Blob Blame History Raw
;; $Id: dbgraph.dsl,v 1.3 2003/03/25 19:53:55 adicarlo Exp $
;; This file is part of the Modular DocBook Stylesheet distribution.
;; See ../README or

;; ==================== GRAPHICS ====================

;; NOTE: display #f doesn't seem to work right in the RTF back end...

(define (graphic-file filename)
  (let ((ext (file-extension filename)))
    (if (or (not filename)
	    (not %graphic-default-extension%)
	    (member ext %graphic-extensions%))
	(string-append filename "." %graphic-default-extension%))))

(define ($graphic$ fileref 
		   #!optional (display #f) (format #f) (scale #f) (align #f))
  (let ((graphic-format (if format format ""))
	(graphic-scale  (if scale (/  (string->number scale) 100) 1))
	(graphic-align  (cond ((equal? align (normalize "center"))
			      ((equal? align (normalize "right"))
    (make external-graphic
      entity-system-id: (graphic-file fileref)
      notation-system-id: graphic-format
      scale: graphic-scale
      display?: display
      display-alignment: graphic-align)))

(define ($img$ #!optional (nd (current-node)) (display #f))
  ;; This function now supports an extension to DocBook.  It's
  ;; either a clever trick or an ugly hack, depending on your
  ;; point of view, but it'll hold us until XLink is finalized
  ;; and we can extend DocBook the "right" way.
  ;; If the entity passed to GRAPHIC has the FORMAT
  ;; "LINESPECIFIC", either because that's what's specified or
  ;; because it's the notation of the supplied ENTITYREF, then
  ;; the text of the entity is inserted literally (via Jade's
  ;; read-entity external procedure).
  (let* ((fileref   (attribute-string (normalize "fileref") nd))
	 (entityref (attribute-string (normalize "entityref") nd))
	 (format    (if (attribute-string (normalize "format") nd)
			(attribute-string (normalize "format") nd)
			(if entityref
			    (entity-notation entityref)
	 (align     (attribute-string (normalize "align") nd))
	 (scale     (attribute-string (normalize "scale") nd)))
    (if (or fileref entityref)
	(if (equal? format (normalize "linespecific"))
	    (if fileref
		(include-file fileref)
		(include-file (entity-generated-system-id entityref)))
	    (if fileref
		($graphic$ fileref display format scale align)
		($graphic$ (entity-generated-system-id entityref)
			   display format scale align)))

(element graphic
  (make paragraph
    space-before: %block-sep%
    space-after: %block-sep%
    ($img$ (current-node) #t)))

(element inlinegraphic ($img$))

;; ======================================================================
;; MediaObject and friends...

(define preferred-mediaobject-notations
  (list "EPS" "PS" "JPG" "JPEG" "PNG" "linespecific"))

(define preferred-mediaobject-extensions
  (list "eps" "ps" "jpg" "jpeg" "png"))

(define acceptable-mediaobject-notations
  (list "GIF" "GIF87a" "GIF89a" "BMP" "WMF"))

(define acceptable-mediaobject-extensions
  (list "gif" "bmp" "wmf"))

(element mediaobject
  (make paragraph

(element inlinemediaobject
  (make sequence

(element mediaobjectco
  (error "MediaObjectCO is not supported yet."))

(element imageobjectco
  (error "ImageObjectCO is not supported yet."))

(element objectinfo

(element videoobject

(element videodata

(element audioobject

(element audiodata

(element imageobject

(element imagedata
  (if (have-ancestor? (normalize "mediaobject"))
      ($img$ (current-node) #t)
      ($img$ (current-node) #f)))

(element textobject
  (make display-group

(element caption