, table
@section [t entrytbl-body] row
@subheading Name

[t entrytbl-body] row
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="row" mode="entrytbl-body" />
@end example

@node [T] copy-through, [t copy] @@*, [t entrytbl-body] row, table
@section [T] copy-through
@subheading Name

[T] copy-through --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="copy-through" />
@end example

@node [t copy] @@*, , [T] copy-through, table
@section [t copy] @@*
@subheading Name

[t copy] @@*
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="@@*" mode="copy" />
@end example

@node verbatim, inline, table, Top
@chapter verbatim

* [t] literallayout::
* [t] programlisting|screen::
* [t] address::
@end menu

@node [t] literallayout, [t] programlisting|screen, , verbatim
@section [t] literallayout
@subheading Name

[t] literallayout
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="literallayout" />
@end example

@node [t] programlisting|screen, [t] address, [t] literallayout, verbatim
@section [t] programlisting|screen
@subheading Name

[t] programlisting|screen
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="programlisting|screen" />
@end example

@node [t] address, , [t] programlisting|screen, verbatim
@section [t] address
@subheading Name

[t] address
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="address" />
@end example

@node inline, xref, verbatim, Top
@chapter inline

* [T] inline-plain::            Undocumented
* [T] inline-monospace::        Undocumented
* [T] inline-bold-monospace::   Undocumented
* [T] inline-italic-monospace:: Undocumented
* [T] inline-bold::             Undocumented
* [T] inline-italic::           Undocumented
* [T] inline-roman::            Undocumented
* [T] inline-superscript::      Undocumented
* [T] inline-subscript::        Undocumented
* [t] author::
* [t] editor::
* [t] othercredit::
* [t] authorinitials::
* [t] accel::
* [t] action::
* [t] application::
* [t] classname::
* [t] exceptionname::
* [t] interfacename::
* [t] methodname::
* [t] command::
* [t] computeroutput::
* [t] constant::
* [t] database::
* [t] errorcode::
* [t] errorname::
* [t] errortype::
* [t] errortext::
* [t] envar::
* [t] filename::
* [t] refentrytitle/function::
* [t] function::
* [t] guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu::
* [t] hardware::
* [t] interface::
* [t] interfacedefinition::
* [t] keycap::
* [t] keycode::
* [t] keysym::
* [T] inline-quoted::           Undocumented
* [T] inline-quoted-monospace:: Undocumented
* [t] literal::
* [t] medialabel::
* [t] shortcut::
* [t] mousebutton::
* [t] option::
* [t] parameter::
* [t] property::
* [t] prompt::
* [t] replaceable::
* [t] returnvalue::
* [t] structfield::
* [t] structname::
* [t] symbol::
* [t] systemitem::
* [t] token::
* [t] type::
* [t] userinput::
* [t] abbrev::
* [t] acronym::
* [t] citerefentry::
* [t] citetitle::
* [t] emphasis[@@role='strong' or @@role='bold' or parent;;emphasis]::
* [t] emphasis::
* [t] foreignphrase::
* [t] markup::
* [t] phrase::
* [t] quote::
* [t] varname::
* [t] wordasword::
* [t] lineannotation::
* [t] superscript::
* [t] subscript::
* [t] trademark::
* [t] firstterm::
* [t] glossterm::
* [t] sgmltag::
* [T] format-sgmltag::          Undocumented
* [t] email::
* [t] keycombo::
* [t] menuchoice::
* [T] format-menuchoice::       Undocumented
* [t] optional::
* [t] citation::
* [t] comment|remark::
* [t] productname|productnumber::
* [t] pob|street|city|state|postcode|country|phone|fax|otheraddr::
* [t] firstname|surname|lineage|othername|honorific::
@end menu

@node [T] inline-plain, [T] inline-monospace, , inline
@section [T] inline-plain
@subheading Name

[T] inline-plain --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="inline-plain">
  <xsl:param name="content">
    <xsl:apply-templates />
@end example

@node [T] inline-monospace, [T] inline-bold-monospace, [T] inline-plain, inline
@section [T] inline-monospace
@subheading Name

[T] inline-monospace --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="inline-monospace">
  <xsl:param name="content">
    <xsl:apply-templates />
@end example

@node [T] inline-bold-monospace, [T] inline-italic-monospace, [T] inline-monospace, inline
@section [T] inline-bold-monospace
@subheading Name

[T] inline-bold-monospace --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="inline-bold-monospace">
  <xsl:param name="content">
    <xsl:apply-templates />
@end example

@node [T] inline-italic-monospace, [T] inline-bold, [T] inline-bold-monospace, inline
@section [T] inline-italic-monospace
@subheading Name

[T] inline-italic-monospace --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="inline-italic-monospace">
  <xsl:param name="content">
    <xsl:apply-templates />
@end example

@node [T] inline-bold, [T] inline-italic, [T] inline-italic-monospace, inline
@section [T] inline-bold
@subheading Name

[T] inline-bold --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="inline-bold">
  <xsl:param name="content">
    <xsl:apply-templates />
@end example

@node [T] inline-italic, [T] inline-roman, [T] inline-bold, inline
@section [T] inline-italic
@subheading Name

[T] inline-italic --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="inline-italic">
  <xsl:param name="content">
    <xsl:apply-templates />
@end example

@node [T] inline-roman, [T] inline-superscript, [T] inline-italic, inline
@section [T] inline-roman
@subheading Name

[T] inline-roman --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="inline-roman">
  <xsl:param name="content">
    <xsl:apply-templates />
@end example

@node [T] inline-superscript, [T] inline-subscript, [T] inline-roman, inline
@section [T] inline-superscript
@subheading Name

[T] inline-superscript --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="inline-superscript">
  <xsl:param name="content">
    <xsl:apply-templates />
@end example

@node [T] inline-subscript, [t] author, [T] inline-superscript, inline
@section [T] inline-subscript
@subheading Name

[T] inline-subscript --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="inline-subscript">
  <xsl:param name="content">
    <xsl:apply-templates />
@end example

@node [t] author, [t] editor, [T] inline-subscript, inline
@section [t] author
@subheading Name

[t] author
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="author" />
@end example

@node [t] editor, [t] othercredit, [t] author, inline
@section [t] editor
@subheading Name

[t] editor
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="editor" />
@end example

@node [t] othercredit, [t] authorinitials, [t] editor, inline
@section [t] othercredit
@subheading Name

[t] othercredit
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="othercredit" />
@end example

@node [t] authorinitials, [t] accel, [t] othercredit, inline
@section [t] authorinitials
@subheading Name

[t] authorinitials
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="authorinitials" />
@end example

@node [t] accel, [t] action, [t] authorinitials, inline
@section [t] accel
@subheading Name

[t] accel
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="accel" />
@end example

@node [t] action, [t] application, [t] accel, inline
@section [t] action
@subheading Name

[t] action
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="action" />
@end example

@node [t] application, [t] classname, [t] action, inline
@section [t] application
@subheading Name

[t] application
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="application" />
@end example

@node [t] classname, [t] exceptionname, [t] application, inline
@section [t] classname
@subheading Name

[t] classname
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="classname" />
@end example

@node [t] exceptionname, [t] interfacename, [t] classname, inline
@section [t] exceptionname
@subheading Name

[t] exceptionname
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="exceptionname" />
@end example

@node [t] interfacename, [t] methodname, [t] exceptionname, inline
@section [t] interfacename
@subheading Name

[t] interfacename
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="interfacename" />
@end example

@node [t] methodname, [t] command, [t] interfacename, inline
@section [t] methodname
@subheading Name

[t] methodname
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="methodname" />
@end example

@node [t] command, [t] computeroutput, [t] methodname, inline
@section [t] command
@subheading Name

[t] command
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="command" />
@end example

@node [t] computeroutput, [t] constant, [t] command, inline
@section [t] computeroutput
@subheading Name

[t] computeroutput
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="computeroutput" />
@end example

@node [t] constant, [t] database, [t] computeroutput, inline
@section [t] constant
@subheading Name

[t] constant
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="constant" />
@end example

@node [t] database, [t] errorcode, [t] constant, inline
@section [t] database
@subheading Name

[t] database
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="database" />
@end example

@node [t] errorcode, [t] errorname, [t] database, inline
@section [t] errorcode
@subheading Name

[t] errorcode
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="errorcode" />
@end example

@node [t] errorname, [t] errortype, [t] errorcode, inline
@section [t] errorname
@subheading Name

[t] errorname
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="errorname" />
@end example

@node [t] errortype, [t] errortext, [t] errorname, inline
@section [t] errortype
@subheading Name

[t] errortype
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="errortype" />
@end example

@node [t] errortext, [t] envar, [t] errortype, inline
@section [t] errortext
@subheading Name

[t] errortext
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="errortext" />
@end example

@node [t] envar, [t] filename, [t] errortext, inline
@section [t] envar
@subheading Name

[t] envar
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="envar" />
@end example

@node [t] filename, [t] refentrytitle/function, [t] envar, inline
@section [t] filename
@subheading Name

[t] filename
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="filename" />
@end example

@node [t] refentrytitle/function, [t] function, [t] filename, inline
@section [t] refentrytitle/function
@subheading Name

[t] refentrytitle/function
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="refentrytitle/function" />
@end example

@node [t] function, [t] guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu, [t] refentrytitle/function, inline
@section [t] function
@subheading Name

[t] function
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="function" />
@end example

@node [t] guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu, [t] hardware, [t] function, inline
@section [t] guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu
@subheading Name

[t] guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu" />
@end example

@node [t] hardware, [t] interface, [t] guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu, inline
@section [t] hardware
@subheading Name

[t] hardware
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="hardware" />
@end example

@node [t] interface, [t] interfacedefinition, [t] hardware, inline
@section [t] interface
@subheading Name

[t] interface
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="interface" />
@end example

@node [t] interfacedefinition, [t] keycap, [t] interface, inline
@section [t] interfacedefinition
@subheading Name

[t] interfacedefinition
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="interfacedefinition" />
@end example

@node [t] keycap, [t] keycode, [t] interfacedefinition, inline
@section [t] keycap
@subheading Name

[t] keycap
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="keycap" />
@end example

@node [t] keycode, [t] keysym, [t] keycap, inline
@section [t] keycode
@subheading Name

[t] keycode
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="keycode" />
@end example

@node [t] keysym, [T] inline-quoted, [t] keycode, inline
@section [t] keysym
@subheading Name

[t] keysym
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="keysym" />
@end example

@node [T] inline-quoted, [T] inline-quoted-monospace, [t] keysym, inline
@section [T] inline-quoted
@subheading Name

[T] inline-quoted --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="inline-quoted">
  <xsl:param name="unconditional" select="false()" />
  <xsl:param name="content">
    <xsl:apply-templates />
@end example

@node [T] inline-quoted-monospace, [t] literal, [T] inline-quoted, inline
@section [T] inline-quoted-monospace
@subheading Name

[T] inline-quoted-monospace --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="inline-quoted-monospace">
  <xsl:param name="unconditional" select="false()" />
  <xsl:param name="content">
    <xsl:apply-templates />
@end example

@node [t] literal, [t] medialabel, [T] inline-quoted-monospace, inline
@section [t] literal
@subheading Name

[t] literal
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="literal" />
@end example

@node [t] medialabel, [t] shortcut, [t] literal, inline
@section [t] medialabel
@subheading Name

[t] medialabel
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="medialabel" />
@end example

@node [t] shortcut, [t] mousebutton, [t] medialabel, inline
@section [t] shortcut
@subheading Name

[t] shortcut
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="shortcut" />
@end example

@node [t] mousebutton, [t] option, [t] shortcut, inline
@section [t] mousebutton
@subheading Name

[t] mousebutton
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="mousebutton" />
@end example

@node [t] option, [t] parameter, [t] mousebutton, inline
@section [t] option
@subheading Name

[t] option
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="option" />
@end example

@node [t] parameter, [t] property, [t] option, inline
@section [t] parameter
@subheading Name

[t] parameter
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="parameter" />
@end example

@node [t] property, [t] prompt, [t] parameter, inline
@section [t] property
@subheading Name

[t] property
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="property" />
@end example

@node [t] prompt, [t] replaceable, [t] property, inline
@section [t] prompt
@subheading Name

[t] prompt
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="prompt" />
@end example

@node [t] replaceable, [t] returnvalue, [t] prompt, inline
@section [t] replaceable
@subheading Name

[t] replaceable
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="replaceable" />
@end example

@node [t] returnvalue, [t] structfield, [t] replaceable, inline
@section [t] returnvalue
@subheading Name

[t] returnvalue
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="returnvalue" />
@end example

@node [t] structfield, [t] structname, [t] returnvalue, inline
@section [t] structfield
@subheading Name

[t] structfield
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="structfield" />
@end example

@node [t] structname, [t] symbol, [t] structfield, inline
@section [t] structname
@subheading Name

[t] structname
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="structname" />
@end example

@node [t] symbol, [t] systemitem, [t] structname, inline
@section [t] symbol
@subheading Name

[t] symbol
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="symbol" />
@end example

@node [t] systemitem, [t] token, [t] symbol, inline
@section [t] systemitem
@subheading Name

[t] systemitem
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="systemitem" />
@end example

@node [t] token, [t] type, [t] systemitem, inline
@section [t] token
@subheading Name

[t] token
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="token" />
@end example

@node [t] type, [t] userinput, [t] token, inline
@section [t] type
@subheading Name

[t] type
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="type" />
@end example

@node [t] userinput, [t] abbrev, [t] type, inline
@section [t] userinput
@subheading Name

[t] userinput
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="userinput" />
@end example

@node [t] abbrev, [t] acronym, [t] userinput, inline
@section [t] abbrev
@subheading Name

[t] abbrev
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="abbrev" />
@end example

@node [t] acronym, [t] citerefentry, [t] abbrev, inline
@section [t] acronym
@subheading Name

[t] acronym
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="acronym" />
@end example

@node [t] citerefentry, [t] citetitle, [t] acronym, inline
@section [t] citerefentry
@subheading Name

[t] citerefentry
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="citerefentry" />
@end example

@node [t] citetitle, [t] emphasis[@@role='strong' or @@role='bold' or parent;;emphasis], [t] citerefentry, inline
@section [t] citetitle
@subheading Name

[t] citetitle
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="citetitle" />
@end example

@node [t] emphasis[@@role='strong' or @@role='bold' or parent;;emphasis], [t] emphasis, [t] citetitle, inline
@section [t] emphasis[@@role='strong' or @@role='bold' or parent::emphasis]
@subheading Name

[t] emphasis[@@role='strong' or @@role='bold' or parent::emphasis]
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="emphasis[@@role='strong' or @@role='bold' or parent::emphasis]" />
@end example

@node [t] emphasis, [t] foreignphrase, [t] emphasis[@@role='strong' or @@role='bold' or parent;;emphasis], inline
@section [t] emphasis
@subheading Name

[t] emphasis
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="emphasis" />
@end example

@node [t] foreignphrase, [t] markup, [t] emphasis, inline
@section [t] foreignphrase
@subheading Name

[t] foreignphrase
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="foreignphrase" />
@end example

@node [t] markup, [t] phrase, [t] foreignphrase, inline
@section [t] markup
@subheading Name

[t] markup
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="markup" />
@end example

@node [t] phrase, [t] quote, [t] markup, inline
@section [t] phrase
@subheading Name

[t] phrase
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="phrase" />
@end example

@node [t] quote, [t] varname, [t] phrase, inline
@section [t] quote
@subheading Name

[t] quote
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="quote" />
@end example

@node [t] varname, [t] wordasword, [t] quote, inline
@section [t] varname
@subheading Name

[t] varname
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="varname" />
@end example

@node [t] wordasword, [t] lineannotation, [t] varname, inline
@section [t] wordasword
@subheading Name

[t] wordasword
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="wordasword" />
@end example

@node [t] lineannotation, [t] superscript, [t] wordasword, inline
@section [t] lineannotation
@subheading Name

[t] lineannotation
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="lineannotation" />
@end example

@node [t] superscript, [t] subscript, [t] lineannotation, inline
@section [t] superscript
@subheading Name

[t] superscript
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="superscript" />
@end example

@node [t] subscript, [t] trademark, [t] superscript, inline
@section [t] subscript
@subheading Name

[t] subscript
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="subscript" />
@end example

@node [t] trademark, [t] firstterm, [t] subscript, inline
@section [t] trademark
@subheading Name

[t] trademark
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="trademark" />
@end example

@node [t] firstterm, [t] glossterm, [t] trademark, inline
@section [t] firstterm
@subheading Name

[t] firstterm
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="firstterm" />
@end example

@node [t] glossterm, [t] sgmltag, [t] firstterm, inline
@section [t] glossterm
@subheading Name

[t] glossterm
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="glossterm" />
@end example

@node [t] sgmltag, [T] format-sgmltag, [t] glossterm, inline
@section [t] sgmltag
@subheading Name

[t] sgmltag
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="sgmltag" />
@end example

@node [T] format-sgmltag, [t] email, [t] sgmltag, inline
@section [T] format-sgmltag
@subheading Name

[T] format-sgmltag --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="format-sgmltag">
  <xsl:param name="class">
      <xsl:when test="@@class">
        <xsl:value-of select="@@class" />
@end example

@node [t] email, [t] keycombo, [T] format-sgmltag, inline
@section [t] email
@subheading Name

[t] email
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="email" />
@end example

@node [t] keycombo, [t] menuchoice, [t] email, inline
@section [t] keycombo
@subheading Name

[t] keycombo
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="keycombo" />
@end example

@node [t] menuchoice, [T] format-menuchoice, [t] keycombo, inline
@section [t] menuchoice
@subheading Name

[t] menuchoice
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="menuchoice" />
@end example

@node [T] format-menuchoice, [t] optional, [t] menuchoice, inline
@section [T] format-menuchoice
@subheading Name

[T] format-menuchoice --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="format-menuchoice">
  <xsl:param name="nodelist" select="guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|interface" />
  <xsl:param name="count" select="1" /></xsl:template>
@end example

@node [t] optional, [t] citation, [T] format-menuchoice, inline
@section [t] optional
@subheading Name

[t] optional
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="optional" />
@end example

@node [t] citation, [t] comment|remark, [t] optional, inline
@section [t] citation
@subheading Name

[t] citation
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="citation" />
@end example

@node [t] comment|remark, [t] productname|productnumber, [t] citation, inline
@section [t] comment|remark
@subheading Name

[t] comment|remark
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="comment|remark" />
@end example

@node [t] productname|productnumber, [t] pob|street|city|state|postcode|country|phone|fax|otheraddr, [t] comment|remark, inline
@section [t] productname|productnumber
@subheading Name

[t] productname|productnumber
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="productname|productnumber" />
@end example

@node [t] pob|street|city|state|postcode|country|phone|fax|otheraddr, [t] firstname|surname|lineage|othername|honorific, [t] productname|productnumber, inline
@section [t] pob|street|city|state|postcode|country|phone|fax|otheraddr
@subheading Name

[t] pob|street|city|state|postcode|country|phone|fax|otheraddr
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="pob|street|city|state|postcode|country|phone|fax|otheraddr" />
@end example

@node [t] firstname|surname|lineage|othername|honorific, , [t] pob|street|city|state|postcode|country|phone|fax|otheraddr, inline
@section [t] firstname|surname|lineage|othername|honorific
@subheading Name

[t] firstname|surname|lineage|othername|honorific
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="firstname|surname|lineage|othername|honorific" />
@end example

@node xref, glossary, inline, Top
@chapter xref

* [t] anchor::
* [t] xref::
* [t] link::
* [t] ulink::
* [M] xref-to::                 Give cross-reference markup
* [t xref-to] *::
@end menu

@node [t] anchor, [t] xref, , xref
@section [t] anchor
@subheading Name

[t] anchor
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="anchor" />
@end example

@node [t] xref, [t] link, [t] anchor, xref
@section [t] xref
@subheading Name

[t] xref
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="xref" />
@end example

@node [t] link, [t] ulink, [t] xref, xref
@section [t] link
@subheading Name

[t] link
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="link" />
@end example

@node [t] ulink, [M] xref-to, [t] link, xref
@section [t] ulink
@subheading Name

[t] ulink
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="ulink" />
@end example

@node [M] xref-to, [t xref-to] *, [t] ulink, xref
@section [M] xref-to
@subheading Name

[M] xref-to --- Give cross-reference markup
@subheading Description

Processing an element with this mode returns the markup/text that should
be used for referring to it in cross-references.

@node [t xref-to] *, , [M] xref-to, xref
@section [t xref-to] *
@subheading Name

[t xref-to] *
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="*" mode="xref-to" />
@end example

@node glossary, lists, xref, Top
@chapter glossary

* [t] glossary[glossentry[1]/preceding-sibling;;*]::
* [t] glossary::
* [t] glosslist::
* [t] glossdiv::
* [t] glossentry::
* [t] glossentry/glossterm::
* [t] glossentry/acronym::
* [t] glossentry/abbrev::
* [t] glossentry/revhistory::
* [t] glossentry/glossdef::
* [t] glossentry/glosssee|glossseealso::
* [t glosssee.xref] glossentry: [t glosssee_xref] glossentry.
* [t glosssee.xref] glossentry/glossterm[1]: [t glosssee_xref] glossentry/glossterm[1].
* [t glosssee.xref] *: [t glosssee_xref] *.
@end menu

@node [t] glossary[glossentry[1]/preceding-sibling;;*], [t] glossary, , glossary
@section [t] glossary[glossentry[1]/preceding-sibling::*]
@subheading Name

[t] glossary[glossentry[1]/preceding-sibling::*]
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="glossary[glossentry[1]/preceding-sibling::*]" />
@end example

@node [t] glossary, [t] glosslist, [t] glossary[glossentry[1]/preceding-sibling;;*], glossary
@section [t] glossary
@subheading Name

[t] glossary
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="glossary" />
@end example

@node [t] glosslist, [t] glossdiv, [t] glossary, glossary
@section [t] glosslist
@subheading Name

[t] glosslist
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="glosslist" />
@end example

@node [t] glossdiv, [t] glossentry, [t] glosslist, glossary
@section [t] glossdiv
@subheading Name

[t] glossdiv
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="glossdiv" />
@end example

@node [t] glossentry, [t] glossentry/glossterm, [t] glossdiv, glossary
@section [t] glossentry
@subheading Name

[t] glossentry
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="glossentry" />
@end example

@node [t] glossentry/glossterm, [t] glossentry/acronym, [t] glossentry, glossary
@section [t] glossentry/glossterm
@subheading Name

[t] glossentry/glossterm
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="glossentry/glossterm" />
@end example

@node [t] glossentry/acronym, [t] glossentry/abbrev, [t] glossentry/glossterm, glossary
@section [t] glossentry/acronym
@subheading Name

[t] glossentry/acronym
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="glossentry/acronym" />
@end example

@node [t] glossentry/abbrev, [t] glossentry/revhistory, [t] glossentry/acronym, glossary
@section [t] glossentry/abbrev
@subheading Name

[t] glossentry/abbrev
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="glossentry/abbrev" />
@end example

@node [t] glossentry/revhistory, [t] glossentry/glossdef, [t] glossentry/abbrev, glossary
@section [t] glossentry/revhistory
@subheading Name

[t] glossentry/revhistory
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="glossentry/revhistory" />
@end example

@node [t] glossentry/glossdef, [t] glossentry/glosssee|glossseealso, [t] glossentry/revhistory, glossary
@section [t] glossentry/glossdef
@subheading Name

[t] glossentry/glossdef
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="glossentry/glossdef" />
@end example

@node [t] glossentry/glosssee|glossseealso, [t glosssee_xref] glossentry, [t] glossentry/glossdef, glossary
@section [t] glossentry/glosssee|glossseealso
@subheading Name

[t] glossentry/glosssee|glossseealso
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="glossentry/glosssee|glossseealso" />
@end example

@node [t glosssee_xref] glossentry, [t glosssee_xref] glossentry/glossterm[1], [t] glossentry/glosssee|glossseealso, glossary
@section [t glosssee.xref] glossentry
@subheading Name

[t glosssee.xref] glossentry
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="glossentry" mode="glosssee.xref" />
@end example

@node [t glosssee_xref] glossentry/glossterm[1], [t glosssee_xref] *, [t glosssee_xref] glossentry, glossary
@section [t glosssee.xref] glossentry/glossterm[1]
@subheading Name

[t glosssee.xref] glossentry/glossterm[1]
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="glossentry/glossterm[1]" mode="glosssee.xref" />
@end example

@node [t glosssee_xref] *, , [t glosssee_xref] glossentry/glossterm[1], glossary
@section [t glosssee.xref] *
@subheading Name

[t glosssee.xref] *
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="*" mode="glosssee.xref" />
@end example

@node lists, index, glossary, Top
@chapter lists

* [T] list.block: [T] list_block.   Undocumented
* [t] itemizedlist::
* [t] itemizedlist/listitem::
* [t] orderedlist::
* [t] orderedlist/listitem::
* [t] variablelist::
* [t] varlistentry::
* [t] term[1]::
* [t] term::
* [t] varlistentry/listitem::
* [t] simplelist::
* [t] member::
* [t] member[1]::
* [t] simplelist[@@type='inline']::
* [t] simplelist[@@type='inline']/member::
* [t] simplelist[@@type='inline']/member[1]::
@end menu

@node [T] list_block, [t] itemizedlist, , lists
@section [T] list.block
@subheading Name

[T] list.block --- Undocumented
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template name="list.block">
  <xsl:param name="content">
    <xsl:apply-templates />
@end example

@node [t] itemizedlist, [t] itemizedlist/listitem, [T] list_block, lists
@section [t] itemizedlist
@subheading Name

[t] itemizedlist
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="itemizedlist" />
@end example

@node [t] itemizedlist/listitem, [t] orderedlist, [t] itemizedlist, lists
@section [t] itemizedlist/listitem
@subheading Name

[t] itemizedlist/listitem
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="itemizedlist/listitem" />
@end example

@node [t] orderedlist, [t] orderedlist/listitem, [t] itemizedlist/listitem, lists
@section [t] orderedlist
@subheading Name

[t] orderedlist
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="orderedlist" />
@end example

@node [t] orderedlist/listitem, [t] variablelist, [t] orderedlist, lists
@section [t] orderedlist/listitem
@subheading Name

[t] orderedlist/listitem
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="orderedlist/listitem" />
@end example

@node [t] variablelist, [t] varlistentry, [t] orderedlist/listitem, lists
@section [t] variablelist
@subheading Name

[t] variablelist
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="variablelist" />
@end example

@node [t] varlistentry, [t] term[1], [t] variablelist, lists
@section [t] varlistentry
@subheading Name

[t] varlistentry
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="varlistentry" />
@end example

@node [t] term[1], [t] term, [t] varlistentry, lists
@section [t] term[1]
@subheading Name

[t] term[1]
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="term[1]" />
@end example

@node [t] term, [t] varlistentry/listitem, [t] term[1], lists
@section [t] term
@subheading Name

[t] term
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="term" />
@end example

@node [t] varlistentry/listitem, [t] simplelist, [t] term, lists
@section [t] varlistentry/listitem
@subheading Name

[t] varlistentry/listitem
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="varlistentry/listitem" />
@end example

@node [t] simplelist, [t] member, [t] varlistentry/listitem, lists
@section [t] simplelist
@subheading Name

[t] simplelist
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="simplelist" />
@end example

@node [t] member, [t] member[1], [t] simplelist, lists
@section [t] member
@subheading Name

[t] member
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="member" />
@end example

@node [t] member[1], [t] simplelist[@@type='inline'], [t] member, lists
@section [t] member[1]
@subheading Name

[t] member[1]
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="member[1]" priority="1" />
@end example

@node [t] simplelist[@@type='inline'], [t] simplelist[@@type='inline']/member, [t] member[1], lists
@section [t] simplelist[@@type='inline']
@subheading Name

[t] simplelist[@@type='inline']
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="simplelist[@@type='inline']" />
@end example

@node [t] simplelist[@@type='inline']/member, [t] simplelist[@@type='inline']/member[1], [t] simplelist[@@type='inline'], lists
@section [t] simplelist[@@type='inline']/member
@subheading Name

[t] simplelist[@@type='inline']/member
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="simplelist[@@type='inline']/member" />
@end example

@node [t] simplelist[@@type='inline']/member[1], , [t] simplelist[@@type='inline']/member, lists
@section [t] simplelist[@@type='inline']/member[1]
@subheading Name

[t] simplelist[@@type='inline']/member[1]
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="simplelist[@@type='inline']/member[1]" priority="1" />
@end example

@node index, info, lists, Top
@chapter index

* [t] index::
* [t] indexdiv::
* [t] indexterm::
* [t] primary::
* [t] secondary|tertiary::
* [t] see|seealso::
* [t] indexentry::
* [t] primaryie|secondaryie|tertiaryie|seeie|seealsoie::
@end menu

@node [t] index, [t] indexdiv, , index
@section [t] index
@subheading Name

[t] index
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="index" />
@end example

@node [t] indexdiv, [t] indexterm, [t] index, index
@section [t] indexdiv
@subheading Name

[t] indexdiv
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="indexdiv" />
@end example

@node [t] indexterm, [t] primary, [t] indexdiv, index
@section [t] indexterm
@subheading Name

[t] indexterm
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="indexterm" />
@end example

@node [t] primary, [t] secondary|tertiary, [t] indexterm, index
@section [t] primary
@subheading Name

[t] primary
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="primary" />
@end example

@node [t] secondary|tertiary, [t] see|seealso, [t] primary, index
@section [t] secondary|tertiary
@subheading Name

[t] secondary|tertiary
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="secondary|tertiary" />
@end example

@node [t] see|seealso, [t] indexentry, [t] secondary|tertiary, index
@section [t] see|seealso
@subheading Name

[t] see|seealso
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="see|seealso" />
@end example

@node [t] indexentry, [t] primaryie|secondaryie|tertiaryie|seeie|seealsoie, [t] see|seealso, index
@section [t] indexentry
@subheading Name

[t] indexentry
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="indexentry" />
@end example

@node [t] primaryie|secondaryie|tertiaryie|seeie|seealsoie, , [t] indexentry, index
@section [t] primaryie|secondaryie|tertiaryie|seeie|seealsoie
@subheading Name

[t] primaryie|secondaryie|tertiaryie|seeie|seealsoie
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="primaryie|secondaryie|tertiaryie|seeie|seealsoie" />
@end example

@node info, keywords, index, Top
@chapter info

* [t] corpauthor::
* [t] jobtitle::
* [t] orgname::
* [t] orgdiv::
* [t] docinfo|prefaceinfo|chapterinfo|appendixinfo|articleinfo|artheader|glossaryinfo::
* [t] bookinfo|setinfo|seriesinfo::
* [t] referenceinfo|refentryinfo|refsect1info|refsect2info|refsect3info|refsynopsisdivinfo::
* [t] sect1info|sect2info|sect3info|sect4info|sect5info|sectioninfo::
* [t] objectinfo::
@end menu

@node [t] corpauthor, [t] jobtitle, , info
@section [t] corpauthor
@subheading Name

[t] corpauthor
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="corpauthor" />
@end example

@node [t] jobtitle, [t] orgname, [t] corpauthor, info
@section [t] jobtitle
@subheading Name

[t] jobtitle
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="jobtitle" />
@end example

@node [t] orgname, [t] orgdiv, [t] jobtitle, info
@section [t] orgname
@subheading Name

[t] orgname
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="orgname" />
@end example

@node [t] orgdiv, [t] docinfo|prefaceinfo|chapterinfo|appendixinfo|articleinfo|artheader|glossaryinfo, [t] orgname, info
@section [t] orgdiv
@subheading Name

[t] orgdiv
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="orgdiv" />
@end example

@node [t] docinfo|prefaceinfo|chapterinfo|appendixinfo|articleinfo|artheader|glossaryinfo, [t] bookinfo|setinfo|seriesinfo, [t] orgdiv, info
@section [t] docinfo|prefaceinfo|chapterinfo|appendixinfo|articleinfo|artheader|glossaryinfo
@subheading Name

[t] docinfo|prefaceinfo|chapterinfo|appendixinfo|articleinfo|artheader|glossaryinfo
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="docinfo|prefaceinfo|chapterinfo|appendixinfo|articleinfo|artheader|glossaryinfo" />
@end example

@node [t] bookinfo|setinfo|seriesinfo, [t] referenceinfo|refentryinfo|refsect1info|refsect2info|refsect3info|refsynopsisdivinfo, [t] docinfo|prefaceinfo|chapterinfo|appendixinfo|articleinfo|artheader|glossaryinfo, info
@section [t] bookinfo|setinfo|seriesinfo
@subheading Name

[t] bookinfo|setinfo|seriesinfo
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="bookinfo|setinfo|seriesinfo" />
@end example

@node [t] referenceinfo|refentryinfo|refsect1info|refsect2info|refsect3info|refsynopsisdivinfo, [t] sect1info|sect2info|sect3info|sect4info|sect5info|sectioninfo, [t] bookinfo|setinfo|seriesinfo, info
@section [t] referenceinfo|refentryinfo|refsect1info|refsect2info|refsect3info|refsynopsisdivinfo
@subheading Name

[t] referenceinfo|refentryinfo|refsect1info|refsect2info|refsect3info|refsynopsisdivinfo
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="referenceinfo|refentryinfo|refsect1info|refsect2info|refsect3info|refsynopsisdivinfo" />
@end example

@node [t] sect1info|sect2info|sect3info|sect4info|sect5info|sectioninfo, [t] objectinfo, [t] referenceinfo|refentryinfo|refsect1info|refsect2info|refsect3info|refsynopsisdivinfo, info
@section [t] sect1info|sect2info|sect3info|sect4info|sect5info|sectioninfo
@subheading Name

[t] sect1info|sect2info|sect3info|sect4info|sect5info|sectioninfo
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="sect1info|sect2info|sect3info|sect4info|sect5info|sectioninfo" />
@end example

@node [t] objectinfo, , [t] sect1info|sect2info|sect3info|sect4info|sect5info|sectioninfo, info
@section [t] objectinfo
@subheading Name

[t] objectinfo
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="objectinfo" />
@end example

@node keywords, toc, info, Top
@chapter keywords

* [t] keywordset::
* [t] subjectset::
@end menu

@node [t] keywordset, [t] subjectset, , keywords
@section [t] keywordset
@subheading Name

[t] keywordset
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="keywordset" />
@end example

@node [t] subjectset, , [t] keywordset, keywords
@section [t] subjectset
@subheading Name

[t] subjectset
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="subjectset" />
@end example

@node toc, beginpage, keywords, Top
@chapter toc

* [t toc] *::
* [t] toc::
* [t] tocpart|tocchap|tocfront|tocback|tocentry::
* [t] toclevel1|toclevel2|toclevel3|toclevel4|toclevel5::
* [t] lot|lotentry::
@end menu

@node [t toc] *, [t] toc, , toc
@section [t toc] *
@subheading Name

[t toc] *
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="*" mode="toc" />
@end example

@node [t] toc, [t] tocpart|tocchap|tocfront|tocback|tocentry, [t toc] *, toc
@section [t] toc
@subheading Name

[t] toc
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="toc" />
@end example

@node [t] tocpart|tocchap|tocfront|tocback|tocentry, [t] toclevel1|toclevel2|toclevel3|toclevel4|toclevel5, [t] toc, toc
@section [t] tocpart|tocchap|tocfront|tocback|tocentry
@subheading Name

[t] tocpart|tocchap|tocfront|tocback|tocentry
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="tocpart|tocchap|tocfront|tocback|tocentry" />
@end example

@node [t] toclevel1|toclevel2|toclevel3|toclevel4|toclevel5, [t] lot|lotentry, [t] tocpart|tocchap|tocfront|tocback|tocentry, toc
@section [t] toclevel1|toclevel2|toclevel3|toclevel4|toclevel5
@subheading Name

[t] toclevel1|toclevel2|toclevel3|toclevel4|toclevel5
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="toclevel1|toclevel2|toclevel3|toclevel4|toclevel5" />
@end example

@node [t] lot|lotentry, , [t] toclevel1|toclevel2|toclevel3|toclevel4|toclevel5, toc
@section [t] lot|lotentry
@subheading Name

[t] lot|lotentry
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="lot|lotentry" />
@end example

@node beginpage, pi, toc, Top
@chapter beginpage

@node pi, , beginpage, Top
@chapter pi

* [t] processing-instruction(): [t] processing-instruction[].
@end menu

@node [t] processing-instruction[], , , pi
@section [t] processing-instruction()
@subheading Name

[t] processing-instruction()
@subheading Synopsis

<xsl:template match="processing-instruction()" />
@end example
